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ActivationID ActivationTime ActivationYear Active Active. Active Base. ActiveHealth: '%S', Percentage=%5.2f. ActiveHeath: None. ActiveIcon ActiveIconTextureCoords ActiveIfContainsUnits ActiveProps ActiveRolloverTextID Active Rules ActiveTechs ActiveTime ActiveTooltipID ADAPTIVETESS_W ADAPTIVETESS_X ADAPTIVETESS_Y ADAPTIVETESS_Z addgame addmod addmsg addop addpw AddResourcesFasterWhenOwned AddResourcesToInventory addressu addressv addressw addsigned addsigned2x addsmooth AddTypes addusr Aerodynamic aError - Unable to find license library (Eula.dll) Age3 age3.exe Age3mmlog.txt age3sav .age3sav *.age3sav .age3scn AgeAdvanceTech AgeNameID Age of Empires 3 ageOverlay2-button%d%d Ages ages.xml AgeTech agetime AgeUpgradeLarge 26 Aggressive AI Battles AI Chat History AIDebugInfo-AreaDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-AreaGroupDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-AttackRouteDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-BaseDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-EscrowsDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-KBArmyDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-KBResourcesDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-KBUnitDialog AIDebugInfo-KBUnitDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-KBUnitPickDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-PlacementDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-PlanDialog-%d AIDebugInfo-ProgressionDialog-%d AIDebugInfosubmenu_AreaGroups AIDebugInfosubmenu_Areas AIDebugInfosubmenu_Armies AIDebugInfosubmenu_Attack Routes AIDebugInfosubmenu_Bases AIDebugInfosubmenu_Bldg Place AIDebugInfosubmenu_Escrows AIDebugInfosubmenu_Goals AIDebugInfosubmenu_KB Resources AIDebugInfosubmenu_Plans AIDebugInfosubmenu_Progressions AIDebugInfosubmenu_UnitPicks AI Debug Output aiDifficulty AI Gatherer Distribution aIncludePlayer%d AI Opportunities AI Past Resources Needs AI Population Distribution AircraftType AirDensity AllExceptCaster alliance AlliedID AlliedOtherID allocSize allOnePass AllowAutoPick 'AllowedTerrainTypes AllowMultipleBindings AllSubCivs ally Ally ALLY control. AllyUnit alpha -alpha ALPHABLENDENABLE ALPHA_BLOOMING ALPHAFUNC alphaMaxDepth alphaMaxValue alphaMinDepth alphaMinValue AlphaOnly alphaRampTime ALPHAREF alphareplicate alphatest alphatest_blendcolor alphatest_color ALPHATESTENABLE alphatest_nocolor AlphaVariation alt- always ALWAYS AlwaysActive AmbienceWindTreeLoop ambient AMBIENT Ambient2 AmbientColor ambienteffect AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE AmbientSounds AmbientSounds.xml Amount AMovieManager%d & AMPGameSetupRoom::launchStarted -- Failed to retrieve home city for player %d Amplitude AMPNavigationBar-Button%ld AMPNavigationBar-ButtonOff%ld AMPNavigationBar-ButtonOn%ld AMPNavigationBar-Entry%ld AMPNavigationBar-EntryOff%ld AMPNavigationBar-EntryOn%ld AMPQuickSearchPage::launchStarted -- Failed to retrieve home city for player %d AMPSetupScreen.xml analog An application error has occurred. angularDampening Anim ANIM Animal Animate .animatedtexture Animation Control : %s AnimationRate AnimationRateVar AnimLooped AnimStateMachine animtypes animtypes.xml anisotropic ANTIALIASEDLINEENABLE * any repro information AOE3Update.xml ' apostgamescreen::refreshtimelinepage -- Unable to retrieve player ID %d. Appearance AppearanceType AppearanceWeights Application Error Detected .ApplyStringID ArcHeight Archer area areaDebugText {areaDebugText(%d)} Area %d is invalid. areaGroupDebugText {areaGroupDebugText(%d)} AreaGroup %d is invalid. Area Group ID : %d AreaGroupID - %d AreaGroupID: %d. Area Groups (%d - %d)... AreaGrps AreaID=%d, Area ID : %d AreaID - %d Area IDs: (%d) Areas Areas (%d - %d)... AreaSortMode arg0 arg1 arg2 Arial Arial 10 Arial Unicode MS Armies Armies (%d - %d)... ArmorBonus armyBanners armyBanner-unfurled%d armybanner.xml Army ID: %d Army of %d Units. ARoutes Arrow \art\ art\ Art\ art/effects/particleSetFileList.xml art\homecity\ ArtilleryDepotAccel art\lightsets\ art\terrain\ art\terrain\mix\ art\terrain\water\ art\ui\command\command_flare_human art\ui\command\command_flare_sway art\ui\command\command_rally_human art\ui\command\command_rally_sway art\ui\command\squad asks: Assertion Error assetreference AssociatedTech ATK: (%0.2f) attach AttachDummy AttachLocation attachment attachment_port_trail attachment_starboard_trail attachment_stern_trail attachment_turn_trail AttachProto Attack AttackAction AttackBuildingAccuracy AttackCount AttackInterval AttackNotification AttackNotificationGaia AttackNotificationTown AttackProto AttackResponseType attackRouteDebugText {attackRouteDebugText(%d)} AttackRoute %d is invalid. AttackRunDistance AttackRunTarget AttackTreeAccuracy AttackType AttackUnitAccuracy Attack Unit Type=%d (%S). attractMode-scenario-%d auth authenticate AutoAttackType Automatic AutoRetarget AutoScale AVAILABLE AvailableIcon avatar avatars avi\ avi\CreditsCine.bik avid AvoidObstructionsDistance Award AwardAtBounty AwardBountyOnBuildingDamage AwardBountyOnUnitDamage AwardLimit Awards AwardSound AwardType AwardTypes awardxp AZaz " b=" Back: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f. backCliff background Background -backgroundgadget BackgroundMapVisual BackgroundVisual badbump Bad CurTree (%d) in obstruction manager. Bad index (%d+%d = %d) in obstruction manager, max is %d. .bak _bak.xml bamaingamescreen::displayScore -- Unable to retrieve player ID %d. bank banner BannerTexture BannerTextureCoords BarracksAccel BaseAmount BaseAR(%d:%d-%d:%d) BaseDamageCap BaseDamagePercentBuilding BaseDamagePercentUnit BaseDamagePercentVillager baseDebugText {baseDebugText(%d)} Base %d is invalid. Base ID: %d BaseID=%d. BaseID: %d Base ID: %d (%S). Bases Bases (%d - %d)... battlecry1.wav battlecry2.wav battlecry3.wav battlecry4.wav BattlecryLarge BattlecryMedium BattlecrySmall battlecry.wav BATTLE %d: No Bounty Award BATTLE %d: %s +%.2f Bounty BattleExitTime Battles BattleSize battle.xml BCore::init() failed. BDamageTemplate ERROR: %s didn't load. BDamageTemplate ERROR: %s has not root node. beachTexturePlacement begin beginning BeginScene failed with error code %d (%S) BestPos(%.2f, %.2f) BestPosValue=%.2f BevelAmount BGCGame::init -- %s didn't load. BGCGame::Init -- %s didn't load. BGCMode::enterMode -- This is not a Grand Conquest savegame. Unable to load it into a Grand Conquest game. bgcolor /bgcolor </bgcolor>%s BGCSystem::createGCFileFromSettings -- failed to open file %s for writing. bHomeCityFireworks biasATI biasFactorATI biasNV BiasPointHeight .big *.big BigAgeTech BigAllyUnit BigWinBonus .bik bind Bip01 BIP01 bird BirthParticle BKBResource::mLinkedResource is invalid. (%d) BKBUnit %d is invalid. blackDiffuse BlackListed: %d Blackmap is black terrain texture Black Tiles = %d Blank.wav Blend blendColor blendcurrentalpha blenddiffusealpha BLENDFACTOR blendfactoralpha Blend has bad size. %s is %d x %d, not %d x %d blending BLENDOP BLENDOPALPHA blends.txt blendtexturealpha blendtexturealphapm block blocked BlockhouseAccel blockLand BlockTrain blockWater BloomFeedbackCurrentFrameContribution BloomFeedbackLastFrameContribution bloom_filter_horizontal_12Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_16Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_24Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_2Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_48Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_4Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_8Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_horizontal_sm2 bloom_filter_horizontal_Specular_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_12Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_16Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_24Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_2Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_48Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_4Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_8Samples_sm3 bloom_filter_vertical_sm2 bloom_filter_vertical_Specular_sm3 blooming BloomIntensity BloomNumSamples BloomSceneIntensity BloomSigma BloomStreakColor BloomStreakCount BloomStreakElementOffset BloomStreakExposure BloomStreakFalloff bloom_streak_filter_1Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_2Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_3Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_4Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_5Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_6Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_7Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_8Samples_sm3 bloom_streak_filter_accumulate_sm3 BloomStreakIntensity BloomStreakPasses BloomStreakThreshold BloomThreshold BloomTintColor blue blueprint .blueprint BModel ERROR: %s didn't load. BModel ERROR: %s has no root node. BModel ERROR: %s has not root node. BMPESOLoginDialog::doLogin -- failed to login. HR: 0x%x BMPVoteDialog::incomingVote -- bogus vote from player %d for player %d Bombard Bone BonusBrakingFactor Bonus%i BonusIcon%i Bookmark%d bool Bool border Border Area array is invalid! Border Area IDs: Border Group IDs: (%d) BoredAnim both BOTHINVSRCALPHA BOTHSRCALPHA bottom bottomedge BottomObjects BoundingSphere Bounty BPlayer::canUsePower -- no uses available. 'entry->mUseCount' (value=%i) BPlayer::load -- error allocating Unique Protounit from Base PUID=%d BProtoPowerStampede::parseNode -- '%s' not a valid protounit name! BProtoPowerTeleport::parseNode - invalid 'InPortal' unit in %S. BProtoPowerTeleport::parseNode - invalid 'OutPortal' unit in %S. BProtoPowerTempUnit::parseNode -- '%s' not a valid protounit name! BProtoquest::parseFromXML -- Unable to locate protounitID for protounit: %s " br=" Brake Browse " bs=" BSettings::loadFromNode -- Failed to set value for setting: %s bsJP2 BufferSpace=%.2f build Build BuildAccel Building BuildingBuildingBountyModifier Building Comp. BuildingCompletion BuildingEfficiency buildingPlacementDebugText {buildingPlacementDebugText(%d)} Building Placement %d is invalid. Buildings buildings/generic_destruction BuildResourceAward BuildUp BuildupTime buildVersion BUIPrescenarioEventsDlg::initDataElements -- Unable to find Presceanrio Event Index %d BUIPrescenarioEventsDlg::updateUnitBoardsText-- Unable to retrive UnitID %d bump Bump bump decal bump_decal_sm2 bump_decal_sm3 bumpenvmap bumpenvmapluminance bumpmap bumpScale BumpScale bumpScales bumpTex BumpTexture BurnFadeLength BurnLength but for now we ask that you leave it as the Spanish. Once you press Next from the Character Creation screen, your game will begin. Button ButtonA ButtonB ButtonBack ButtonBlack buttonSets buttonsets.xml ButtonStart ButtonThumbLeft ButtonThumbRight ButtonWhite ButtonX ButtonY BWorldMap ERROR: XML file has no BackgroundMapVisual node. BytesSent " c=" " ca=" Callstack: Call to GetAdapterDisplayMode failed. retval %d Camera camerainfo CameraShake CAMERASPACENORMAL CAMERASPACEPOSITION CAMERASPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR CameraTracks\ campaign\ Campaign campaignAdvance() campaignPlayCurrent() campaign\age 3 tutorial\tutorial1.xml campaign\age 3 tutorial\tutorial2.xml campaign\blood ice steel\BloodIceSteel.xml campaign\demo\demo campaign.xml CampaignGameSettings CampaignNode campaignPlayCurrent() CampaignScreen camtrack CanBreakFormation cancel Cancel CancelWhenLost cannonball cannonball_impact_water CanRotateInFormation Cap=%8.2f capPieceTex card Card Cards Carry capacity: Carry Capacity %s Caster CastShadows .category Category Cavalry cCdiouxXeEfgGnpsS CCW_STENCILFAIL CCW_STENCILFUNC CCW_STENCILPASS CCW_STENCILZFAIL cDefGameModeSettings cDefGameOptions Center (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) CenterHeight centerOfMassOffset CenterPos(%.2f, %.2f) CenterPosDistance=%.2f chadd chance channel added channel removed ChargeAcceleration ChargeDamageMod ChargeStartDistance ChargeVelocityMod CharLimit CharType ChassisUnitInertiaPitch ChassisUnitInertiaRoll ChassisUnitInertiaYaw ChatBrowser-Entry%ld-%s ChatOutline ChatRoom-UserList-Entry%ld ChatRoom-UserList-Entry%ld-Highlight ChatRoom-UserList-Entry%ld-Name ChatRoom-UserList-Entry%ld-Permissions chatset chatsets.xml CheckAccess checkaccess.tmp CheckBox checkOwner checksum checkVisible Cheer Child->%S - (id:%d) Choice Choose Army cHost chown chremove chunk ChurchAccel <ci cs=" Cinematic Circle CircleMenuBackground city CivLogic CivPicker-Entry%d CivPicker-Entry%d-Flag CivPicker-Entry%d-Hilight CivPicker-Entry%d-Name CivPicker-Entry%d-Portrait Civs civs.xml cJoin clamp clampTrailToTerrain clamshell-lower clamshell-pelvis clamshell-upper clan clanchat clanname ClanPage-UserList-Entry%ld ClanPage-UserList-Entry%ld-Highlight ClanPage-UserList-Entry%ld-LastOnline ClanPage-UserList-Entry%ld-Name ClanPage-UserList-Entry%ld-Rank client cancelling stream client terminating stream clientTime clientVer cliff Cliff CliffA cliffBanks cliff bump cliff bump fogged cliff default CliffGroup cliffpiecemodels cliff shiny bump cliff shiny bump fogged CliffTypes.xml CLIPPING CLIPPLANEENABLE -close -closeButton ClosestEnemyBaseID=%d (Player=%d). ClothFlag cloud CloudBuildupEndTime CloudFadeOutEndTime CloudFadeOutStartTime </clr>
clusterobj ClutchDelayTime ClutchSlipRPM <cmd v="query"/>
<cmd v="upload"/>
Coastal Coffers <co g=" CollapseFaceup collector/collector.aspx collideTerrain collideUnits collideWater Collision CollisionSpinDamping CollisionStages CollisionThreshold .Colonies colonies.xml Colony color </color>
/color Color <color=0.0, 0.8, 0.8>%s</color>
<color=0,0,1>Team %s</color>
<color="%.03f,%.03f,%.03f,0.75,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0"> %s <color="%.03f,%.03f,%.03f">%s</color>
COLOR1 <color=1, 0, 0>
<color=1,0,0>Team %s</color>
<color=1, 1, 1>%s</color>
<color=1, 1, 1>%s.</color>
COLOR2 colorAmount <color="%f,%f,%f">
<color=%f, %f, %f><b>%s</b><color>
<color=%f, %f, %f>%s</color>
<color=%f, %f, %f>%s %s: %s</color>
<color=%f, %f, %f>%s <st>%s</st>: %s</color>
colorizeCost {colorizeCost(%s,%d,%d)} colorizePop <color="{playerColor(%d)}">%s <color="{playerColor(%d)}">%s... <color="{playerColor(%d)}"><st>%s</st>
</color>%s colorScales ColorStages colortable COLORVERTEX COLORWRITEENABLE COLORWRITEENABLE1 COLORWRITEENABLE2 COLORWRITEENABLE3 (colorxform1) (colorxform2) (colorxform3) Column Combat Efficiency Types: %d. CombatEfficiency Weight: %.2f. CombineNormals CombineVertices com%d command Command CommandAutomatic Command Console commandpanel commandpanel2-button%d%d commandpanel2commands commandpanel2commands-Button%d commandpanel2commands-Label commandpanel2-main commandpanel2row3 commandpanel2row4 commandpanel2row5 commandpanel2-rowLabel%d CommandPassesUnitID <Command "%S" not found>
comment commlog.txt CompanyName complement complete Completed Battles: component .con Condition %d Conditions config config\ configDefined : {configDefined( ConfigDetect.dll configToggle(" Config Variables matching "%S" ConnAtts connect Connection Connector connectusr ConnSuccess Console consolehistory.txt constant constant alpha of %d -containergadget contents Content-type: text/xml Context Continue ContinueToCredits CONTINUOUS control control- Control ConvertUnit ConvertUnitsToGodPowerPlayer ConvertUsingMinMax Convex Surface Area = %.2f Convex To Surface Area Ratio = %.2f CooldownTime copyfeedbackbuffer_sm3 Copyright Corner corner45a corner45b corner90 corner90Diagonal CorpNet Authorization Cost Cost: Food(%d), Wood(%d), Gold(%d), Ships(%d) .CostMultiplier Cost %s Cost: %s Cost Weight: %.2f. Could not assemble pixel shader '%s' [fxe] Could not create cube texture, hr = %x (%S) Could not create texture, hr = %x (%S) Could not reload %s Count count1 count2 count3 count4 countdown CountIncrement CountPoints CoureurAccel CoureurCreeAccel Courier New CoveredWagonAccel Cover_ranged_idle crap create CreateUnit Creation Time: %d. CreditMovieTex Credits=%8.2f credits_%s_%d_%d credits.xml cReset crosssectionlines Crush c%s - %s: cStateFinal cStateInGame cStateLaunching cStatePostGame cStatePreGame cStateSetup CUBIC CULLMODE Culture Cultures cultures.xml current Current Current Battles: CurrentCharacter <CurrentCharacter>0</CurrentCharacter>
currentPlayerNum currentPlayerTeam <CurrentQuest>-1</CurrentQuest>
Current Source: NONE. Current Source: %S, Line Number=%d. CurrentTargetID=%d. CurrentTeam CurrentTurn <CurrentTurn>0</CurrentTurn>
currentUnitAttack currentUnitAttackFloat currentUnitAttackList currentUnitAttackRange currentUnitAttackRangeFloat currentUnitAttackString currentUnitAttackText currentUnitBuildingWorkRate currentUnitBuildingWorkRateFloat currentUnitBuildPoints currentUnitBuildPointsFloat currentUnitBuildRate currentUnitBuildRateFloat currentUnitCapacity currentUnitCurrentAnimLength currentUnitGatherRate currentUnitGatherRateFloat currentUnitGatherRateString currentUnitGroup currentUnitHP currentUnitHPFloat currentUnitID currentUnitIFFcolor currentUnitInv currentUnitInvFloat currentUnitInvList currentUnitLimberPercent currentUnitLOS currentUnitLOSFloat currentUnitMaximumHP currentUnitMaximumHPFloat currentUnitMaxVelocity currentUnitMaxVelocityFloat currentUnitMinAttackRange currentUnitMinAttackRangeFloat currentUnitName currentUnitOwnerID currentUnitPlayerIFF currentUnitRecharge currentUnitScenarioName currentUnitTrainPoints currentUnitTrainPointsFloat curveAngle CustomizationBuilding CustomMapName CustomTriggerParam-%d CycleTime CycleTimeVar " d=" %d, %d): %d:%02d %d:%02d, %.0f %d : %.2f d3dconfig D3D could not create shader '%s' D3D could not create shader '%s' [fxe] D3D could not create shader '%s'. [fxe] D3D device could not be reset (hr=%x, %S) %d ally units. Damage DamageArea DamageBonus DamageBonusMod DamageCap damaged damaged_pixelxform DamageFactorCap DamageFlags DamageLogic DamageModifier damageTexture DamageTimeout DamageType DamageTypes damagetypes.xml Danger (average this area and border areas)=%.2f. Danger (this area)=%.2f. %d Areas: data data\ Data\ data\abilities\ data\AnimStateMachine\ data\gamepadactions.xml data\gamepads.xml DataGroupEnum data\homecity\ data\physics data\placementrules\ data\%s.xml data\tactics\ date DBAction dbid dbids dbutton dcreditinfo !/%d/%d %d - %d %d (%d) %d %d %d,%d %d/%d %d.%d d%d %% %d (%d + %d) %d (%d+%d) %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d/%d (%d+%d) %d.%d.%d.%d .ddt DeathAnim DeathMatchTech DeathParticle Debug &Debug Debug Info for AreaGroupID %d Debug Info for AreaID %d Debug Info for AttackRouteID %d Debug Info for BaseID %d Debug Info for Building Placement ID %d Debug Info for EscrowID %d Debug Info for KBArmyID %d Debug Info for KBResourceID %d Debug Info for KbUnit ID %d Debug Info for KBUnitPickID %d Debug Info for Progression ID %d Debug Info for Selected KbUnit ID %d DEBUGMONITORTOKEN <debug_server_response v="1"/>
decal decalselection deck Deck Decks DECR DECRSAT deepColor Default DefaultAwardResource DefaultAwardResourceLimit defaultcolored defaultcolored_alphablend DefaultDirectoryID DefaultFilename defaultLookup DefaultPlayResource DefaultProfile DefaultShipmentXPValue default.tactics defaultvp.xml default VS sm3 DefaultWinBy DefaultWinTotal Defend! DefendBehavior Defend_idle Defense=%.2f. Defensive define defineBone DefProc Delete demo %d enemy units. depressed depth DepthBias DEPTHBIAS DepthBiasWeights description Description DescriptionStringID Desired Number Buildings[%02d]=%d. Desired Number Types=%d. Desktop Bits per Pixel : %d DESTALPHA DESTBLEND DESTBLENDALPHA DESTCOLOR destroy DestroyedByBallistics Destructing GCGame module... _destruction Destruction device devices.xml %%.%df \dialog\ Dialog %d <icon="(16)(TextureID(%d))">
%d <icon="(16)(TextureID(%d))">
Difficulty diffuse diffuse2 DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE DigitalProductID {%d} - Invalid string ID Directional Dirt disable DISABLE disabled DisabledIcon DisabledIconTextureCoords DisabledRolloverTextID DisabledTooltipID DISCRETE displacement DisplayFormat DisplayGamma DisplayName DisplayNameID DisplayNameStringID DisplayUnitCount distance Distance: %.2f Distance: %.2f. DistanceAtLeastFromCliff DistanceAtLeastFromTradeRoute DistanceAtLeastFromType DistanceAtMostFromMapEdge DistanceAtMostFromSocket DistanceAtMostFromTradeRoute DistanceAtMostFromType DistanceAtMostFromWater distanceBetween DistanceFudgeFactor distanceVariation distortionmap DistributedDamagePercent DITHERENABLE DitherNoiseInten DitherNoiseIntensity DitherNoiseUVScale %d meters dnumPlayers Dock DockAccel domainname <Don't show this dialog again>
Door DormantTime DormantTimeVar dotproduct3 double Down -downButton downsample4_sm2 downsample4_sm3 DownshiftRPM downstream Dpad DpadDown DpadLeft DpadRight DpadUp .dpl dpnhpast.dll d-pos DragCoefficient drawStaticIndexedPrimitive failed: hr=%x (%S) %d. Research Tech: %S (%d) -dropButton dropdown DropDown -dropList dropped DropsiteGathering {%d} - %s %d - %s %d %s %d.%s %d %s = %d %d self units. dsound.dll %d-%s-target-button %d-%s-target-label %d-%s-targetType-button %d '%S' units %d-%s-verb-button DTarget %d TB Settlements: %d. Train Unit: %S (%d) DualPowerMinDistance duimercadd.xml duiunitrepdlg.xml dummyobjects.xml %d Units: %d UnitTypes: Duration DustLargeProto DustMediumProto DustSmallProto %dx%d %d XP needed for level %d , %dx %s &#%d / &#x%x refers to an illegal character DynamicShape_%s_%d_%d " e=" EarthquakeSoundSet Economy Base. eCry eDestruction edge Edge EdgeCorner Edge of world texture density EdgeTwoCorners Edit editMode("flare") uiSetProtoCursor("WaypointFlag") editMode("placeunit") uiSetProtoID(%d) editMode("rallyPoint") uiSetProtoCursor("WaypointFlag") editmsg EditorUI E:%d M:%d effect effect\ Effect %d Effects effects\footprints\%S effectStart effectStartVar effects\weather\rainfall.particle effects\weather\snow.particle EffectType </ei>
<ei t=" elizabeth eLostGame Embellishment emissionrate EmissionRate EmissionRateVar EmissionTime EmissionTimeVar emissive Emissive emissiveColor emissivecube EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE EmitAwayFromBias EmitByMotion EmitDistance EmitDistanceVar Emitter Empty Message enable ENABLEADAPTIVETESSELATION enabled encoding end45 EndPointModel EndSound EndSoundSet End tag '%.*ls' does not match the start tag '%ls' endX endZ enemy Enemy ENEMY control. EnemyPlayerID=%d. energyLoss energyLossVar Engine eNone Ensemble Studios Enter EnterAnim Entering incrementCharacter: Current Character: %d EnterPosition EntityName entry EntryName epithet EQUAL equivalences Error ERROR: cGameName not set Error Creating Fonts Error finding terrain object node at tile <%d, %d>
Error - Library (shfolder.dll) does not contain SHGetFolderPath entry point. Error - License library (Eula.dll) does not contain entry point Error reading the message header from the received bytes. Skipping message. Error: Unable to Create Main Window Error - Unable to find library (shfolder.dll) Error: Unable to find splash resources escrowDebugText {escrowDebugText(%d)} Escrow %d is invalid. Escrows eshoreobj EsInet.dll <eso/>
eso2 ESOAwards esoawards.xml esoConfig.xml )ESOEulaAccepted ESOIsDown ESOProfileSettings ESOQuickMatch ESO: Received a message from the server but cannot find it in the pending msg list. It may have timed out. Service:%s, MsgID:%ld esoStringTable.xml estateEntry euihcdeckbuildereso.xml euiPageBrowser.xml euiSetForestTypeNum(%d) eula.dll eula.rtf event Event EventName EventName: %S
Eventually, this screen will serve as the setup screen for Grand Conquest, allowing you to select your civilizations, your allies, your enemies, as well as a variety of game types and victory conditions. Exclusive ExclusiveProps ExclusiveSubCivs ExistSound <exit>
Exit ExitAnim ExitBuilding EXIT %d ExitPosition EXP2 ExpandCheckPlacementHull Expected %hs ExplodeSoundTime ExploreDistance Exposure Expression ExternalWindDelay ExternalWindDelayVar ExternalWindInfluence ExternalWindInfluenceVar ExtraGravity ExtraRadiusMax ExtraRadiusMin ExtraRadiusScale ExtraTorqueFactor %f, f3fff FaceTargetForAttack FactoryWagonAccel fade FadeIn FadeOut FadeoutTime fadeTime fadeTimeVar Failed expression: Failed getting ddt dimensions for cliff diffuse texture <%s>
Failed loading displacement image <%s> as .ddt or .dpl !!Failed reading message header. Magic Header bytes don't match Failed to assemble shader '%s'. Failed to complete outstanding ESO tasks [%s : %d] Failed to create default homecity Failed to get Write Window on recv Failed to init gPerf Failed to init MemoryStack Failed to retrieve homecity Failed to retrieve home city for player %d [%s] Failed to retrieve home city for player %s [%s] Failed to send %d bytes on socket Failed to signal the exit event to terminate the connection FakePlayerEditRow%d-CivNameText FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color1B FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color1G FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color1R FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color2B FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color2G FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color2R FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color3B FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color3G FakePlayerEditRow%d-Color3R FakePlayerEditRow%d-ColorMinimapB FakePlayerEditRow%d-ColorMinimapG FakePlayerEditRow%d-ColorMinimapR FakePlayerEditRow%d-Fakify FakePlayerEditRow%d-PlayerNameText fakeSunDirection FakeSunInclination fakeSunParams FakeSunParams FakeSunRotation - Fallback false FALSE FameAwardInterval FamePlayResource FamePurchaseAmount FamePurchaseCost FameShipsValue FameXPValue FastestStrikeTime FastestTreeAttackTime fastrandom Fatal error reported by game. fbcapture%d Female(Odd) %f,%f %f %f %f %f, %f, %f fff3f %f %f %f %f %f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f Field fieldSet fightloop.wav file file:\\ File File: FileDescription File error: '%hs' File failed to close: %s filename fileName Filename Filenames <Filename>%s</Filename>

FileVersion fill fillcorner FILLMODE filt filter Final Results: %d. fire FireAlongFormationOrientation FireDamage FireDistance FireSFX FireSpreadAngle FireSpreadSpeed fireTexture Firework Fireworks firstattacktime firstname firstName FirstTC FishingArea .FixedFunctionVerts FIX ME fjjjjjj f </KeyMapGroups>
flag FlagCarry FlagCarryIdle FlagPlant Flags: /--flare Flare a location to notify allies /--flare %f %f %f flat FLAT flatcolor flatColor flatColorDiv2 Flesh float Float FloatyText flotsam FluytAccel FOAKCount FOAKTime foam1 foam2 foamScale foamSide Fog Cache %d FogColor FOGCOLOR FogDensity FOGDENSITY FOGENABLE FOGEND foggedterrain foggedterrain alpha fogged water Fog is FogStart FOGSTART FOGTABLEMODE Fog Tiles = %d FOGVERTEXMODE font /font Font fontColor <font=HelpText 14>Objective:</font> <font=HelpTitle 18>%s</font>
fontName Fonts\ Fonts2.xml fontSize Food footprint footprintBone footprintType FootstepLeft: %s(%0.2f) >FootstepRight: %s(%0.2f) forcedciv ForceLoadHC ForceRiverFlowEmission Forces forest ForestFireAttack ForestFireTreeSearchRadius Forests forest.xml FormationBoxLineSpacing FormationBoxSubGroupSpacing FormationCategory FormationCircleLineSpacing FormationCircleSubGroupSpacing FormationColumnColumnSpacing FormationColumnLineSpacing FormationEndFace FormationLineColumnSpacing FormationLineLineSpacing FormationPhalanxOffset FormationType For now, you will play the Spanish, and you are allied with the British. Your enemies are the French and the Russians. The entire New World has already been claimed by one of your two teams, and your goal is to FortFrontierAccel FortLinkType FortWagonAccel Forward Forward Base. FoundationDamage FourCorners fractalSum FrameHeight FramesPerSecond FrameWidth frederick Free fresnelBias fresnelScale fresnelScaleBias friction Friction FrictionEqualizer friendOrFoeAlly friendOrFoeEnemy friendOrFoeSelf from From Front: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f. FrontalArea fuioptions.xml full full%i fullybuilt futurepop fWorldLightingInfluence %.*g gadget gadgetToggle("objectivesdialog-screen") gadgetUnreal(" gadgetUnreal("ingame-messagedialog") %S gadgetUnreal("pregame-messagedialog") %S GadPool%ld-TextBox%ld gaia GAIA GainEffect GalleonAccel game Game GameAllowCheats GameCampaignFarthest GameCampaignProgress GameCampaignSelected GameCampaignShownHCNote GameCampaignShownHCNote2 game.cfg GameCurPlayers GameDate Game dependent init failed. GameDifficulty GameFileCRC GameFilename GameFilenameExt GameFreeForAll GameGCGameID GameGCGameType GameGCNumTurns GameHandicapMode GameHiddenCards GameHostTime GameID Game::initializeBasic() failed. GameIsCustomMap Game is NULL GameLatency GameMapName GameMapResources GameMapSize GameMapVisibility GameModeType gameName GameName GameNomadStart GameNumPlayers @GameOptions Gamepad GamepadInsert GamepadRemove Gamepads GamePassword GamePickCardsFirst GamePlayer0AIPersonality GamePlayer0AvatarID GamePlayer0Civ GamePlayer0Clan GamePlayer0Color GamePlayer0ExplorerName GamePlayer0Handicap GamePlayer0HCFilename GamePlayer0HCLevel GamePlayer0HCLocation GamePlayer0HomeCityName GamePlayer0ID GamePlayer0Name GamePlayer0PowerRating GamePlayer0QuestID GamePlayer0QuestStatus GamePlayer0Rating GamePlayer0Ready GamePlayer0Status GamePlayer0TeamID GamePlayer0TotalXP GamePlayer0Type GamePlayer0WinRatio GamePlayer10AIPersonality GamePlayer10AvatarID GamePlayer10Civ GamePlayer10Clan GamePlayer10Color GamePlayer10ExplorerName GamePlayer10Handicap GamePlayer10HCFilename GamePlayer10HCLevel GamePlayer10HCLocation GamePlayer10HomeCityName GamePlayer10ID GamePlayer10Name GamePlayer10PowerRating GamePlayer10QuestID GamePlayer10QuestStatus GamePlayer10Rating GamePlayer10Ready GamePlayer10Status GamePlayer10TeamID GamePlayer10TotalXP GamePlayer10Type GamePlayer10WinRatio GamePlayer11AIPersonality GamePlayer11AvatarID GamePlayer11Civ GamePlayer11Clan GamePlayer11Color GamePlayer11ExplorerName GamePlayer11Handicap GamePlayer11HCFilename GamePlayer11HCLevel GamePlayer11HCLocation GamePlayer11HomeCityName GamePlayer11ID GamePlayer11Name GamePlayer11PowerRating GamePlayer11QuestID GamePlayer11QuestStatus GamePlayer11Rating GamePlayer11Ready GamePlayer11Status GamePlayer11TeamID GamePlayer11TotalXP GamePlayer11Type GamePlayer11WinRatio GamePlayer12AIPersonality GamePlayer12AvatarID GamePlayer12Civ GamePlayer12Clan GamePlayer12Color GamePlayer12ExplorerName GamePlayer12Handicap GamePlayer12HCFilename GamePlayer12HCLevel GamePlayer12HCLocation GamePlayer12HomeCityName GamePlayer12ID GamePlayer12Name GamePlayer12PowerRating GamePlayer12QuestID GamePlayer12QuestStatus GamePlayer12Rating GamePlayer12Ready GamePlayer12Status GamePlayer12TeamID GamePlayer12TotalXP GamePlayer12Type GamePlayer12WinRatio GamePlayer1AIPersonality GamePlayer1AvatarID GamePlayer1Civ GamePlayer1Clan GamePlayer1Color GamePlayer1ExplorerName GamePlayer1Handicap GamePlayer1HCFilename GamePlayer1HCLevel GamePlayer1HCLocation GamePlayer1HomeCityName GamePlayer1ID GamePlayer1Name GamePlayer1PowerRating GamePlayer1QuestID GamePlayer1QuestStatus GamePlayer1Rating GamePlayer1Ready GamePlayer1Status GamePlayer1TeamID GamePlayer1TotalXP GamePlayer1Type GamePlayer1WinRatio GamePlayer2AIPersonality GamePlayer2AvatarID GamePlayer2Civ GamePlayer2Clan GamePlayer2Color GamePlayer2ExplorerName GamePlayer2Handicap GamePlayer2HCFilename GamePlayer2HCLevel GamePlayer2HCLocation GamePlayer2HomeCityName GamePlayer2ID GamePlayer2Name GamePlayer2PowerRating GamePlayer2QuestID GamePlayer2QuestStatus GamePlayer2Rating GamePlayer2Ready GamePlayer2Status GamePlayer2TeamID GamePlayer2TotalXP GamePlayer2Type GamePlayer2WinRatio GamePlayer3AIPersonality GamePlayer3AvatarID GamePlayer3Civ GamePlayer3Clan GamePlayer3Color GamePlayer3ExplorerName GamePlayer3Handicap GamePlayer3HCFilename GamePlayer3HCLevel GamePlayer3HCLocation GamePlayer3HomeCityName GamePlayer3ID GamePlayer3Name GamePlayer3PowerRating GamePlayer3QuestID GamePlayer3QuestStatus GamePlayer3Rating GamePlayer3Ready GamePlayer3Status GamePlayer3TeamID GamePlayer3TotalXP GamePlayer3Type GamePlayer3WinRatio GamePlayer4AIPersonality GamePlayer4AvatarID GamePlayer4Civ GamePlayer4Clan GamePlayer4Color GamePlayer4ExplorerName GamePlayer4Handicap GamePlayer4HCFilename GamePlayer4HCLevel GamePlayer4HCLocation GamePlayer4HomeCityName GamePlayer4ID GamePlayer4Name GamePlayer4PowerRating GamePlayer4QuestID GamePlayer4QuestStatus GamePlayer4Rating GamePlayer4Ready GamePlayer4Status GamePlayer4TeamID GamePlayer4TotalXP GamePlayer4Type GamePlayer4WinRatio GamePlayer5AIPersonality GamePlayer5AvatarID GamePlayer5Civ GamePlayer5Clan GamePlayer5Color GamePlayer5ExplorerName GamePlayer5Handicap GamePlayer5HCFilename GamePlayer5HCLevel GamePlayer5HCLocation GamePlayer5HomeCityName GamePlayer5ID GamePlayer5Name GamePlayer5PowerRating GamePlayer5QuestID GamePlayer5QuestStatus GamePlayer5Rating GamePlayer5Ready GamePlayer5Status GamePlayer5TeamID GamePlayer5TotalXP GamePlayer5Type GamePlayer5WinRatio GamePlayer6AIPersonality GamePlayer6AvatarID GamePlayer6Civ GamePlayer6Clan GamePlayer6Color GamePlayer6ExplorerName GamePlayer6Handicap GamePlayer6HCFilename GamePlayer6HCLevel GamePlayer6HCLocation GamePlayer6HomeCityName GamePlayer6ID GamePlayer6Name GamePlayer6PowerRating GamePlayer6QuestID GamePlayer6QuestStatus GamePlayer6Rating GamePlayer6Ready GamePlayer6Status GamePlayer6TeamID GamePlayer6TotalXP GamePlayer6Type GamePlayer6WinRatio GamePlayer7AIPersonality GamePlayer7AvatarID GamePlayer7Civ GamePlayer7Clan GamePlayer7Color GamePlayer7ExplorerName GamePlayer7Handicap GamePlayer7HCFilename GamePlayer7HCLevel GamePlayer7HCLocation GamePlayer7HomeCityName GamePlayer7ID GamePlayer7Name GamePlayer7PowerRating GamePlayer7QuestID GamePlayer7QuestStatus GamePlayer7Rating GamePlayer7Ready GamePlayer7Status GamePlayer7TeamID GamePlayer7TotalXP GamePlayer7Type GamePlayer7WinRatio GamePlayer8AIPersonality GamePlayer8AvatarID GamePlayer8Civ GamePlayer8Clan GamePlayer8Color GamePlayer8ExplorerName GamePlayer8Handicap GamePlayer8HCFilename GamePlayer8HCLevel GamePlayer8HCLocation GamePlayer8HomeCityName GamePlayer8ID GamePlayer8Name GamePlayer8PowerRating GamePlayer8QuestID GamePlayer8QuestStatus GamePlayer8Rating GamePlayer8Ready GamePlayer8Status GamePlayer8TeamID GamePlayer8TotalXP GamePlayer8Type GamePlayer8WinRatio GamePlayer9AIPersonality GamePlayer9AvatarID GamePlayer9Civ GamePlayer9Clan GamePlayer9Color GamePlayer9ExplorerName GamePlayer9Handicap GamePlayer9HCFilename GamePlayer9HCLevel GamePlayer9HCLocation GamePlayer9HomeCityName GamePlayer9ID GamePlayer9Name GamePlayer9PowerRating GamePlayer9QuestID GamePlayer9QuestStatus GamePlayer9Rating GamePlayer9Ready GamePlayer9Status GamePlayer9TeamID GamePlayer9TotalXP GamePlayer9Type GamePlayer9WinRatio gamePlayer%dExplorerName gamePlayer%dhomecityname gamePlayer%dname GameRandomSeed GameRecordGame GameRestored GameRestrictPause GameRMDebug GameSettings <GameSettings Name="%s" Def="%s">
gamespeed GameSpeed Game start failed. GameStartingAge GameStartWithTreaty GameTeamBalanced GameTeamLock GameTeamSharePop GameTeamShareRes gametime gametimetorealtimedelta GameType GameUI __GAMEUI__ gameVersion gamexp Gate GatherPointSound GatherPointUnit gaussianquad GCGame::Init: %s has no root node. gc_protogame.xml g+ %d %% Gdi32.dll Gear %d = %f GearRatio GearsRatio%d * general description Generating random map... generic Generic Generic1 Generic1_NVShadow Generic2 Generic2_ATIShadow Generic2_NVShadow Generic3_HDR10_2 Generic3_HDR10_2_ATIShadow Generic3_HDR10_2_NVShadow Generic3_HDRFP16 Generic3_HDRFP16_ATIShadow Generic3_HDRFP16_NVShadow GenericFF geometrytrail GeometryTrail >GET <getConfig/>
getmotd getmsgs getranks GetUp </gi>
global Global GlobalFadeIn GlobalFadeInVar GlobalFadeOut GlobalFadeOutVar Global\%s glow Goal Area ID: %d Goals godpower Gold Good Luck! GOURAUD GPDamageModel <GrandConquest>
GrandConquestGameSettings Grand Conquest is a game in which you and your allies will struggle for control over the New World against the other European powers. GrannyAnim Granny instance has different source model data. A model reload probably went bad. Granny instance has different source model data (%s). A model reload probably went bad. GrannyModel GrantsVisibility gravity Graze GREATER GREATEREQUAL green GreyFStops GroundSparks group Group
Group %d Group Health Group Info grouping
<Group Name="%s">
g%sHCU <gs m=" >
gTempleNorseAccel <gt v=" GuardArea Guardian GuardianDistance GuardianUnit GUID
H ((((( H h%3d Hack hackTexture halfExtents Hand Attack %s Hand Bonus v. %s HandLogic HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 hasBadDXT1Interpolation hcblob hccardsshoppinglist hcDeck-button%d%d hcid HCID HCLevels HCNote2Text HCNote2Title HCNoteText HCNoteTitle hcrefunds HCShipmentModifier hcSummaryPanel-CardAvailable hcSummaryPanel-CardAvailableBack hcSummaryPanel-Exp hcSummaryPanel-Explorer hcSummaryPanel-homecityxpbar hcSummaryPanel-homecityxpbarfill hcSummaryPanel-IconDeathmatch hcSummaryPanel-IconSupremacy hcSummaryPanel-Level hcSummaryPanel-Name hctabpanel-ApplyButton hctabpanel-button%d hctabpanel-buttonOn%d hctabpanel-CancelButton hctabpanel-DoneButton hctabpanel-HelpText hctype HCType height Height HeightBonusMultiplier Heights HelpDialog-Abil-%d HelpDialog-Req-%d HelpTopic HemiAxis HemiAxisPitch HemiAxisYaw HemiBottomColor HemiIntensity HemiTerrainIntensity HemiTopColor HemiUnitIntensity henry Hero HeroDogName HeroName heronames.xml hFailed loading cliff diffuse texture <%s>
h(((( H hide High highlight HighLightColor hint history History historyText HitpointMod HitpointsToHeal hlsl hlslwithsymbols hmaxEdgeDist hold HomeCities\ homecity homecity\ HomeCity HomeCity HomeCityAmbient HomeCityBuilding HomeCityBuildingUnlocked HomeCityBuildingUnlocked homeCityCardPanel-button%d%d homeCityCardPanel-DeckLabel2 homeCityCardPanel-DeckName homeCityCardPanel-DeckNumCards homeCityCardPanel-Panel homeCityCardPanel-SelectButton homeCityCardPanel-SelectPanel homecitychatsets.xml homeCityCommandPanelMain homeCityDeck-button%d%d HomeCity_EndOfAct_%s.xml HomeCityFilename HomeCityFlagButtonSet HomeCityFlagButtonSetLarge HomeCityFlagTexture homecityfrench.xml homecity\homecity_units\entertainer_fire_eater\fire_eater.xml HomeCityLevelMax HomeCityLevelMin homecitylevels.xml homeCityPanel-customization-availableProps homeCityPanel-customization-availablePropsNum homeCityPanel-customization-buildingList homeCityPanel-customization-disableButton homeCityPanel-customization-enableButton homeCityPanel-customizationPanel homeCityPanel-customization-propButton%d homeCityPanel-customization-propButton%d-canactivate-overlay homeCityPanel-customization-propButton%d-check homeCityPanel-customization-propButton%d-disabled-overlay homeCityPanel-customization-propButton%d-highlight homeCityPanel-customization-propButton%d-locked-overlay homeCityPanel-customization-propDesc homeCityPanel-customization-propName homeCityPanel-customization-propPrereqMsg homeCityPanel-customization-propSlider homeCityPanel-customization-propUnlockedMsg homeCityPanel-customization-unlockButton homeCityPanelMain homeCityPanel-skillTree homeCityPanel-skillTreeActiveCards homeCityPanel-skillTreePanel homeCityPanel-skillTreeTotalTechs homeCityPanel-skillTreeUpgrades homeCityPanel-skillTreeUpgradesGlow homeCityPanel-skillTreeUpgradesText HomeCityPicker-Entry%d HomeCityPicker-Entry%d-Flag ^HomeCityPicker-Entry%d-Hilight HomeCityPicker-Entry%d-IconDeathmatch HomeCityPicker-Entry%d-IconSupremacy HomeCityPicker-Entry%d-Level HomeCityPicker-Entry%d-Name homecityprops.xml homecityprotounits.xml homeCityResearchByID(%d, %d) homeCityResearchByIDOutsideGame(%d, %d) homeCityShipEject(%d, %d, %d, %d) homecity%s.xml HomeCity_%s.xml homecitytransportpanel-buttonBackground%d homecitytransportpanel-buttonBackgroundEnd homecitytransportpanel-button%d homecitytransportpanel-homecityAge homecitytransportpanel-homecityExp homecitytransportpanel-homecityLevel homecitytransportpanel-homecityName homecitytransportpanel-homecityPlayer homecitytransportpanel-homecityxpbar homecityui.xml HomeCityWaterSpawnFlag homecity*.xml horizscrollbar Horsepower Horsepower = %f (%f) HorsepowerMaxRPM HorsepowerMaxRPM = %f (%.02f) HorsepowerMinRPM HorsepowerMinRPM = %f (%.02f) hotairballoon hotkeysetup-keylist-key%d hotkeysetup-keylist-keyName%d HP=%.2f, MaxHP=%.2f, Health=%.2f. hRoughenSettings HTTP/1.1 huiskirmishsetup.xml Huntable Huntable Animals " I=" %I64u ibCount IBPool ibSize I claim this land in the name of %s. icliffmanager icolonyWall %d-%d icon Icon <icon="(128)(ui\divider 128x32)">
<icon="(16)(chatlogo)(%.03f,%.03f,%.03f)"> %s <icon="(16)(TextureID(%d))">
<icon="(16)(TextureID(%d))(%.03f,%.03f,%.03f)"> %s <icon="(24)(TextureID(%d))"> <icon="(32)(icons\icon resource %S)">
<icon="(32)(objects\flags\%s_32"> iconData IconLocation iconname IconOff icons\UI_generic_button icons.xml IconTexture IconTextureCoords ID=%d ID: %d ID: %d, Pos(%.2f, %.2f), Size: %.2f, MU: %d, TW: %d, PW: %d, Awarded: %.2f, LUT: %d ~Idle Idle2Anim IdleAnim IdleTime=%d. IdleTimeout idleVillagerBanner ifdef ifndef IfOnScreenAll IfOnScreenAllExceptCaster IfOnScreenAlly IfOnScreenCaster IfOnScreenEnemy ignore &Ignore Ignore A&ll ignorePlacementRules IgnoreRotation IgnoreUnsupportedSystem IllReputeArea image imageFile ImeIndicator imeuisettings.xml .impacteffect ImpactEffect ImpactForceMax ImpactForceMin ImpactLaunchAngle ImperialArmyActivationCost ImperialArmyBuilding ImperialArmyDefaultYears ImperialArmySubsequentYears ImperialArmyYearReductionCost ImperialArmyYearReductionTeamBased Inactive Rules include include "%s.xs"; InColony INCR Increment INCRSAT Inctive. INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE IndicatorTech InEffect Infantry InfiniteInLastAge InfoStringID InGameDialogsLarge 30 InheritInfluence InheritInfluenceVar InheritVelocity InitialCameraDir InitialCameraPos InitialDistance InitialDistanceVar InitialDormancy InitialDormancyVar Initialization Failed Initial Results: %d. InitialROF InitialUpdate InitialUpdateVar InitialVelocity InitialVelocityVar InitialYear InnerCorner InnerXRadius InnerYRadius InnerZRadius InPortal Inputs: %d. inside InsidePerimeterWall InstantBallistics Instantiating GCGame module... Intensity IntensityStages IntensityVar InternalGravity InternalGravityVar InternalName InternalWindDelay InternalWindDelayVar InternalWindDirection InternalWindDirectionVar InternalWindSpeed InternalWindSpeedVar InternetWriteFile (q_footer) Interval=%f to %f (seconds). Intrinsic index out of range (%d). Invade! Invalid InvalidCommand Invalid Command Invalid Contents Invalid debug line. Invalid node <%s> in cliff model specification Invalid terrain object model <%s>
Invalid waypoint specified. Did you select a waypoint to edit? INVBLENDFACTOR INVDESTALPHA INVDESTCOLOR Inventory Inventory INVERT InvertedPhalanx invite inviteres InvRGBScale INV_SHADOWMAP_SIZE INVSRCALPHA INVSRCCOLOR InvType InvTypeLoot InvTypePistol InvTypeRifle IPAddy isabella IsAttacking=%d. IsConnectedToHandBrake IsUnderAttack=%d. item ivan iYou cannot afford to break your treaty. j||| jjjh jjjj jjjjh jjjjj jjjjjj jjjjjjj jjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjj JogAnim join JoystickButton %d, Subtype %d Js2P kbArmyDebugText {kbArmyDebugText(%d)} KBArmy %d is invalid. KBResource %d is invalid. KBResource ID: %d. KBResource ID: INVALID. kbResourcesDebugText {kbResourcesDebugText(%d)} KBRs kbstat kbunitDebugText {kbunitDebugText(%d)} kbUnitPickDebugText {kbUnitPickDebugText(%d)} KBUnitPick %d is invalid. KEEP

KeyMapData KeyMapGroup ~KeyMapGroups
kick kill KillBountyPercentage KillUnitOnApply KneeHigh KneeLow Knockout KnockoutIdle KnockoutRecover krightcommand </l>
" la=" Label LadderBrowser-Entry%ld-%s LadderView-Col%ld LadderView-Col%ld-Header lake Lakes land LandOnly Last execute time=%d (%f seconds ago). lastname lastName1 lastName2 LASTPIXEL LastProfile.dat LastSelectedCiv
LaunchSoundSet LayDown LayDownBored LayDownIdle layout LDRBloomIntensity LDRBloomSigma LDRBloomTintColor leave leaveGame(%d,1) Leaving incrementCharacter: Adjusted Character: %d left Left Left click on the type of building you want to build. (UNLOCALIZED STRING) Left click to place building foundation. (UNLOCALIZED STRING) leftcommand LegalCopyright length Length lerp LESS LESSEQUAL level Level LevelModifier LevelName LevelPrereq l"|FFl l"`2`2 Fl`2>,.2 Lifespan LiftCoefficient LIGHTING LightingSet lighting\tonemapdither lightProjectedMatrix LightSet Limber line Line Line: linear Linear LINEAR linearDamping linearToneMapping LineFireBehavior lingerTime lingerTimeVar link /link linkComponent linkConstraint <link="%d">%s</link>
linked linkOffset linkSection list -list listitem LivestockPenAccel lMap LoadImage loading1024 LoadMode loadRecentFile("%s") loadScenario("%S") LoadTextID locale Locale locale.cfg LOCALVIEWER Locked lockToWaterEdge LogAtts logfile.txt logic LogicType login LogMaxSize LogMaxTime logout LogSuccess long Long LongestTreeAttackTime Loop looping LoopingCycle LOS=%5.2f. LOSDontCare lose LoseEffect LoseFilename LossExtendTime lpt%d " ls=" l_%s LShape LShapeCorner %ls-%ls %ls-%ls%S lSPLINE FAILURE: fAdj1(%f) timeRange2(%f) mKeys[i1](%f) mKeys[i2](%f) mKeys[i3](%f) wasDivideByZero(%s) l"S%V(;2V('2x x|S%A0x| A0".V(? < luiMPGameSetupPage.xml l"V( <3 (M>,|F(M(M.4!1! l"V(V( `2`2S% l"V(V( `2`2S% magfilter main Main MAIN Base. Make Male(Even) MapName mapsetnames mapsetnames.xml maptype mapType MapType MapTypes marketBuy marketCost-%S marketSell mask mass Mass MassLbs matchmaking MatchmakingTextures material MATERIAL MaterialType matrix4x3 matrix4x4 MaxAngle MaxAngularVelocity MaxBrakingTorque MaxCardsPerDeck MaxCount MaxErosionAlpha MaxErosionStages MaxFullSpeedSteeringMPH MaxGameXPFromFame MaxHeight MaxHP MaxHPDamageBuilding MaxHPDamageUnit MaxHPDamageVillager MaxHPModifier MaximumNumberUnits MaxInstances MaxLabel MaxLevel maxnum MaxNumberFormationColumns MaxNumberFormationLines MaxNumTreesBurnt MaxNumTreesToCatchOnFire MaxParticles MaxParticlesVar MaxRange maxResource maxRiverBankHeight MaxRPM MaxSearchRadius MaxSpawnTime MaxSteeringAngle MAXTESSELLATIONLEVEL MaxVelocity MaxVelocityVar MaxWalkVelocity Medium memlog.txt MemoryBreakOnNew= MemoryFill=Default MemoryFill=Random MemoryLogging=Brief MemoryLogging=CallStack MemoryLogging=Detailed Memory System Error MercBuilding mesh Mesh Details -- Meshes: %d message Message Message: MessageAlertPlayerRelation Metal metaquery ~MHz Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0 Microsoft Ensemble Studios Age of Empires 3 Military Base. MiltaryGatherPoint: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f. MinAngle MinAngularVelocity MinCount minEdgeDist MinErosionAlpha MinErosionStages minfilter MinHPDamageBuilding MinHPDamageUnit MinHPDamageVillager MinimapBackgroundVisual MinimapCameraPos minimapPanel-%s MinimapVisual MinimumValue: %.2f MinLabel minLevel MinNumTreesToCatchOnFire MinPedalInputToBlock MinRange minRiverBankHeight MinRPM MinSearchRadius MinSpawnTime MINTESSELLATIONLEVEL minTimeAward MinTimeToBlock minTimeXP MinTurnAngle MinVelocity MinVelocityVar mipfilter mirror mirroronce Misc missing missing.ddt Mixes MNo Name modch mode Mode model Model MODEL ModelAttachment ModelAttachmentBone modeldecal ModelFile ModelInstance is null! Check for errors in: %s ModelInstance is null! ModelIndex(%d) is invalid, means an animfile didn't load correctly. modelSpaceCameraPos ModeName Mode to be terminated is: %d. Current Mode at top of stack is %d. These should be the same. They are not. modifier%d modulate modulate2x modulate4x modulatealpha_addcolor modulatecolor_addalpha modulateinvalpha_addcolor modulateinvcolor_addalpha MoreInfo <More Info>
MostKills MostLosses MostNuggets MostResources MostUpgrades MOTD Mouse 3 mouse3down Mouse 4 mouse4down Mouse 5 mouse5down MouseButton %d, Subtype %d MoveAnim MoveAttack MovementType=%d. movePointerX movePointerY MovingDamage MovingDamageBonus MovingDamageBonusMod MovingDamageModifier .mp3 MPcomm MPESOAvatar-Entry%ld MPESOFriends-Entry%ld-%s MPESOGameList-Entry%ld-%s MPGAME:CHANNEL mpgcsetup-Player%d mpgcsetup-Player%dCharSetup mpgcsetup-Player%dCiv mpgcsetup-Player%dExplorerName mpgcsetup-Player%dHCName mpgcsetup-Player%dHighlight mpgcsetup-Player%d-kick mpgcsetup-Player%dLatency mpgcsetup-Player%d-nametext mpgcsetup-Player%dReady mpgcsetup-Player%d-team mpgcsetup-Player%d-xfer mplayercolors.xml MPlibsocks MPlibsocksRecv MPlibsocksSend mpsetup-Player%d mpsetup-Player%d-AIDropdown mpsetup-Player%d-Avatar mpsetup-Player%d-Civ mpsetup-Player%d-CivFlag mpsetup-Player%d-Handicap mpsetup-Player%d-HandicapLabel mpsetup-Player%d-HCLevel mpsetup-Player%d-Highlight mpsetup-Player%d-kick mpsetup-Player%d-Latency mpsetup-Player%d-LatencyLabel mpsetup-Player%d-nametext mpsetup-Player%d-Ready mpsetup-Player%d-ReadyLabel mpsetup-Player%d-team mpsetup-Player%d-TeamColor mpsetup-Player%d-xfer mptempsettings MPVoteDialog-Entry%d MPVoteDialog-Entry%d-Name MPVoteDialog-Entry%d-Vote msgDuration msgExpire msgID msgImage msgupdate MS%kFlV( ,!V( >,%k0(;2x|.4 `2;2 MS%kFlV( ,!V( $#`2%k!` MS Sans Serif MS Shell Dlg multieffect *.multieffect Multi-Player MultiplayerGameSettings Multiply multiplyadd *.multips multiPS *.multirs multiRS MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS MULTISAMPLEMASK multitechnique *.multitechnique *.multitss multiTSS *.multivs multiVS mUnknown MusicSet mutate !mute MyCharacter <MyCharacter>%s</MyCharacter>
myteamwon My Techtree " N=" nack nAmbient Name nameID Name: %s Name: %s

Name: %S (priority: %d) napoleon nativecommandpanel2-button%d%d nativeTrainRegrow Nature NavelCannon nclampEmitterToTerrain n%d / %d needAmbientOcclusion needTangents network error neutral Neutral NEVER newgameid newname NewProfile New world tooltip clip rect dims: min(%d,%d) max(%d,%d) nextAgePercent nextYearPercent 'NHw%NLy nick nnoddinagushpa.mp3 No - %0.0f sec. No breakpoint hit. NoCost No Entry NoHCAccess noLos No mix found named %s !noname%i NonCinematicTexture none <none>
(none) (None) NONE NONE control. NonPassableLand No output available. No REI found in model <%s>
normal Normal NORMALDEGREE NORMALIZENORMALS NormalSpinDamping norseNames No selection for viewing. No source available. No source available (probably a non-debug XS build). <No source files 1>
NOT AVAILABLE No Team Name NOTEQUAL Not Found noToneMapping notPassProtected notShadowCaster NOT Under Attack. No Variables. nReinforcementTrainRate n%S (%d) Nugget Nuggets nuggets.xml NuggetUnit nuihomecitydeckcreate.xml nuinativemgr.xml nuipresceneventsdlg.xml nuiskirmoptionsdlgspc.xml (null) NumberArcSegments NumberAttacks=%d. NumberBounces Number of Invalid Results=%d Number of Results=%d Number of Valid Results=%d NumberUnits: %d. NumberUnits: Min=%d, Max=%d. NumericOnly numFileNames NumFiles NumFrames numGatherers numGatherersNotGathering numIdle NumPaletteColors NumPropUnlocksEarned NumStages NumTypes numUnits NumWheels NumYears nUnit%d nupdate NVIDIA oanim object Object objectCluster objective Objective %d objectives objectivesdialog2-DisplayObjectiveHints objectivesdialog2-hints objectivesdialog2-hintsPanel objectivesdialog2-primaryObjectivesListScrollbar objectivesdialog2-primaryObjectivesPanel objectivesdialog2-scenarioGoalText objectivesdialog2-scenarioTitleText objectivesdialog2-secondaryObjectivesListScrollbar objectivesdialog2-secondaryObjectivesPanel objectivesdialog2-templateObjectiveRow objectivesdialog2-templateObjectiveRowIcon objectivesdialog2-templateObjectiveRowText objectivesNotificationBorder%d ObjectivesText objectPlacement objects objects/flags/pirate ObstructionAtLeastFromType ObtainableProps ObtainableTechs ocean Oceans off. OffAxis OffAxisSpread Offense=%.2f. offline OffPlane OffPlaneSpread Offscreen OffscreenTimeToKill offset OffsetDistance o</GameSettings>
oldname oMinimapEventTime online OnlineName
OnScreen OODisplayGamma opacity Opacity OpacityStages opacityVar OpacityVar open operator Opp(%d): %s %s %s Opp(%d): %s %s %s loc(%.2f,%.2f) radius=%.2f Opp(%d): %s %s %s targetID=%d OptimalRange OptionAdvancedFormationUI OptionAICanChat OptionAmbientSoundLevel OptionAttackMove OptionCameraInertiaRampTime OptionCameraRotation OptionCameraZoom OptionEasyDragMilitary OptionEnableBlooms OptionEnableIME OptionEnableLDRBlooms OptionEnableMixObjects OptionEnableRobustRollover OptionEnableStreaks OptionEnableVsync OptionESOPrivacy OptionFriendOrFoeColor OptionFullRolloverHelp OptionGrfxAAQuality OptionGrfxBitDepth OptionGrfxCliffShader OptionGrfxCliffsHighPoly OptionGrfxDetail OptionGrfxEnableShadows OptionGrfxGamma OptionGrfxHighModels OptionGrfxLowEnd OptionGrfxLowTextures OptionGrfxModelTexQuality OptionGrfxParticleEmissionCap OptionGrfxParticleEmissionRate OptionGrfxParticleEnvironEffects OptionGrfxParticleQuality OptionGrfxParticleTracers OptionGrfxRes OptionGrfxShaderQuality OptionGrfxShadowDetail OptionGrfxSkipMipMapLvls OptionGrfxTerrainTexQuality OptionGrfxTexFilterQuality OptionGrfxWaterReflections OptionGrfxWaterShader OptionGrfxWindowMode OptionLanguageFilter OptionMinimizedUI OptionMusicLevel OptionMusicOnOff OptionObscuredUnitAlpha OptionRecordGame OptionRefreshRate OptionRenderAnisotropic OptionRightClickEconOnly options Options OptionScrollSpeed OptionShowAITips OptionShowFootprints OptionShowHPOnRollover OptionShowObjectiveHints OptionSkirmishNickname OptionSoundAllowTaunts OptionSoundBattleCry OptionSoundChatVolume OptionSoundLevel OptionSoundOnOff OptionSoundParamEQOnOff Options-TabActive%d Options-TabInactive%d options.xml OptionTooltipBackgroundAlpha OptionTooltipEnableWorld OptionTooltipGameUIDispTime OptionTooltipWorldDispTime OptionUIShowFame OptionUIShowGametime OptionUIShowScore OptionUIShowShipments OptionUIShowTraining OptionUIShowVillagerTasks OptRPM (Opt) %s OrientByMotion orientX orientY orientZ OriginalFilename OSInfo OSName " osp=" OSVersion OtherName otownbell OutEffect outerbank OuterCorner OuterDamageAreaDistance OuterDamageAreaFactor OuterXRadius OuterYRadius OuterZRadius Out of memory OutPortal OutpostWagonAccel Output outside Outward overallAlpha OverallChance override /override OVSZ owner paint PaletteColors param Param parameters Parameters params part PartialPrecision particle .particle Particle particle_additive particle_additive_depth ParticleEvents ParticleLife ParticleLifeVar particleName particle_normal particle_normal_depth particleSet ParticleSet ParticleSetDef Particle Set: %s(%0.2f) particleSetXMLFiles ParticleSFXNode particle_subtractive particle_subtractive_depth ParticleSystem Partisans pass Passive passProtected PASSTHRU Password PasswordProtectedIcon
PastConquest PastConquests )Past Resources Needs. patch PATCHEDGESTYLE Path PathData Pathing PathingLong PathingShort Paths: Path - %S Pattern p<bgcolor="%.03f,%.03f,%.03f,0.75,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0"> %s pCivilization p(%d) P%dC%d P%dC%dAward P%dFavUnitCount P%dFavUnitIcon P%dFavUnitNA P%dP%d penalty PendingVersion Percentage=%6.2f PerfectAccuracy PerformanceArea PerformerUnit PerimeterWallCheck Permanent Persistent persistent.cfg persona .personality pfoamBack pGadPool%ld-Picture%ld Phalanx pharaohNames PHONG .physics Physics PhysicsOnDeath picture pieceTex pieChartFilling Pierce p-infoText ping pixelshaderprofile pixelshaderversion pixelxform pixelxform1 (pixelxform1) pixelxform2 (pixelxform2) pixelxform3 (pixelxform3) pixelxformColor pixelxformUI Placement Placement %d PlacementProtoUnitID PlacementRules PlanarFogColor PlanarFogDensity PlanarFogDistance PlanarFogEquation planDebugLines {planDebugLines(%d)} Plan %d is invalid. Plan History: %d plans. Plan ID: %d PlanID=%d (%S). PlanID=%d (%S), Enter=%S. Plans Plans: Plan Stack: %d deep. PlayBirthAfterMutate player Player playerActive playerAge playerCivilization playerColor playerColor2 playerColor3 playercomms-button-toPlayer%d PlayerCommsDef playercommsdef.xml playercomms-highlight-toPlayer%d playerCulture Player %d AI Player #%d (??]: AI Error. Player%dBackground Player%dCiv Player%dData Player%dDiplomacy Player%dEntry Player%dFlag Player%dGod Player%dGP1 Player%dGP2 Player%dGP3 Player%dGP4 Player%dHandicap Player%dName Player%dRating Player #%d (%s): AI Error. Player%d.xml PlayerEditAIButton%d PlayerEditAIClear%d PlayerEditCivDropdown%d PlayerEditColorDropdown%d PlayerEditControlDropdown%d PlayerEditFameField%d PlayerEditFoodField%d PlayerEditGoldField%d PlayerEditHideDropdown%d PlayerEditHomecity%d PlayerEditNameField%d PlayerEditTeamField%d PlayerEditWoodField%d playerHomeCityLevel playerHomeCityName PlayerID: %d PlayerID: %d. PlayerID=%d '%S'. PlayerIDNameString playerName playerNames PlayerNameString playerrelation PlayerRelation PlayerResetHomecity%d Players playerScore playerstatus playersummarydlg-Divider%d playersummarydlg-Player%dBoundary playersummarydlg-Player%dHCLevel playersummarydlg-Player%dName playersummarydlg-Player%dRow playersummarydlg-Player%dViewHC playersummarydlg-Team%dName playersummarydlg-Team%dRow playersummarydlg-tributePlayer%dFood playersummarydlg-tributePlayer%dGold playersummarydlg-tributePlayer%dWood playerTeam playerTeamScore PlayList PlayLists playlist.xml PlayResourceAwardInterval PlaysBattleMusic Please choose 'Send Error Report' (again) so we can track this problem. Please enter a description of what was happening when the crash occurred. Please help us by entering information about this crash Please include: ploadCampaignScenario("%s") p<No source files 2>
point POINT pointLight1Color pointLight1Pos pointLight2Color pointLight2Pos pointLight3Color pointLight3Pos pointLights POINTSCALE_A POINTSCALE_B POINTSCALE_C POINTSCALEENABLE POINTSIZE POINTSIZE_MAX POINTSIZE_MIN POINTSPRITEENABLE politiciandata.xml PoliticianDlg-AcceptButton PoliticianDlg-Border%d PoliticianDlg-CancelButton PoliticianDlg-Poli%dCost PoliticianDlg-Poli%dDescription PoliticianDlg-Poli%dName PoliticianDlg-Poli%dPortrait PoliticianDlg-PoliticianButton%d PoliticianDlg-Politician%d PoliticianDlg-PoliticianHilightPositive%d PoliticianDlg-Size2Politicians PoliticianDlg-Size3Politicians PoliticianDlg-Size4Politicians PoliticianDlg-Title PoliticianDlg-TitleParent Politicians popcap Pop Distribution. Pop: Min=%d, Max=%d. population Population populationHelp port portrait Portrait PortraitTexture PortraitTextureCoords Pos=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), AreaID=%d. PosIntOnly position Position: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f. Position(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) POSITIONDEGREE POST PostCinematic postgame PostGameAwards PostgameFlagTexture PostImperialTech PostIndustrialTech posX posZ power Power PowerAction PowerBlocker PowerPlayerRelation Powers powers.xml preFadeTime Preference Weight: %.2f. preload premodulate PreMultSun PreMultSunSceneSpec PreMultSunTerrainSpec PrereqCommand PrereqTech primary primaryrating PrimaryTransmissionRatio priority Priority=%d. Priority: %d. (Pri) %s ProcessFrequency productID production.cfg ProductName ProductVersion </Profile>
<Profile Version="%d">
Progress progressionDebugText {progressionDebugText(%d)} Progression %d is invalid. .ProgressPlanTech-%d ProgressPlanUnit-%d Progs proj projected Projectile prop Prop proto: proto-%d protoid .protoName protounit ProtoUnit ProtoUnitCommand ProtoUnitCommands protounitcommands.xml ProtoUnitID=%d. ProtoUnit: %S %d ProtoUnitSoundDef proto.xml proto.xml.xmb p%s-buttonglow-%d psetsfile p%s-slider-%d p%s-textArea pufield pui\banners\banner_up puigchintdlg.xml pui\hitpoint_bars\hpbar pyramidalquad " qa=" QBytesRcvd QBytesSent QConnAtts QConnSuccess Qdefault qest QMoreInfo " qs=" QUADRATIC quality quarter%i query QueryAtts queryladder querylist query/query.aspx QuerySuccess Quest Quick Create Army QUINTIC " radbuffull0 radbufquarter0 radbufquarter1 radbufquarter2 radbufquarter3 radbufquarter4 radbufquarter5 Radial Radio Radius rain RainBuildupEndTime RainBuildupStartTime RainFadeOutEndTime RainFadeOutStartTime RandomAxis randomFlagBtn RandomlyRotate RandomMap RandomMapGameSettings Random Map Generator randommaps randomMaps Random Map: %s failed to load randomnames.xml RandomOrientation RandomSpacingOffset randomYaw RangedAttack RangedAttackMode Ranged Attack %s Ranged Bonus v. %s RangedLogic RANGEFOGENABLE RangeIndicator2 RangeIndicatorProtoID rank Rate Rating Ratings: RawKey %d (%S) Raw Surface Area = %.2f RaycastVehicle rDefaultKeyMap ReactionSoundSet realtime Received an invalid server message. MsgID: %u, MsgTopic: %s recentfiles </RecentFiles>
RecentFiles.xml RechargeTime RecoilTime ReflectDamage reflectionAmount reflectionBumpScale reflectionsAlphaScale reflectmap Refresh RegularIngame ReinforcementAttackDelay ReinforcementAuto ReinforcementCostFactor ReinforcementPerimeterWallCheck rejected RelCamPos Reload ReloadAnim remmod remop remove removedeck removegame rempw remuser remusr rename render\ Render renderAreaID(%d, %d, %d) renderBaseID(%d, %d, %d) render\config\defaultib.xml render\config\defaultvb.xml Render groups: %d Render groups: %d RenderParticles RenderPresent RenderTerrain RenderUI RenderUnits RenderUnitsDecals RenderUnitsDopples RenderUnitsDraw RenderUnitsObscured RenderUnitsOther RenderUnitsPrep RenderUnitsUIVisuals repeat REPLACE ReplaceTexture ReplaceVisual reportstats ReportStatus reqlevel request Research %S reset ResetAllBounty resign ResistanceFactorAtMax ResistanceFactorAtMaxRPM ResistanceFactorAtMin ResistanceFactorAtMinRPM ResistanceFactorAtOpt ResistanceFactorAtOptRPM ResolutionOverride resource Resource Resources: Resources (%d - %d)... resources.xml response restitution result resultarg retrieve Retrieve reveal RevealLOS ReverseGearRatio REVSUBTRACT reward Reward rFailed to initialize COM rgamexp RGBScale rhomeCityPanel-SavingScreen right Right rImeSettings river RiverFlowInfluence RiverFlowInfluenceVar riverline riverobj Rivers rLadderView-Col%ld-Row%ld rmfilecrc RM\groupings\ rMPESOGameList-Player%ld role Rollover RolloverID RolloverNameID RolloverStringID RolloverTextID RoofTile room roster Rotate0 Rotate0Flip Rotate180 Rotate180Flip Rotate270 Rotate270Flip Rotate90 Rotate90Flip Roughen Settings route Routes (%d - %d)... rspintable rStatus ruiMPESOLoginDialog.xml ruiMPESOStatus.xml ruiPersonaPage.xml Rules Rule '%S': .RuleSet Rule Watch RumbleFadeTime RumbleHeight RumbleSpeed RumbleWidth RunAnim <Run anyway>
RunAway rushboom r.xs ~*.%s </%s>
(%s) , %s " s=" "%s" * %s *%s*.* % *s %s > %s: <%S>
%S, %s %01d.%04d.%04d.%04d %S=%0.3f %s, %.0f, %.0f, %.1f %S, %.0f, %.0f, %.1f , %s%.0f%s <icon="(%d)(%S)">
%s%.0f%s <icon="(%d)(%S)">
, %s%.0f%s %s %s%.0f%s %s %s 1 sack `%s :: a(%d) 1(%d), M(%d) :: A=%.2f, P=%d, Src=%d, C=%.2f, I=%.2f : FS=%.2f %sAge3commLog.txt %sAge3Log.txt %sAge3mmLog.txt %sAI%02d %s-alliance %s.amt %s.amt.xmb %S and %S %sautopatcher.exe autoPatchGameMode=%d autoPatchWaitProcessID=%u savedeck SavedHomeCity Savegame\ saveGame("%s") leaveGame saveprop saveScenario("%s") savetech %savi\Age3.bik %savi\logos.bik SAVL %s(<blah> <blah> <blah>). No help available. %s-bool %s-browsebutton %s-button1 %s-button2 %s-button-%d %sbuttonsets.xml scale Scale ScaleByContainedUnits ScaleByTeamSize ScaleStages scaletable scaleVar ScaleVar %s-cameratrack Scenario\ ScenarioGameSettings ScenarioName SceneGlossContrast SceneMetalness SceneSpecularIntensity SceneSpecularPower sCharge_idle schemaVersion %s-ChildTechProgression %s-ChildUnitProgression SCISSORTESTENABLE %scommlog.txt scorch Score ScorePage-MainTable-Border ScorePage-Name-RightBorder ScoreType screen Screenshots\ ScreenshotTypeRadioButtons script Script -scrollhoriz -scrollvert %s = %d %s (%d) %s %d %s-%d %s: %d %s(%d) %s%d %S ("%d") %S: %d %s: %d:%02d %s: %d:%02d, %.0f %s.d3dconfig sdamagetemplate %s: %d Bounty + %.2f Trickle %s/%d/%d/%d %s.ddt %sDefaultHomecity.xml %sdefaultvp.xml %S_def.xml %sdevices.xml %s(%d) : [fxe] %s is not a valid sampler state transform flag %s(%d) : [fxe] %s is not a valid srgbtexture flag %s.dmp.txt %s(%d, "%s") %s%d.%s %s%d%s %s\dw15.exe %s (%dx%d) %sdxdiag.txt %s %d [%x:%s] secondaryParticleSet secondaryRating Secret Section _SectorBackLeft _SectorBackRight _SectorBADSECTOR _SectorFrontLeft _SectorFrontRight _SectorLeftBack _SectorLeftFront _SectorRightBack _SectorRightFront %s'ED!!! %s.effect segmentlifetime Selectable selectarg1 selectarg2 selectAsSingleUnit SelectedTexture SelectionArmy-%d selectmask Self SelfDestruct
SenderID(%d), TargetID(%d), StartTime(%d), Sendtime(%d), Pos(%.2f,%.2f) &Send Error Report Sending Message: ID(%u), ServiceName(%S), Category(%S) .sent *.sent %s-entry-%d SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE sequence Sequence Server Message Received: ID(%u), ServiceName(%S), Topic(%s), Type(%s) .set Set a rally point for all military units Set Area setmotd Set Paint Mask setrank SET: %s(%0.2f) Set Selected Area Set Selected Unit(s) setting Setting </Setting>

<Setting Name="%s">
Settings </Settings>
<Settings Version="%d">
Settlement Base. SettlerAccel SettlerCountDialog-%sLabel SettlerCountDialog-totalPopLeft SettlerWagonAccel SetupPath setWorldTooltipRectDims1024() - Dims must be within resolution 1024x768. Current dims are min(%d,%d) max(%d,%d) %s-event %s = %f %s(%f) %S: %f %s-field %s-Field %s-godpower %s.gr2 SHADEMODE shaders\ shadow ShadowBiasATI ShadowBiasNV shadowColor ShadowColor shadowgen shadowgen_ati shadowgen_nv shadowing SHADOWING_NV shadowMap ShadowMapColor ShadowMapDepth SHADOWMAP_SIZE ShadowMapSolution SHADOWMAP_TEXOFFSET shadowMatrix shadowonly ShadowPCFOffset0 ShadowPCFOffset1 ShadowPCFOffset2 ShadowPCFScalar _SHADOWS_FILTER_2x2_BILINEAR_ _SHADOWS_FILTER_3x3_BILINEAR_ ShadowSlopeFactor shadows_selections/squad_dest_square_64x64 shadow_XRange_YBias shallowColor shape Shape ShapeType %s has started to upgrade a Fort to a Star Fort. %sHC%s shfolder.dll shift shift- Ship ShipmentEnd ShipmentStart ShipmentVisual ShipmentXPGrowth ShipmentXPMaximum ShipName shomecitytransportpanel-homecityxpbarfill shorecliff shoreline shorelong %s-horizscrollbar Show Show Area Show Bases Show Battles Show Chat History )Show Gatherer Distribution. showInMax Show Opportunities - Visual Show Plans Show Selected Area Show Selected KBUnit Show Selected KBUnit (Dynamic) Show Selected Unit(s) ShowUnitChats ShowValue .shp ShutdownTime %s (<icon="(16)(%S)">): %s (<icon="(32)(%S)">): %S - (id:%d) %S (ID=%d side Side Siege simpleTex simskeleton SimSkeleton SingleBox SingleCircle SingleUse SingleUsePlayer %s-interior '%s' is not a valid tag for riverline XML definition '%s' is not a valid tag for shoreline XML definition %s isn't a valid BUMP capPieceTex for cliff %s isn't a valid BUMP pieceTex for cliff %s isn't a valid SHINYBUMP capPieceTex for cliff %s isn't a valid SHINYBUMP pieceTex for cliff %s is out of range of %s. %s-itemButton%d Size %s-kbstat sKB Timed Stats %sKBTTPlayer%d.txt skillpoints SkillPoints skip skycube SkyCubeMap sLargeInGame %s %ld/%ld slider Slider sliderbutton1v SliderContainer-DisableOverlay SliderContainer-Label SliderContainer-LabelMax SliderContainer-LabelMin SliderContainer-Value (%S, Line=%d). %slogfile.txt %s-longfloatstring slope slopefactor SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS SlowestStrikeTime %s.lxs SmallPortraitTexture SmallPortraitTextureCoords smapinfo smaptypes.xml %s match %smemlog.txt Snow %s-objective socket recv returned error %d. Error count == %d Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires 3\1.0 Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\ZoneStats\ solid SOLID Something cool will go here soon. Something cool will go here soon #2. %s operation currently in progress for %s %s-operator sound sound\ Sound Sound Control Sound Control : %S %S SoundCycleTime Sound definition file successfully saved. sound\music\interface\ soundSet SoundSet SoundSetDef soundsets.xml sound\taunts\ SoundTimer%d SoundType SourceArtGamma SourcePromptType space sparkle sparkleOffset sparks spawnSystem SpawnType SpawnUnit specialPower(%d, %d, %d) Special_StartingUnits specialTexture SpecificSound SpecificSoundOpponent specular Specular SPECULARENABLE SpecularExponent SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE Speed SpeedBoost SpeedModifier SpeedStages SpeedVar SPHEREMAP SpinButton SpinRate splash.bmp SplashEffect %s-player SPLINE FAILURE: fAdj0(%f) timeRange1(%f) mKeys[i0](%f) mKeys[i1](%f) mKeys[i2](%f) wasDivideByZero(%s) SPLINE FAILURE: fAdj0(%f) timeRange1(%f) tempKeys[i0](%f) tempKeys[i1](%f) tempKeys[i2](%f) wasDivideByZero(%s) SPLINE FAILURE: fAdj1(%f) timeRange2(%f) tempKeys[i1](%f) tempKeys[i2](%f) tempKeys[i3](%f) wasDivideByZero(%s) split %s-protounit SPS-P%dColor SPS-P%dHandicap SPS-P%dHandicapLabel SPS-P%dHCLevel SPS-P%dHomeCityFlag SPS-P%dName SPS-P%dPortrait SPS-P%dTeam SPS-Player%dRow SPS-Player%dRowControls %s-pufield SquadMode Square"ness" Ratio = %.2f SRCALPHA SRCALPHASAT SRCBLEND SRCBLENDALPHA SRCCOLOR %s-readout %sRecentFiles.xml %s-resource %sresources.xml srgbtexture SRGBWRITEENABLE %sRM %s ="%s" [%s] %s %s</%s>
%s|%s %s = %s %s (%s) %s, %s %s: %s %s.%s %s( %s ) %s("%s") %s%s %s%s: %s-*%S %s%S %S ("%s") %S%s %S - %S %S%S %S - %S (%d) %s%s.dmp.txt %s.set %s*.set %s_%s_Game.xml %s%s_homecity.xml %s%s.lxs %s%s.personality %ssplash.bmp ssPP %s<%s%s>
%s %s (%s) %s %s%s %s%s-%s %s%s*.%s %s%s%s %s%s-*%S %s%s%S s%S: %S %s%s%s%shomecity.xml %s-stancetype Ssubmodelref %s %s [%x:%s] %s-tab-%d StableAccel Stack not available. stage Stage Stampede Stance standalone start Start Start Area ID: %d StartFull StartingUnit StartingUnitInfo StartingUnits StartPointModel StartSound StartSoundSet startState StartTypes startup\ Startup\ startup\scenario.con StartWithWall startX startZ state StateInfo </StateInfo>
State=%S. State: %S Static StaticIBManager StaticVBManager statsClientInfo StatsID StatsServer StatText StatTime status %s-tech %s.technique %s-techstatus Steering SteeringAngle STENCILENABLE STENCILFAIL STENCILFUNC STENCILMASK STENCILPASS STENCILREF STENCILWRITEMASK STENCILZFAIL stereo %s-textscroll StickLeft StickLeftDown StickLeftLeft StickLeftRight StickLeftUp StickRight StickRightDown StickRightLeft StickRightRight StickRightUp Sticky Stone stop Storage store ;%sTR stra %s-traderoute Straggler Tree KB RID: %d. straight Straight2 Straight3 Straight4 straight45 Straight5 stream Stream::addChunk : about to overwrite INUSE buffer, %s - msgid %d, sequence %d, size %d, mSequenceNumber %d Stream::addChunk : failed to write to stream - %s - msgid %d, sequence %d, size %d, mSequenceNumber %d Stream::addChunk : %s - msgid %d, sequence %d, size %d, mSequenceNumber %d Stream::releaseChunks : failed to write to stream - %s - msgid %d, size 0, mSequenceNumber %d Stream::releaseChunks : failed to write to stream - %s - msgid %d, size %d, mSequenceNumber %d Stream::releaseChunks : %s - msgid %d, size %d, mSequenceNumber %d %S.trg strike StrikeHeight StrikeMaxOffset StrikeMinOffset StrikeSoundSet string String StringFileInfo stringid StringID stringnonloc StringTable StringTable.xml %s.tss %S.txt subcategory SubCiv SubCivAllianceCost SubCivAllianceCostFactor SubCivAllianceModifier sublist submenu submenu_ submodel subscribe substring subtract SUBTRACT subtype %s-uicategory suiForbiddenUnitsTechs.xml suiPasswordDlg.xml suitriggereditor.xml suleiman sunColor SunColor sunDirection sunDirectionBX2 SunInclination sunIntensity SunIntensity %s-unittype SunRotation supersamplebuf supersamplefilter_sm3 supersamplefilterx%i_sm3 supersamplefiltery%i_sm3 surface surfaceBlend Surrender %suserDataFile.txt %s (using technique: %s) Suspension %s-vertscrollbar %s.vs swapDelay swapEnemyOnly swapSelfOnly SwapUsingMinMax %swatsoninfo.exe %s.xml %s*.xml %S.xml %S*.xml %s.xs %s*.xs %S.xs symmetric SyncMoveAnimations SyncNextUpdate SyncWithAttackAnim SystemInitialization System.IO.FileNotFoundException systemLinger " t=" -tabPosition Tactic Tahoma targ TargetGround TargetLogic TargetPlayerID: %d. TargetPromptType Targets TargetSpeedBoost TargetType TargetTypes TargetUnitType TaskAI TaskType /--taunt /--taunt %s tBMultiplayer::createInstance() failed team Team Team #%d Team %s Team %s Team %s's TeamTech TeamVP tech tech: Tech tech-%d Tech isn't active. technique technique\ techniques TechPrereq techResearchName techResearchPercentage techResearchPercentageText Techs techstatus techtree-Highlight%d techtree-Node%d techtree.xml techtree.xml.xmb temp tempCampaignGameSettings tempCurrentGameOptions tempCurrentMpGameSettings tempGameOptions tempGameSettings tempGCGameSettings TempleEgyptianAccel TempleGreekAccel tempMpGameSettings tempproto.xml tempScnGameSettings temptechtree.xml terrain 2 bump terrain 2 bump blend TerrainAmbientColor terrain blend terrain bump terrain bump blend TerrainBumpScale terrain\colony\colonysphere terrain\colony\red TerrainDampenFactor TerrainDirt TerrainFogGen terrain fog only TERRAIN FOG TEXTURE TerrainGrass terrain grid TerrainHeight TerrainHeightVar terrain ice terrain ice blend TerrainInteractionType Terrain Mask TerrainMetalness Terrain objects do not support non-rigid meshes <%s>
terrain overlay terrain\%s terrain\%%s%%0%dd TerrainSand terrain\%%s%%d terrainSetMix(%d) terrainSetType(%d) terrainSetSubtype(%d) terrain shadow only terrain shiny bump terrain shiny bump blend terrain shiny bump sparkle terrain shiny bump sparkle blend TerrainSnow TerrainSpecularIntensity TerrainSpecularPower TerrainStone terrain\TerrainErosion.xml TerrainTextureGen terraintypes terraintypes.xml TerrainWater terrain/water/river_wake territory Territory <Territory owner='%s' reveal='%s'>%s</Territory>
Test Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 testing testsphere texcoordindex texcoordscale texcoordscrollspeed texgen texRotation texScale texScrollSpeed text textbox -textBox -textscroll Texture textureAbsolute TEXTUREFACTOR TextureID Texture index <%d> out of range on setCurrent in stage <%d>
.textureIntrinsic textureMatrixParams texturePlacement Textures: texturetransformflags textureVisualization Texturing text/xml tfactor The application will now exit. tHelpDialog-Upgrades-%d The next screen is the Character Creation screen, where you can rename your explorer, and select a name for your home city. You may also select the civilization from which your explorer comes, The territory of %s changes hands from character %d to character %d. Threat=%.2f. ThreeCorners Throw ThrownByBallistics ticker tickerData ticks TiedToEmitter tier Tier TieToGround Tile tileGroup tiles time Time Time %.02f Time=%d: Timed Stats. Timeline-FakeIconHandle-%d-%d-%d Timeline-FakeResignIconHandle-%d Timeline-Player-Button-%d Timeline-Player-%d Timeline-Player-Flag-%d Timeline-Player-Label-%d timeloop timeMax timeMin TimeOfLastAttack=%d (%.2f minutes ago). TimeOfLastAttack=%d (%.2f seconds ago). TimeOfLastAttack (with border areas)=%d (%.2f minutes ago). TimeOfLastAttack (with border areas)=%d (%.2f seconds ago). timeout Timer TimerDisplays tint tintShadow tion TireSizeCode1 TireSizeCode2 TireSizeCode3 tis("%S") TitanSoundPlay TitanSoundUpdate title -titlebar Titles\ TLowPoly tmouseoverText tMovieManager is NULL .tmp tNVCPL.dll TODO Toggle AI output window. Toggle Show Bldg Plcmt values. Tolerance tonemap ToneMapParamsA ToneMapParamsB tonemap_sm2 tonemap_sm3 ToolTip .tooltipID TooltipStringID tooltipText topedge topic topic: TopObjects torchy Torque TorqueFactorAtMax TorqueFactorAtMaxRPM TorqueFactorAtMin TorqueFactorAtMinRPM TorquePitchFactor TorqueRollFactor TorqueYawFactor TotalCredits=%8.2f TotalDamage totalpop totalResource TotalResources Total Resources: %.2f Total Tiles = %d Total Units = %d Tower TownCenterAccel TownStartingUnit trackGotoSelectedEvent trackGotoSelectedWaypoint trackLoad(" trackPlay(%f) TrackRating trackSetSelectedWaypoint traderoute TradeRoute TradeRouteLengthScale traderoutepanel2-button%d%d traderoutes.xml TradingPostAccel .trail TrailParticle TrainBuilding trainInSelected("%S") TrainPoints )trainsandcontains-button%d%d trainsandcontains-row%d trainsandcontains-rowLabel%d trainUnitPercentage .transition Transition TransitionTimeIn TransitionTimeOut Translation Transmission Transport TreatyCost tree Tree treebirds TreeGadCheckBox-DisableOverlay TreeGadCheckBox-Label TreeGadDropDown-DisableOverlay TreeGadEdit-DisableOverlay treeVariationColor treeVariationColor1 treeVariationColor10 treeVariationColor11 treeVariationColor12 treeVariationColor13 treeVariationColor14 treeVariationColor15 treeVariationColor2 treeVariationColor3 treeVariationColor4 treeVariationColor5 treeVariationColor6 treeVariationColor7 treeVariationColor8 treeVariationColor9 treeVariationColors.xml TreeView treewindhack treeWindHack *.trg tributedlg-destPlayerName%d tributedlg-destResourceFood%d tributedlg-destResourceGold%d tributedlg-destResourceWood%d TrickleResourceRate TrickleResourceType trigger Trigger\ Trigger_%d Trigger disabling rule %s Trigger enabling rule %s Trigger Info TriggerLeft TriggerRight Triggers trigtemp tris: %d Tris: %d true True TRUE tSaveName t%s %s tss\ t%s.txt <ttb>
*.ttf <ttf><ttb>
tuiaiprompt.xml tui\alerts\levelup.xml tuiarmyedit.xml tUI_ChatHistoryOutOfRoom tuigcstats.xml tuiherdedit.xml tuiingamemsg3.xml tuiMPESOCommunity.xml tuiskirmnickname.xml tuitraderoutepanel2min.xml Tumble TumbleBothDirections turbulence TurnLeft TurnRate TurnRight Turret TutorialStyle TWEENFACTOR TWEENING TwoCorners TwoEdges TwoOppositeCorners TWOSIDEDSTENCILMODE *.txt type Type Type: AreaGen - %d Type: AutoGen - %d Type %d Type: %d TypedMaxRange TypedMinRange TypedOptimalRange Type, High poly model, and low poly model were not all specified for cliffs typeID Type - Land (%d) Type: Morph Type: PathGen - %d Type: Rigid Type: %S Type: Skinned Type - Water (%d) </u>
%%%u " U=" uery u</GrandConquest>
uiagsmpclientwait.xml ui\alerts\ageup.xml ui\alerts\alert_resign.xml uiarmybanners.xml ui/banners/idle_villager ui/banners/idle_villager_clicked ui/banners/idle_villager_rollover UIBattleButtons UIBattlePanel ui\black ui\blue uicameraeditor.xml uicampaign.xml uicategory ui\character_setup\explorer_british_a uiChatBrowser.xml UI_ChatHistoryScroll uiChatRoom.xml uicivpicker.xml uiClanPage.xml uiclass UICommandPanel uicommandpanelnewmin.xml uicommandpanelnew.xml ui\core_ui\arrow_down ui\core_ui\arrow_down_clicked ui\core_ui\arrow_up ui\core_ui\background_blue_dark ui\core_ui\checkbox ui\core_ui\checkbox_checked ui\core_ui\checkbox_disabled ui\core_ui\checkbox_question ui\core_ui\credits_splash ui\core_ui\default_piechart_mask ui\core_ui\dropdown_background2 ui\core_ui\roundsmall ui\core_ui\roundsmall_clicked ui\core_ui\shaded ui\core_ui\simple_trans_box_bottom_l_corner ui\core_ui\simple_trans_box_bottom_middle ui\core_ui\simple_trans_box_bottom_r_corner 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Unable to interpolate to position %d at time %f Unable to open file '%ls' Unable to open file '%ls' for reading Unable to open file '%ls' for reading as a text file Unable to write sound definition file! UnalliedID UnavailableIcon unban UnderAttack: ContTime=%d. underbrushobj Unexpected end of Input Unfiltered History Unique Effects: %d -- uniqueTechResearchPercentage uniqueTechResearchPercentageText Unique Textures: %d -- unit Unit unitAction UnitAIType unitaitypes.txt UnitAIUpdate UnitBallisticMovement UnitCount unitcounts Unit does not exist! Unit=%d '%S'. Unit %d (%S) has a non-unit obstruction type %d UnitHelpStrings.xml unitHelpText unithelp.xml UnitID=%d (INVALID UE). UnitID=%d (%S). UnitID=%d (%S). UnitID: %S %d UnitKill UnitMainSync unitModify UnitMultiples UnitPicks UnitPicks (%d - %d)... 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UNKNOWN Unknown Error UnknownPA UnknownTactic Unlocked UnlockLevel Unmapped unmodch UnrevealedVisual <unspecified>
unsublist unsubscribe unsupported <unsupported>
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UseBuckets useDamageHoles UsedByPlans: %d. UsedIcon .usefp16 UseMaxVelocity UseMinVelocity UseMultiple usePalette UsePalette user User user.cfg User Error Description userinfo UserInformation

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worldView World View worldViewProj worldViewProjScreen worldYear wrap WRAP0 WRAP1 WRAP10 WRAP11 WRAP12 WRAP13 WRAP14 WRAP15 WRAP2 WRAP3 WRAP4 WRAP5 WRAP6 WRAP7 WRAP8 WRAP9 wrest the remaining territories from your enemy and claim them for yourself. xAbstractType XAxis XAxisVar x||F$#j> x||F$#j> x||F$#j>
XIII .xmb xMGSPID.DLL .xml '<?xml *.xml XML parsing error in Fonts2.xml. No fonts will be loaded. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
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-x -s %u xuigadsection.xml XVII XVIII :xX,/;- XX.XX YAxis YAxisVar YearBased Year %d YearEndFameGrant YearLength YearMode Yield You are transitioning out of this mode, though. You cannot afford to ransom your explorer. Your homecity is now at Level %d * your name Your regent will have many tasks and missions for you to accomplish, and the degree to which you are successful in completing your missions will determine your success in the game. You serve in the role of both Explorer and Conqueror, sending expeditions into new territories, establishing cities, forging alliances, and marshalling your troops. You should check age3log.txt to determine which protounits are not getting remapped, so you can know what unique protounits will not be loaded with this scenario. YScale YScaleVar YSpeed YSpeedVar yuigcscoredlg.xml " z=" ZAxis ZAxisVar ZENABLE ZERO Zeus ZFUNC Zname zoffset ZoneStatsClient zoneStatsVersion ZS_A1CP ZS_A1CPK ZS_A1MP ZS_A1MPK ZS_A2CP ZS_A2CPK ZS_A2MP ZS_A2MPK ZS_A3CP ZS_A3CPK ZS_A3MP ZS_A3MPK ZS_A4CP ZS_A4CPK ZS_A4MP ZS_A4MPK ZS_A5CP ZS_A5CPK ZS_A5MP ZS_A5MPK ZS_AI ZS_BL ZS_BR ZScale ZScaleVar ZS_CE ZS_CG ZS_CL ZS_CPOT ZS_Custom ZS_CV ZS_Deathmatch ZS_EF ZS_EG ZS_EGT ZS_ERT ZS_ES ZS_ET ZS_EU ZS_EVH ZS_EW ZS_GL ZS_GM ZS_GT ZS_GTp ZS_HC ZS_HE ZS_HP ZS_Human .zsl *.zsl ZS_LT ZS_M1 ZS_M2 ZS_M3 ZS_MC ZS_MD ZS_ME ZS_MPOT ZS_MS ZS_MU ZS_NL ZS_NP ZS_NT ZSpeed ZSpeedVar ZS_PL ZS_PN ZS_PT ZS_RC ZS_RCL zsrdgrs zsredg zsres zsrest zsrgd zsrgs ZS_RR zsrrs ZS_RS zsrsv ZS_RT ZS_SC ZS_SH ZS_SK ZS_SN ZS_SP ZS_SR ZS_Supremacy .zst ZS_TA1 ZS_TA2 ZS_TA3 ZS_TA4 ZS_TA5 ZS_TC ZS_TechNodes ZS_TM ZS_TN ZS_TR ZS_TS ZS_UK ZS_UL ZS_Units ZS_UNSUPPORTED ZS_VI ZS_W10 ZS_WR ZS_XPC ZS_XPN ZS_XPT Ztexture ZWRITEENABLE ^,_^][ ~`_^][ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <;|$@| =============================================================== =&\(&+ |-;~<}( |,;|$, |";~(} |$ ;>} |$ ;|$ |$ )|$ |$ ~+ |$@;\$ } |$$;|$ |$$+|$ |#;|$ } |%;~(} ---------- ---------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;|$<} ;\$$|$ ;\$$| !!!!!!!!! !@#$%&*?~^ ?******* /:*?<>|" //==================== //============================================================================= //============================================================================== /%"`+/ """""""" """""""""""""""""" } ;~@} }"<+(! $$;|$ *;===;, *:===<+ \$ ;\$ \$ !|$ \$$;\$ \$$+|$ \$$+\$ \$\#|$ &!&!*!+ &!&!*!+!.!.! ########## ########### %&'()*+, %&*?~^

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agEo5`prot Age of Empires 3 agetime AgeUPAlert AgeUpgrade AgFPul Aggressive )aGjdRjc aGmpl! AgQUQ} AGroup AGSMPClientWait +Ah=0u aH2HotKey AHerdEditorGadget a high .AhkNul .AhkNullCollisionFilter Ah L"S AHomeC/ity AHomeCityPicker ;AH} P ahSylla ;AHu+VW AH/Z/| aiActivateOpportunity aiAttemptResign aiAutoSavegame ,]aib6e aiBreakAtStart aiBreakpointGo( int playerID ): Restart XS execution after the current breakpoint. aiBreakpointSet( int playerID, string filename, int lineNumber, bool on ): Sets a breakpoint. aiBreakTreaty aiBuildWall aiBuyResourceOnMarket aiCalculateMostHatedPlayerID aiCanBuildWall aiCastGodPowerAtPosition aiCastGodPowerAtUnit AICBp aiChat AIChat AIChatDelay aiChatHistory aiCommsAllowChat aiCommsAllowChat( bool flag ): enables or disables the chats from this ai player. aiCommsGetChatTargetType aiCommsGetChatVerb aiCommsGetSendingPlayer aiCommsGetTargetListCount aiCommsGetTargetListItem aiCommsGetTargetLocation aiCommsSendReply aiCommsSendStatement aiCommsSendStatementWithVector aiCommsSetEventHandler AI Cost Weights: aiCreateOpportunity aidebug aiDebug AIDebug aiDebugBattles AIDebugGathererToggle AIDebugGathererToggle() AIDebugGathererToggle: toggles whether the ai gatherer distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing. AIDebugI AIDebugInfo AIDebugInfoRefresh AIDebugInfoRefresh : shows the ai debug menu with new data. AIDebugInfoToggle AIDebugInfoToggle: toggles whether the ai debug menu is up, refreshing if first showing. AIDebugOutputToggle AIDebugOutputToggle() AIDebugOutputToggle: toggles whether the ai output window is up, refreshing if first showing. AIDebugPastResourceNeedToggle AIDebugPastResourceNeedToggle() AIDebugPastResourceNeedToggle: toggles whether the ai past resource needs window is up, refreshing if first showing. AIDebugPopToggle AIDebugPopToggle() AIDebugPopToggle: toggles whether the ai pop distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing. AIDebugShowBasesToggle AIDebugShowBasesToggle() AIDebugShowBasesToggle: toggles the display of bases AIDebugShowBattlesToggle AIDebugShowBattlesToggle() AIDebugShowBattlesToggle: toggles the display of AI Battles. AIDebugShowChatHistoryToggle AIDebugShowChatHistoryToggle() AIDebugShowChatHistoryToggle: toggles the display of chat history. AIDebugShowOpportunitiesToggle AIDebugShowOpportunitiesToggle() AIDebugShowOpportunitiesToggle: toggles the display of opps. AIDebugShowPlansToggle AIDebugShowPlansToggle() AIDebugShowPlansToggle: toggles the display of plans. AIDebugTimedStatsToggle AIDebugTimedStatsToggle() AIDebugTimedStatsToggle: toggles whether the kb timed stats window is up, refreshing if first showing. AIDebugToggleBPText AIDebugToggleBPText() AIDebugToggleBPText: toggles the showing of Building placement value text. AI Deck aiDestroyOpportunity aiDoesWallExist aiEcho AIErro aiErrorMessage AI ERROR @%s: No Player Context: %s AI ERROR @%s: P#%d (??]: %s AI ERROR @%s: P#%d (%S): %s aiFindBestAttackGodPowerPlan aiFindBestOpportunity aiFindBestTownDefenseGodPowerPlan AIFishingUseful .\aifunc .\aifuncs.cpp aiGathererDistribution aiGetAllowBuildings aiGetAttackResponseDistance aiGetAutoFarmEscrowID aiGetAutoGatherEscrowID aiGetAutosaveOn aiGetAvailableEconomyPop aiGetAvailableMilitaryPop aiGetCaptainPlayerID aiGetCurrentEconomyPop aiGetCurrentResourceNeed aiGetEconomyPercentage aiGetEconomyPop aiGetExploreDangerThreshold aiGetFallenExplorerID aiGetFarmLimit aiGetGameMode aiGetGameType aiGetGodPowerProtoIDForTechID aiGetGodPowerTechIDForSlot aiGetGodPowerType aiGetHCGatherPoint aiGetLastCollectedNuggetEffect aiGetLastCollectedNuggetType aiGetMarketBuyCost aiGetMarketSellCost aiGetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit aiGetMilitaryPercentage aiGetMilitaryPop aiGetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressives aiGetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives aiGetMostHatedPlayerID aiGetNumberIdlePlans aiGetNumberTeams aiGetOpportunityLocation aiGetOpportunityRadius aiGetOpportunitySourceID aiGetOpportunitySourceType aiGetOpportunityTargetID aiGetOpportunityTargetPlayerID aiGetOpportunityTargetType aiGetOpportunityType aiGetPauseAllAgeUpgrades aiGetPersonality aiGetPoliticianChoice aiGetPoliticianListByIndex aiGetPoliticianListCount aiGetPopNeeds aiGetResourceBreakdownNumberPlans aiGetResourceBreakdownPercentage aiGetResourceBreakdownPlanPriority aiGetResourceGathererPercentage aiGetResourceGathererPercentageWeight aiGetScore aiGetWallRadius aiGetWaterMap aiGetWorldDifficulty aiGetWorldDifficultyName aiGoalGetIDByIndex aiGoalGetNumber aiHCCardsBuyCard aiHCCardsCanIBuyThisCard aiHCCardsFindBestCard aiHCCardsGetCardAgePrereq aiHCCardsGetCardCount aiHCCardsGetCardLevel aiHCCardsGetCardTechID aiHCCardsGetCardUnitCount aiHCCardsGetCardUnitType aiHCCardsGetTotal aiHCCardsIsCardBought aiHCDeckActivate aiHCDeckAddCardToDeck aiHCDeckCanPlayCard aiHCDeckCardGetCardCount aiHCDeckCreate aiHCDeckGetCardAgePrereq aiHCDeckGetCardLevel aiHCDeckGetCardTechID aiHCDeckGetCardUnitCount aiHCDeckGetCardUnitType aiHCDeckGetNumberCards aiHCDeckPlayCard aiHCGetNumberDecks AIHCLevel aiIsMapType aiIsMultiplayer AILocSelect aiMapNameOverride ain err aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentages aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentageWeights `AInpuQt]L aiNumberUnassignedUnits aiNumberUnassignedUnitsByGoal a?Io/H aiOpportunities aioutput aiPastResourceNeeds aiPersonalityCreatePlayerHistory aiPersonalityGetDidIWinLastGameVS aiPersonalityGetGameFirstAttackTime aiPersonalityGetGameResource aiPersonalityGetGameUnitCount aiPersonalityGetNumberPlayerHistories aiPersonalityGetPlayerGamesPlayed aiPersonalityGetPlayerHistoryIndex aiPersonalityGetPlayerHistoryName aiPersonalityGetPlayerUserVar aiPersonalityGetRushBoom aiPersonalityGetTotalGameWins aiPersonalityOverride aiPersonalityResetPlayerHistory aiPersonalitySetPlayerUserVar aiPlanAddUnit aiPlanAddUnitType aiPlanAddUserVariableBool aiPlanAddUserVariableFloat aiPlanAddUserVariableInt aiPlanAddUserVariableString aiPlanAddUserVariableVector aiPlanAddWaypoint aiPlanCreate aiPlanDestroy aiPlanDestroyByName aiPlanGetActive aiPlanGetActualPriority aiPlanGetAllowUnderAttackResponse aiPlanGetAttack aiPlanGetBaseID aiPlanGetDesiredPriority aiPlanGetEconomy aiPlanGetEscrowID aiPlanGetID aiPlanGetIDByActiveIndex aiPlanGetIDByIndex aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType aiPlanGetIDSubStr aiPlanGetInitialPosition aiPlanGetLocation aiPlanGetMilitary aiPlanGetName aiPlanGetNoMoreUnits aiPlanGetNumber aiPlanGetNumberUnits aiPlanGetNumberUserVariableValues aiPlanGetNumberVariableValues aiPlanGetOrphan aiPlanGetState aiPlanGetType aiPlanGetUnitCost aiPlanGetUnitStance aiPlanGetUserVariableBool aiPlanGetUserVariableFloat aiPlanGetUserVariableInt aiPlanGetUserVariableString aiPlanGetUserVariableVector aiPlanGetVariableBool aiPlanGetVariableFloat aiPlanGetVariableInt aiPlanGetVariableString aiPlanGetVariableVector aiPlanRemoveUserVariable aiPlanRemoveUserVariables aiPlanRemoveUserVariableValue aiPlanRemoveVariableValue aiPlanSetActive aiPlanSetAllowUnderAttackResponse aiPlanSetAttack aiPlanSetBaseID aiPlanSetDesiredPriority aiPlanSetEconomy aiPlanSetEscrowID aiPlanSetEventHandler aiPlanSetInitialPosition aiPlanSetMilitary aiPlanSetNoMoreUnits aiPlanSetNumberUserVariableValues aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues aiPlanSetOrphan aiPlanSetRequiresAllNeedUnits aiPlanSetUnitStance aiPlanSetUserVariableBool aiPlanSetUserVariableFloat aiPlanSetUserVariableInt aiPlanSetUserVariableString aiPlanSetUserVariableVector aiPlanSetVariableBool aiPlanSetVariableFloat aiPlanSetVariableInt aiPlanSetVariableString aiPlanSetVariableVector aiPlanSetWaypoints AIPM::createPlan: Addition to mMainPlans failed. AIPM::createPlan: Addition to mPlans failed. AIPM::createPlan: Addition to parent failed. AIPM::createPlan: %d is invalid type. AIPM::createPlan: Invalid KB. AIPM::createPlan: No plan created. AIPM::createPlan: NULL planName. AIPM::createPlan: '%s' is already in use by planIndex=%d. AIPM::createPlan: '%s' is too long for a plan name. aiPopDistribution aiPopulatePoliticianList \aipout.c aiQueueAutoSavegame aiRandInt aiRandLocation aiRandSetSeed aiRansomExplorer _Aircra Aircraft _Aircraft airDensity aiRemoveResourceBreakdown AIRenderOpportunities aiResign aiResourceIsLocked aiResourceLock aiResourceUnlock Airfield Airfields AirStrike AirwV4 aiSellResourceOnMarket aiSendChatToAllies aiSendChatToEnemies aiSendChatToEveryone aiSetAllowBuildings aiSetAutoFarmEscrowID aiSetAutoGatherEscrowID aiSetAutoGatherMilitaryUnits aiSetDefaultStance aiSetEconomyPercentage aiSetEconomyPop aiSetExploreDangerThreshold aiSetFarmLimit aiSetHandler aiSetHCGatherPoint aiSetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit aiSetMilitaryPercentage aiSetMilitaryPop aiSetMinArmySize aiSetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressvies aiSetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives aiSetMostHatedPlayerID aiSetOpportunityLocation aiSetOpportunityRadius aiSetOpportunityScore aiSetOpportunityTargetID aiSetOpportunityTargetType aiSetPauseAllAgeUpgrades aiSetPoliticianChoice aiSetRandomMap aiSetResourceBreakdown aiSetResourceGathererPercentage aiSetResourceGathererPercentageWeight aiSetWaterMap aiSetWorldDifficulty aiShowBPValueText AIStatementsAsChat aiSwitchMainBase aiTaskUnitBuild aiTaskUnitDelete aiTaskUnitMove aiTaskUnitResearch aiTaskUnitSpecialPower aiTaskUnitTrain aiTaskUnitWork aiTimedStats aiTreatyActive aiTribute aiUnitGetTactic aiUnitSetTactic AIvsAI aiwFil aiW's ;\a-/je AJe.1&! =AJ(N* AJPy=HkPicap ~aj U9` =ajyl5- @Akaiser aKxi`bmg al4 dy alaQ+`=M? al,[ax<R .\alayout.cpp `alcHgDF! a lens-shaped component, these points were not verified. Use alEspad Aligne alignResources alignResources() : realigns all resources in the world to tile boundaries alignSelectedUnits alignSelectedUnits() : realigns all selected units to tile boundaries aligns resource placement in the editor. aLimCit aliveState alizedWi allactions allDLL Al?loc AllocateAndInitializeSid A/llow- AllowAttackResponse=%d, UnitStance=%d. AllowAutoGarrison allowDoubleClick AllowedAge AllowedHeightVariance allowGa allowGaia allowMultipleBinds AllowRetreat allowRightClick allowRotation Allows accelerator timer victory Allows auto creation of colony wall. allows debugger to pop up on errors when generating random maps Allows projectiles to do friendly fire. Must have ballisticCollateralDamage turned on to work. Allows the cloth flags to be team colored. allowTeamColony - all ridges: all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations. ALLY_` AN AllyRequest alNeedl alOceanW alog wituh ALooP` aLo}wE al;Pax AlphaFadeLifespan alphaFadeTime alphaObscuredUnits alphaObscuringUnits alph?a poly alphaSo alphaSort alphatest AlphQa alryArch alse (0S al_SOtart ALSUV3 @@;Alt alternate frame alternate host port AlwaysActive AlwaysCheckCollisions alwaysCopyUpSaves alwaysDrawCursor AlwaysFullColorAsCursor alwaysLogSync AlwaysPlotSquads AlwaysShowAsSocket AlwaysShowButton alwaysShowWindowsCursor alwaysUseEasyDragMilitary am::add_Sync amageFir .\amain.cpp .\amaingamescreen.cpp Amalgamation Ambient ambientColor ambientColor2 ambientColor2([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set ambient color 2 to given RGB (0-255) ambientColor([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set ambient color to given RGB (0-255) ambienteffects.xml ambientGetColor ambientGetColor : Get ambient color am canno ameluk ametrics ameType )~(aMm; ?a moB , <&aMod @Amoun{ Amou nQ amount ampaignS AMPAvatarPersonaDlg AMPBanner AMPChatBrowser AMPChatRoom AMPClanPage .\ampcommunitypage.cpp AMPESOCommunityPage .\AMPESOGadHelper.cpp AMPFriendsChat AMPGCGameSetupPage AMPHCPage .\AMPHCPage.cpp AMPHCPage-CustomizeButton AMPHCPage-DeckBuilderButton AMPHCPage-ExitButton AMPHCPage-HCUIContainer AMPHCPage-HCViewContainer AMPHCPage-HCViewer AMPHCPage-Loading-CancelButton AMPHCPage-LoadingScreen AMPHCPage-ManageDlgContainer AMPHCPage-UpgradeButton AMPHomeCityUI AMPLad AMPLadderBrowser AMPLadderView amplerP AMPManageHCDlg .\AMPManageHCDlg.cpp AMPNavBar AMPNavigationBar-ExitButton AMPNavigationBar-ScrollBar AMPNavigationBar-ScrollDown AMPNavigationBar-ScrollUp A?mposit AMPPageBrowser AMPPageBrowser-Page AMPPageBrowser-Slider AMPPasswordDlg AMPPersonaPage .\AMPPersonaPage.cpp AMPQuickSearchPage AMPQuickSearchPage-CloseTeamSearchButton .\AMPQuickSearchPage.cpp AMPQuickSearchPage-HomeCity-Banner AMPQuickSearchPage-HomeCity-ExplorerName AMPQuickSearchPage-HomeCity-FlagButton AMPQuickSearchPage-HomeCity-Level AMPQuickSearchPage-HomeCity-Name AMPQuickSearchPage-HomeCity-Portrait AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar1 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar2 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar3 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar4 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar5 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar6 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar7 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-Avatar8 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-CancelButton AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchPanel-Dialog-TextBox-Text2 AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-ExpandSearchButton AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-ExpandSearchLabel AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-FilterDropdown AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-GameTypeDropdown AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-MatchClanButton AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-MatchFriendsButton AMPQuickSearchPage-MatchSetting-TeamSizeDropdown AMPQuickSearchPage-OpenTeamSearchButton AMPQuickSearchPage-RecordMatchButton AMPQuickSearchPage-StartMatchButton AMPQuickSearchPage-TeamSearchPanel AMPSetupScreen .\ampsetupscreen.cpp AMPStatus AMPStatus-Avatar AMPStatus-Container AMPStatus-Idle AMPStatus-Idle-Build AMPStatus-Idle-Online AMPStatus-Matchmaking AMPStatus-Stats AMPStatus-UserName AMPTicker AMPTicker-Image1 AMPTicker-Image2 AMPTicker-text AMPTicker-Ticker1 AMPTicker-Ticker2 aMSR2 An8 3oD ag7@st anager c_onfig analog an'celD anchorTooltipAutomatic anchorTooltipBottomLeft anchorTooltipBottomRight anchorTooltipTopLeft anchorTooltipTopRight *, AND and at-infinity and distance: AndToolsJS%M ANED 61r,' anel-Dia#lo anel-hom aneouGsly Angle-postmerge Angle-postmerge-with-random Angle-premerge- Angle-premerge-with-random angles computed for ridge convexity angle tests for repartitioned coplanar points angularConstrainedDOF angularDamping angularVelocity an handl anim[0Mr Animal AnimalPredator AnimalPrey AnimalReactive animate animateMesh Animation Control animationgadget AnimationLooped AnimationRate animationslider AnimBlendBone AnimDir animdlg-addbutton animdlg-animlist animdlg-beginbutton animdlg-dummyselect animdlg-endbutton animdlg-footsteptagdlg animdlg-footsteptagdlg-footprintboneedit animdlg-footsteptagdlg-footprinttypeselect animdlg-modelvarselect animdlg-particletagdlg animdlg-particletagdlg-message animdlg-particletagdlg-particlesetselect animdlg-playbutton animdlg-plusbutton animdlg-progressslider animdlg-releasebutton animdlg-reloadbutton animdlg-removebutton animdlg-savebutton animdlg-soundsettagdlg animdlg-soundsettagdlg-loopcheck animdlg-soundsettagdlg-ownercheck animdlg-soundsettagdlg-soundsetselect animdlg-soundsettagdlg-visiblecheck animdlg-soundtagdlg animdlg-statustext animdlg-stepbackbutton animdlg-stepforwardbutton animdlg-tagbutton animdlg-taglist animdlg-tagtypedlg animdlg-tagtypedlg-cancelbutton animdlg-tagtypedlg-okbutton animdlg-tagtypedlg-typeradios animdlg-usesimskeleton-checkbutton animdlg-versionlist animdlg-zoombutton AnimFile ANIMFILE ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Couldn't parse AssetReference in component %S ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Couldn't parse Logic in component %S ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Failed to allocate water splash info for component %S. ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Failed to create attach link in anim %S ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Failed to create attach link in component %S ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Failed to create linksection link in component %S ANIMFILE ERROR (%S):Failed to create sub-model link in component %S ANIMFILE ERROR (%S): Failed to parse decal info for component %S. ANIMFILE ERROR (%S): Invalid dimensions for decal animgadget Anim is GetUp, doing nothing. Anim is not GetUp, setting anim to GetUp. AnimLengthOverride animOsHz animRate animStateMachine AnimStateMachine anI~rA anksForCsoi Annotati AnnounceConversion AnnounceDestruction AnnounceFoundationStarted ANo File Specified aNorma anQuar An! S ansportU Antialiased antiBlurReduction ANTOM_CA antTe?rrain5B ANuggetEditorGadget anWarMi anyD1h anyState <aoDSca *aoff mapx4oFoWeHerd aOffX@ {a, op A_OqBu aosjh? AoSoeowo AOSOeOwO :AoutoS |';AP}" Ap1ExUQpXZX Ap9At| APasM Asc " /ap-\bt# APdoebug APE_USER >APField A]pGuGn aPitch) {appearance {+edge -evert linewidth 2} LIST # %s | %s {appearance {+edge -face} OFF %d %d 1 # Voronoi centers and cells {appearance {-edge -normal normscale 0} { {appearance {linewidth 3} LIST # %s | %s {appearance {-normal -edge normscale 0} ApplyHandicapTraining ApplyL applyLightingSet applyLightingSet([name]) : Applies a Lighting set Approximate app@ s AP@@QAE@ apscul APU82d2 aQcloseOn7ESC aQ.\gad aQ@m p aQ Pd, *AQ"qA a[QQg50 a quiD a RAID b arBindFr - area: %2.2g areacolor AreaDamageConstant Area=%d, AreaGroup=%d. Area %d does not exist! AreaGroup AreaGroupID //AreaGroup Types: AreaID AreaIDs areaIncrementAreaToRender areaIncrementAreaToRender( int playerID ): increments the area to render. Area must have a name. Area names must be unique! Area %d is already named '%s'. AR>=eapv Area '%s' (%d), clamping negative max size to 0 Area '%s' (%d), clamping negative min size to 0 //Area Types: Aregb` A<REnem a!rerc Arg list too long ArgpM2 Ariddp a ridge with more than two neighbors arioDefO arioNo}C ARk?`t Arktid Armies: %d armies. ArmorPlating arms AND Army ~ Army[%02d]: ID=%d, %d units. Army[%02d]: ID=%d, INVALID. armyBanner #armykID ArmyPIp arpshoo Arra-y array %d is invalid. arrayID arrayID %d doesn't point to a %s array. arrayID %d doesn't point to a valid array. array with that name already exists. arrowdown ARROWED!!. arrowleft arrowr arrowright arrowup _a $`rt ArtificialFertilizer ArtilleryDepot ArtilleryDepotAccel artImp artM@U art\ui\core_ui\cm_middle_button arVelo ar( void arydlg-s ?/?A?S? ///A/S/ A?S3eaPd as an in as\blac AScenarioSummaryGadget AscentHeight "AsCuras ]As D5 aseCor A security error of unknown cause has been detected which has ASE DATA As @eH {aSeptyeAu _/_A_S_e_w_ ?/?A?S?e?w? /_A_S_e_w_ /?A?S?e?w? ///A/S/e/w/ //A/S/e/w/ A_S_e_w_ A?S?e?w? A/S/e/w/ A'%S h ashbuck askirm .\askirmishscreen.cpp AsPosj`B AsquadoMode _a"S;rn?Failurr - assAo Assault Assert Disabled file:%s line:%d assign Assign AssignItem ASS, Len asso|B a_ssoci ass=uj"1.0. BJ . AssuN a star AStb`ght aStD@st astErro3 asUnit `a!sUq A\SUV3 Asymbol A`<+t`<* At & At & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d. At & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has merged %d facets. The hull atabas ATA[Fa" At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error. ^Atc@Sub< atEfficiWenc ateFrom atemppop aTenso ATO0\QD at offset: "AtPoJ A trade route must have at least one waypoint before you add additional random points. ATriggerArmyGadget ATriggerGadget ATrigGroupEditor at %s a_T-sQ;T Attach ATTACHPOINT Attack AttackAction AttackAlly AttackEnemy AttackExplicitBaseID attackFromPointToPoint AttackGAIA Attacking AttackLOSModifier attackMove Attack notification alpha. AttackNotificationAlpha AttackNotificationDist AttackNotificationDuration Attack notification size. Attack notification time. AttackNotificationTime Attack P:%d //Attack Plan Variables: AttackPlayerID AttackPoint AttackPointEngageRange AttackRevealer AttackRouteID AttackRoutePattern AttackRoutePatternType //Attack Routes: AttackSelf AttackStartFrequency AttackStartTime AttackStrategy //Attack Strategy Plan Variables: Attack Target Selector AttackTypeID AttackXport Attacqk Attempting to set SLI Mode to AFR. Attempting to set SLI Mode to single GPU. attleD attlefie attl[eM Attrib attribb1 attribu Attribute 'encoding' expected Attribute 'standalone' expected Attribute 'version' expected &aTut# AT_WAKE atxHtfHt'Ht atyE:| % a!@u aU1iT and Au _^]3 AuahUt aU# d3d August AUNCHP ause I cEa AuthenticAMD auto- AutoAttack AutoAttackRange AutoBase%dPlayer%d AutoBuild AutoBu_ildin autobuilding autoBuilding autoClose autoComputeTargetFrameB AutoConvert `AutoE autoFormationFormDistance autoFormationMergeDistance autoFormationVelocityDifferentialCutoff AutoGather AutoGatherType AutoGenerated AutoGP%s%s AutomaticFormationDestDecalTimeout AutomaticFormationOutline AutomaticFormations AutomaticFormationSelection autoPatcherDialog-confirmdialog autoPatcherDialog-confirmdialog-OKButton autoPatcherDialog-confirmdialog-prompt autoPatcherDialog-StatusText autoPatchFile autopatch file name autopatch max download packet size autoPatchMaxPacketSize autopatch retry count autoPatchRetryCount autoPatchRetryDelay autopatch retry delay in milliseconds autopatch URL autoPatchURL AutoRepair AutoRepairUnit AutoRepairUnitCancel AutoRepairUnitInvalid autoReverse AutoSaveScenario :AutoSaveTime AutoScreenshotOnly auto select AutoTrainBoats AutoUpdateAttackPlayerID AutoUpdateBase AutoUpdateState autoUpdateURL autoUpdate URL AutoUseGPs $;:AV- Availabl available for 4-d output (ignored). Could use 'GDn' instead. Availai a valid a valid} ,@Ava:S avatar_00000000T000000Z.xml AvatarBar avatar_*.xml .?AV_c .?AV_com_error@@ A( ve| ave. additional non-convex ridges per iteration ave. angle to ridge ave. clearly better ave. coplanar search ave. distance of a new vertex to a facet (not 0s) ave. distance of midpoint to ridge ave. distance tests per check ave. distance to ridge ave. facets deleted per iteration ave. facets per cycle ave. facets tested ave. horizon facets per iteration ave. initial non-convex ridges per iteration ave. new facets created (may be deleted) ave. new or merged facets per iteration ave. number found per vertex ave. number of ridges per tested vertex average angle (cosine) of facet normals for all ridges average merge distance average merges per facet (at most 511) average new facet balance average number of neighbors per facet average number of neighbors per vertex average number of ridges per facet average number of tests per subridge average number of tests to match a ridge average number of vertices per facet average of 1000 random integers (%.2g) is much different than expected (%.2g). average partition balance AverageSpeed
A vertex appears twice in a edge list. May occur during merging. ave. visible facets per iteration ave. visible facets without an horizon neighbor ave. visible vertices per iteration aVgTvQ avifil32.dll AVIFIL32.dll AVIFileExit AVIFileRelease AVIStreamRelease AVIStreamWrite AvmuHa6 avNbtr Avoid( avoidflowcontrol AvoidingAttackedAreas `avoidS ?AVtype .?AVtype_info@@ A[} w;# aW0dosn'X away son |};A\}x ax 255 c?hars),a AX@;F@| aximum aximumAIOCost aximumPr axisYa<r axleInA axleInB axTileOfAf- Ax#?uN}* aY@ialo ayK0z/ Az ]_^2 AzK4U{ Aztec, AztecI Aztecs a=Z"th #|?&b>
B 02CV B02F6T b\0hw#bi[ ;B0s V ;B0s )b1OAP b?2matcheT B2?UInput @/B^39VVxdV B3d(qTs@ ? B(4; &%B474+ B4f;E4 ;B4s V ;B4s b5'Kffgi && !b6 B6{L1fQ4 b7t."6 B'%.81" ;B8s V ;B8s '-B8Vv$8I _BaB'_! BaCdF+d- backBufferCount Backbuffer format: %s BackCliffDistMax BackCliffDistMin backCliffProb Backgr Bac?kgroun background Background backgroundAlpha BackgroundAlpha backgroundColor backgroundMesh BackgroundOffset BackgroundOutline BackgroundShadow back !m backMH backShap backspace Back speed of foam strip (1.0f = wave speed) backstepAllowPenetrationDepth backstepIncrementalPenetration BackToWork Backup BackwarAd Bad address BadAgainstStringID Bad file descriptor BadFilename Bad player location %f,%f Bad proto unit %S in ambient effect. Bad trade route def name passed in! Bage,k BAIChatModerator::processRuleDeclaration - invalid rule specifcations. BAIChatModerator::processRuleDeclaration - invalid rule type in node. BAIChatModerator::processRuleDeclaration - no rule type specified for node. bAkaisse _bak.xm Ballistic BallisticBounceProto ballisticFriendlyDamage BallisticHeightBonusPercent BallisticImpactProto BallisticPhysicsFadeDelay ballisticPrecalcHits BallisticSplashProto BallisticSync bandwidthCL bangM BAnimStateEvent -- '%S' was unexpected. BAnimStateInfo -- unknown animation type '%S' BAnimStateMachine -- '%S': duplicate state, ignoring second instance. BAnimStateMachine -- '%S' was unexpected. BAnimState -- '%S' was unexpected. bannerProto Barracks BarracksAccel BaseAttackMode Base circle selection size. basedebug Base%dP@ BaseID BaseID=%d. basepercent Base system initialized. BaseT;er baseType B^a?s.h BasisG Bastion basYe( batcherPrivateIBSize batcherPrivateVBSize BatchSize BatchTrainNumber bAttack battle Batt#le battleCries BattleDin BattleMusicTrigger B$;A- bautobu Bawldr Bayonet {~,,bB B!Bapd bB?hTy }BBpews Bbt.KJ |b;C$}] ,% ~Bc' bc3luup bCap2p ,BC@ C@j1"1b1 BChatSet::loadChatSets() - no name specified for chatset BChatSet::processChatSetDeclaration() - Unable to create chatset. BChatSet::processSentenceDeclaration() - unable to allocate a sentence entry! BChatSet::processSentenceDeclaration() - unknown child node (%s) BChatSet::processTagDeclaration() - unable to allocate a chat entry! BChatSet::processTagDeclaration() - unknown nameType specified for tag declaration (%s) VALUE OUT OF RANGE BCivPickcer BCivPickerDlg B@ckI9n --- BConst::dump: Name: "%s" BCRM BCRMO BD3! Outp BD9D BD9(u6 &bDau_ bdefd7( bdescrip~ BdHLle b_dim0v BDrawDum ;Bds%V BDUVW3 Be;0nima (be3st .BE.5h bEbSHSr been dt` Bef!er`f' BEFORE A BeginPaint BeginTurretRotation b\eg`%q/nqd BellTCi oR( below %2.2g of the nearest %sfacet. be play BEpnso berPlay/ BestDangerArea BestDangerValue best merges used centrum instead of vertices between f%d and f%d bevelButton bevelInArt bevelOutArt BeWelded^1 !-bexpli bExpre bf=@Lo bFMT_UY ,bfN^HE BGadgetPlayerCommsPanel BGameMessageBox BGameStream::addSync error saving SyncUpdate BGameStream::addUpdate addCamera() error BGameStream::addUpdate addCommandAmount() error BGameStream::addUpdate addCommand() error BGameStream::addUpdate addSelectedUnitAmount() error BGameStream::addUpdate addSelectedUnit() error BGameStream::addUpdate addSync() error BGameStream::addUpdate addUpdateTime() error BGameStream::addUpdate - missing mSyncUpdate BGAmeStream::getFileMarkerPost error validating chunk BGameStream::getSync error loading SyncUpdate BGameStream::getUpdate getCamera() error BGameStream::getUpdate getCommandAmount() error BGameStream::getUpdate getCommand() error BGameStream::getUpdate getSelectedUnitAmount() error BGameStream::getUpdate getSelectedUnit() error BGameStream::getUpdate getSync() error BGameStream::getUpdate getUpdateTime() error BGameStream::getUpdate outletBeginUpdate() error BGameStream::getUpdate outletEndUpdate() error BGameStream::getUpdate !readExpectedTag BGameStream::getUpdate update parm is null BGameStream::getUpdate !validateChunkRead BGameStream::getUpdate v != update->getCommandAmount() BGameStream::getUpdate v != update->getSelectedUnitAmount() BGmixB |B;H,}= bHavok BHK_NU @B^ ho [BI2`O Bi7tOR bidden BiEpul b ieu1\I bigTerrainCache bility _BinkClose@4 _BinkCopyToBufferRect@44 _BinkDoFrame@4 _BinkNextFrame@4 _BinkOpen@8 _BinkOpenDirectSound@4 _BinkSetSoundSystem@8 _BinkShouldSkip@4 binkw32.dll _BinkWait@4 )'@ip BirdMove BitAND BITARTSNZWR BITARTSymgnptmkpc BitBlt Bit Depth BJimmy2 `^B)jOx bK | BKbhTb~ BKbhTb~XBK!; BKqD-d blackman @@blackman blackmap blackmap([integerState]) : toggles or sets unexplored black map rendering. blah blah blah BlendMove BlendOrder BlendTexture bleShad2 BLettSer Blgend Blockade Blocker BlockHcTransport Blockhouse BlockhouseAccel blockModeRendering blockSize BlockTrainCount BlockVP blogs o BloodFlow BloodOnDeath BlPUWV BLPWVS ;BLs%V bluepri blueprint Blunderbuss b 0!FMR bM ghl bMi{sc, bmissing BModel::parseAnimTag: Bad AnimTagEventType: %s. BModel::parseAnimTag: Could not load particle file: %s. BModel::parseAnimTag: No tag callback set. BModel::parseAnimTag: No type attrib. BMPConnectDialog BMPESO BMPESOCreateAccountDialog BMPESOFriends BMPESOGameList BMPESOHCPickerDlg BMPESOLoginDialog BMPESOMatchHCPickerDlg BMPESOScreen BMPGameSetupPage BMPLoginScreen |$,BMt BM`tur B]mYg] #B^N@kdow B(null) bo4)b/`z boatAnimation BoatManager BOAT_WAKE bodyAr bodyArray Bogugh Bombard BombardAttack Bone_ShadowClip BonusUnitCreated Bookcpp Bookkeeping bookmarkinterval <bool> &?([bool Bool]. bool aiBreakTreaty(int escrowID): breaks the treaty using funds from the given escrow. bool aiBuildWall(int buildingID, int escrowID): builds walls around the specified building's colony using the specified escrow. bool aiBuyResourceOnMarket( int resourceID): buys (+100) the given resource. bool aiCanBuildWall(int buildingID, int escrowID): returns whether it is allowed to build a wall around the specified building's colony, and whether the player can afford it from the specified escrow. bool aiCastGodPowerAtPosition( int godPowerTechID, vector pos): Casts the given God power tech, at the specified position. bool aiCastGodPowerAtUnit( int godPowerTechID, int unitID): Casts the given God power tech, at the specified unit. bool aiCommsSetEventHandler(string handlerFunctionName ): Sets the handler for the communications system (invalid name unsets the handler). bool aiDoesWallExist(int buildingID): returns whether a wall exists around the specified building's colony. bool aiGetAllowBuildings( void ): Returns allow buildings on/off. bool aiGetAutosaveOn(): returns whether or not its cool to turn ai autosaves on. bool aiGetPauseAllAgeUpgrades(): gets the pause all age upgrades flag from the AI. bool aiGetWallRadius(int buildingID): returns the wall radius for the specified building's colony. bool aiGetWaterMap(): Tells us if the AI thinks this is a water map or not. bool aiHCCardsBuyCard(int cardIndex): Buy this card now bool aiHCCardsCanIBuyThisCard(int deckIndex, int cardIndex): Can I buy this card now? bool aiHCCardsIsCardBought(int cardIndex): Has the cardindex been bought yet? bool aiHCDeckActivate( long deckIndex ): Makes the deckIndex the current active HC deck. bool aiHCDeckCanPlayCard( long cardIndex ): Can we play this card from the given deck? bool aiHCDeckCardGetCardCount( long deskIndex, long cardIndex ): Gets how many cards of this type we can send. -1 mean infinite. bool aiHCDeckCreate( string ): Create a new HC Deck with the given name. bool aiHCDeckPlayCard( long cardIndex ): play this card. bool aiIsMapType(string -see 3 constants at right-):Is this a certain maptype or not. (AIFishingUseful, AITransportRequired, AITransportUseful) bool aiIsMultiplayer(): returns true, if this is a multiplayer game. bool aiPersonalityGetDidIWinLastGameVS(int playerHistoryIndex) bool aiPersonalityResetPlayerHistory( int playerHistoryIndex ): Resets the given player history. bool aiPersonalitySetPlayerUserVar( int playerHistoryIndex, string userVarName, float val ): sets the value, given the playerHistoryIndex, userVarName (max 255 chars), and value. bool aiPlanAddUnit( int planID, int unitID ): Adds a unit to the plan. bool aiPlanAddUnitType( int planID, int unitTypeID, int numberNeed, int numberWant, int numberMax ): Adds a unit type to the plan. bool aiPlanAddUserVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. bool aiPlanAddUserVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. bool aiPlanAddUserVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. bool aiPlanAddUserVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. bool aiPlanAddUserVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. bool aiPlanAddWaypoint( int planID, vector waypoint ): Adds the waypoint to the given plan. bool aiPlanDestroyByName( string name ): Destroys the plan of the given name. bool aiPlanDestroy( int planID ): Destroys the given plan. bool aiPlanGetActive( int planID ): Gets the active-ness of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetAllowUnderAttackResponse( int planID ): Gets the UA response-ness of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetAttack( int planID ): Gets the attack flag of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetEconomy( int planID ): Gets the economy flag of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetMilitary( int planID ): Gets the military flag of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetNoMoreUnits( int planID ): Gets the noMoreUnits-ness of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetOrphan( int planID ): Gets the orphan-ness of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetUserVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanGetVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanRemoveUserVariable( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Removes the user variable. bool aiPlanRemoveUserVariables( int planID ): Removes all of the user variables from the given plan. bool aiPlanRemoveUserVariableValue( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int variableIndex ): Removes the index-th value of the user variable. bool aiPlanRemoveVariableValue( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int variableIndex ): Removes the index-th value of the variable. bool aiPlanSetActive( int planID, bool active ): Sets active on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetAllowUnderAttackResponse( int planID, bool uAR ): Sets under attack response on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetAttack( int planID, bool v ): Sets attack flag on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetBaseID( int planID, int baseID ): sets the plan's base id. bool aiPlanSetDesiredPriority( int planID, int priority ): Sets the priority of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetEconomy( int planID, bool v ): Sets economy on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetEscrowID( int planID, int escrowID ): Sets the escrow for the plan. bool aiPlanSetEventHandler( int planID, int eventType, string handlerName ): Sets event handler function for the given plan and event. bool aiPlanSetMilitary( int planID, bool v ): Sets military on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetNoMoreUnits( int planID, bool v ): Sets noMoreUnits on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetNumberUserVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int numberValues, bool clearCurrentValues ): Sets the number of values for this variable. bool aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int numberValues, bool clearCurrentValues ): Sets the number of values for this variable. bool aiPlanSetOrphan( int planID, bool orphan ): Sets orphan on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetRequiresAllNeedUnits( int planID, bool rANU ): Sets 'requiresAllNeedUnits' on/off for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetUnitStance( int planID, int stance ): Sets unit stance for the given plan. bool aiPlanSetUserVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, bool value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetUserVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, float value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetUserVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, int value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetUserVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, string value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetUserVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, vector value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, bool value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, float value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, int value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, string value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, vector value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. bool aiPlanSetWaypoints( int planID, int pathID ): Sets the waypoints of the given plan to the waypoints of the given path. bool aiPopulatePoliticianList(): Call this to make the AI fill out what Politicians are available. bool aiRansomExplorer(int explorerID, int escrowID, int sourceBuildingID): ransoms the specified explorer using funds from the specified escrow account and spawns it from the specified building. bool aiRemoveResourceBreakdown( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Removes the given breakdown. bool aiResourceIsLocked(int resourceID): Is this Escrow resource locked. bool aiSellResourceOnMarket( int resourceID): sells (+100) the given resource. bool aiSetAutoGatherMilitaryUnits( bool v ): Turns auto gathering of military units at bases on/off. bool aiSetExploreDangerThreshold( float value): sets the ai's Explore Danger Threshold value. bool aiSetHandler( string handlerFunctionName, int type ): Sets the handler for given type of event. bool aiSetHCGatherPoint( vector point ): Sets the HCGP. bool aiSetOpportunityScore( long oppID, long permission, float affordable, float classscore, float instance, float total ): sets the score for this opp. bool aiSetResourceBreakdown( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int numberPlans, int planPriority, float percentage, int baseID ): Sets a subtype breakdown for a resource. bool aiTaskUnitBuild( int unitID, int buildingTypeID, vector position ): Does a lightweight (no plan) build tasking of the given unit to build the given building. bool aiTaskUnitDelete( int unitID ): Deletes the given unit. bool aiTaskUnitMove( int unitID, vector position ): Does a lightweight (no plan) move tasking of the given unit to the given location. bool aiTaskUnitResearch( int unitID, int techID ): Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given tech ID. bool aiTaskUnitSpecialPower( int unitID, int powerID, vector position ): Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given special power. bool aiTaskUnitTrain( int unitID, int unitTypeID ): Does a lightweight (no plan) train tasking of the given unit for the given target unit type. bool aiTaskUnitWork( int unitID, int targetUnitID ): Does a lightweight (no plan) work tasking of the given unit on the given target unit. bool aiTreatyActive(): checks whether the given player has a treaty. bool aiTribute( int playerID, int resourceID, float amount ): Tributes the given player. bool aiUnitSetTactic(int unitID, int tacticID): sets the specified tactic on the specified unit. bool bVar%d = boolean bool hcReservePerformerArea( long groupID ): Reserves a performer area. bool hcSetUnitXSHandler( int unitID, string handlerFunctionName, int type ): Sets the handler for a unit for a given type of event. bool hcSetXSHandler( string handlerFunctionName, int type ): Sets the handler for given type of event. bool hcUnitEnterBuilding(long unitID, long buildingID, float speed, bool queue) : Unit enters a building. bool hcUnitExitBuilding(long unitID, long buildingID, float pauseTime, float speed, bool queue) : Unit exits a building. bool hcUnitExit( int unitID, bool queue ): Exits the unit (this will kill the unit). bool hcUnitFollow(long unitID, long unitToFollowID, float speed, bool queue) : Unit follows another unit. bool hcUnitGoIdle(long unitID, bool queue): Makes the unit go into idle mode forever. bool hcUnitMoveToPos( int unitID, int startWPID, BVector goalPos, float speed, float goalTolerance, bool queue ): Walks the unit to the position. bool hcUnitMoveToWPID( int unitID, int startWPID, int goalWPID, float speed, float goalTolerance, bool queue ): Walks the unit to the WPID. bool hcUnitPlayAnim( int unitID, string animation, float seconds, long loop, bool queue ): Plays the anim for the unit. bool hcUnitSetVisible(long unitID, bool state, bool queue) : Makes unit visible/invisible. bool hcUnitTeleportToWPID(long unitID, long WPID): Moves the unit to the given waypoint immediately. bool hcUnitTurn( int unitID, BVector forward, float turnRateInDegreesPerSec, bool queue ): Turns the unit towards the forward vector. bool hcUnitWait(long unitID, float pauseTime, bool queue) : Makes script wait a number of seconds ( bo/ol ht bool Ipu bool kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreID( int ignoreAreaID ): ignore this area when finding the route. bool kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreType( int ignoreAreaTypeID ): ignore this areatype when finding the route. bool kbAddAttackRouteSector( int sector ): add a new sector to path to. bool kbAttackRouteAddPath( int attackRouteID, int pathID): Rreturns true if path was added to attack route. bool kbBaseAddUnit( int playerID, int baseID, int unitID ): Adds the given unit to the base. bool kbBaseDestroy( int playerID, int baseID ): Destroys the given base. bool kbBaseGetActive( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the active flag of the base. bool kbBaseGetEconomy( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the economy flag of the base. bool kbBaseGetForward( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the forward flag of the base. bool kbBaseGetMain( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the main flag of the base. bool kbBaseGetMilitary( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the military flag of the base. bool kbBaseGetSettlement( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the settlement flag of the base. bool kbBaseGetUnderAttack( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the under attack flag of the base. bool kbBaseRemoveUnit( int playerID, int baseID, int unitID ): Removes the given unit to the base. bool kbBaseSetActive( int playerID, int baseID, bool active ): Sets the active flag of the base. bool kbBaseSetEconomy( int playerID, int baseID, bool Economy ): Sets the economy flag of the base. bool kbBaseSetForward( int playerID, int baseID, bool forward ): Sets the forward flag of the base. bool kbBaseSetFrontVector( int playerID, int baseID, vector frontVector ): Sets the front (and back) of the base. bool kbBaseSetMain( int playerID, int baseID, bool main ): Sets the main flag of the base. bool kbBaseSetMilitaryGatherPoint( int playerID, int baseID, vector gatherPoint ): Sets the military gather point of the base. bool kbBaseSetMilitary( int playerID, int baseID, bool military ): Sets the military flag of the base. bool kbBaseSetSettlement( int playerID, int baseID, bool settlement ): Sets the settlement flag of the base. bool kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaGroupID( int areaGroupID ): Adds the AreaGroup ID to the current BP. bool kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaID( int areaID, int numberBorderAreaLayers, bool addCenterInfluence ): Adds the Area ID to the current BP (with the given number of border area layers), addCenterInfluence - adds a positional influence from the area center. bool kbBuildingPlacementAddPositionInfluence( vector position, float value, float distance ): Adds the position influence for the current building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence( int typeID, float value, float distance, long kbResourceID ): Adds the unit influence for the current building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementDestroy( int id ): Destroys the given building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementResetResults( void ): Resets the current building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementSelect( int id ): Selects the given building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID( int baseID, int locationPref ): Sets the base ID and location preference for the current building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingType( int buildingTypeID ): Sets the building type for the current building placement. bool kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition( vector position, float distance, float obstructionRadius ): Sets up center position-based BP. bool kbBuildingPlacementSetEventHandler( int eventType, string handlerName ): Sets event handler function for the current BP and event. bool kbBuildingPlacementSetMinimumValue( float minimumValue ): Sets the minimum acceptable value for evaluated spots in the BP. bool kbBuildingPlacementStart( void ): Starts the placement of current building. bool kbCanAffordTech( int techID, int escrowID ): Returns true if the player can afford the tech. bool kbCanAffordUnit( int protoUnitTypeID, int escrowID ): Returns true if the player can afford the proto unit. bool kbCanPath2( vector pointA, vector pointB, long protoUnitTypeID, float range ): Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB. bool kbCanSimPath( vector pointA, vector pointB, long protoUnitTypeID, float range ): Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB. bool kbDestroyAttackRoute( int routeID ): Returns true if the route was deleted. bool kbEscrowAllocateCurrentResources( void ): Reallocates the current resource stockpile into the escrows. bool kbEscrowDestroy( int escrowID, bool promoteChildren ): Destroys an escrow. bool kbEscrowFlush( int escrowID, int resourceID, bool flushChildren ): Removes all credits (and puts them into the root escrow) of the given resource type from the given escrow. bool kbEscrowSetCap( int escrowID, int resourceID, float cap ): Sets the cap of the escrow. bool kbEscrowSetPercentage( int escrowID, int resourceID, float percentage ): Sets the percentage of the escrow. bool kbGetAutoBaseCreate( void ): Returns the auto base creation value. bool kbGetAutoBaseDetect( void ): Returns the auto base detection value. bool kbHasPlayerLost( <playerID> ): Returns the player's lost status. bool kbIsGameOver(): Returns whether the game is over or not. bool kbIsPlayerAlly( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is an ally. bool kbIsPlayerEnemy( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is an enemy. bool kbIsPlayerHuman( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a a human player. bool kbIsPlayerMutualAlly( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a mutual ally. bool kbIsPlayerNeutral( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a neutral player. bool kbIsPlayerResigned( <playerID> ): Returns the player's resigned status. bool kbIsPlayerValid( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a valid player (i.e. it exists in the game). bool kbLocationVisible( vector location ): Returns true if the location is currently visible to the player. bool kbMakeAttackRoutes(): find all the paths to the sector specified. bool kbPathAddWaypoint( int pathID, vector waypoint ): Adds the waypoint to the given path. bool kbPathDestroy( int pathID ): Destroys the given path. bool kbProtoUnitAvailable( int protoUnitID ): Returns true if the protoUnit is currently available. bool kbProtoUnitIsType( int playerID, int protoUnitID, int unitTypeID ): Returns true if the protounit is of the unitTypeID. bool kbSetAICostWeight( int resourceID, float weight ): Sets the weight this resource type is given during AI cost calculuations. bool kbSetTownLocation( vector location ): Sets the location of the main town. bool kbSetupForResource( int baseID, int resourceID, float distance, float amount ): Returns true if amount of resource is within distance of a dropsite. bool kbTargetSelectorAddQueryResults( int queryID ): Sets the list of potential targets to the results in the given query. bool kbTargetSelectorAddUnitType( int protoUnitTypeID ): Add the UAIT for the given BASE unit type as a filter. bool kbTargetSelectorDestroy( int id ): Destroys the given target selector. bool kbTargetSelectorResetResults( void ): Resets the current target selector. bool kbTargetSelectorSelect( int id ): Selects the given target selector. bool kbTargetSelectorStart( void ): Starts the current target selector. bool kbUnitIsType( int unitID, long unitTypeID ): Returns true if the unit is of the unitTypeID. bool kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType( int upID, int typeID, float weight ) : Adds an enemy unit typeID to the unit pick combat efficiency calculation. bool kbUnitPickAdjustPreferenceFactor( int upID, int unitTypeID, float baseFactorAdjustment ) : Adjusts the preferenceFactor for that unit type (uses 50.0 as the base if the UP doesn't exist yet). bool kbUnitPickDestroy( int upID ): Destroys the given unit pick. bool kbUnitPickResetAll( int upID ) : Resets all of the unit pick data. bool kbUnitPickResetCombatEfficiencyTypes( int upID ) : Resets the enemy unit typeIDs for the unit pick combat efficiency calculation. bool kbUnitPickResetResults( int upID ) : Resets the unit pick results. bool kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType( int upID, int type ) : Sets the unit pick attack unit type. bool kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight( int upID ) : Sets the unit pick combat efficiency weight. bool kbUnitPickSetCostWeight( int upID ) : Sets the unit pick cost weight. bool kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberBuildings( int upID, int index, int numberBuildings ) : Sets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index-th unit type. bool kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes( int upID, int number, int numberBuildings, bool degradeNumberBuildings ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types. bool kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID( int upID, int playerID ) : Sets the unit pick enemy player ID. bool kbUnitPickSetGoalCombatEfficiencyType( int upID, int type ) : Sets the unit pick attack unit type. bool kbUnitPickSetMaximumNumberUnits( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types. bool kbUnitPickSetMaximumPop( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired max pop. bool kbUnitPickSetMinimumNumberUnits( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types. bool kbUnitPickSetMinimumPop( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired min pop. bool kbUnitPickSetMovementType( int upID, int movementType ) : Sets the unit pick movement type. bool kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor( int upID, int unitTypeID, float preferenceFactor ) : Sets the preferenceFactor for that unit type. bool kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight( int upID, float v ) : Sets the unit pick preference weight. bool kbUnitQueryDestroy( long queryID ): Destroys the given unit query. bool kbUnitQueryResetData( long queryID ): Resets the given unit query data AND results. bool kbUnitQueryResetResults( long queryID ): Resets the given unit query results. bool kbUnitQuerySetActionType( long queryID, int actionTypeID ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetAreaGroupID( long queryID, int areaGroupID ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetAreaID( long queryID, int areaID ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetArmyID( long queryID, int armyID ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort( long queryID, bool v ): If parm is true, results are sorted in ascending distance order from the query position. bool kbUnitQuerySetBaseID( long queryID, int baseID ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits( long queryID, bool v ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance( long queryID, float distance ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID( long queryID, int playerID, bool resetQueryData ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation( long queryID, int playerRelation ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetPosition( long queryID, vector v ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly( long queryID, bool seeableOnly ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetState( long queryID, int state ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitQuerySetUnitType( long queryID, int unitTypeID ): Sets query data. bool kbUnitVisible( int unitID ): Returns true if the unit is currently visible to the player. bool rmAddAreaConstraint(int areaID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to an area. bool rmAddAreaToClass(int areaID, int classID): Add given area to specified class. bool rmAddConnectionConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a connection. bool rmAddConnectionEndConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint for a connection end point. bool rmAddConnectionStartConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint for a connection start point. bool rmAddFairLocConstraint(int fairLocID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a fairLoc placement. bool rmAddGroupingConstraint(int GroupingID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a grouping. bool rmAddGroupingToClass(int GroupingID, int classID): Add given grouping to specified class. bool rmAddObjectDefConstraint(int defID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to given object def. bool rmAddObjectDefToClass(int objectDefID, int classID): Add given object def to specified class. bool rmCreateHCGPAllyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's ally's HCGPs. bool rmCreateHCGPConstraint(string name, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid all HCGPs. bool rmCreateHCGPEnemyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's enemy's HCGPs. bool rmCreateHCGPSelfConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's HCGP. bool rmPlaceFairLocs(): Sets fairLoc placement locations. bool rmPlaceGroupingAtLoc(int groupingID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount): Place grouping at specified location. bool rmPlaceGroupingAtPoint(int groupingID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount): Place grouping at specified point. bool rmSetHomeCityGatherPoint( int playerID, vector point ): Sets the HCGP for the given player. bool rmSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint( int playerID, vector point ): Sets the HCWSP for the given player. bool tempExp = ( Bool (Value=%d). bool xsAddRuntimeEvent( string foo, string bar, int something ): Setups a runtime event. Don't use this. bool xsArrayGetInt(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. bool xsIsRuleEnabled( string ruleName ): Returns true if the rule is enabled. boo>@ma B!`opX b ord;er Bo/rder border1024 BoredTimeout borsW >{B@o@SG bot7tom 0op BOTGHos _both BoToNO`OrO bottom bottomCapArt BottomPanel Bounces bounded ridges bounded ridges with near-zero normal bounded ridges with ok normal boundingVolumeShape boxBoxUseAggresiveCompletion ? box w b P0.~ BParametricShader::compile: CompileShader() failed! (HRESULT=%X) BParametricShader::compile: D3DXCreateEffectCompiler() failed! (%X) ***** BParametricShader::compile: Start of dump ***** BParametricShader::createShader: End of dump BParametricShader::setErrorMessage: [fxe] Filename: "%s", ShaderType: "%s", Function: "%s" b^:pb^ BPif%0'QAlp BPN T.o@k1O bPol1l `bPrel bProt?oCurso bPTAoo bP.w`a b)Pyl5 B ('Q5'9)S BQ@B72 BQ}}v/f B'ragT Bran:0 BRandomMapGenerator::fillMapCorners -- failed: could not get terrain BRandomMapGenerator::fillMapCorners -- failed: could not get terrain type manager BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: bad type string! BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: could not allocate terrain BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: could not get gameuistate. BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: could not get terrain type manager BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: no world! BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: terrain did not initialize properly. BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: terrain size not yet set! BRandomMapGenerator::initializeTerrain -- failed: you must set a valid sea type to create a water based map. BRandomMapGenerator::instantiateUnit -- failed: could not get terrain BRandomMapGenerator::placeMapClusters -- failed: could not find protounit BRandomMapGenerator::placeMapClusters -- failed: could not get terrain BRandomMapGenerator::placeMapClusters -- failed: could not get terrain type manager BRandomMapGenerator::placeMapClusters -- failed: game or world does not exist break; breakAT BreakdownID BreakDownID Breakpoi breakpoint breakTreaty BreakTreaty breakTreaty() : break your treaties BRecordG BRecordGame::startUpdatePlayback isBuffered && !buffering BRecordGame::startUpdatePlayback !mGameStream->getFileMarker BRecordGame::startUpdatePlayback !mGameStream->getFileMarkerPost British Briti+sh} brk0c$" BRMArea::paintTerrainByHeight -- failed: could not get terrain type manager BRMArea::paintTerrainByHeight -- failed: '%S' is not a valid terrain. B RMG: broadcasterCL BroadenMPSearchOption broadPhaseNumMarkers broadPhaseQuerySize broadPhaseType broadPhaseWorldMax broadPhaseWorldMin BroadsideAttack Broken p Broken pipe Brows~ Browse1 BrowsL1o$ Brq0MK `brush brushBias brushCircularSize brushCircularSize([<floatValue>]) : sets the circular brush size BrushFunctionsAdjustElevation BrushFunctionsCliffTool BrushFunctionsCopyPaste BrushFunctionsCopyPasteHeight BrushFunctionsCopyPasteTexture BrushFunctionsDeleteObjects BrushFunctionsEditCliffTool BrushFunctionsEditForestTool BrushFunctionsEditWater BrushFunctionsForestTool BrushFunctionsPlaceObject BrushFunctionsPlaceObjectName BrushFunctionsPlaceObjectPicture BrushFunctionsPlacePlaceAsDropdown BrushFunctionsRiverShallowTool BrushFunctionsRiverTool BrushFunctionsSampleBrushMask BrushFunctionsSampleSwatch BrushFunctionsSampleTexture BrushFunctionsTerrain BrushFunctionsTerrainBrushMask BrushFunctionsTerrainSwatch BrushFunctionsWaterTool BrushMaskDialog brushMaxSize brushMinSize BrushSe}t( BrushSettingsDialog BrushSettingsSlider brushSize brushSize([integerSize]) : sets brush size. brushSoftness brushTimeScale bScena bsj9w0 "b-sp[ bsp?ecifiek BSPHCPickerDlg ?b-spli ?b-spline b-spline BStaticVBManager::lock -- failed to lock because no pool can handle an allocation this big (%d) BStn%6 BsurIh |,;B,}'s%V |,;B(}'s%V ;B,s V ;B,s ;B(s%V ;B\s V ;B\s btFHt+ B/T/f/k! BtoAoffsetRotation BTrigger BTriggerRuntime::update: ;BTs V ;BTs'V ;BTs%V +BTx3;A Bu1<U? @bu@AC BufferC buffer error Buffer overrun detected! BUGA::doAnimationLooped, subState=%d. BUGA::doIdle: BUGA::doLayDown: BUGA::doWander: BUIESOEulaDlg Buil&1s buil9B - Build BuildAccel BuildAreaID BuildBounty buildCinematic BuildCinematic buildCinematic2 BuildColonyWall buildColonyWalls Build connection failed: could not init the pather BuildCoveredWagon BuildDock BuilderLimit BuilderUnitType build!? fastd'T" D BuildFromType build hull statistics building Building BuildingAbstractTypeID BuildingBufferSpace building_cannon_shot BuildingClass buildingExclusiveQueues BuildingHeavyPartImpact BuildingID ?BuildingPartImpact //Building Placement Events: BuildingPlacementID //Building Placement Influence falloff types: //Building Placement Preferences: BuildingPref building_rifle_shot BuildingSearchID buildingState BuildingsThatShoot buildingTrainCutoff buildingTrainLimit buildingTrainResearchActionLimit BuildingTypeID BuildingWorkRate BuildLifting Bui?ldLimi BuildLimit Build Limit BuildLocations buildPath BuildPlan(%s : %d): Failed checkPlacement, restarting plan. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failed. couldn't add foundation variable. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failed. couldn't set number of foundation variables. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because building placement failed with state (%d). BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because building placement is null. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because building placement unitType(%d) is invalid. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because I can't afford the building(%d). BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because the plan has no units left to build with. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because there are %d foundations to build. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because there are %d foundations to build in build state. BuildPlan(%s : %d): failing because we can't path to any points we want to build at. BuildPlan(%s : %d): restarting because building placement id(%d) is invalid. //Build Plan Variables: BuildPoints Build Points BuildPosition BuildReplacement BuildSaw BuildStaking BuildTower BuildUnitID buildVersionDisplay buildWall BuildWall //BuildWall Plan Variables: //BuildWall Wall Types: Buil}R~ bullet bumpanim bumpmap bumpmapCrashPosition !#Buqy+/=/O&qui Burnable BurnDeath Burning BUt[&kE button buttonMask ButtonPos buttonSize1024 button state: %d %d %d %d buttonText BuyDelta BuyFactor BuyFame `buyj/. B?Value>
bVar%d bvd kerne!l BVictoryCheerLarge BVictwory .B{W37+ }^ b wFP s b wobj BWorld::destroyPlayer -- Invalid PlayerID %d specified. BWORna ~b] X% ;BXMLB ;BXMLConglomerator: registering file %s BxR?d7 BXSC ERROR 0001: no tokenizer. BXSC ERROR 0002: no source. BXSC ERROR 0003: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0004: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0005: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0006: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0007: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0008: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0009: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0010: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0011: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0012: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0013: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0014: error parsing command '%s'. BXSC ERROR 0015: error finding syscall '%s' (id=%d). BXSC ERROR 0015: error parsing command '%s'. BXS ru ` BXSRuntime::interpretBreakpoint: BXSRuntime::interpretCode: BXSRuntime::interpretEvents: %d events: BXSRuntime::interpretHandler: functionID=%d, parameter=%d: BXSRuntime::interpretRules: currentTime=%d, timeLimit=%d: BXSRuntime::interpretTrigger: currentTime=%d: ByAngle by at least %d, or a random real %g >= 1.0 B YawwDur by@dob % ByIDJ ByInde byM#peci Bypas?ses th$ Bypasses the initial Queen Quest, and takes you directly to the Strategic Map in Grand Conquest (bytes- BywPcr
%bZ*N B::ZPryVP;Si !() != c C,_^][ c//=0/ c(0.0? C =02CVu C0t(VWU c0X]F, C0yL?0 c\1lv" C>)(1s c2ReHeal= C333?d c3AIDL# '&C3s<( C4;C<}} C4;C<uY C4VS7A% c7omp` c85-]` C8:55# ca2p7BuGR Cabi"B `Cach~f CaDIbE c:\a\e c:\a\ecore\alignedarray.h cAICommP Calcul Calculated Cost Resource Gatherer Percentages (weight=%.2f): CalcuqlD Callback calls due to qh_sharpnewfacets {!call st7ack calls to findbest calls to findbestnew calls to findhorizon camEdit-addbtn camEdit-applybtn camEdit-backbtn camEdit-Bias camEdit-Continuity camEdit-delbtn camEdit-Duration camEdit-event-addbtn camEdit-event-delbtn camEdit-Event-list camEdit-fwdbtn camEdit-hidebtn camEdit-insbtn camEdit-loadbtn camEdit-Name camEdit-newbtn camEdit-pausebtn camEdit-playbtn camEdit-progress camEdit-savebtn camEdit-stopbtn camEdit-Tension camEdit-Time camEdit-Track-delbtn camEdit-Track-insbtn camEdit-Track-list camEdit-Waypoint-list cameraBackward cameraBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera backward key has gone up or down. cameraDown cameraDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera down key has gone up or down. cameraDump cameraDump() : debug command to spew info about the current state of the game camera cameraForward cameraForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down. cameraLeft cameraLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera left key has gone up or down. cameraLocalYawLeft cameraLocalYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw left' key has gone up or down. cameraLocalYawRight cameraLocalYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw right' key has gone up or down. CameraMinimapRadius cameraMovementLock cameraNice cameraNice : puts the camera in a reasonable orientation. cameraPitchBackward cameraPitchBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch backward key has gone up or down. cameraPitchForward cameraPitchForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch forward key has gone up or down. cameraRight cameraRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera right key has gone up or down. cameraRollLeft cameraRollLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll left key has gone up or down. cameraRollRight cameraRollRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll right key has gone up or down. cameraRotate cameraRotate(<integerState>) : sets whether camera limiting is on. CameraShake camera start cameratracks cameraUp cameraUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera up key has gone up or down. cameraWorldBackward cameraWorldBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward key has gone up or down. cameraWorldBackwardLeft cameraWorldBackwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & left key has gone up or down. cameraWorldBackwardRight cameraWorldBackwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & right key has gone up or down. cameraWorldForward cameraWorldForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward key has gone up or down. cameraWorldForwardLeft cameraWorldForwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & left key has gone up or down. cameraWorldForwardRight cameraWorldForwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & right key has gone up or down. cameraYawLeft cameraYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw left key has gone up or down. cameraYawRight cameraYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw right key has gone up or down. campaign Campaign Campaign2 campaignAdvance campaignAdvance: add help string. CampaignClose Campaign-ConfirmSave CampaignDifficultyLabel CampaignDifficultySettings CampaignHeaderAct1a CampaignHeaderAct1b CampaignHeaderAct1c CampaignHeaderAct2a CampaignHeaderAct2b CampaignHeaderAct3 CampaignLoadBtn CampaignMenu CampaignName CampaignPanelAct1 CampaignPanelAct2 CampaignPanelAct3 CampaignPlayBtn CampaignPlayBtnDemo campaignPlayCurrent campaignPlayCurrent: add help string. campaignQuit campaignQuit: add help string. campaignResetCurScenario campaignResetCurScenario: add help string. campaignResume campaignResume: add help string. CampaignScenarioList1 CampaignScenarioList2 CampaignScenarioList3 CampaignSinglePlayer campaignStart campaignStart: add help string. CampaignTabAct1 CampaignTabAct2 CampaignTabAct3 camtrack . Can* CanBuildLOSProto Cancel Cancel| cancelAutoPatcher cancelAutoPatcher() : Cancel the auto patcher. CancelBuildingQueueItem CancelButton Cancelled cancelRepairUnit cancelRepairUnit(int unitID): Cancels the auto repair on the specified unit. cancelResearchInSelected cancelTrainInSelected cancelTrainReinforcement cancelTrainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Cancel training of a reinforcement. candColorBase candColorBorder candColorText ?cannon< Cannot add area cliff waypoint, random map initialization failed! Cannot add area constraint, constraint ID %d not valid! Cannot add area constraint, random map initialization failed! Cannot add area %d to class %d, class does not exist! Cannot add area %d to class %d, random map initialization failed! Cannot add area terrain layer, bad name passed in! Cannot add area terrain layer. Could not get terrain type manager. Cannot add area terrain layer: must initialize terrain first! Cannot add area terrain layer, random map initialization failed! Cannot add area to connection, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot add connection constraint, constraint ID %d not valid! Cannot add connection constraint, random map initialization failed! Cannot add connection %d to class %d, class does not exist! Cannot add connection to class, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot add fair loc constraint, fair loc ID %d not valid! Cannot add grouping constraint, constraint ID %d not valid! Cannot add grouping constraint, random map initialization failed! Cannot add influence: must initialize terrain first! Cannot add influence, random map initialization failed! Cannot add item -- must create terrain first! Cannot add item -- this object def is for starting units only. Cannot add item to object def %d (%s) -- %d is not a valid proto ID. Cannot add object def constraint, constraint ID %d not valid! Cannot add object def constraint, random map initialization failed! Cannot add object def %d to class %d, class does not exist! Cannot add object def %d to class %d, random map initialization failed! Cannot add remove type, random map initialization failed! Cannot add starting units -- not Special_StartingUnits object def. Cannot add terrain replacement. Could not get terrain type manager. Cannot add terrain replacement, invalid name! Cannot add terrain replacement: must initialize terrain first! Cannot add terrain replacement, random map initialization failed! Cannot add terrain replacement to connection, %d is not a valid connection ID. CannotAttackDisabledUnits Cannot build area: must initialize terrain first! Cannot build area, random map initialization failed! Cannot build area '%s' (%d) -- area already built! Cannot build area '%s' (%d) -- random map generator not initialized! Cannot build connection, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot build connection %s (%d), it has already been built Cannot build connection %s (%d), need at least two areas to connect. Cannot build connection %s (%d), random map initialization failed. Cannot change height for area '%s' (%d) -- area not yet built! Cannot change height for area '%s' (%d) -- height not set! Cannot change height for area '%s' (%d) -- no terrain! Cannot check area, random map initialization failed! Cannot check distance to area cliff edge, random map or terrain initialization failed! Cannot check distance to area cliff ramp, random map or terrain initialization failed! Cannot check distance to area edge, random map or terrain initialization failed! Cannot check distance to area, random map or terrain initialization failed! Cannot check distance to class, class %d is invalid! Cannot check distance to class %d -- random map generator not initialized! Cannot check distance to class, random map initialization failed! Cannot create area, random map initialization failed! Cannot create class, name required! Cannot create connection, random map initialization failed! Cannot create duplicate constraint '%s'! Cannot create object definition, random map initialization failed! Cannot find class '%s'! Cannot find constraint '%s'! Cannot finish building area '%s' (%d) -- random map generator not initialized! Cannot get class ID, name required! Cannot get constraint ID, name required! Cannot paint cliff for area '%s' (%d) -- area not yet built! Cannot paint cliff for area '%s' (%d) -- no terrain! Cannot paint forest for area '%s' (%d) -- area not yet built! Cannot paint forest for area '%s' (%d) -- no terrain! Cannot paint terrain for area '%s' (%d) -- area not yet built! Cannot paint terrain for area '%s' (%d) -- no terrain! Cannot paint terrain for area '%s' (%d) -- no type or mix set! Cannot paint terrain for area '%s' (%d) -- no type set! Cannot place object def %d (%s) -- it contains no items! Cannot place object def %d (%s) -- trying to place it off the map! Cannot place object def -- must create terrain first! cannotReplace Cannot reveal an area that is not yet built. Cannot reveal river %d -- it does not exist or has not yet been built. Cannot set area base height, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area base type: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area cliff type, bad name passed in! Cannot set area cliff type: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area cliff type, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area cliff type: '%s' is not a valid cliff type! Cannot set area cliff value, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area coherence, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area failure warning status: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area failure warning status, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area forest type, bad name passed in! Cannot set area forest type: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area forest type, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area forest type: '%s' is not a valid forest type! Cannot set area height blending, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area max blob distance, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area max blobs, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area min blob distance, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area min blobs, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area mix, bad name passed in! Cannot set area mix. Could not get mix manager. Cannot set area mix: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area mix, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area path, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area smooth distance, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area terrain type, bad name passed in! Cannot set area terrain type. Could not get terrain type manager. Cannot set area terrain type: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area terrain type, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area water type, bad name passed in! Cannot set area water type: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set area water type, random map initialization failed! Cannot set area water type: '%s' is not a valid water type! Cannot set base height, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set base height, random map initialization failed! Cannot set coherence, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set coherence, random map initialization failed! Cannot set connection type, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set failure warning status, random map initialization failed! Cannot set height blend, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set height blend, random map initialization failed! Cannot set player resource, %d is not a valid player ID. Cannot set player resource, no resource name specified. Cannot set player resource, RM not initialized properly. Cannot set player resource, '%s' is not a valid resource. Cannot set sea type, bad name passed in! Cannot set sea type: '%s' is not a valid type! Cannot set smooth distance, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set smooth distance, random map initialization failed! Cannot set terrain cost. Could not get terrain type manager. Cannot set terrain cost for connection, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set terrain cost, invalid name! Cannot set terrain cost: must initialize terrain first! Cannot set terrain cost, random map initialization failed! Cannot set width, %d is not a valid connection ID. Cannot set width, random map initialization failed! CanPathStartIndex Can't add class to area %d -- area does not exist! Can't add class to grouping %d -- grouping does not exist! Can't add class to object def %d -- object def does not exist! Can't add cliff waypoint for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't add constraint to area %d -- area does not exist! Can't add constraint to connection %d -- connection does not exist! Can't add constraint to grouping %d -- grouping does not exist! Can't add constraint to object def %d -- area does not exist! Can't add influence to area %d -- area does not exist! Can't add object def item, need a valid unit name! Can't add object def item, '%s' is not a valid unit name! Can't add remove type to area %d -- area does not exist! Can't add terrain layer for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't add terrain replacement to area %d -- area does not exist! Can't build area %d -- area does not exist! Can't check area %d -- area does not exist! Can't check distance to area %d -- area does not exist! CantDoT CantDoThat Can't get area ID without valid name! Can't get location for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't paint terrain by height for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't paint terrain for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't place fair locs before fair loc info is added. Can't place grouping %d -- grouping does not exist! Can't set area for def %d -- object def does not exist! Can't set base height for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set cliff type for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set cliff value for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set coherence for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set failure warning status for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set forest type for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set height blending for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set location for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set max blob distance for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set max blobs for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set min blob distance for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set min blobs for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set path for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set player area, area %d does not exist Can't set player area, player %d does not exist Can't set size for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set smooth distance for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set team area, area %d does not exist Can't set team area, team %d does not exist Can't set terrain type for area %d -- area does not exist! Can't set water type for area %d -- area does not exist! |"CAP| cap 9aN capabi cAPk2P3j3 capslock Caracole CardMod carolinas\blackmap CarpetB CarpetBomb Carronade CarryCapacity c{`"AS case! : case %d: CastPower cate a s: categoryFlash categoryFlash(<ID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. CAT=GetUp, Setting state to Working. CAT=LayDownBored, Setting anim to LayDownIdle (%d). CAT=LayDownIdle, Setting anim to LayDownBored (%d). CAT=LayDown, Setting anim to LayDownIdle (%d). catmullrom ?catmullrom Causes all chat effects to be ignored. causes all minimap updates to be ignored Cavail CavalryCuirass cBackgrd CBCAnim CBC Anim value. Don't use this. Ever. cbK)34K cButt8 CC1mmL +C,;C4s C:c9d: CCCCmmm C=CCmmmC CCCmmmCs C=CCmmmCs C`;Cdu CcKaat CCmmnCm /c con ccoun<UEm C`)Ct; C(D9/5 cDar1k CDATA CDATA Section CDiffu CDiffuseColor <cdRGQ cdsAs8 CE+@4d ceach*Pr'# ceC4!\` ceCos@ CEfh[jNe cehol: cena_rioEv - center: centerHoriz CenterLocation centerOfMass CenterPosition Center Position CenterPositionDistance centerVert Centrum-postmerge Centrum-postmerge-with-random Centrum-premerge- Centrum-premerge-with-random centrums frozen due to a wide merge centrums frozen due to extra vertices C`eQ<@>
cerMt cessfull cewrtac CExporBZ C` ?`f cfFiltp C Foo cfrH@encyS (# "CG2 tp! cG4#!h c?gaussi cGuard Ch9Khr Cha7nge chAction ChampionAztecs ChampionCaribs ChampionCherokee ChampionComanche ChampionCree ChampionInca ChampionIroquois ChampionLakota ChampionMaya ChampionNootka ChampionSeminoles ChampionTupi chance Chance must be between 0 and 1. chang changeCliffType changeCliffType(string cliffName): change the cliff type for all cliffs on the map ChangeState Changing sea type has no effect after terrain is already initialized! Charact Characte characterRadius Character reference out of range CharData or Reference expected Charge charge T charge_walk CharLowerW Char or '-' CharUpperW chassis chassisMass chassisMotionState chassisUnitInertiaPitch chassisUnitInertiaRoll chassisUnitInertiaYaw chat-border-bottom-left chat-border-bottom-middle chat-border-bottom-right chat-border-side-left chat-border-side-right chat-border-top-left chat-border-top-middle chat-border-top-right chatBox ChatBrowser-CancelButton ChatBrowser-CreateButton ChatBrowser-CreateDlg ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-CancelButton ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-ChannelNameText ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-Container ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-CreateButton ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-PasswordButton ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-PasswordDisable ChatBrowser-CreateDlg-PasswordText ChatBrowser-JoinButton ChatBrowser-JoinDlg ChatBrowser-JoinDlg-CancelButton ChatBrowser-JoinDlg-Container ChatBrowser-JoinDlg-JoinButton ChatBrowser-JoinDlg-PasswordText ChatBrowser-JoinEdit-Button ChatBrowser-JoinEdit-Text ChatBrowser-ListSlider ChatBrowser-SortByName ChatBrowser-SortByPopulation ChatBrowser-SortBySticky [-chatBu ChatDisplay chatDuration chatHistoryHeader chatHistoryPercentDisplay ChatI'npu: ch?atInpu&QB chatInput ChatInput chatInput-text chat is filtered for profanity chatOutputDisplayBorder chatOutputDisplayBorder-besideChatLocation chatOutputDisplayBorder-defaultLocation ChatRe ChatReceived ChatRoom-CancelButton ChatRoom-ChannelName ChatRoom-ChatInput ChatRoom-ChatOutput ChatRoom-UserList ChatRoom-UserList-Slider ChatRoom-UserMenu chatset chat([stringText] integerPlayer) : adds a line of chat text from the given player (current if not provided. chatText .\chattextmanager.cpp Ch&bmu ",C h]"=C CHealth\~ Chec9k , [check check?/ check)`4@P checkArchiveFirst checkBorder1024 CheckBox checkbutton checkButton checkBvShape checkCheckedArt che'ckH checkHighlightArt check only selected units when checking if unit is obscured. ch?eckOwn] checkOwner CheckRequirements CheckRu Checksum CheckUn checkUnCheckedArt checkVisible cherPriv Chicken Child. ChildProgressions childShape childShapeFilterInfo childShapes c:hjty chniqu cHomeC Church ChurchAbbassidMarket ChurchAccel ChurchBashkirPonies ChurchBestieros ChurchBlackWatch ChurchCodeNapoleon ChurchCoffeeTrade ChurchCorsolet ChurchEconmediaManor ChurchGalataTowerDistrict ChurchGardeImperial1 ChurchGardeImperial2 ChurchGardeImperial3 ChurchGasLighting ChurchKalmucks ChurchKopruluViziers ChurchMassCavalry ChurchMercantilism ChurchMilletSystem ChurchPetrineReforms ChurchQuatrefage ChurchRogersRangers ChurchStadholders ChurchStandingArmy ChurchTanzimat ChurchThinRedLine ChurchTillysDiscipline ChurchTopcuCorps ChurchTopkapi ChurchTowerAndSword ChurchTownWatch ChurchTufanciCorps ChurchW ChurchWaardgelders ChurchWallensteinsContracts ChurchWesternization ChurchWildGeeseSpanish ChurchZweihander ch(void ch whg cI9HGC Cicrc cID(<ndF cient me cI/llRe0 cinematic Cinematic CinematicRevealer CinematicSlerp cInf!oFq:Pn CINTLGNT.IME c_ircle circleBrushMode CircleF circlemenu CircleSelectClickSize CircleSelectDelayTime CircleSelectDrawMax CircleSelectHover CircleSelection Circle selection click size. Circle selection delay time. Circle selection grow acceleration rate. Circle selection grow rate. Circle selection max grow rate. CircleSelectMaxRate CircleSelectMaxResize CircleSelectMaxSize CircleSelectRate CircleSelectRateAccel CircleSelectResizeRate CircleSelectSize Circ{ra Circular Circular reference in anim file attachments: CircularSaw circularTerrainSubType circularTerrainType circularWorld Cirle selection resize rate. cityTarg Civ7tX Civilization CivLogic CivPicker-CancelButton CivPicker-Label CivPicker-Slider CivPicker-SubmitButton //Civs: .`cJ.D [CK0lK@ ckGotoSJ ckName-OyK cksuzq ck tha ]|c;~l}^ ClaimNugget Claim sS clampBackground clampForeground Clamping out of range noise bias to -1. Clamping out of range noise bias to 1. clamshell ClanPage-AddMessage ClanPage-ChatInput ClanPage-ChatOutput ClanPage-ClanName ClanPage-CreateDlg-CancelButton ClanPage-CreateDlg-ClanAbbrev-Text ClanPage-CreateDlg-ClanName-Text ClanPage-CreateDlg-Container ClanPage-CreateDlg-CreateButton ClanPage-DestroyClan-Button ClanPage-InviteUser-Background ClanPage-InviteUser-Button ClanPage-InviteUser-Text ClanPage-LastOnlineSortButton ClanPage-LeaveClan-Button ClanPage-MessageBoard ClanPage-NameSortButton ClanPage-RankSortButton ClanPage-RefreshClanButton ClanPage-ScreenContainer ClanPage-SetBoard-Background ClanPage-SetBoard-CancelButton ClanPage-SetBoard-Container ClanPage-SetBoard-SubmitButton ClanPage-SetBoard-Text ClanPage-UserList-Slider ClanPage-UserMenu ClassNameID c)@LC clearblue ClearFoundation Cl clesar Clf+Cp ClGaimd clicked clickThruCoords clickThruFile ClientToScreen ClientWa (cliff cliff7 cliffHeight CliffHeight CliffModeRadioButtons cliff painting is relative if set cliffPaintOn cliffRelative cliffsidePaint CliffSwatch CliffToolPalette CliffTypes.xml Cliffu( CLigh.p ClipCursor Cliyp$ clk0 mem clockTimer clockTimer_displayText clockTimer_face Close#8Di closeButton CloseClipboard closeCommLogs closed Closed closedLoop CloseDo <CloseDoor CloseHandle CloseLogOnWrite closeOnESC closesocket Closest ClosestPoints Closing cloth f=l clumpiness clusterMaxNum clusterMinNum clusterSpread clutchDelayTime clutchSlipRPM cManz Cmax Dp ~&CMemoryy CmmCCCDs CmmmCs =CmmmmCm =CmmmmCs Cmmmmm =Cmmmmms Cmn%FZ\ C MOTDG !@CMR-a* CnnnnmC CnQ{R7Q cnt*:
cO0'L Co30xtPla Coapac coci{rc CoCreateGuid CoCreateInstance c@\oD code - Code: %d bytes (MAX=%d). CodeOffset=%d. CoInitialize CoInitializeEx Collide Collideable CollidesWithProjectiles collisionFilterInfo collisionFilters collisionGroups collisionLookupTable collisionResponse collisionSpinDamping collisionThreshold collisionTolerance Colonialize ColonializeBritish ColonializeDutch ColonializeFrench ColonializeGerman ColonializeOttoman ColonializePortuguese ColonializeRussian ColonializeSpanish ColonializeSPCAct1 ColonializeSPCAct2 ColonializeSPCAct3 ColonyBuilding ColonyPlacementCenter ColonyPlacementL colonyPlotDebug colonyPlotSize colonyWallBufferTiles color1 color2 color3 color_b colorBlack colorBlue colorBro9w: colorBrown colorCyan colorDarkGrey colorDropdown color_g colorGreen colorGrey colorLightGrey colorMagenta color_r colorRed ColorTransformNonGaia colorWhite colorXFormHighlight colorYellow "'colu` column columnOrder COmacO Comanche combatComparison combat comparison mode Combo %d: command Command CommandAccel Command God No Isis Icon command god power icon commandHistory command no god power icon commandPanel commandPanel2 CommandPanelCircleMenu CommandPanelTime1 CommandPanelTime2 commandResearch CommandResearch commandResearch( int commandID, int unitID) : Researches the given command from the given unit. Command %s is invalid commandSync Comment or CDATA Section .\commlog.cpp commSync //Communications Constants: :comp 0 CompareStringA CompareStringW compColorConverted compColorInput compColorInputErr compColorTargetConv compColorTargetNotConv compColorText CompilL Completed completeOnConquest component compoundShapeToBeWelded compTranslucence comput computeConvexHullTriangles 3.1 2001/10/19 concave half ridges in output concave ridge concave ridges in getmergeset concavityLimit CondEff condition condLG coneMinAngle coneMotor config configDef configDef(<stringName>) : defines a config variable configDump configDump : sends to output a list of all current config vars configGetByID configGetByID(<intValue>) : look up config by enum ID configHelp configHelpPrefix configHelpPrefix([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that start with the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list. configHelp([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that contain the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list. configIndex Config_InitVideoCardInfo Config_Release configservice configSet configSetFloat configSetFloat(<stringName> <floatValue>) : sets a config var to a floating point value configSetInt configSetInt(<stringName> <integerValue>) : sets a config var to an integer value configSet(<stringName> <stringValue>) : sets a particular config var to a string value configsOervi config(<stringToken>) : changes config state just like a .cfg line configToggle configToggle(<stringName>) : defined var becomes undefined, and vice versa configUndef configUndef(stringName) : un-defines a config variable Config Variables Confir Confirm confirmAutoPatcher confirmAutoPatcher() : Used to tell autpatcher user pressed OK on exit or error dialog. ConfirmDelete ConfirmDelete-text ConfirmLeave ConfirmResign ConfirmResign-SinglePlayer connect ConnectDialog ConnectDialog-StatusLabel Connection must have a name. Connection names must be unique! Connection %d is already named '%s'. connectivityCL Connect timeout used by the ESO Client conom3d conomic:RWerc conomytjM Conqu= Conque Conqueror Conscription conservativeWalking console Console ConsoleAlpha ConsoleBackground consoleFileEntire consoleHelp ConsoleHistory consoleInput ConsoleInputBackground consoleOutput console : toggles the state of the console dialog ConsoleX1 ConsoleX2 ConsoleY1 ConsoleY2 const Constant %i: Constant "%s" cannot have any structure members (members: %i) Constants: %i Constant starting at constant named "%s" has a count field > 1 in description const char* hcGetUnlockedUnitScriptFilename( int unitIndex, bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the script file name for an unlocked unit. const char* hcGetUnlockedUnitVisualFilename( int unitIndex, bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the visual file name for an unlocked unit. Const::d?ump: N# const int cAction%s=%d; const int cAge%d=%d; const int cAICommPrompt%s=%d; const int cAIResourceSubType%s=%d; const int cAllResources=%d; const int cAreaGroupTypeImpassableLand=%d; const int cAreaGroupTypeLand=%d; const int cAreaGroupTypeWater=%d; const int cAreaTypeForest=%d; const int cAreaTypeImpassableLand=%d; const int cAreaTypeVPSite=%d; const int cAreaTypeWater=%d; const int cAttackPlanAttackRoutePattern%s=%d; const int cAttackPlanBaseAttackMode%s=%d; const int cAttackPlanRetreatMode%s=%d; const int cAttackPlan%s=%d; const int cAttackRouteBackLeft=%d; const int cAttackRouteBackRight=%d; const int cAttackRouteFrontLeft=%d; const int cAttackRouteFrontRight=%d; const int cAttackRouteLeftBack=%d; const int cAttackRouteLeftFront=%d; const int cAttackRouteRightBack=%d; const int cAttackRouteRightFront=%d; const int cAttackStrategyPlan%s=%d; const int cBPIFalloffLinear=%d; const int cBPIFalloffLinearInverse=%d; const int cBPIFalloffNone=%d; const int cBuildingPlacementEventDone=%d; const int cBuildingPlacementEventFailed=%d; const int cBuildingPlacementPreference%s=%d; const int cBuildPlan%s=%d; const int cBuildWallPlan%s=%d; const int cBuildWallPlanWallType%s=%d; const int cCancelShipmentHandler=%d; const int cCiv%s=%d; const int cClusterEverywhere=%d; const int cClusterLand=%d; const int cClusterShallowWater=%d; const int cClusterWater=%d; const int cComeOutHandler=%d; const int cConnectAllies=%d; const int cConnectAreas=%d; const int cConnectEnemies=%d; const int cConnectPlayers=%d; const int cCulture%s=%d; const int cDefendPlan%s=%d; const int cDifficultyEasy=%d; const int cDifficultyExpert=%d; const int cDifficultyHard=%d; const int cDifficultyModerate=%d; const int cDifficultySandbox=%d; const int cDonePerforming=%d; const int cEconomyEscrowID=1; const int cElevFractalSum=%d; const int cElevNormal=%d; const int cElevTurbulence=%d; const int cEmergencyEscrowID=-2; const int cExplorePlan%s=%d; const int cFishPlan%s=%d; const int cGameModeConquest=%d; const int cGameModeDeathmatch=%d; const int cGameModeLightning=%d; const int cGameModeSupremacy=%d; const int cGameTypeCampaign=%d; const int cGameTypeRandom=%d; const int cGameTypeSaved=%d; const int cGameTypeScenario=%d; const int cGatherGoalPlan%s=%d; const int cGatherPlan%s=%d; const int cGoalPlanGoalSubType%s=%d; const int cGoalPlanGoalType%s=%d; const int cGoalPlan%s=%d; const int cGoalPlanTargetType%s=%d; const int cHCCardTypeEcon=%d; const int cHCCardTypeMilitary=%d; const int cHCCardTypeTeam=%d; const int cHCCardTypeWagon=%d; const int cHerdPlan%s=%d; const int cMapResources=%d; const int cMapSize=%d; const int cMaxSettlersPerMill=%d; const int cMaxSettlersPerMine=%d; const int cMilitaryEscrowID=2; const int cMissionPlan%s=%d; const int cMissionTypeNone=-1; const int cMissionType%s=%d; const int cMovementTypeAir=%d; const int cMovementTypeLand=%d; const int cMovementTypeNone=%d; const int cMovementTypeNonSolid=%d; const int cMovementTypeWater=%d; const int cMyCiv=%d; const int cMyCulture=%d; const int cMyID=%d; const int cMyTeam=%d; const int cNuggetPlan%s=%d; const int cNuggetTypeAdjustHP=%d; const int cNuggetTypeAdjustResource=%d; const int cNuggetTypeAdjustSpeed=%d; const int cNuggetTypeConvertUnit=%d; const int cNuggetTypeGiveLOS=%d; const int cNuggetTypeSpawnUnit=%d; const int cNumberNonGaiaPlayers=%d; const int cNumberPlayers=%d; const int cNumberTeams=%d; const int cOpportunitySource%s=%d; const int cOpportunityTargetType%s=%d; const int cOpportunityType%s=%d; const int cPerformHandler=%d; const int cPlanEvent%s=%d; const int cPlan%s=%d; const int cPlanState%s=%d; const int cPlayerChatResponseType%s=%d; const int cPlayerChatTargetStrategy%s=%d; const int cPlayerChatTargetType%s=%d; const int cPlayerChatVerb%s=%d; const int cPlayerRelationAlly=%d; const int cPlayerRelationAny=%d; const int cPlayerRelationEnemy=%d; const int cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia=%d; const int cPlayerRelationSelf=%d; const int cProgressionPlan%s=%d; const int cResearchPlan%s=%d; const int cReservePlan%s=%d; const int cResignGatherers=%d; const int cResignMilitaryPop=%d; const int cResignTeammates=%d; const int cResource%s=%d; const int cRestartShipmentHandler=%d; const int cRGPActual=%d; const int cRGPCost=%d; const int cRGPScript=%d; const int cRootEscrowID=0; const int cTactic%S=%d; const int cTech%s=%d; const int cTechStatusActive=%d; const int cTechStatusObtainable=%d; const int cTechStatusUnobtainable=%d; const int cTowerPlan%s=%d; const int cTradePlan%s=%d; const int cTrainPlan%s=%d; const int cTransportPathType%s=%d; const int cTransportPlan%s=%d; const int cTSFactorBase=3; const int cTSFactorDanger=4; const int cTSFactorDistance=0; const int cTSFactorPoint=1; const int cTSFactorTimeToDone=2; const int cUnitQueryInvalidArmy=%d; const int cUnitQueryNoArmy=%d; const int cUnitStanceAggressive=%d; const int cUnitStanceDefensive=%d; const int cUnitStancePassive=%d; const int cUnitStateABQ=%d; const int cUnitStateAlive=%d; const int cUnitStateAliveOrBuilding=%d; const int cUnitStateAny=%d; const int cUnitStateBuilding=%d; const int cUnitStateDead=%d; const int cUnitStateNone=%d; const int cUnitStateQueued=%d; const int cUnitType%s=%d; const int cVPAll=%d; const int cVPConqueror=%d; const int cVPGranted=%d; const int cVPInvalid=%d; const int cVPNative=%d; const int cVPSecret=%d; const int cVPStateAny=%d; const int cVPStateBuilding=%d; const int cVPStateCompleted=%d; const int cVPStateNone=%d; const int cVPStateSite=%d; const int cVPTrade=%d; const int cWaitingToPerform=%d; const int cWaypointMaskCitizen=%d; const int cWaypointMaskDock=%d; const int cWaypointMaskDoor=%d; const int cWaypointMaskDrunk=%d; const int cWaypointMaskExit=%d; const int cWaypointMaskFishingArea=%d; const int cWaypointMaskGuardArea=%d; const int cWaypointMaskIllReputeArea=%d; const int cWaypointMaskShipmentEnd=%d; const int cWaypointMaskShipmentStart=%d; const int cWaypointMaskSweeper=%d; const int cWaypointMaskVendorArea=%d; const int cWaypointMaskVendorEntry=%d; const int cXSAgeHandler=%d; const int cXSAutoCreatePlanHandler=%d; const int cXSBuildHandler=%d; const int cXSGameOverHandler=%d; const int cXSHCGameOverHandler=%d; const int cXSHomeCityLevelUpHandler=%d; const int cXSHomeCityTransportArriveHandler=%d; const int cXSHomeCityTransportReturnHandler=%d; const int cXSMissionEndHandler=%d; const int cXSMissionStartHandler=%d; const int cXSNuggetHandler=%d; const int cXSPlayerAgeHandler=%d; const int cXSPowerHandler=%d; const int cXSResignHandler=%d; const int cXSRetreatHandler=%d; const int cXSScoreOppHandler=%d; const int cXSShipResourceGranted=%d; const int cXSTreatyBrokenHandler=%d; const int %s=%d; constNum >= 1 constNum <= (int)desc.Elements ConstrainOrientation constraint Constraint ID %d not valid! Constraint requires a name! CONSTRUCTION_HAMMER CONSTRUCTION_LIFTING CONSTRUCTION_SAW CONSTRUCTION_STAKING constSize >= 1 const string cFilename="%s"; const string cFilename="%S"; const string cRandomMapName="None"; const string cRandomMapName="%s"; const vector cInvalidVector=vector(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0); const vector cOriginVector=vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Contain ContainedSpeedBonus contains %d facets and %d vertices. context contextExclusive continue continue execution and must now be terminated. control Controls how selection outlines are displayed. controls the clumpiness of the forest controls the density of the forest controls the underbrush of the forest Controls whether or not AI echo messages are shown. Controls whether or not AI output messages are shown via coreOutput. Controls whether or not the AI will spew out KB Resource messages. Controls whether or not the CP AIs are updated. control the mouse cursor/buttons with the joystick Convert convertCoveredWagon ConvertCoveredWagon convertCoveredWagon() : Convert a covered wagon into a Town Center ConvertFinished Converting ConvertOnStartBuild ConvertsHerds ConvertToGaiaAtZeroHitpoints ConvertUnit Convex hull of %d points in %d-d: convexityLimit convexManifoldDriftTolerance convexManifoldWeldTolerance ConvexS CONVEX_S convexWelderAcosTolerance convexWelderCullingPlaneTolerance coolwater coordinateSystem coplanar coplanar coplanar and interior coplanar angles in getmergeset coplanar centrums in getmergeset coplanar/concave merges due to avoiding old merge coplanar half ridges in output coplanar horizon facets for new vertices coplanar or concave ridge coplanar points during partitioning coplanar ridge - coplanar set: - coplanar set: %d points. coplanarset for f - coplanar set (furthest p%d): CopyFileW c_opyUp copyUpDirectory core.cp] CorExitProcess Corner CORPSE CorpseDecalTime CorpseDecay CorpseDecayDelay CorpseDecays corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely CostBuildingAll CostBuildingTechs CostBuildingUnits CostEscalation CostRPGPct CostWe could Could load load grouping definition '%S' for grouping '%S'. couldn' Could not add area to connection. %d is not a valid area ID. Could not add area to connection. Random map initialization failed. Could not add protounit %d to Special_StartingUnits object def Could not create d3d cube texture (%s). Could not create d3d texture (%s). Could not create river %d Could not create z buffer Could not find a valid starting location for area '%s' (%d)! Could not find distance to terrain -- terrain not properly initialized. Could not find random tile, terrain not yet initialized! Could not get a depth/stencil buffer. Could not get fairLoc location for player %d, player ID is not valid. Could not get nugget manager. Could not get number fairLocs for player %d, player ID is not valid. Could not get world. Could not save tag data. Check banglog.txt for more information. Could not set fairLoc location for player %d, player ID is not valid. Could not set location for area %d to player %d's location, player ID is not valid. Could not set location for area %d to team %d's location, team ID is not valid. Could not set location for area %d to team %d's location, team placement not properly established. Could not set location for player %d, player ID is not valid. Could not set map size. Terrain already initialized. Could not set map size. Tile count must be positive. Could not set map size. Total tile count must be less than %d. Could not set z buffer Couldn't Couldn't find bone in cDummyImpact list : %S Couldn't find component %S while parsing anim %S Couldn't load cloth flag data Couldn't load geometry trail: %S Couldn't load particle system: %S Couldn't parse animFile: %S in AnimNode %S Couldn't parse anim tag: %S Couldn't parse AssetReference in Anim %S Couldn't parse attachment node: %S Couldn't parse component: %S Couldn't parse Logic %S Couldn't parse simskeleton in Anim %S Couldn't parse sub-model node: %S Couldn't register bone name : %S Couldn't reload granny animation: %S Couldn't reload granny model: %S CoUninitialize >count): count > 0 countCommand CountsTowardEconomicScore CountsTowardMilitaryScore _CoUogo CoUogoyo Coureur CoureurAccel CoureurCree CoureurCreeAccel coveredwagon CoveredWagon CoveredWagonAccel cPi}c0mHoriz cp must , CPorQA .cppefh C^prR9ox c(PU#Eq cpu seconds for qhull after input CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): %2.4g cputnl c p which cpZcptcp c({ Q3 Cqac>[ CqC- cQVPir cr73{B CrateOfCoin CrateofCoinLarge CrateOfFood CrateofFoodLarge CrateOfWood CrateofWoodLarge CrateofXP *CRb9K CreateBase CreateBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateConfigDetection CreateD Created area '%s' (%d) in %d ms (build=%d, finish=%d) CreateDialogParamW CreateDIBitmap CreateDirectoryA CreateDirectoryW CreateEventA CreateEventW CreateFileA CreateFileMappingW CreateFileW CreateFontIndirectW CreateFontW createFunction createhull CreateMutexW CreatePalette CreateProcessW createRiver createRiverShallow CreateSemaphoreW CreateStreamOnHGlobal CreateThread CreateUniqueInstance CreateUnit CreateUnitLight CreateWindowExA CreateWindowExW Creating AGSMPClientWait Mode Creating BMPESOMode Creating Build Cinematic Mode Creating Campaign Mode Creating CampaignSinglePlayer Mode Creating Cinematic Mode Creating cModeCredits Creating cModeSkirmHomeCity Creating communications Creating console Creating cursors Creating Editor Mode Creating GameMenu Mode Creating GCCharacter Mode Creating GCGame Mode Creating GCQuest Mode Creating GCSettings Mode Creating GCSinglePlayer Mode Creating GCStats Mode Creating help manager Creating History Mode Creating HotkeySetup Mode Creating inventory manager Creating modes Creating MPGameSetup Mode Creating MPLoginMode Creating Options Mode Creating OutsideGameHomeCity Mode Creating Playtest Mode Creating PostGame Mode Creating pregame mode Creating profileselect mode Creating RecordedGame Mode Creating RM setup mode Creating simulation mode Creating SinglePlayer Mode Creating single player setup mode Creating SPCHomeCity Mode Creating UI Contexts Creating UI Gadgets Creating unit help manager Creation CreationFadeTime Creator: %s Credits creGen crol&q Cr?ossbow CrossD CrowdNeighborDistance c>RSUpgra"qQQ crucsh+Q CryptAcquireContextW CryptDecrypt CryptDestroyKey CryptExportKey CryptGenKey CryptGetUserKey CryptReleaseContext %c' sc cs error cShipm?entEnd cspLUA c"`SWs C;T$4~H '<CT&DG CText] C;T$<}H CTIVE- CtkHHt=HHt9 ct leng c~ Tne ;:CT?Rv CTtDas CTtDashpot @ctTran ctWhen CuBDeadCocnd3 @c?ueExpla C?U?g? c UI ele culture Culture Cultu#re //Cultures: Culverib cument y cupgr|>@ C UPWQ cuR n CURRENT Current Gatherer Distribution: %d total gatherers. CurrentGoalID CurrentGoalType CURRENT LINE=%d. CurrentNuggetID currentPlayer CurrentStep CurrentStepPlanID Current summary is: Current Time: %0.2f\%0.2f Current Time: N/A currentUnitLimberPercent currentVersion CurrentWaypoint currx{ cursion `Curso cursorAlwaysOn cursor_attack cursor_bombard cursor_bombard_off cursor_broadside cursor_broadside_off cursor_build cursorColor cursor_convert cursor_dropfood cursor_dropgold cursor_dropwood cursor_empower cursor_garrison cursor_gather cursor_gatherfood cursor_gathergold cursor_gatherwood cursor_guard cursor_help cursor_hyperlink cursor_patrol cursor_pointer cursor_pray cursor_repair cursor_rotate cursor_select cursor_sniper cursor_sniper_off cursor_treasure cursor_ungarrison cursor_workon Customiz4 cusWhenM ,C"ut6N CvN7ice CVPGaVq cvsync CWallGate C"!whe cXaB4< CxD9L>QI- // CXSDump @'^C;y C,_^][Y CY6yW_ ,cYA&Ce cycles of facets merged into coplanar horizon `]cY!s f c ZparIP CZsGetPop (?%d) : ^@;^D~ ~@;~D~ |+;D$( _^]#D$ ;D$$~# \$,+D$, \$(;\ D$`^_][ D$<_^; D$<_^[ D$<_^[] D$<_^][ D$<[]^ D$|]_^[ D$ ^][_ D$ _^]; D$ _]^[ D$ ]_^ D$,_^; D$,_^] D$,_^][ D$,_[^] D$(_^[] D$(_^][ D$(;|$$ D$([_^] D$(]_^[ D$@[^_] D$$^[] D$^[ D$^][ D$][^ D$$+\$( D$\_^[ D$#][_^ ;D$0} D$0_^][ D$0]_^[ d (0-1 +D02?K D$09D$ D$0+D$ D$0fff? 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D$89D$ D$8;D$ D$8+D$ D$8;D$(t ;d:<8?#&e D$8h D$8j RWP D$8Ph0M D$8PhLc D$8Ph O D$8Ph\P D$8PhXO D$8Ph<y D$8Pj/ D$8PQR D$8PQS D$8PSU D$8PVSQ D$8PVW D$8PWS D$8QRP D$8RPj D$8RUP D$8RUPS D$8SPj D$8SUV D$8SUVW D$8SUWQ D$8~US ~D9^`| D$|9D$ D$ 9D$ D$,9D$ D$,9D$$ D$(9D$$ D$@9D$ D$$9D$( D: 9D D$(9D$ s D$$9D$ t @D9h D$(9l$(} D$"9^(u jT D$,|%A da24AuC2 dableN d@ abqA dABT ` %d Accessible Builders. %d Accessible Buildings. %d Accessible ProtoUnits. %d Accessible Techs. %d Accessible Transports. Damage DamageArea DamageBonus DamageMod Damage modifier. Don't use this. Ever. DamageTemplate DamageTypeLogic damping Danger DangerTh DangerVa dAngl8 danZq0 Daomper4 <DAreG DarkGrey Data({ `Datab data. }Cv data error (DataID dataRefreshRate D$,}b3 dBodyDea dcbawd DcD_VSA d}CGr(<strv %d~~~connection %d~~~constraint1 %d~~~constraint2 dcR~!n d@ctTyp d, Curr^0 %d->%d D^][ )D$,)D$ D$`;D$ D$`+D$ D$<;| D$|+D$ D$ ;D$ D$ ;D$| D$ +D$ D$ +D$$+ D$ +D$\ D$,;D$ D$,;D$ }: D$,)D$ D$(;D$ D$(+D$ D$(+D$$ D$$;D$ D$$+D$ D$$+D$ D$$+D$, D]_^ D][^ %d %d 1 D$,;D$4 D$@+D$83 %d %d %d %d %d %d D+D$` D$<+D D$(;D %d %d %d %6.8g %d %d %d %d dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy DDDE% dd funch! D$@+D+ D`N %d, %dHR dDiffic D;p` D| D D #D D D D D D D %d %d real %d %d real ddR<IS D D D; D D:;\} D*U D<U D/U D$ ;D$ d,%d) Zo D$ :E~ DeadReload DeadReplacement DeadReplacementWhenDestroyed DeadReplaceOnlyOnTimeout deadState deadZone Death2 death_by_havoc death_havoc_flail death_havoc_spin deathmatchAgeGPTime deathmatchBaseGPTime debug) debug+ DebugCBC DEBUG: distance the water plane is below the edge that created the water. debugdump DEBUG: epsilon that allows water to be painted on variable terrain heights DEBUG: for water vertex Color painting. Debugg debugging only debugRandomMaps DEBUG: render the water hull. DEBUG: the bias curve of the brush. DEBUG: the bias of the Fresnel reflectivity termr. DEBUG: the blue color for directly viewing water. DEBUG: the blue color for water vertex Color painting. DEBUG: the green color for directly viewing water. DEBUG: the green color for water vertex Color painting. DEBUG: the red color for directly viewing water. DEBUG: the red color for water vertex Color painting. DEBUG: the scale of the Fresnel reflectivity termr. DEBUG: the softness of a brush. debug the wind DecalStickToWaterSurface DecembeQ" December Declared declaredMembers decrementUSP2SelectedUnitStack dedBOc (defau &defau defaul default Default DEFAULT DefaultButtonSound defaultcolor_b defaultcolor_g defaultcolor_r default.con DEFAULTCPAI DefaultF DefaultFont defaultGadgetFont defaultGadgetFontSize defaultHintsONDiffLevel DefaultHomeCity defaultNumberPlayers defaultScenarioDir DEFAULTSIM Default Size of the memory stack heap defaultSkyBox <default string>
DEFAULTUI Default value: Default values: defawult Defend DefendAreaID DefendBaseID //Defend Plan Variables: DefendPoint DefendTargetID Defen.`Ra defensive Defensive definegrouping defineGrouping DefineGrouping define is missing name attribute [fxe] Defines: defines the default scenario folder to use for load/save defines the number Home City cards that can be played in a game. defines the selection pixel error ' DefInRa deformerdll.dll Deformer library is out of sync with game build! fastdeformersse.cpp was compiled with version: %08X, BDeformer class is version: %08X DefWindowProcA DefWindowProcW degenerate degenerate facets. Can not continue. degenerate facets due to dropped neighbors degenerate hyperplanes recomputed with gaussian elimination degenerate new facets in output (same ridge) Degfen degrees deHitsW delaunay Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: delay between valid AI chats. DelayScrollingAngle delbtB delete Delete DeleteCriticalSection deleted deleted DeleteDC DeletedPlan deleted ridges due to renamed vertices DeleteFileA DeleteFileW DeleteObject DeleteUnit deleteunits del::par delpTeCxt5 deltaB deltaBeachMax deltaBeachMin deltaWaterMax deltaWaterMin demandLoadMeshes DemoS%9 DemoSubMenu DEm Wf d?Encamp density depmetPntjPit# depth/st depth/stencil formats: depth/stencil/multisample conflicts: depth where water alpha goes to max value depth where water alpha goes to min value D/epth) y derFogOn deRout~T %d error(s) found in file '%s'. @ desc desc.Bytes >= defaultBytes desc.Bytes == sizeof(float) * 4 * desc.Columns * desc.Elements desc.Bytes == sizeof(int) * 4 * desc.Elements desc.Bytes == sizeof(int) * desc.Elements desc.DefaultValue desc.Elements == 1 desc.Elements >= 1 desc.Elements >= desc.RegisterCount desc.Elements >= desc.RegisterCount / desc.Columns desc.RegisterCount >= 1 (desc.RegisterCount % desc.Columns) == 0 Descrioptio Description: %s design/ Desired Desired Resource Breakdowns: desj d,q Destroy destroyCinfoFunction DestroyCursor DestroyMenu DestroyProjectile DestroyUnderBuilding DestroyUnitType DestroyWindow Destruct detailHelp details Detawils @nno determinants computed (area & initial hull) determinants not computed because vertex too low Determines if we precalculate whether or not a projectile hits its target determines the algorithm for tile-izing circular brushes determines whether rollover help gadget is used determines whether the minimap is in rotation mode or fixed mode *DEV!ANCE* developer.con Device %d: DeviceID = 0x%x DeviceID: %d DeviceIdentifier: %S (deyQs # %d f%d +DfE,zHrv D$|fff? D$,fff? D$(fff? D$<;Fh %d Files: dF\JSe D$ ;FL}2 %d Function Overloads: -d GeomvGiew dgeRepea DGGGGGGGG %d 'Global (as in not in a function)' Variables: [)@DgR %d~~~H D$,=h[ D$(h@% D$<# D$|# D$ < D$,# D^] ^D;~H} ~D;^H} D$(h0; D$(h0% DhA\Um +D+D$\ D$ ;HD}, D;D$@ D$ hH( d,z D$# D$ h L D$,hL& D$; D+L D$ h\n D$(hP% D( D D/ D$,hpP D D D$ HPR D D D D DHQQ<"# D D D(hres) D D D D$@ht: D`3 D U D$-HtVHt'H D$(h(u D$,}hU D D d~I2HotKey diagra dialo dialog DialogBoxIndirectParamW DialogBoxParamW dialogDefaultButtonIndex dialogEscapeButtonIndex #d IDd (didn' DieAtZeroHitpoints DieAtZeroResources d if < difference in max_outside at final check Differenotial -Di/ffic Difficul difficultyLevel //Difficulty Levels: diffuse DiffuseColor0 digital dina:" dInGad!gm dinput8.dll DINPUT8.dll Diplom DiplomacyDialog Dir( >
Direct3DCreate9 DirectInput8Create Directory not empty DirectProjectile DirectSoundCreate8 DirectSoundEnumerateW disableAfterDestruction disableAllSync disableATIDST disableBlooms disableBuildingSnap disabled disabledEntities disabledPairA disabledPairB disableESOProfile DisableHCShipmentVisual DisableIconChat disableMidUpdateRender DisableNewHCPathing disableNVCPL DisableOutpost Disable post game stats. disables all trigger-echo outputs disables ambient sounds Disables Blooms if defined disableShadows Disables home city ambient sounds. disableSLI Disables multithreaded deformation in the batcher Disables new home city pathing. disable sounds Disables rendering of in-world 'floaty' text. Disables rendering of in-world hit point bars. Disables rollover popups in homecity. Disables spawning of units when selecting shipment in homecity. disables specular lighting Disables storing of the home city after a game. Disables Streaks if defined disableStats disables the attack warning sound Disables the icon chat dialog. Disables the music Disables the send new covered wagon functionality in scenarios Disables the victory sounds in the game disableStreaks disables unit highlighting Disables wind hack on trees. disableTriggerEcho disableWaterReflection Disallow the use of the nvCPL DLL %d is an invalid index, '%s'. Disasse Disassem ------ Disassembling parametric shader, Filename: "%s", ShaderType: "%s", EntryPoint: "%s" disbles the helpful auto-placement of near-misses on buildings Discover D$ ISHPQ %d is not a valid area ID. %d is not a valid group ID. %d is not a valid number of extra tiles. %d is not a valid trade route ID. ?Dispat DispatchMessageA DispatchMessageW Displa| display : Displ'ay' displayAspectRatio display([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles display on/off. otherwise, sets display Display modes: displayName displayNameID DisplayNameID displayon Displays the battle UI buttons in advanced mode. displaytype displayType displayType([integerState]) : with no arg, cycles through the various status display modes. otherwise sets display type dispName Dista2P` distanc distanc distance Distance DistanceFromCenter Distance-roundoff distance tests for best merge distance tests for centrum convexity distance tests for checking convexity distance tests for checking flipped facets distance tests for checking good point distance tests for checking simplicial convexity distance tests for computing furthest distance tests for facet visibility distance tests for initial partition distance tests for output distance tests for partitioning distance tests for statistics distance tests for these partitions distance tests to report minimum vertex DISTANT Divisor for the wheel rotation. divisz D$ j0P !djousts "dJQLU D$(R D$,Ku[ D$(+l$ D^][ D^]; D[_^] D? D %d Labels: D+D$ D+D D+D D;D D+D$$+\$(VWPSQ dlg}-c@ilGol$ Dlg_Decl dlg-minu +DlI;V D$,lk[ ?dllDeformerBlendedNoTanSSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXABUBWorkQueueEntry@1@PBUBBlendVert@1@PAUpnt332_vertex@1@I@Z ?dllDeformerBlendedPosOnlySSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXABUBWorkQueueEntry@1@PBUBBlendVert@1@PAUp3_vertex@1@I@Z ?dllDeformerBlendedSSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXABUBWorkQueueEntry@1@PBUBBlendVert@1@PAUpngt3332_vertex@1@I@Z ?dllDeformerCopyMatricesSSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXPBUBDataHeader@1@PAU__m128@@PBU3@PBH@Z ?dllDeformerRigidToStackAlignedNoTanSSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXPBUBDataHeader@1@ABUBWorkQueueEntry@1@@Z ?dllDeformerRigidToStackAlignedPosOnlySSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXPBUBDataHeader@1@ABUBWorkQueueEntry@1@@Z ?dllDeformerRigidToStackAlignedSSE@BFastMeshDeformer@@YAXPBUBDataHeader@1@ABUBWorkQueueEntry@1@@Z D D~f D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D; dL-Xn6#G dMa! # /- DMaintainTradeUnits DMBf!B DMinimapUnits ?dMLwq^_ #dmp+M dNE Ado dneighb ~D;nH} D];nK9L d No Isi dNT y~f5#Q DN-tz_ D$<~NW doAlphaLogin d=/O-axiGmum DockAccel DockID DockPlacementPoint DOcument version value expected does not a valid weight. Assuming a wieght of 1. DoesNotHaveGatherPoint @dOGrFo #=doIf Doing createChildMoveAction. DoLoops D$,Om[ DOMAIN Domain error DOMAIN error domFreeW doMPSetup doMPSetup(bool useESO) : Enter BMultiplayer setup. . Don' DoneGoal DoneLoops DoneP?erform DoNotCreateUnitGroupAutomatically DoNotDieAtZeroHitpoints DoNotDieAtZeroResources DoNotQueue DoNotShowNewYearDialog DoNotShowOnMinimap DoNotShowVPStartDialog DoNotShowWorldToolTips Do not use double quotes. Option 'FO' ignored. Do not use quotes. Option 'FI' ignored. DoNotValidateResourceInventory DoNotYawDuringMovement dontAutoClose Don't check for the conquest victory type. DontCheckUnsupported dontDetectNAT dontHig3hl dontHighlight DontMark DontMarkExtraFog dontMeterWorkCommands DontPauseWhenLosingFocus DontRotateObstruction DontSortAlphaPolys dontStoreHC Don't try to detect unsupported systems. Don't u Don't use this. Ever. Don't walk under the trees. d opcode Doppled DoppleOnlyWhenDead <Dor data doSPSetup doSPSetup() : Enter Single player setup. DO THIS Doth we not detect NAT addresses? 'dotnet' doTriggerImport doTriggerImport: load some triggers. -dovoR dOvO t downshiftRPM D$,;p` D$,p}[ D][_ D^]_ %d Parameters. D$ PBVQ dPCed/ D+P_ctNAT D+D$ D;D D;D$`t )D)D D;D dpecM` D? D$ Ph` D$ Ph,] D$ Ph( D$,Ph@* D$(Ph`^ D$(Ph<& D$(Ph _ D$(Ph( D$(Ph@ D$( D$ Ph01 D$<Ph 1 D$(Ph8( D$,Ph8w D$(Phd D$(Phd[ D$@PhD D$ D D$ Phdy D$ PhEP D$ D$@Phh D$`PhH D$ PhH% D$(Phi D$<Phl D$ Phl; D$,Phl; D$ D$ D$<Php, D$ Php D$@PhP: D$ D$ PhRN D$ PhST D$(PhT D$(PhT] D$ D$<PhtA D$@PhTK dpHUMAN D$,PhUN D$ PhZ1 D$<Pj D$(Pj$ D$,Pj$3 D$`PjA D$(PjW DP mod %d points were well inside the hull. If the hull contains %d points with the same x coordinate. @dP%PE D( D D D D D D D D D D$ D d$(PQQ D$`PQR D$ PQR D$(PQR D$ D D D D$ D$ PQSR D$(PQSW D$@PQU D$<PQV %d Progressions. D$ PRQ D$(PRQ D$ PRV D$@PRW D$(PShd D j D$`PSQ D$<PSQ D$ PSQ D$ D$\PSR D$ D D$ PSSSVW D$ PSU D$,PSU D$ D$<PSWSW D.h D$@Pu# D$@PUh D$,PUj D$ D$(PUQ D$\PUQ D$ PUQBS D$ D$@PUQRW D$ PURQ D$,PUS D$ D$,PUSQ D D~,V D$,~PV D$,PVj D$(PVj D$ D$,PVQ D$ D$ D$(PVRQS D$ D$ D$(PVUS D$,PVW D$@PVW D$(PVWVW D$(PWh D$ PWj D$,PWj D$ D$ PWQ D$@PWQ D$ D$ PWQR D$ PWS D$@PWS D$ D$ PWU D$ D$ PWV D$@PWV D$<PWVWV >D\Q&" dq&|3/ DqALPHA D$,qe[ dQlumnOrdJU D$ D$,QRj D$ QRP D$(QRP D$@QRP D$ D$@QRPj D$,QRPS D$(QRPS D$\QRPS D$@QRPW D$,QUP D$ D$ QVWRP dragCoefficient ): draw drawBack DrawBallisticTargetPositions drawEditorUnits drawHerdDebug @drawj Draw max circle selection size. Draw the herd info for the selected unit. drawWorldTooltipClipRect drawWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not to draw the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle. D$ Rh, driverInput Driver: %s Driver: %s -- version %d.%d.%d.%d DriverVersion: %d.%d.%d.%d ;drokpD -Dropd- Dropdow ;dropDownButtonArt dropDownDistance dropDownVisItems dropDownWidthOverride Dropoff DropOffPoint dropped neighbors due to renamed vertices Dropsite DropsW dropToMainMenu dropToMainMenu: drop back to the main menu D$<RPh D$(RPh D$ RPj D$,RPj D$@RPj D$ D$,RPQ D$ D$(RPS D$ D$ D$ RPV D$,RPVS D$\RPVU D$ RPW D$@RPW D$`RPWQV D$(RSP D/.&r#sr dRulec"$ _D##RU ove D$ RUP D$ D$,RWPVU |+;~ds$ [%d]: %S ;D$,s% D$(~|S D|s`]4 ds f+ D$ SHPQ d '%S' i @#%DS^nql\R?8d D$@SPP D$`SRP D$,SRP D$\SRP DsrucS Dssgiven dstQdo DSUPr D$ SUV D$ dSUVW3 D$ SUVWP D$ SUWP D$ SV3 D$(SV3 D$(SVP D$(SVW D$ SVWh D$,SVWP D$ %d Symbols: %d Syscalls: dSystem ;D$ t$ ;D$(t^ ;D$! ;D$ :D$ t! D$ ;t$$ D$(t=; D$:; |$@+D D$ +T$ D$,!T$ D^][ D$ ;t$0 D~1W D$(t2;t$0| D$(t!3 D$(t)3 D$,~T3 D$ t89P D$(t8U D$,t>95t D$, D$@ D$0 D$ t{9H D$<tA; D$$;t$$}A D$ tA8L$$ D$<tC; D^][d D$,tEU D$,Tf[ D? =%d. TFT< D$ h D|j D$ D$(t<j D$"j D$@+T+D+T$4+D$8j D$@t(;l D$ tnj D~NW D$|tOh D`/ D D(WV D D D D D D Dtributedlg-availGold D$ t S D$(t S D$ S ;D)D D D D$<;t$,| D$(t<;t$0| D<U D$<t<U D$ t U D$\t<U ;D D$<t V D$,t V D$ V D$ t W D$(t W \$,~dU ;D$<u! ;D$ u$ ;D$(u' ;D$" D$(u% !dU2om2 DualPlace Dual\RTr ;D$ uC }d;ud~ DudeHitsWater ;D$,uE ?D_Ugo dUh3pi= DummyObject dummyObjectSync dumpCaps DumpUn Du+mpZ d>={Umu`.R duOdes? D&uPFu D$ UPj D$ : duplic DUPLICAT DUPLICATED/MATCH duplicated ridges in same merge cycle duplicated ridges with flipped facets DuplicateHandle DUPLICATEridge duplicate ridges detected dupridge D$ D$(UPSV D$ UPVW D$ D$(UQRP D$(UQRSSP duration durationVariance du Rc+ %d User Classes: %d User Functions: %d User Rule Groups: %d User Rules: D$(USP D$ u"V Duv2e"zA D$\UVR \ D$@UVW D$ UVW3 D$(UVW3 ;~du=W \ ;D$,uY dvance(y dvapi32. %d Variables. %d Variables (Parms AND Vars). D$ D?V?h?z? D$\VPSU D$ VQRP D$ D$ VWP D$ Dw./@/ D$ ~\W DW0pFC dWagon dwidx0LD]q[ D W -k -Dworl D$ WPP | D$(WPSP D$(WRP D$(WRVSUP D$<WSP | D$ WSUPj D$ ~wU D$ WVPUh D^][_ D^] D][^ D 8;t$8 DXaus] D$,Xd[ D+D@RP %d x %d x %d @ %d hz (%s) D? DXj/;ZI D D D D D D D (%d) : XS: %s D,; =DXT1t =DXT2uU =DXT3u< =DXT5t D+T+D Dxywirr{ D$,_^][Y dy&AinolV DynamicCost dynamicFriction dynamicIBSize dynamicVBSize dynbump dY>%Pb9X|QVY dYVll3 ? d? z? 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EconomyPage Economy Pop: Limit=%d, Current=%d. eConvexH ecorded! eCostFro eCrafts 0 ecretAns E":C"t ECT 1 2 ected 'e ectEnemi| ecVVVW ed1pelI" e d3d te edarray.qhzP .edata edByID(% edByTown ed chang Ed?D\3&2 ed dicto E-DeOlete edGarr edg.B edgedensity EdgeOfMapBuffer Edge of world edgetype ED+\ edHelp eDialog( editBox editBoxAlphaOnly editBoxFileSystem editBoxMaskChars editBoxMaxChars editBoxNumericOnly editBoxPosIntOnly editBoxPrompt editBoxReadOnly editCliff EditCliffSwatch editForest editMode editMode(<symbolModeName>) : changes the edit mode editor Editor editor.con EditorNameID editorPausedText EditorProtoPalette editorTestGameMenu EditorTexturePalette EditorUI .\editorui.cpp editwa editwater editWater EditWaterBeautifyButton EditWaterRemoveButton EditWaterSwatch EditWaterToolPalette EditWaterUpdateButton ED/MATCH< `edoUnit edpoI0ar ED_RIGID ed tag ' @_edToHk ed to nP Othe k edUnits( eDWBaQoG edX&@v eedBonu ,, EEDEGUT EEmit:pUB een.cp een*dY eenTo>
"Ef+0T E_FAIL efaultCo efaultEn efaultInygs@ efenses2 !effec&P effect Effect effects\ Effects effects\impacts\DamageFireLoop.particle effects\impacts\DamageSmokeLoop.particle effecwts\ EFFFFF EFFF!FFF effwici efghijkl eFloatParamType eFloatRegSet eFontRes e?former eful, AI "(e.g. eg: 6a EG7ree egame-me EGGGGGG Egm<ZGA EGoldD \EgOyO egY0,N`FF Egyptian \$ ~Eh eHCSub |E;HL}@ eI4%jGB eIb`orrupH eIjpX#P eimedb e/inc#</N! E_insid eIntParamType eIntRegSet EInv0pdr.`em eip=%d eIs8@T Either prepend the input with 1 point or use 'Hn,n,n'. See manual. E jdWPj ejectat EjectUnit `ej_k7 ! eJQas eKD3hs eke+o=e eLC0.part el-custo elementHandle eleteUd elevation elevationcircular elevationsample eLevelUGPAl;$2 Elev.RNo?iseBia| ELH Xa E]{{Ll elP`HeroNp ?elpTex +- el=@qp, u _eM ao eMatrixParamClass EmbellishmentClass e>m@blishs& ementHan Emergency eMesh[ emory.eIW empower Empower emp$@R empty Empty1 Empty2 emptyBitmap EmptyClipboard emptyColor emptywe emptyweight eM`SummarAySe emyWhenT Enable Enable airfield support. enableBackstepping enableCameraRotation Enable circle selection. EnableCoffers enabled enableDamage enableDeactivation enableDynamicMusic Enable ESO Playtest features enableESOPT EnableFixM enableIdleMilitaryBanner enableIme EnableMercs EnableMercs2 EnableMercs3 EnableMercs4 EnableMercs5 enableMPAutoSave Enable perimeter wall support. EnablePlantations Enables clamshell ragdolls. Enables dynamic music enableShadows enable shadows - need a renderer restart before taking effect Enables idle military banner enableSimulationIslands enableSLI Enables the restricted screen space in which to draw world tooltips. Enables the rotation of the camera enable terrain height limits enable the damage and fire pass enable the wind manager EnableTradeRouteCoin EnableTradeRouteLOS EnableTradeRouteTransport EnableTreaties enableWind EnableWindow enableWorldTooltipClipRect en AI f enario enbevel encil bu EndDialog ender; end-of-l;in EndoZ~_ EndPaint endPtp EndSca,a endTile ?Enemiey Enemy3 enforces gadget handle get/release counts EngageRange engine
`e%nJUT? E_NOINTERFACE en RGB (?0-255) ?EnRoute enseGod Ensemble enterAttackMoveMode EnterBuilding enterCampaignMode enterCampaignMode(<name>): EnterCriticalSection enterGCGameMode enterGCGameMode(<name>): Entering Entering initial contexts enterKey enterPa enterRecordGameMode enterRecordGameMode(<name>): Enter '%s' function. Entity EntityMovement entityMovementSync Entity reference of Character reference Entity reference terminator (';') entPar:Pt &entryGG Entryp enum ID EnumThreadWindows En?vironmq <@En[vP E eOonly9 EOUS/,v E OUT OF? RANGE _EoWdpST ePer64M ePlaym E_POINTER ep>poT
E_/Prog` epth,a ePZ=\7 EqalwaysC @EQBMPESO E).q m eQ;OEc EqualRect er1024` e-r2uttqo /eRandomx ercAdd er <cate ercsMedi erDiplo ERFLOGENJM erGroup:| erGU{ID erhaps a= er HoX erializ"A er-Labe erne{t E \%ro ErodeBuildingFoundations erOfM# >e_R-P erpointE er qh}0 errainPa `{ERRON ERRONEOUS ERROR ( ERROR @ Error 0001: tokenizer is NULL. Error 0002: invalid source. Error 0003: could not compile file '%S'. Error 0004: labels could not be fixed up. Error 0009: invalid source. Error 0010: cannot have circular file includes. Error 0011: allocated tokenizer is NULL. Error 0012: found '%s' when looking for a variable/function/rule declaration or an include statement. Error 0013: '%s' is not a valid variable type. Error 0014: '%s' is already defined. Error 0015: failed to create variable entry. Error 0016: expected '=' and found '%s' (you must initialize all variables to a literal or const value). Error 0017: parseIntegerConstant failed. Error 0018: setAll failed. Error 0019: parseFloatConstant failed. Error 0020: setAll failed. Error 0021: parseBoolConstant failed. Error 0022: setAll failed. Error 0023: expected a string constant and found '%s'. Error 0024: setAll failed. Error 0026: parseVectorConstant failed. Error 0027: setAll failed. Error 0028: don't understand the default type for this variable. Error 0029: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0031: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for this global variable. Error 00322: setAll failed for rule activation variable. Error 0032: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for this stack variable. Error 0033: '%s' is not a valid return type. Error 0034: '%s' is already defined and cannot be a function name (use 'mutable' to allow overriding). Error 0035: cannot create new function entry. Error 0037: unable to add an entry to the symbol table. Error 0038: the 'main' function has already been defined. Error 0039: expected '(' and found '%s'. Error 0041: '%s' is not a valid parameter type. Error 0043: '%s' is not a valid parameter type. Error 0044: the main function cannot take any arguments. Error 0045: could not parse parameter declaration. Error 0046: found '%s' when ',' was expected. Error 0047: could not parse the code for '%s' function. Error 0048: could not add RET quad for '%s' function. Error 0049: could not emit quads for '%s' function. Error 0050: parseExpr failed for condition. Error 0051: could not add JUMPZ quad. Error 0052: could not parse the code for THEN block. Error 0053: could not add JUMP quad for then block. Error 0054: could not add LABEL quad for else block. Error 0055: could not parse the code for ELSE block. Error 0056: could not add LABEL quad for then block. Error 0057: could not add LABEL quad for else block. Error 0058: found '%s' when looking for a label name. Error 0059: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0060: '%s' is an invalid label. Error 0061: invalid label ID. Error 0062: LABEL quad addition failed. Error 0063: found '%s' when looking for a label name. Error 0064: '%s' is an invalid label. Error 0065: invalid label ID. Error 0066: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0067: JUMP quad addition failed. Error 0068: invalid name token in LVALUE in variable assignment. Error 0069: bad LVALUE in variable assignment. Error 0070: '%s' is not a valid variable for assignment into. Error 0071: '%s' is a const variable. Error 0072: '%s' is a const variable. Error 0073: expected '=', '++', or '--' and found '%s'. Error 0074: '%s' operator is only valid for integers and floats. Error 0075: createIncrementVariableCode failed. Error 0076: PUSHADD quad addition failed. Error 0077: parseExpression failed. Error 0078: ASS quad addition failed. Error 0079: POP quad addition failed. Error 0080: POPADD quad addition failed. Error 0081: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0082: expected '(' and found '%s'. Error 0083: invalid variable in for loop. Error 0084: could not create variable entry. Error 0085: setAll failed. Error 0086: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for this stack variable. Error 0087: '%s' is not a valid variable. Error 0088: parseVariableAssignment failed. Error 0094: expected '<', '<=', '>', or '>=' and found '%s'. Error 0097: expected ')' and found '%s'. Error 0098: could not add LOOP LABEL quad for FOR loop. Error 0099: PUSH quad addition failed. Error 0102: compare quad addition failed. Error 0103: JUMPZ quad addition failed. Error 0104: could not parse the code for FOR loop. Error 0105: createIncrementVariableCode failed. Error 0106: could not add JUMP quad for loop label for FOR loop. Error 0107: could not add END label quad for FOR loop. Error 0108: '%s' is an invalid token. Error 0109: '%s' is not a valid variable for DBG. Error 0110: PUSHADD quad addition failed. Error 0111: DBG quad addition failed. Error 0112: POPADD quad addition failed. Error 0113: '%s' is not valid outside of a function. Error 0115: could not add RET quad for '%s' function. Error 0116: '%s' expected empty return parameter. Error 0117: parseExpression failed. Error 0118: could not add RET quad for '%s' function. Error 0119: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0120: expected 'include' and found '%s'. Error 0121: expected filename and found '%s'. Error 0122: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0123: failed to open file '%s'. Error 0124: failed to get size of file '%s'. Error 0126: could not allocate buffer. Error 0127: failed to read file data. Error 0128: expected '{' and found '%s'. Error 0131: '%s' is a bad syscall - unable to parse. Error 0132: '%s' is a bad function - unable to parse. Error 0133: PT::outputQuads failed. Error 0134: POP quad addition failed. Error 0135: parseConditionDecl failed. Error 0136: parseVarDecl failed. Error 0137: parseLabelDecl failed. Error 0138: parseGotoDecl failed. Error 0139: parseForLoop failed. Error 0140: parseDBG failed. Error 0141: parseReturn failed. Error 0142: parseVariableAssignment failed. Error 0143: '%s' is an unrecognized/currently unsupported symbol - unable to parse. Error 0144: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0146: %d is an invalid syscall ID. Error 0147: %d is an invalid functionID. Error 0148: could not allocate root PTNode. Error 0149: this syscall doesn't allow arguments, so the call shouldn't include parenthesis. Error 0150: Unexpected end of input. Error 0151: Missing ',' after arg %d - '%s'. Error 0152: too many arguments for sys call '%s'. Error 0153: parseExpression2 failed. Error 0154: addParm failed. Error 0155: optional parm creation failed. Error 0156: createTempVar failed. Error 0159: %d args read. Error 0160: parseVectorConstant failed. Error 0161: invalid variableIndex. Error 0162: '%s' is an unrecognized variable name. Error 0163: variable '%s' is an unrecognized variable type. Error 0164: found '%s' when looking for either an atomic term. Error 0165: high level parseExpr2 failed. Error 0166: quad output failed. Error 0167: new PTNode allocation failed. Error 0168: parseAtomic failed. Error 0169: void syscall/function cannot be called here. Error 0170: parseSysFuncCall failed. Error 0171: parseExpression2 failed. Error 0172: '%s' is not a valid operator. Error 0173: new PTNode allocation failed. Error 0174: '%d' is not a valid variable type. Error 0178: expected a bool constant and found '%s'. Error 0179: expected '(' and found '%s'. Error 0180: expected float x value and found '%s'. Error 0181: expected ',' and found '%s'. Error 0182: expected float y value and found '%s'. Error 0183: expected ',' and found '%s'. Error 0184: expected float z value and found '%s'. Error 0185: expected '(' and found '%s'. Error 0186: could not find a fixup index for jump at position %d. Error 0187: could not create label name. Error 0188: could not add jump label. Error 0189: unable to add an entry to the symbol table for label. Error 0190: currentFunction is invalid. Error 0191: new variable entry allocation failed. Error 0192: unable to add an entry for temporary variable. Error 0193: setAll failed. Error 0194: cannot assign to a const variable. Error 0195: cannot assign to a const variable. Error 0196: PUSHADD quad addition failed. Error 0197: PUSH quad addition failed. Error 0198: PUSHI quad addition failed. Error 0199: ADD quad addition failed. Error 0200: ASS quad addition failed. Error 0201: POP quad addition failed. Error 0202: POPADD quad addition failed. Error 0217: problem emitting the list. Error 0218: parseExpression2 failed. Error 0219: final quad output failed. Error 0220: expected 'switch' and found '%s'. Error 0221: parseSwitch failed. Error 0222: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0223: createTempVariable failed. Error 0224: PUSHADD quad addition failed. Error 0225: parseExpression failed. Error 0226: ASS quad addition failed. Error 0227: POP quad addition failed. Error 0228: POPADD quad addition failed. Error 0229: expected '{' and found '%s'. Error 0230: expected 'case' or 'default' and found '%s'. Error 0231: parseExpression failed. Error 0232: PUSH quad addition failed. Error 0233: compare quad addition failed. Error 0234: JUMPZ quad addition failed. Error 0235: parseCode failed. Error 0236: JUMP quad addition failed. Error 0237: LABEL quad addition failed. Error 0238: LABEL quad addition failed. Error 0239: parseWhile failed. Error 0240: parseBreak failed. Error 0241: error adding switch break label ID. Error 0242: error adding for-loop break label ID. Error 0243: expected 'while' and found '%s'. Error 0244: error adding while-loop break label ID. Error 0245: LABEL quad addition failed. Error 0246: expected '(' and found '%s'. Error 0247: parseExpression failed. Error 0248: JUMPZ quad addition failed. Error 0249: parseCode failed. Error 0250: JUMP quad addition failed. Error 0251: LABEL quad addition failed. Error 0252: expected 'break' and found '%s'. Error 0253: invalid 'break' location. Error 0254: JUMP quad addition failed. Error 0255: expected ':' and found '%s'. Error 0256: parseCode failed. Error 0257: JUMP quad addition failed. Error 0258: expected 'rule' and found '%s'. Error 0259: '%s' is already defined and cannot be a rule name. Error 0260: cannot create new function entry for '%s' rule. Error 0262: unable to add an entry to the symbol table. Error 0263: cannot create new rule entry for '%s' rule. Error 0265: rule priority cannot be set twice. Error 0266: parseIntegerConstant failed. Error 0267: rule min interval cannot be set twice. Error 0268: parseIntegerConstant failed. Error 0269: expected group name and found '%s'. Error 0270: createRuleGroup failed. Error 0271: '%s' is already in use and cannot be a group name. Error 0272: expected 'priority', 'minInterval', 'maxInterval', or 'group' and found '%s'. Error 0273: could not parse the code for '%s' rule. Error 0274: could not add RET quad for '%s' rule. Error 0275: could not emit quads for '%s' rule. Error 0276: expected group name and found '%s'. Error 0277: failed to create rule group entry. Error 0279: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for this global variable. Error 0280: rule max interval cannot be set twice. Error 0281: parseIntegerConstant failed. Error 0282: new PTNode allocation failed. Error 0283: addParm failed. Error 0284: setAll failed. Error 0285: setAll failed. Error 0286: setAll failed. Error 0287: setAll failed. Error 0288: setAll failed. Error 0289: don't understand the default type for this variable. Error 0290: parseVariableAssignment failed. Error 0291: expected '=' and found '%s' (you must initialize all variables to a literal or const value). Error 0292: parseILL failed. Error 0293: parseIRL failed. Error 0294: parseIntegerConstant failed. Error 0295: %d is an invalid infinite loop limit. Error 0296: ILL quad addition failed. Error 0297: parseIntegerConstant failed. Error 0298: %d is an invalid infinite recursion limit. Error 0299: IRL quad addition failed. Error 0300: invalid expression, '%s' cannot follow another operand. Error 0301: invalid expression, '%s' cannot follow another operator. Error 0302: LINE quad addition failed. Error 0303: failed to create file entry. Error 0304: failed to set filename in file entry. Error 0307: failed to set source in file entry. Error 0308: illogical or invalid expression. Error 0310: invalid symbol lookup for '%s'. Error 0311: could not add RET quad for '%s' function. Error 0312: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0313: expected ')' and found '%s'. Error 0314: rule min interval cannot be set twice. Error 0315: rule max interval cannot be set twice. Error 0316: rule active/inactive cannot be set twice. Error 0317: parseBreakpoint failed. Error 0318: expected 'breakpoint' and found '%s'. Error 0319: BPNT quad addition failed. Error 0320: unable to add a symbol for this filename. Error 0321: failed to create variable entry for rule activation variable. Error 0323: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for the rule activation variable. Error 0324: invalid expression, likely is not enclosed by parentheses. Error 0325: parseContinue failed. Error 0326: expected 'continue' and found '%s'. Error 0327: invalid 'continue' location. Error 0328: JUMP quad addition failed. Error 0329: error adding for-loop continue label ID. Error 0330: could not add CONTINUE label quad for FOR loop. Error 0331: error adding while-loop continue label ID. Error 0332: expected an integer constant and found '%s'. Error 0333: bad symbol in integer constant. Error 0334: '%s' is not a valid variable for an integer constant. Error 0335: '%s' is not a const integer variable. Error 0336: '%s' is not a const variable. Error 0337: expected a float constant and found '%s'. Error 0338: bad symbol in float constant. Error 0339: '%s' is not a valid variable for a float constant. Error 0340: '%s' is not a const float variable. Error 0341: '%s' is not a const variable. Error 0342: expected a bool constant and found '%s'. Error 0343: bad symbol in bool constant. Error 0344: '%s' is not a valid variable for a bool constant. Error 0345: '%s' is not a const bool variable. Error 0346: '%s' is not a const variable. Error 0347: Cannot 'export' a parameter or function variable. Error 0348: Cannot 'export' a 'const' or 'static' variable. Error 0349: Cannot 'extern' a parameter or function variable. Error 0350: Cannot 'extern' a 'static' variable. Error 0351: Cannot 'static' a parameter or non-function variable. Error 0352: Cannot 'static' an 'export', 'extern', or 'const' variable. Error 0353: Cannot 'const' an 'export' or 'static' variable. Error 0361: runImmediately cannot be set twice. Error 0362: %d is an invalid FID during overload fixup. Error 0363: unable to add a function overload entry. Error 0364: unable to add a function overload entry. Error 0365: wacky error where replaced function doesn't exist. Nutty. Error 0366: Mismatched return types on function overload. Error 0367: Mismatched number of parameters on function overload. Error 0368: Mismatched parameter type on paramater #%d on function overload. Error 0369: expected a vector constant and found '%s'. Error 0369: expected 'class' and found '%s'. Error 0370: bad symbol in vector constant. Error 0370: found '%s' when looking for a class name. Error 0371: '%s' is an invalid class name (or is already defined). Error 0371: '%s' is not a valid variable for a bool constant. Error 0372: cannot create new class entry. Error 0372: '%s' is not a vector variable. Error 0373: '%s' is not a const variable. Error 0373: unable to add an entry to the symbol table for '%s' class. Error 0374: expected '{' and found '%s'. Error 0375: '%s' is not a valid variable type. Error 0376: could not parse member variable declaration. Error 0378: expected ';' and found '%s'. Error 0379: unable to add an entry to the symbol table for this class member variable. Error 0380: classes may not be defined inside a function. Error 0381: parseClassDeclaration failed. Error 0382: expected a user class name and found '%s'. Error 0383: '%s' is not a valid user class name. Error 0384: '%s' is already defined. Error 0385: Cannot 'export' a parameter or function variable. Error 0386: Cannot 'export' a 'const' or 'static' variable. Error 0387: Cannot 'extern' a parameter or function variable. Error 0388: Cannot 'extern' a 'static' variable. Error 0389: Cannot 'static' a parameter or non-function variable. Error 0390: Cannot 'static' an 'export', 'extern', or 'const' variable. Error 0391: Cannot 'const' an 'export' or 'static' variable. Error 0392: failed to create variable entry. Error 0393: failed to find user class entry definition. Error 0394: user class init failed. Error 0395: invalid expression; cannot convert anything to 'void' type. Error 0396: invalid expression; only ints, floats, and bools may be converted to 'int' type. Error 0397: invalid expression; only ints, floats, and bools may be converted to 'int' type. Error 0398: invalid expression; expression type does not match expected type. Error 0401: expected '.' and found %s. Error 0402: expected a class member variable name and found %s. Error 0404: '%s' is a non-void function, but does not return anything. Error 399: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for this stack variable. Error 400: unable to add an entry to the file symbol table for this global variable. Error(%.8d) Error c Error collecting stats: Failed to collect game header and end log Error collecting stats: Failed to collect player info Error : could not create syscall entry for '%s' syscall. Error: data is NULL. Error : %d is not a valid type ID for a return value. Error: evaluateCode PC=%d (Code goes from 0 to %d), stopping. Error: failed evaluating code on an indeterminate source line. Error: failed evaluating code on line number %d. Error: failed to add function to call stack. Error: failed to push '%d' parameter on stack before interp. Error: failed to setup function on stack. Error: Function '%s' is not a valid handler function (does not take a single int parm). .\error\hkError.cpp Error: invalid function entry. Error: no water info available. Error : NULL string parameter. Error: parsing (1 bytes?) beyond end of code. Error: parsing (2 bytes?) beyond end of code. Error: parsing (4 bytes?) beyond end of code. Error - problem adding four bytes to the source array. Error - problem adding one byte to the source array. Error - problem adding two bytes to the source array. Error reading chatset value from personality file. Error reading rushboom value from personality file. ERROR: %s can't create progression. No goal unit or tech specified. Error : '%s' is stomping on the load of a previous syscall. Error: source or data is NULL. errorStringID ERROR: The progressionID is invalid. This is very bad. (PlanID=%d) (PUID=%d) (TechID=%d) Error: u Error : unable to add an entry to the call array. Error : unable to add a symbol for '%s' syscall. Error : unable to add set syscall ID for this symbol. Error : unable to find an expected match for '%s' syscall symbol. Error : unable to finish adding a non-existant syscall. error - unable to obtain VB for particle alpha polys Error(UNDEFINED) Error: unexpected opcode=%d. Error : unfinished syscall addition. Error - unknown opcode: %d %d, %d, %d. Errorx_ err- - Un ers.BackEB ersect ersiont ersShado erVaGlidB ervHb e (%s& Es2inI eSamplerParamClass eSamplerParamType eSamplerRegSet esB Hav eScalerParamClass escGrow EscrKow Escr[ow EscrowID=%d. //Escrow IDs: ESEffectName >ESEffectParamLookup ESEffectParamLookup1 ESEffectParamLookup2 ESEffectParamLookup3 ESEffectParamLookup4 ESEffectParamLookup5 ESEffectParamName ESEffectParamName1 ESEffectParamName2 ESEffectParamName3 ESEffectParamName4 ESEffectParamName5 ESEffectParamValue ESEffectParamValue1 ESEffectParamValue2 ESEffectParamValue3 ESEffectParamValue4 ESEffectParamValue5 ESETKh ESfd$7 e_Shadow "esktop:j ESN'T RE ESOConfigURL ESOConnectTimeout ESOEulaDlg_AcceptBtn ESOEulaDlg_DeclineBtn ESOEulaDlg_Text ESOEulaDlg_Title ESOEULA.TXT ESOHomeCityStorage ESOPassword ESOProvider ESORequestResponseTimeout ESOServer ESOServerHostName ESOServerPort ESOUseHomeCity ESOUserName e/Spec ESPostExport es <= r E SSSS EST BLAH estroy estroyed ESvF3i etai60Com , etc. d9y<` etc. so eT'echaa etIgnore etMin) e toka e too fa etPidx# etSound etup-Civ~ etween) `Eula| e unknow EupZP gp ;E\uY3 /e-V9P5IPPQP] ? eval Evaluate EVdAIPM: evear0o eVecto eVectorParamClass even{tH Event is Done/Failed. evgice{`
evHM~K eViewer evious evTurbu E E,vzw9 |E;w\}@ ewh/?y E_W_i_{_ E?W?i?{? e will eworks.x ex4 anZF. exclude ExcludeFromPlaytest Exclusi ExclusiveControl Exec f Exec format error ExecuteCount ExecuteGoal Executing console file %s existing bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] existing bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] (width %2.2g) Exists ExistsAge1 ExistsAge2 ExistsAge3 ExistsAge4 ExitBuilding exitDelayMult exitEffectSpawnChance exit: exits the game exitImpulseMult exitMPSetupSubScreen exitMPSetupSubScreen : Leave the current MP screen and return to the MP setup menu. ExitProcess Exit '%s' function. ExitThread exitUnitLifespan ExitW$ ExitYorN exj`e" ta ,_e_xm expanded ExpandFort - expecL Expected 'animatedtexture'. Expected a proper hex device ID, but found '%S' instead. Expected a proper hex vendor ID, but found '%S' instead. Expected 'device' but found '%S' instead. Expected 'geometrytrail'. Expected 'id', 'VeryHigh', 'High', 'Medium', or 'Low' but found '%S' instead. Expected 'ImpactEffect' but found '%S' instead Expected 'LightingSet'. Expected 'mix'. Expected tag 'Colonies' but found '%S' instead. Expected tag 'Colony' but found '%S' instead. Expected tag 'PlacementRules' but found '%S' instead. Expected tag 'riverline' but found '%S' instead. Expected tag 'Shoreline' but found '%S' instead. Expected tag 'waterCliff' or 'backCliff' but found '%S' instead. Expected true or false (0 or 1 also ok) Expected 'vendor' or 'generic' but found '%S' instead. experienceKillCap experienceMaxDamageBonus ExperiencePage ExperienceUnit Expert expir Explicit Explore Explore plan %s: FAILED: couldn't find any waypoints. //Explore Plan Variables: Explorer ExplorerDog export ExportToTextButton ExQbor1 ExtConsole extern EXTERN EXTERN$% external externalPort externalVehicleControllers EXTERN$%s ext(mess6; extraDownStaticFriction extraGravityws extraspace ExtraTC'Age:p> m extraTorqueFactor extraUpStaticFriction ExtraZoom ExtraZoomPercent ExtTextOutW eY`F?`lasY`T E_`ZFJ eZuPuCTR E^=ZxiF %_(%f, F||<## F``00a F0$?3=1 !F0BQR F0t+hP F0tNew F0_^][Y ?F10/f? %)f1aHP f1npU1V`1 F@29=p ,;F 2my F3OROb F49F@| F4f;B4 F4ff&? F4+GL= F4_t 3 F4USQRh U F4_^][Y F69F$| @f6`Ar <\f}}7 |=;F<}8 ?&?f87s F89FP}OW3 F89h,u F8PhXH F8RPh F8!T$, F,98uX F,9F8| F@9F8u F@9F8u, F<9FH| F(9FP} F,9FT} f9F(tf F<9h<} F\9^h| | F9qDogSo F:9RV_bih
f9:t'A f9:t'A F(9x t3 f!(A*! Fa_^][ Fa[_^] Fa]_^[ fa0abBibwE () fa 0d! fAat|h FaceOutwards facets facets before post merge facets created altogether facets deleted because of no neighbors Factory FactoryCannery FactoryMassProduction FactorySteamPower FactoryWagon FactoryWagonAccel FactoryWaterPower FadeGadget FadeInOnBuild FadeInOnCreation FadeOutDecalOnDeath FadeOutDuringDeathAnimation FadeOuwtDeL fadeToColor fadeToColor(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): fade in/out using color specified. Fa.+fLc Failed FAILED:Ny Failed to build area '%s' (%d) -- did not reach minimum tile count! Failed to collect post game stats. Failed to end the log Failed to load cliff piece model %s Failed to log tech info. Failed to log unit info. Failed to open log. Failed to record entity summary Failg? FailGoal FailOnUnaffordable Failure FailureCause FailureCauseFloat FakePlayerEditCancelButton FakePlayerEditDlg FakePlayerEditUnfakifySelected FakeRigi fakeSunParams fakeSunParams([intensity] [specIntensity] [specPower] [inclination] [rotation]) : Set fake sun params for water ==? false@ false. )/falU FameProgressBar fAO3_E_ FaOilur FarClip( FArea-total FarmLimitPerPlan Farthest Fast gamepad scrolling speed. FastSpeed -- [faU faultqV faultt/ f;A uO3 Favorit FavoriteUnit fawlse Fa^][Y Fa_^]Y Fa_^][Y *=Fb4N [fB,[doeu f!Be=f F befo fBOlock @: f~C \$,f+C FC021WATER_ HACK >/>Fcc FCentrums Fcoplanars f;C t?f F$:cT^PB'>) FD9FT| Fd-cdd-in FD-cdd-out FD+FPU FD+k4+F4 f doesn' FDPh _ FdRUUPj ;FDt!Uj Fdu&h% feasible point: February fEey i feez}{ F%Enabl F,;F0t` ff6@cliffSelection FFacets-xridge ff:B<PT ffects FFEFFFE (%f %f %f) (%f, %f, %f) %(%f, %f, %f). %f %f %f %f, %f, %f %f,%f,%f (%f %f %f %f) FFFFcVVVVV FFFFF !FFFFF "FFFFF" FFFFFE FFF"FFE FFFFFF "FFFFFF FFFFFFE FFFFFFF" FFFFFFF?92222289 @FFFFFFFFd]VVVVVVVVVV FFFFFFFFFFF" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFjd FFFFFFFj "FFFFFj fff?|N F f;G tL fficiL fficulty F@+FLS %f,%fs ffsetRot~Z4perpTo FgDi(] fGGO]b FH9F@| Fh9nhu5 F]hb4N +FH;FDr +FH;Fl FhPh|^ Fht(;^p ficulty ficulty( fidirY !field fieldAllowDropEdits fieldAlphaOnly FieldGun fieldHideOnInactive fieldMaskText fieldMaxCharacters fieldNameTextColor fieldNameTextFont fieldNameTextFontSize fieldReadOnly fieldRequireEnter fieldSet fieldTextBoxArt fieldTextBoxColor fieldVal fijDV][ , File fileBrowser Filebrowser-actionbtn Filebrowser-cancelbtn Filebrowser-curfolder Filebrowser-dirlist Filebrowser-dirupbtn Filebrowser-filename Filebrowser-Label File Data: Fileen6 file error File exists filename Filename: "%s" Filename: "%s", ShaderType: "%s", EntryPoint: "%s" Filename too long FileOp Files: %5d files. File '%S' opened at %s FileTimeToLocalFileTime FileTimeToSystemTime File too large fileTransferCL FillMapC FillPlayerArmy FilterButtons-default-unset filterChat FinalRelease finalReleaseRecordSync FinalReleaseSync Final scale of the recede strip FindBestOpp FindBestResource - PlayerID: %d, None found FindBestResource - PlayerID: %d, PlanID: %d FindClose ^FindCr FindFirstFileA FindFirstFileW @FindNewResourceTimeOut FindNewWorld FindNextFileA FindNextFileW >`FindN{ug >`FindNugget Finished BGame::initializeDependent Finished creating modes Finner fInstvq -FiPand8 fireExistTime fireloop firstattacktime First post-merge `Fish^a Fish - Perch //Fish Plan Variables: FishSalmon Fish - Salmon ?_FIXED_RIGID_BODY fixedUpdate FJ;D$(} Fj!NX8 f;J uN3 FL9D$4t Fl9Fx| $ flag FLAG_BOTTOM FLAG_CIV FlagObj - flags: Flags: 0x%X FLAG_TOP FlamingWeapons Flare8 \flare_a flareAdditive flared flareMapDuration FlareNotificationDist FlareNotificationTime FlareOnFullyBuilt flarePlayerColor flareQueueDuration Flare size. Flare time. flashHitpointBarsOnDamage Flash HP bar on any damaged unit Flash(<I FlattenGround flict1 fliN ; Flintlock flipped flipped facet flipped facets fliSpp!` fLmV]ooo floa]a` FLOA= I floaPY (?[float Float~ Float1 Float2 float aiGetAttackResponseDistance( void ): Returns the attack response distance. float aiGetEconomyPercentage( void ): Returns the economy priority percentage. float aiGetExploreDangerThreshold(): gets the ai's Explore Danger Threshold value. float aiGetMarketBuyCost( int resourceID ): Returns the amount required to buy 100 units of the given resource. float aiGetMarketSellCost( int resourceID ): Returns the amount received for selling 100 units of the given resource. float aiGetMilitaryPercentage( void ): Returns the militarypriority percentage. float aiGetOpportunityRadius( int opportunityID ): gets the radius from this opportunity float aiGetResourceBreakdownPercentage( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Gets the percentage for the given breakdown. float aiGetResourceGathererPercentage( int resourceID, int rgpIndex ): Returns the resource gatherer percentage for the given resource. float aiGetResourceGathererPercentageWeight( int rgpIndex ): Returns the RGP weight. float aiPersonalityGetGameResource(int playerHistoryIndex, int gameIndex, int resourceID): Returns the given resource from the gameIndex game. If gameIndex is -1, this will return the avg of all games played. float aiPersonalityGetPlayerUserVar( int playerHistoryIndex, string userVarName ): Returns the user value, given the playerHistoryIndex and the userVarName. float aiPersonalityGetRushBoom( void ): Returns the rush boom scale for this ai. float aiPlanGetUnitCost(int planID, bool considerHitPoints): gets total aiCost of plan's units, weighted for HP if requested. float aiPlanGetUserVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. float aiPlanGetVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. floatField float hcUnitGetInitialPauseTime( int unitID ): Gets the initial time a unit should pause before spawning. - floating point not loaded float k float kbBaseGetMaximumResourceDistance( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the maximum resource distance of the base. float kbBuildingPlacementGetResultValue( int bpID ): Returns the result value for given BP ID. float kbEscrowGetAmount( int escrowID, int resourceID ): Returns the amount of credits in the given escrow for the given resource. float kbEscrowGetPercentage( int escrowID, int resourceID ): Returns the percentage of the escrow. float kbGetAICostWeight( int resourceID ): Returns the AI cost weight for the given resource. float kbGetAmountValidResources( int baseID, int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, float distance ): Returns the resource amount of valid KB resources for the resource types. float kbGetAutoBaseCreate( void ): Returns the auto base creation distance. float kbGetAutoBaseDetect( void ): Returns the auto base creation distance. float kbGetCombatEfficiency( int playerID1, int unitTypeID1, int playerID2, int unitTypeID2 ): Returns the combat efficiency of the comparison (in terms of playerID1's units). float kbGetMapXSize( void ): Returns the X size of the map. float kbGetMapZSize( void ): Returns the Z size of the map. float kbGetPlayerHandicap( int playerID ): Returns the player's handicap multiplier (ie., 1.0 = no handicap). float kbGetProtoUnitAICost( int protoUnitTypeID ): Returns the AI cost for the given protoUnit type ID. float kbGetResourceIncome( int resourceID, float seconds, bool relative ): Returns the resource income over the last X seconds. float kbGetTargetSelectorFactor(int type) : gets the TargetSelector Factor value. float kbGetTechAICost( int techID ): Returns the AI cost for the given tech ID. float kbGetTechPercentComplete( int techID ): Returns the percent complete for the the requested tech of the current player. float kbMaximumResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the maximum amount of the given resource you can have. float kbPathGetLength( int pathID ): Returns the length of the given path. float kbProgessionGetTotalResourceCost( int progressionID, int resourceID ): Returns the total cost of the given resource for this progressionID. A resourceID of -1 will return the total Cost. float kbResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the current amount of the given resource. float kbTechCostPerResource( int techID, int resourceID): returns the cost of the tech for the given resource. float kbTotalResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the total amount of the given resource gathered to this point in the game. float kbUnitCostPerResource( int protoUnitID, int resourceID): returns the cost of the protounit for the given resource. float kbUnitGetCurrentAICost( int unitID ): Returns the current AI cost (worth) for this unit ID. float kbUnitGetCurrentHitpoints( int unitID ): Returns the current hitpoints for this unit ID. float kbUnitGetHealth( int unitID ): Returns the health for this unit ID. float kbUnitGetMaximumAICost( int unitID ): Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for this unit ID. float kbUnitGetMaximumHitpoints( int unitID ): Returns the maximum hitpoints for this unit ID. float kbUnitPickGetPreferenceWeight( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick preference weight. float kbUnitQueryGetUnitCost(int queryID, bool considerHealth): gets total aiCost of query's units, weighted for HP if requested. float kbUnitQueryGetUnitHitpoints(int queryID, bool considerHealth): gets HP of query's units, using current HP if requested. FLOATo float rmFairLocXFraction(int playerID, int index): Gets a player's fairLoc x fraction. float rmFairLocZFraction(int playerID, int index): Gets a player's fairLoc z fraction. Float (Value=%d). float xsArrayGetFloat(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. float xsVectorGetX( vector v ): Returns the x component of the given vector. float xsVectorGetY( vector v ): Returns the y component of the given vector. float xsVectorGetZ( vector v ): Returns the z component of the given vector. float xsVectorLength( vector v ): Returns the length of the given vector. float xsVectorNormalize( vector v): Returns the normalized version of the given vector. float xsVectorSet( float x, float y, float z ): Set the 3 components into a vector, returns the new vector. float xsVectorSetX( vector v, float x ): Set the x component of the given vector, returns the new vector. float xsVectorSetY( vector v, float y ): Set the y component of the given vector, returns the new vector. float xsVectorSetZ( vector v, float z ): Set the z component of the given vector, returns the new vector. Fl/oaty floorMix FlsAlloc FlsFree FlsGetValue fLSpecia?lPower{I] FlsSetValue FltXh4 Fluffy #Flush Flu#sh' flushCommLogs FlushFileBuffers FlushLogOnWrite ];FLuX3 FluytAccel FLWPQR Flying FlyingPurpleTapir FlyingUnit Fmerges FMLTma{0 Fneighbors FNeighbors-vertex %FNeJE fNotMP(<\< f;N"uIf FNutjt foam1ScrollSpeed foam1Tex foam2ScrollSpeed foam2Tex foamAlphaBackTex foamAlphaSideTex foamFadeInTime foamFadeOutTime foamMaxNormalizedWidth foamNormalizedSpeed foamStartNormalizedTime foc7 .b fogColor fogEnd foggedTOBs fog([integerState]) : toggles or sets LOS fog. fogStart Follow FontOffset Foobar FoodDropsite fOorma Footpr footprinCtB Footprint footprintBone footprints footprintType FootprintTypes.xml FootstepLeft FootstepRight FOound FOptions fO(Ud Forage ForbiddenUnitsTechs_AllowBtn ForbiddenUnitsTechs_AllowedList ForbiddenUnitsTechs_CancelBtn ForbiddenUnitsTechs_DisplayBtns ForbiddenUnitsTechsDlg ForbiddenUnitsTechs_ForbidBtn ForbiddenUnitsTechs_ForbiddenList ForbiddenUnitsTechs_OkBtn ForceBuildingData forceD3DConfigFile ForceDetermineMachineSpec forceDirectInput Forced Migration Pos is off map, bailing (reseting timer, though). ForceLastInLine forceOnMap ForcePopulationImpactWhenPlaced forcePosition forces game to start in fullscreen mode forces game to start in windowed mode forces the game to check the machine specs upon startup forces the game to load all MP3 sounds fully in memory. forces the game to load all sounds fully in memory. forces the game to load all WAV sounds fully in memory. Forces the login to happen at the start of the game. forces the use of DirectSound 3D against the best wishes of the hardware. forces Windows cursor to always be displayed forces Windows cursor to always be displayed and no in-game cursor forces windows mouse and keyboard. Force the renderer to use a specific .d3dconfig file. ForceToGaia Forcing d3dconfig file to %S ForcQA foreground foregroundColor forestClumpiness ForestClumpiness forestDensity ForestDensity ForestFire ForestSwatch ForestToolPalette forestUnderbrush ForestUnderbrush for facets and their normals, neighbor and vertex sets for input points and outside and coplanar sets Formation formationOrientation @formationOrientation FormationOrientation formationScale FormatMessageW formatText formatTextBottomFill formatTextConvertUserLF formatTextScrollToBottom formatTextUseDataReplace For post-merging for ridges and their vertex sets for tag For testing vertex neighbors FortFrontier FortFrontierAccel FortifiedBlockhouse FortifiedOutpost Fortressize FortressizeBritish FortressizeDutch FortressizeFrench FortressizeGerman FortressizeOttoman FortressizePortuguese FortressizeRussian FortressizeSpanish FortressizeSPCAct1 FortressizeSPCAct2 FortressizeSPCAct3 FortWagon FortWagonAccel for vertices and their neighbor sets forwar ForwardBase ForwardMilitaryAutoBase%dPlayer%d foundation Foundation foundationDamageFactor FoundationID foundations under attack from shooting buildings further have their damage adjusted by this factor. foundations under attack have their damage adjusted by this factor. fourOfAKind FourOfAKind fourOfAKind() : starts the four of a kind victory if valid. Fouter FoXojo|o FOXOjO|O [@.[@F[@P[@^ FP9D$$ FP9FHu FP9X0W <Fp{~fT6 F(Ph<\ F,PhX_ Fpoint-intersect FPoint-nearest fPosOf -FPpIC ;FPr"j '+FPT2F F<PVWS fQ- [} FQEADG8 _FQGrou9 FQhull fqnq\q FQT14@x{ FQ\`xX ;F(r/8_ FRAGMEN FrameAi freeaddrinfo FreeEnvironmentStringsA FreeEnvironmentStringsW FreeHcLoad FreeHomeCityMerc FreeHomeCityUnit FreeLibrary freelists (bytes->count): FreeSid French Frequenct frequency Frequency }FR^g\ friction frictionEqualizer Friday friends Friends-Button <Frl=n_" F@rmSetObjectDefHerdAngle from 0{!%wd), fromBone FromGoalID FromGUID from p from p%d to f%d fromVersion frontalArea FrontierBlockhouse FrontierOutpost FrontLef@dN F\RRPj >FR`ZP F%s%&1y F?s_f3@? F SubState is Idle, picking Idle/Bored anim. Fsummary
fswAa |!;FT} F\t1;~d} FT9D$( F\t=;~d f (tempE Ft+Ft;Fx F>tgPW FtPhP^ Ftriangles Ftu['C Ftu)h! ft;wam FU0aM0CY fullAllSync fullCommLogs fullpaste FullRo1t fullscreen FullWindow (fully-f -fun*0 Fu;ncJ function FunctionID FunctionID=%d. Function not implemented FunctionParm // Function '%s': Function: "%s" Functions: %5d functions. Furthest furthest distance= %2.2g - furthest distance= %2.2g Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: furthLeq0 FVertex-average Fvertices `FVIDEO;ME Fvoronoi fVWh|: ;\fwG3 fwigIe ,fWlTx F F\WVPP Fx_][^ +FX=0u FX;C(|V;C, [fxe]< [fxe] BParametricShader::compile: No constant table, file %s func %s fxe] Exp [fxe] Expected 'enable' or 'disable' but found '%S' instead. [fxe] '%S' is not a valid tag. F_X_j_|_ F?X?j?|? F/X/j/|/ Fxtremes FXu _^2 Fxu&h& F(x,y,z F ^]_[Y F,_^[Y F^][Y f]YsN7' Fz\t,7#H g/+(, |`;G$}[ /<= (G )G`,*' G`_^][ G=~?.>
g0dg0pg0 g0.g0>g0N g0&g0U2g0Jg0bg0rg0U G0yToO G1ncM2 G1RhMR:al g20%S` G77BdQ_ }g8Aenabl G8Ph Q G9PjwD G\9XDt GadAIP GadAIPrompt =.\gadcirclemenu.cpp .\gadco .\gadcolordropdown.cpp .\gadconsole.cpp .\gadcore.cpp .\gaddialog.cpp .\gadedgedensity.cpp .\gadfield.cpp .\gadfieldset.cpp .\gadformattextbox.cpp gadget gadgetFlash gadgetFlash(<stringName> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. gadgetReal gadgetRealIfNotMP gadgetRealIfNotMP(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget. gadgetReal(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget. gadgetRefresh gadgetRefresh(<stringName>) : refresh the contents of the named gadget. gadgetScrollDown gadgetScrollDown : scrolls the gadget up one unit gadgetScrollLeft gadgetScrollLeft : scrolls the gadget to the left one unit gadgetScrollRight gadgetScrollRight : scrolls the gadget to the Right one unit gadgetScrollUp gadgetScrollUp : scrolls the gadget up one unit gadgetToggle gadgetToggleIfNotMP gadgetToggle(<stringName>) : toggles the reality of the named gadget. gadgetUnreal gadgetUnreal(<stringName>) : makes un-real the named gadget. GadgetV gadgetWheelScroll gadgetWheelScroll: ui use. Scrolling function for hooking wheel to gadget scrolling .\gadlist.cpp .\gadlistSimple.cpp .\gadmenu.cpp .\gadPageViewer.cpp .\gadpalette.cpp .\gadplayercomms.cpp .\gadradio.cpp .\gadslider.cpp .\gadtechtree.cpp .\gadtext.cpp ;.\gadtextsimple.cpp .\gadtooltip2.cpp .\gadtrigger.cpp .\gadtrigparam.cpp .\gadxsdebugger.cpp GAIsProcessorFeaturePresent Gal?ataTow>
gal byt Galleon GalleonAccel Gall-points gamecharacter game.con .\game.cpp Game dependent init GameMenu Gamepad =gamepadControl gamepad control map. GamepadControlMap gamepad control set. GamepadControlSet gamepad doubleclick time. GamepadDoubleClickTime gamepad rumble support. 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hCSkillTree HCSpanishGalleons HCSpanishTreasureFleet HCSpawnFishingBoats HCSpawnStrelet HCSpiceTrade HCSpiceTradeGerman HCSpiceTradeTeam HCStockyards HCStonemasons HCStonemasonsGerman HCStreletsCombatRussian hcSummaryPanel HC%s::update: HCSustainableAgriculture HCSustainableAgricultureGerman hcTabPanel HCTeamCoinCrates1 HCTeamCoinCrates2 HCTeamTeutonTownCenter HCTeamWoodCrates HCTextileMills HCTextileMillsGerman HCU#%d(%s)::update: HCUhlanCombatGerman HCUnicorne HCUniq HCUniqueCombatRussian hcUnitCreate hcUnitCreateAtBone hcUnitCreateUsingPos hcUnitDestroyAll hcUnitEnterBuilding hcUnitExit hcUnitExitBuilding hcUnitFollow hcUnitFreeWPID hcUnitGetActionType hcUnitGetGroupID hcUnitGetInitialPauseTime hcUnitGetPerformForwardFromGroup hcUnitGetPerformPosFromGroup hcUnitGetPosition hcUnitGetScript hcUnitGoIdle hcUnitMoveToPos hcUnitMoveToWPID hcUnitPlayAnim hcUnitSetFlag hcUnitSetInitialPauseTime hcUnitSetVisible hcUnitTeleportToWPID >@hcUnitTurn hcUnitWait HCUnlockFactory HCUnlockFactoryGerman HCUnlockFort HCUnlockFortGerman HCUnlockFortVauban HCWildernessWarfare hDF16j HD - pro HDPz". HDRMultisampleFactor HDRSupe HDRSupersampleFilter HDRSupersampleXFactor HDRSupersampleYFactor HDUWPj HDVj R HDVj,R HDVj HDVj*R HDVj#R HDVj+R hDXT1j hDXT3j hDXT3UR hDXT5j hDXT5RPQ `He7igh :`H!ea ?Header header crc mismatch Healable Healing Range Healing Rate %healt HeapAlloc HeapCreate HeapDestroy HeapFree HeapReAlloc HeapSize HeatedShot HeavyC HeavyFall heavyPartImpactSoundSet heigghtm @Heigh heighS height Height heightAdjust HeightBob HeightBonusMultiplier height=%d HeKille help HelpAndToolsSubMenu HelpDialog HelpDialog-AbilText HelpDialog-BackButton HelpDialog-BigHistoryArea HelpDialog-HistoryArea HelpDialog-Name HelpDialog-Portrait HelpDialog-Stats-1 HelpDialog-Stats-2 HelpDialog-Stats-BonusArea HelpDialog-Stats-Labels-1 HelpDialog-Stats-Labels-2 HelpDialog-Title HelpDialog-UpgradesText HelpDialog-UpperHelpText helpPrefix helpPrefix( string commandPrefix ) - Lists all of the commands that start with the given prefix Help(%Qd help re help( string commandSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring HelpTex helpText helpTextID helpText( string helptextSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring in their help text. Herdable Herding //Herd Plan Variables: heroBanner HeroCost HeroName1 HeroName2 HeroRevive Hexadecimal digit [0-9A-Fa-f] heyGet4O H f9N hfff?h ?hfff?j ?PV hfff?R ?hff&?h hff&?hff&?h33 hff&?j |t hgnore1 Hgs%OSO6r~ ]Hgus\ H`$?h| `h_ha?voc_spX hHc39qMe hHGYS>] HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss\ HHteHHtPHt+H HHtjHHtF hi9q>/o AsE hicDetai h_icken @h!ID( hidden hideCircleFog HideCostFromDetailHelp HideCurs HideFromDetailHelp HideFromHelp hideGameMenu hideGameMenu: hide the in-game menu. HideGarrisonFlag hideHcConfirmation HideHitpointsIfGaia hideParticles HidePopups HideResourceInventory Hides the circular world fog Hides the cursor during a screenshot Hides the HC Tech Confirmation dialog Hides the UI during a screenshot hideTOBs hideUI = HIGH highFrequency highFrequencyDeactivationPeriod highpoly HIJSTUVW hild nod HintDlg HintVal !hipsD history History History-Background History-CategoryText History-LayoutHoriz-Pic History-LayoutHoriz-Text History-LayoutHoriz-Title History-LayoutVert-Pic History-LayoutVert-Text History-LayoutVert-Title History-MainMenuButton ?History-NavBar History-NextPage History-PrevPage History-TabActive0 History-TabActive1 History-TabActive2 History-TabActive3 History-TabActive4 History-TabActive5 History-TabActive6 History-TabActive7 History-TabInactive0 History-TabInactive1 History-TabInactive2 History-TabInactive3 History-TabInactive4 History-TabInactive5 History-TabInactive6 History-TabInactive7 History-TabText0 History-TabText1 History-TabText2 History-TabText3 History-TabText4 History-TabText5 History-TabText6 History-TabText7 History-TopPage hit, fai^ Hitpo= HITPOINTBAR Hitpoints +HI}x) %hjeunknow0 HJUZeT]R[ h k0"k08 hk1Sen>
hkAabbPhantom hkAction hkAerodynamicsComponent hkAngularDashpotAction hkAngularVelocityDamper hkBallAndSocketConstraint hkBinaryAction hkBoxShape hkBrakeComponent hkBreakableConstraint hkBvShape hkBvTreeShape hkCapsuleShape hkCharacterProxy hkChassisComponent hkClass hkCollisionFilter hkCollisionFilterList hkConstraint hkConvexShape hkConvexSweepShape hkConvexVerticesShape hkConvexWelderShape hkDashpotAction hkDefaultAerodynamics hkDefaultAnalogDriverInput hkDefaultBrake hkDefaultChassis hkDefaultEngine hkDefaultSteering hkDefaultSuspension hkDefaultTransmission hkDefaultWheels hkDisableEntityCollisionFilter hkDriverInputComponent hkEngineComponent hkEntity hkEntityDeactivator hkExternalVehicleController hkFakeRigidBodyDeactivator hkFakeRigidBodyDeactivator_SINGLETON hkFastMeshShape hkGenericConstraint hkGroupCollisionFilter hkGroupFilter hkHavokVehicle hkHeightFieldShape hkHingeConstraint hkLimitedHingeConstraint hkLinearParametricCurve hkListShape HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Registration\DigitalProductID hkMalleableConstraint hkMeshShape hkMoppBvTreeShape hkMotorAction hkMotorController hkMultiRayShape hkMultiSphereShape HK_NU#LL HK_NULL new facets deleted (duplicated vertex) hkobject /hkobject

<hkobject name="%s" type="%s" hkPairwiseCollisionFilter hkparam </hkparam>

<hkparam name="%s" type="%s">
hkPhantom hkPhantomCallbackShape hkPlaneShape hkPointToPathConstraint hkPoweredHingeConstraint hkPoweredRagdollConstraint hkPrismaticConstraint h]k_Ql hkRagdollConstraint /hkrawda hkrawdata /hkrawdata ]]></hkrawdata>

hkRaycas hkRaycastVehicle hkRigidBody hkRigidBodyDeactivator hkRigidConstraint hkSampledHeightFieldBase hkSerializable hkSerializedDisplayMarker hkSerializedDisplayMarkerList hkSerializedDisplayRbTransforms hkShape HK_SHAPE_ALL HK_SHAPE_BOX HK_SHAPE_BV HK_SHAPE_BV_TREE HK_SHAPE_CAPSULE hkShapeCollection HK_SHAPE_COLLECTION HK_SHAPE_CONVEX HK_SHAPE_CONVEX_VERTICES HK_SHAPE_HEIGHT_FIELD HK_SHAPE_LIST HK_SHAPE_MOPP HK_SHAPE_MULTI_RAY HK_SHAPE_MULTI_SPHERE hkShapePhantom HK_SHAPE_PHANTOM_CALLBACK HK_SHAPE_PLANE HK_SHAPE_SAMPLED_HEIGHT_FIELD HK_SHAPE_SPHERE HK_SHAPE_SPHERE_REP HK_SHAPE_TRANSFORM HK_SHAPE_TRIANGLE HK_SHAPE_TRIANGLE_COLLECTION HK_SHAPE_TRI_PATCH HK_SHAPE_USER0 HK_SHAPE_USER1 HK_SHAPE_USER2 HK_SHAPE_USER3 HK_SHAPE_USER4 HK_SHAPE_USER5 HK_SHAPE_USER6 HK_SHAPE_USER7 HK_SHAPE_UTILITY_CONVEX_SWEEP hkSimpleShapePhantom hkSpatialRigidBodyDeactivator hkSphereRepShape hkSphereShape hkSpringAction hkSpringDamperMotor hkSteeringComponent hkStiffSpringConstraint hkStorageMeshShape hkStrongestMotor hkSuspensionComponent hkTransformShape hkTransmissionComponent hkTriangleShape hkTypeArray hkTypeBool hkTypeChar hkTypeInt16 hkTypeInt32 hkTypeInt64 hkTypeInt8 hkTypeM hkTypeMatrix3 hkTypeMax hkTypePointer hkTypeQuaternion hkTypeReal hkTypeRotation hkTypeTransform hkTypeUint16 hkTypeUint32 hkTypeUint64 hkTypeUint8 hkTypeVector4 hkTypeVoid hkUnaryAction hkVector4Zero_SINGLETON hkVehicleComponent hkVehicleFramework hkVelocityMotor hkWheeH hkWheelConstraint hkWheelsComponent hkWorld hkWorldObject \;l$<~ ^H;^L~ ~H;~L~ | ;HL} HLSUW3 hMaskn H/~/m-mid hMOREDA H_N00@Z hNNhh~ "HNNlgl H<;N\u h!olete HomeC) homeCit HomeCit homecity HomeCity homecity2 HomeCityAI homeCityAIDebug HomeCityBucketCountIncrement HomeCityBucketCountPoints HomeCityBucketMaxCount HomeCityBucketMinCount homecitycamera homeCityCardPanel //HomeCity CardTypes: homeCityCitizens homeCityCommandPanel homeCityDeck-CancelButton homeCityDeckCreate-CancelButton homeCityDeckCreate-CreateButton homeCityDeckCreate-Edit homeCityDeck-DeckList homeCityDeck-Name homeCityDeck-OKButton homecityfireworks.xml homeCityGatherPoint HomeCityGatherUnit HomeCityLevel homeCityMakeActiveByID homeCityPanel-customization-watermark homeCityPanel-skillTree-watermark HomeCityPicker-CancelButton HomeCityPicker-CreateButton HomeCityPicker-DeleteButton HomeCityPickerDlg HomeCityPicker-HCLevelButton HomeCityPicker-HCLevelButtonLabel HomeCityPicker-HCLocationDropDown HomeCityPicker-Slider HomeCityPicker-SubmitButton HomeCityPicker-ViewButton HomeCityPicker-ViewButtonOtherUser homeCityResearch homeCityResearchByID homeCityResearchByIDOutsideGame homeCityResearchByIDPregame homeCityShipEject homeCityShipEject( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid, int index ) : Cancels the given unit out of the ship. HomeCityStartingUnit homecitytabpanel-techsAvail homeCityTrain homeCityTrain2 homeCityTrain2(%d, %d) homeCityTrain2( int playerID, int cardIndex ) : Sends the given HC card in the home city. homeCityTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given home city building. homeCityTransport homeCityTransportDisplay homeCityTransport( int playerID ) : Transports units from the home city. homeCityTransportPanel homeCityTransportPanelHeader homecitytransportpanel-homecityAge HomeCityTransportTime HomeCityTransportUnitLimit HomeCityUI .\homecityui.cpp HomeCityWaterSpawnFlag Homesteading h/oriz Ho?rizLay horizon horizon facets better than bestfacet horizon facets merged into new facets HorizontalOffset HOSTAGE_A HOSTAGE_B hostPort hotkeys.con hotkeysetup HotKeySetup hotkeysetup-CancelButton hotkeysetup-ChangeButton hotkeysetup-GroupList hotkeysetup-HotkeyList hotkeysetup-HotkeyScrollbar hotkeysetup-OKButton hotkeysetup-ResetAllButton hotkeysetup-ResetButton hotkeysetup-RolloverHelp HotKeySetupScreen hotkeysetup-StatusText hO uAR hould b+ houseC howChoic howD%Dlg \howh T! Howitz8S Howitzer how long recived chats stay on screen How long the formation destination decal stays onscreen. how long to flares last in minimap event queue how long to flares last on the minimap ?how mu how much faster do we heal idle dudes? how often grunts fire howPlans HoZolo @!HPB?ar }h><PE H(QT Hpro1j H`QVUW h_RANDOM (HRESUL?T=%X) hrodi{te H *aPS JaX h=sd%O HS.;TUc ;TUd HS!;Tf ^HTelepo htFar/mLim htG@Set'. htInfant .htm#Qx \$ hTR hts M _ HturnQ_c_ %hu.*( ~Hu4Oi HU9H@| hudicon hudicRP %hu.%hu.%hu.%hu:%hu Human_Bomber Human_JetFighter Human_SpyPlane Human_StrikeFighter Huntable HuntAggressive HuntedResource Hunting HuntingDogs h@usicT \ h^UwaiB0 h!V#0/2#$ hv}5MZ hwbilinear h&!<wb?t? hWPP[p$ +;H,%wr H$`0mA Hx_][^Y ~h^[_]Y ~&&Hy1 _hypo& _hypot hY`rC`e hzAofl@ /H?Z?l?~? I01258>$&* }I0TR$ I0UVW3 i|1D?@t I1rNbI .I|1X~ I_2E4& I3YS%M i5r4)T[vq* ?|I7Z# )i8E9+ I?Aggressive Ia`)!I I@aiSetAttackResponseDistance I.<al3 ialArm ialEsto ialo~k i*A<Mj iat / \!$ `iB2l$ i:BA-! ;%iBA(s) i.bClaiI iB~DM^ I/Bq3}n. IBR'th Iby'&:4j| ical|ACan icalOf icBdattle ~[icCCI icG`param ician ic_inter icMusic iconname IconTextureCoords i\corke_f0b i\c\P_Z ics RAd Cd ICTINGTE ictory( IcXbk`hH I=`-=D ID=-1@
.ID4Tk IDB?yIndexnt IDcdpx (id=%d ) ID=%d. ID {%d IDebug ider_HitPo iderQuay ID for }a_ .id[G]. ID isP Id{le@1Poll@1 IdleAttack idleBanner idleHealBonus idleMilitaryBanner IdleMilitaryBanner IdleTimeout idleType id multi id ,~@_QcZe ID~-SFac id@ssb IDVWh| IDVWh( IDVWhDs ID w?ithout ie-cr;ed iegNot iehs@ ieldRadi ie@li!t0r ie'M6!>^- ?ier, h3 iewLock "%i(%f), %i(%f), IF_0KA I?F1</ if defined, breaks the XS Debugger at the start of main(). If defined, logs out capabilities. if defined, makes all trees in forests to be sprite-ed. if defined, makes internal trees in forests sprite-ed. If defined SP RM games will make player1 an AI. If defined, the game will auto save during a multiplayer game If defined, the game will not pause when it loses focus. If defined, the game will remain active even when it doesn't have focus If defined, the in-game popups will not be displayed If defined, will paint cliff, else will paint canyon iff pie i?ffRamp iffType( ific los ified ified. ifie}rj IFish) ifiwQsM IfNotM iForz U}n If set, checks the archive files before the file system If set, non-DXT5 bumps marked as swizzled in the technique will replaced with the missingbump texture If set, uses software TNL instead of hardware TNL iftByM| if (tempExp) if (tempExp == false) If this problem persists please contact for assistance. IFunc(< iGa bY _ig fi IGHT_FIE , igno1r Ignor IgnoreAreaIDs ignoreChatEffects ignoreCheckBoxSpacing IgnoreColonyRules IgnoreConquestVictory ignoreLimits ignore realtime & always run updates. igt#emPbp I@HK_NULL I@hkParametricCurve I@HK_S IHlIgi I@HollowSquare IHSZ<<A I(;H(u IiGM>nw >IIk5@ iIk(!J I-iN6+ II;OMF Ii Vide=o I jjLFD I>JR?L I`ke+ep i*!\khnn ildi/ng(0 ildLpy ildMovep ildVers ile Spec ilitary ilitaryS ilityCh #iLJJH Illegal byte sequence iLmT.S. ILocSO il^V'D(% I_[_m_ I?[?m>
I?[?m? I/[/m/ imagepa imagepath imain-Co IMEEnable IMEEnable(<true/false>) : enables or disables IME imerF{ imFir#st I~MLUW imm32.dll IMM32.dll ImmAssociateContext ImmDisableTextFrameService ImmGetCandidateListA ImmGetCandidateListW ImmGetCompositionStringA ImmGetCompositionStringW ImmGetContext ImmGetConversionStatus ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd ImmGetIMEFileNameA ImmGetOpenStatus ImmGetVirtualKey ImmIsIME ImmLockIMC ImmLockIMCC ImmNotifyIME Immoveable ImmRele ImmReleaseContext ImmSetConversionStatus ImmUnlockIMC ImmUnlockIMCC iMn|0>) IMPACT ImpactEffect impactEffectOffset ImpactPoint definitions must specify a bone! : %S impactType ImpactType ImpArtilleryRegiments impassableair impassableland impassablewater ImpDeforestation ImperialAbusGun ImperialArmy ImperialArmyBuyDown ImperialArmyPanel ImperialBaratcu ImperialBombard ImperialCacadores ImperialCannon ImperialCarabineer ImperialCavalryArchers ImperialCossack ImperialCulverin ImperialCzapkaUhlans ImperialDopplesoldner ImperialDragoons ImperialEspada ImperialFieldGun ImperialGardener ImperialGarrochistas ImperialGendarme ImperialGrenadiers ImperialGuerreiros ImperialHalberdiers ImperialHowitzer ImperialHussars Imperialize ImperializeBritish ImperializeDutch ImperializeFrench ImperializeGerman ImperializeOttoman ImperializePortuguese ImperializeRussian ImperializeSpanish ImperializeSPCAct1 ImperializeSPCAct2 ImperializeSPCAct3 ImperialJanissaries ImperialJinetes ImperialLifeGuard ImperialLongbowmen ImperialManOWar ImperialMonitors ImperialMusketeers ImperialNassauers ImperialNeedleGun ImperialOprichniks ImperialPavlovs ImperialRabaulds ImperialRedcoat ImperialRocket ImperialSkirmishers ImperialStrelets ImperialTartarLoyalist ImperialTercio ImperialVoltigeur ImperialWarWagons ImpersonateSelf ImpExcessiveTaxation ImpImmigrants ImpKnighthood ImpLargeScaleAgriculture ImpLegendaryNatives ImpPeerage Improper link ims1024( imskelet ' imum # in2w1r inableAg inactive Inactive Inappropriate I/O control operation iNatuH inBucOP incglin?BC incidence inclu| include includeButtons IncludeGaia incl_udeOb includeObstructionRadius ?includ T1 Incoming order received, but unable to be dispatched. No event handler. incompatible version incorrect data check incorrect header check incorrect length check increased time penalty per age for GP in deathmatch IncreC!w Increm incrementUSP2SelectedUnitStack in(%d, indBest In{de0 InDeg0A in/dex- ind{ex Index index32BaseArray index %d for array %d is invalid. Index %i, Name: %s index of indexStridingArray Indicates if the receding foam will move or not indicatorCount in DOS inDown5w& Industrialize IndustrializeBritish IndustrializeDutch IndustrializeFrench IndustrializeGerman IndustrializeOttoman IndustrializePortuguese IndustrializeRussian IndustrializeSpanish IndustrializeSPCAct1 IndustrializeSPCAct2 IndustrializeSPCAct3 ineBt| inEdit- inertiaTensor inet_addr inet_ntoa InfantryBreastplate Infel6qe infiniteLoopLimit infiniteRecursionLimit InflueD InfluenceAtBuilderPosition InfluenceBuilderPositionDistance InfluenceBuilderPositionFalloff InfluenceBuilderPositionValue InfluenceKBResourceID InfluencePosition InfluencePositionDistance InfluencePositionFalloff InfluencePositionValue InfluenceUnitDistance InfluenceUnitFalloff InfluenceUnitTypeID InfluenceUnitValue InfluenceVPSiteType InfluenceVPSiteTypeDistance InfluenceVPSiteTypeFalloff InfluenceVPSiteTypeValue </info>

#In{fo Info 0000: PrepareCompilation: file '%s'. Info 0001: Compiling file '%s'. Info 0002: Generating listing file '%s'. Info 0004: No errors found in file '%s'. InfoGa infoMaxSizeOfJacobians infoNumSolverResults infoSizeOfJacobians infoSizeOfSchemas ing5t>~a InGameButtonSound ingame-messagedialog3-prompt ingame-messagedialog-OKButton ingame-messagedialog-prompt ingFromC ing: Inf inimap\f inimapI inishAni initCinfoFunction inite re initial facet is coplanar with interior point InitialGarrisonOnly Initial HDR multisample factor (1=disabled Initial HDR supersample filter index Initial HDR supersample X factor Initial HDR supersample Y factor InitialHitpoints Initialization failed! InitializeAcl InitializeCriticalSection InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount InitializeSecurityDescriptor Initializing abstract unit types Initializing Ambient Sounds. Initializing database Initializing main camera Initializing powers Initializing protounits Initializing protoUnits Initializing Proto Unit Sounds. Initializing protoUnit types Initializing random map generator Initializing sounds Initializing Sound System 2 Initializing terrain types Initializing trigger system Initializing UnitAI types initial non-convex ridges for post merging InitialPosition=(%.4f, %.4f, %.4f). InitialResource initialSlope InitialUnitAIStance InitialXP InitMem inMips( inNCWb inPeriod InPl aB InProgress ?input) INPUT8 input has same x coordinate Input joggled by: %2.2g Input/output error Input-t in=RB@kipp -ins-/ insert InsertInventory Inserut: inside points inside points kept with a facet inside points that were coplanar with a facet {INST geom { : centrum } transform { # f%d {INST geom { define centrum CQUAD # f%d INST geom {define vsphere OFF Instru insufficient memory int aiCalculateMostHatedPlayerID( int comparePlayerID ): Returns the playerID for the player the AI thinks it should be attacking. int aiCommsSendStatement(targetPlayerID, int promptType): Sends a statement to the designated player. int aiCommsSendStatementWithVector(targetPlayerID, int promptType, vector v): Sends a statement to the designated player. Adds a location flare. int aiFindBestAttackGodPowerPlan(void): find a valid god power plan to attach to an attack plan int aiFindBestTownDefenseGodPowerPlan(void): find a valid god power plan to use for town defense int aiGetAutoFarmEscrowID( void ): Returns the auto Farm escrow ID. int aiGetAutoGatherEscrowID( void ): Returns the auto gather escrow ID. int aiGetAvailableEconomyPop( void ): Returns the available economy pop for this player. int aiGetAvailableMilitaryPop( void ): Returns the script-defined military pop for this player. int aiGetCaptainPlayerID( int playerID ): Returns the captain for the given player's team. int aiGetCurrentEconomyPop( void ): Returns the current economy pop for this player. int aiGetEconomyPop( void ): Returns the script-defined economy pop for this player. int aiGetFallenExplorerID(): returns the ID of the fallen explorer; if there isn't one, returns -1 int aiGetFarmLimit( void ): Returns the per plan farm build limit. int aiGetGameMode( void ): Returns the game's mode. int aiGetGameType(): returns the current game type (e.g., cGameTypeScenario, cGameTypeRandom, etc). int aiGetGodPowerProtoIDForTechID( int techID): translate a granted tech id into a protopower id int aiGetGodPowerTechIDForSlot( int slotID): Get the god power tech id from the given slot. int aiGetGodPowerType( int protoPowerID): get the type for a ProtoPower int aiGetLastCollectedNuggetEffect(int playerID): Gets the last collected nugget's effect int aiGetLastCollectedNuggetType(int playerID): Gets the last collected nugget's type int aiGetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit(): gets the limit for how many LOS Protounits the AI can build int aiGetMilitaryPop( void ): Returns the script-defined military pop for this player. int aiGetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressives(): gets the min number of needed units to gather aggressive animals. int aiGetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives(): gets the min number of wanted units to gather aggressive animals. int aiGetMostHatedPlayerID( void ): Returns the script-defined most hated player ID for this player. int aiGetNumberIdlePlans( int planType ): Gets the of idle plans of the given type. int aiGetPoliticianChoice(int age): Gets the scripts choice for the AgeX Politician. int aiGetPoliticianListByIndex(int age, int index): Gets the index'th Politicans avaiable for AgeX. int aiGetPoliticianListCount(int age): Gets the number of Politicans avaiable for AgeX. int aiGetPopNeeds(): gets the current Pop needs of all the plans. int aiGetResourceBreakdownNumberPlans( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Gets the number of plans for the given breakdown. int aiGetResourceBreakdownPlanPriority( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Gets the priority of the plans for the given breakdown. int aiGetWorldDifficulty( void ): Returns the world difficulty level. int aiGoalGetIDByIndex( int goalType, int goalState, bool active, int index ): Returns the ID of matching goal. int aiGoalGetNumber( int goalType, int goalState, bool active ): Returns the number of matching goals. int aiNumberUnassignedUnitsByGoal( int goalID ): Returns the number of unassigned units based on the goal's unit type(s). int aiNumberUnassignedUnits( int typeID ): Returns the number of unassigned units of the given type. int aiPersonalityCreatePlayerHistory( void ): Creates are player history for the given playername. int aiPersonalityGetGameFirstAttackTime(int playerHistoryIndex, int gameIndex): Returns the 1st attacktime from the gameIndex game. int aiPersonalityGetGameUnitCount(int playerHistoryIndex, int gameIndex, int unitType): Returns the unit count from the gameIndex game. If gameIndex is -1, this will return the avg of all games played. int aiPersonalityGetNumberPlayerHistories( void ): Returns the number of player's in the Personality's history. int aiPersonalityGetPlayerGamesPlayed(int playerHistoryIndex, int playerRelation): Returns the number of games played against/with the given the playerHistoryIndex. int aiPersonalityGetPlayerHistoryIndex( string searchPlayerName ): Returns a playerHistoryIndex if this personality has played searchPlayerName before. int aiPersonalityGetTotalGameWins(int playerHistoryIndex, int playerRelation): Returns the total games the given player has won against this AI int aiPlanCreate( string planName, int typeName ): Creates a plan of the given name and type. int aiPlanGetActualPriority( int planID ): Returns the priority of the given plan. int aiPlanGetBaseID( int planID): gets the plan's base id. int aiPlanGetDesiredPriority( int planID ): Returns the priority of the given plan. int aiPlanGetEscrowID( int planID ): Gets the escrow for the plan. int aiPlanGetIDByActiveIndex( int activeIndex ): Returns the ID of the plan with the given active index. int aiPlanGetIDByIndex( int planType, int planState, bool active, int index ): Returns the ID of matching plan. int aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType( int planType, int varType, int varID, bool active ): Returns the ID of the plan with the given parms. int aiPlanGetID( string name ): Returns the ID of the plan with the given name. int aiPlanGetIDSubStr( string searchStr ): Returns the ID of the first plan containing the given string in its name. int aiPlanGetNumber( int planType, int planState, bool active ): Returns the number of matching plans. int aiPlanGetNumberUnits( int planID, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of units currently assigned in the given plan. int aiPlanGetNumberUserVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Returns the number of values for this variable index. int aiPlanGetNumberVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Returns the number of values for this variable index. int aiPlanGetState( int planID ): Returns the state of the given plan. int aiPlanGetType( int planID ): Returns the type of the given plan. int aiPlanGetUnitStance( int planID ): Gets the unit stance of the given plan. int aiPlanGetUserVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. int aiPlanGetVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. int aiRandInt( int max ): Returns a random number (mod'ed by max if provided). int aiUnitGetTactic(int unitID): gets the specified unit's current tactic. Int-CS4H_ Intege\/ integer Integrate interior InterlockedDecrement InterlockedExchange InterlockedIncrement Internal array: BKB::queryVPSites results Internal constraint error! internalPort internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must internetAddressServer Interrupted function call # intersect f%d f%d intersections, and OFF file format. intersections failed to find a redundant vertex intersections found redundant vertices IntersectRect Interval=%d to %d. intField int hcGetBuildingIDByName( string buildingName ): Returns the ID for a building with the specified name. int hcGetMyUnitID( void ): Returns the HomeCity Unit ID for this unit. int hcGetNearestWPID( vector position ): Returns the WPID closest to the position. int hcGetNumberUnitsWithAI( string aiFilename ): Returns the number of units with a given AI filename. int hcGetNumUnlockedUnits( bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the number of unlocked units available. int hcGetPerformerInProximity( long unitID ): Returns the index-th performer unit in the proximity. int hcGetUnitWithAI( string aiFilename, int index ): Returns the index-th unit with the given AI filename. int hcGetUnlockedUnitProtoUnitID( int unitIndex, bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the proto unit ID for an unlocked unit. int hcRandInt( int max ): Returns a random number (mod'ed by max if provided). int hcUnitCreateAtBone( int protoUnitID, string visualFilename, string aiFilename, string boneName ): Creates a unit at the bone position; specify either protoUnitID or visualFilename; returns the new unit's ID. int hcUnitCreate( int protoUnitID, string visualFilename, string aiFilename, int waypoint ): Creates a unit; specify either protoUnitID or visualFilename; returns the new unit's ID. int hcUnitCreateUsingPos( int protoUnitID, string visualFilename, string aiFilename, vector position, vector forward, bool visible ): Creates a unit; specify either protoUnitID or visualFilename; returns the new unit's ID. int hcUnitGetActionType( int unitID ): Returns the action type of the unit. int kbAreaFindBestGatherAreaID( int unitTypeID ): Returns the Area ID of the best area to gather the given unit type. int kbAreaGetBorderAreaID( int areaID, long index ): Returns the Area ID of the index-th border area in the given area. int kbAreaGetClosetArea( vector position, int areaType, int areaType1, float minDistance ): Returns the Area ID of the closest area, of the given types, to given postion. int kbAreaGetIDByPosition( vector position ): Returns the ID of the given area. int kbAreaGetNumberBlackTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of black tiles in the given area. int kbAreaGetNumberBorderAreas( int areaID ): Returns the number of border areas for the given area. int kbAreaGetNumberFogTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of fog tiles in the given area. int kbAreaGetNumberTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of tiles in the given area. int kbAreaGetNumberUnits( int areaID ): Returns the number of units in the given area. int kbAreaGetNumberVisibleTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of visible tiles in the given area. int kbAreaGetNumber( void ): Returns the number of areas. int kbAreaGetType( int areaID ): Returns the Type of area. int kbAreaGetUnitID( int areaID, long index ): Returns the Unit ID of the index-th unit in the given area. int kbAreaGetVisibilityChangeTime( int areaID ): Returns the gametime of the last visibility change for the given area. int kbAreaGetVPSiteID(int areaID): returns an area's VP site ID (-1 if an area doesn't have a VP site). int kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition( vector position ): Returns the ID of the given area group. int kbBaseCreate( int playerID, string name, vector position, float distance ): Creates a base. int kbBaseFindCreateResourceBase( int enemyPlayerID, int enemyBaseID ): Finds/Creates a 'forward' military base against the given enemy base. int kbBaseFindCreateResourceBase( int resourceType, int resourceSubType, int parentBaseID ): Finds/Creates a resource base. int kbBaseGetIDByIndex( int playerID, int index ): Returns the BaseID for the given base. int kbBaseGetMainID( int playerID ): Gets the main base ID for the player. int kbBaseGetNextID( void ): Returns the ID of the next base that will be created. int kbBaseGetNumber( int playerID ): Returns the number of bases for the given player. int kbBaseGetNumberUnits( int playerID, int baseID, int relation, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of units that match the criteria. int kbBaseGetOwner( int baseID ): Returns the player ID of the specified base's owner. int kbBaseGetTimeUnderAttack( int playerID, int baseID ): Returns the number of continuous seconds the base has been under attack. int kbBuildingPlacementCreate( string name ): Creates a building placement; returns the ID. int kbCreateAttackRoute( string name, int startAreaID, int goalAreaID, int numInitialRoutes): Returns the Route ID if successful. int kbCreateAttackRouteWithPath( string name, vector startPt, vector endPt): Returns the Route ID if successful. int kbCreateTechProgression( string techName, string name ): Creates a tech progression of the given name. int kbCreateUnitProgression( string unitName, string name ): Creates a unit progression of the given name. int kbEscrowCreate( string name, int resourceID, float percentage, int parentID ): Creates an escrow. int kbEscrowGetID( string name ): Returns the ID of the named escrow. int kbFindAreaGroupByLocation( int groupType, float relativeX, float relativeZ ) : returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria. int kbFindAreaGroup( int groupType, float surfaceAreaRatio, int compareAreaID) : returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria. int kbFindBestBuildingToRepair(vector position, float distance, float healthRatio, int repairUnderAttackUnitTypeID) : returns the id of the best building to repair. int kbGetAgeForPlayer( int id ): Returns the current age for the player specified. int kbGetAge( void ): Returns the current age for the current player. int kbGetAttackRouteID( long startAreaID, long goalAreaID): Returns the id of the routes from area1 to area2. int kbGetBlockID( string blockName ): Returns the UnitID of the cinematic block. int kbGetBuildLimit(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of the unit type you are allowed to have (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES); returns -1 if there is no limit. int kbGetCivForPlayer( void ): Returns the civ for the given player. int kbGetCiv( void ): Returns the civilization for the player. int kbGetCultureForPlayer( void ): Returns the culture for the given player. int kbGetCulture( void ): Returns the culture for the player. int kbGetNumAttackRoutes( long startAreaID, long goalAreaID): Returns num paths from start to goal area. int kbGetNumberMutualAllies( void ): Returns the number of mutual allies. int kbGetNumberValidResourcesByPlan( int planID, int baseID ): Returns the number of valid KB resources for the given plan/base. int kbGetNumberValidResources( int baseID, int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, float distance ): Returns the number of valid KB resources for the resource types. int kbGetPlayerTeam( <playerID> ): Returns the player's team number. int kbGetPopCapAddition(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns amount of pop cap addition provided by the given unit type (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES). int kbGetPopCap( void ): Returns the current population cap for the player. int kbGetPopSlots(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of pop slots this unit takes (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES). int kbGetPopulationSlotsByQueryID( int queryID ): Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by the results in the given query. int kbGetPopulationSlotsByUnitTypeID( int playerID, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by this unit type. int kbGetPop( void ): Returns the current population for the player. int kbGetProtoUnitID( string name ): Returns the ID of the protounit. int kbGetRandomEnabledPUID( int unitTypeID, int escrowID ): Returns a random, valid PUID that's of the given type. int kbGetTownAreaID( void ): Returns the area ID of the main town. int kbGetUnitBaseTypeID( int unitID ): Returns the base type ID of the unit. int kbGetVPGeneratorByScoreType(int siteType): returns the protounit ID for the VP generator that corresponds to this type of VP site. int kbPathCreate( string name ): Creates a path with the given name. int kbPathGetIDByIndex( long index ): Returns the index-th path ID. int kbPathGetNumber( void ): Returns the number of paths. int kbPathGetNumberWaypoints( int pathID ): Returns the number of waypoints in the given path. int kbProgressionGetNodeData( int progressionID, int nodeIndex ): Returns the data at nodeIndex, either UnitID or TechID, depending on the type. int kbProgressionGetNodeType( int progressionID, int nodeIndex ): Returns the type of node at the given index, either Unit type or Tech type. int kbProgressionGetTotalNodes( int progressionID ): Returns the total number of steps to complete the progression. int kbSetTargetSelectorFactor(int type, float val) : sets the TargetSelector Factor value. int kbTargetSelectorCreate( string name ): Creates a target selector; returns the ID. int kbTargetSelectorGetNumberResults( void ): Returns the number of results in the given target selector. int kbTargetSelectorGetResultValue( int index ): Returns the result value for given index of the current target selector. int kbTechGetStatus( int techID ): Returns the current tech status for the current player of the requested tech. int kbTechTreeGetCheapestEconUpgrade( int resourceUnitTypeID ): gets cheapest researchable econ upgrade, optionally for specified resource unit type. int kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade( int unitTypeID ): gets cheapest researchable unit upgrade, optionally for specified unit/unit line. int kbUnitCount(int player, int unitTypeID, int stateID ): Returns a quick unit count of units for a player. int kbUnitGetActionType( int unitID ): Returns the actionTypeID of the unit. int kbUnitGetAreaID( int unitID ): Returns the area ID for this unit ID. int kbUnitGetArmyID( int unitID ): Returns the army ID for this unit ID. int kbUnitGetBaseID( int unitID ): Returns the base ID for this unit ID. int kbUnitGetMovementType( int unitTypeID ): Returns the movementType for this unitTypeID. int kbUnitGetNumberWorkers( int unitID ): Returns the number of units currently working on the given unit. int kbUnitGetPlanID( int unitID ): Returns the plan ID for this unit ID. int kbUnitGetPlayerID(int unitID ): Returns the player ID for this unit ID. int kbUnitGetProtoUnitID( int unitID ): Returns the unit's protounit ID. int kbUnitGetTargetUnitID( int unitID ): Returns the target unit ID of the given unit. int kbUnitGetWorkerID( int unitID, int index ): Returns the index-th worker unit ID. int kbUnitPickCreate( string name ): Creates a unit pick. int kbUnitPickGetAttackUnitType( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick attack unit type. int kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberBuildings( int upID, int index ) : gets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index-th unit type. int kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberUnitTypes( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick desired number unit types. int kbUnitPickGetGoalCombatEfficiencyType( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick attack unit type. int kbUnitPickGetMaximumNumberUnits( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick maximum number units. int kbUnitPickGetMaximumPop( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick maximum pop. int kbUnitPickGetMinimumNumberUnits( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick minimum number units. int kbUnitPickGetMinimumPop( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick minimum pop. int kbUnitPickGetNumberResults( int upID ) : Returns the number of unit pick results. int kbUnitPickGetResult( int upID, int index ) : Returns the index-th ProtoUnitID. int kbUnitPickRun( int upID ) : Runs the unit pick. int kbUnitQueryCreate( string name ): Creates a unit query, returns the query ID. int kbUnitQueryExecute( long queryID ): Executes the current query; returns number of results. int kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQueryByName( long currentQueryID, string previousQueryName ): Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results. int kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQuery( long currentQueryID, int previousQueryID ): Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results. int kbUnitQueryGetResult( long queryID, int index ): Returns the UnitID of the index-th result in the current query. int kbUnitQueryNumberResults( long queryID ): Returns the number of results in the current query. int kbVPSiteGetLocation(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's world location. int kbVPSiteGetOwnerPlayerID(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's owning player. int kbVPSiteGetState(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's state. int kbVPSiteGetType(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's type (e.g., native, trade, etc). int kbVPSiteQuery(int scoreType, int playerRelationOrID, int siteState): returns ID for an array containing VP site IDs that match the specified parameters. IntoArmyID IntoBaseID IntoPlanID Into&u intrinsic int rmAddFairLoc(string unitName, bool forward, bool inside, float minPlayerDist, float maxPlayerDist, float locDist, float edgeDist, bool playerArea, bool teamArea): Adds some fairLoc placement info. int rmCreateAreaConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area. int rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area distance constraint. int rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area max distance constraint. int rmCreateAreaOverlapConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make an area overlap constraint. int rmCreateBoxConstraint(string name, float startX, float startZ, float endX, float endZ, float bufferFraction): Make a box constraint. int rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint(string name, int classID, float distance): Make a class distance constraint. int rmCreateCliffEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff edge. int rmCreateCliffEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff edge distance constraint. int rmCreateCliffEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff edge max distance constraint. int rmCreateCliffRampConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff ramp edge. int rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff ramp edge distance constraint. int rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff ramp edge max distance constraint. int rmCreateCornerConstraint(string name, int corner, bool outside): Make a constraint to pass if in or out of a corner. int rmCreateEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's edge. int rmCreateEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area edge distance constraint. int rmCreateEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area edge max distance constraint. int rmCreateMaxHeightConstraint(string name, float height): Make an max height constraint (terrain must be less than given height). int rmCreatePieConstraint(string name, float xFraction, float zFraction, float insideRadius, float outsideRadius, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float bufferFraction): Makes a 'pie' constraint. int rmCreateTerrainDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance): Make a constraint to avoid terrain with certain a passability. int rmCreateTerrainMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance): Make a constraint to be close to terrain with certain a passability. int rmCreateTradeRouteDistanceConstraint(string name, float minDistance): Make a constraint to avoid trade routes. int rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint(string name, int classID, float distance): Make a type distance constraint. int rmDefineClass(string className): Define a class with the given name. int rmGetAverageHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the average (rounded down) HC Level of the players in the game. int rmGetHighHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the highest HC Level of the players in the game. int rmGetHomeCityLevel( int playerID ): Returns the HC Level of the given player. int rmGetLowHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the lowest HC Level of the players in the game. int rmGetMapXSize( void ): Returns the X size of the map. int rmGetMapZSize( void ): Returns the Z size of the map. int rmGetNumberFairLocs(int playerID): Gets a player's number of fairLocs. inTurretkRootDe Int (Value=%d). int xsArrayCreateBool(int size, bool defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named boolean array, returning an arrayID. int xsArrayCreateFloat(int size, float defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named float array, returning an arrayID. int xsArrayCreateInt(int size, int defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named integer array, returning an arrayID. int xsArrayCreateString(int size, string defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named string array, returning an arrayID. int xsArrayCreateVector(int size, vector defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named vector array, returning an arrayID. int xsArrayGetInt(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. int xsArrayGetSize(int arrayID): Gets the specified array's size. int xsArraySetBool(int arrayID, int index, bool value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. int xsArraySetFloat(int arrayID, int index, float value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. int xsArraySetInt(int arrayID, int index, int value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. int xsArraySetString(int arrayID, int index, string value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. int xsArraySetVector(int arrayID, int index, vector value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. int xsDumpArrays(): blogs out all XS arrays. int xsGetContextPlayer( void ): Returns the current context player ID. int xsGetFuntionID( string functionName ): Runs the secret XSFID for the function. USE WITH CAUTION. int xsGetTime( void ): Returns the current gametime (in milliseconds). inute In%c inuteLef in]v2pory ;i\}nV3 Inva7lid invade Inv{al Invali invalid Invalid INVALID Invalid argument InvalidateRect invalid bit length repeat Invalid block size. Assuming 1.0 invalid block type Invalid bone name "%s" in part declaration for model "%s", this probably means the bone was not defined in the unit's anim XML. Invalid bone specified in ImpactPoint reference : %S invalid code lengths set Invalid condition %s Invalid connection type. Invalid debug index=%d. invalid distance code invalid distances set invalid distance too far back Invalid effect %s invalidFileDialog InvalidFileDialog-prompt <invalid file & line -- please use the blog or blogh macro>
invalid filename Invalid GrazeAnim, returning. Invalid index of %d. Invalid LayDownAnim, returning. invalid literal/length code invalid literal/lengths set Invalid mesh name in part declaration : %S Invalid node specified as root of damage template: %S Invalid param %s Invalid Progression Node Type, mType=%d, mID=%d, Age=%d. TFT=%d Invalid seek Invalid start state '%S' invalid stored block lengths (INVALID SYMBOL (perhaps a parm?))=%s. Invalid texture intrinsic '%S'. InvalidTownBellLocation Invalid triggerID Invalid type. Invalid unit, perhaps the buildingID is invalid? invalid window size InventoryAmount InventoryCarried InventoryHolder InventoryItem InventorySlot inverseCursorAlwaysOn InvisibleProjectile invSpr invSpringConstant Invulnerable InvulnerableIfGaia =IobGy ioctlsocket iOed f8 ion([N ions for IoNST ;a { Io[omo IO[OmO iOpen@ i.Orb~ ior-kee+ IPAddreUsZ ipArPA i/pbe c IpC/%" I@PeG`eoterW]`Sn I@PerimeterWallSnapDistance iphlpapi.dll ip lev iPow5`S IProxyC `Iqe,1du `i)QFZ irmHCOpt Iroquois ir pro irsed| i)rUnkn ir, up IS0T=h Is a directory IsBadCodePtr IsBadReadPtr IsBadStringPtrW IsBadWritePtr isBroken IsClipboardFormatAvailable IsDBCSLeadByteEx IsDebuggerPresent IsDialogMessageW isFakeShadow isF@Looku ish - Pe `is hub IsIconic is Idle I@'%S' is not a valid mode IsisPreventsGP Is?Locked )MUt isn't is NULL Isome- is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx isp'`BGl ispcl. is progr Is qh_RANDOMmax (%.2g) wrong? 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kbBaseGetNextID kbBaseGetNumber kbBaseGetNumberUnits kbBaseGetOwner kbBaseGetSettlement kbBaseGetTimeUnderAttack kbBaseGetUnderAttack kbBaseRemoveUnit kbBaseSetActive kbBaseSetEconomy kbBaseSetForward kbBaseSetFrontVector kbBaseSetMain kbBaseSetMilitary kbBaseSetMilitaryGatherPoint kbBaseSetSettlement kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaGroupID kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaID kbBuildingPlacementAddPositionInfluence kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence kbBuildingPlacementCreate kbBuildingPlacementDestroy kbBuildingPlacementGetResultPosition kbBuildingPlacementGetResultValue kbBuildingPlacementResetResults kbBuildingPlacementSelect kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingType @kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition kbBuildingPlacementSetEventHandler kbBuildingPlacementSetMinimumValue kbBuildingPlacementStart kbCanAffordTech kbCanAffordUnit kbCanPath2 kbCanSimPath kbCreateAttackRoute kbCreateAttackRouteWithPath kbCreateTechProgression kbCreateUnitProgression kbDestroyAttackRoute kbDump kbDumpType kbDumpVPSiteInfo kbEscrowAllocateCurrentResources kbEscrowCreate kbEscrowDestroy kbEscrowFlush kbEscrowGetAmount kbEscrowGetID kbEscrowGetPercentage kbEscrowSetCap kbEscrowSetPercentage kbFindAreaGroup kbFindAreaGroupByLocation kbFindBestBuildingToRepair kbFindClosestBase kbGetAge kbGetAgeForPlayer kbGetAICostWeight kbGetAmountValidResources kbGetAttackRouteID kbGetAutoBaseCreate kbGetAutoBaseCreateDistance kbGetAutoBaseDetect kbGetAutoBaseDetectDistance kbGetBlockID kbGetBlockPosition kbGetBuildLimit kbGetCiv kbGetCivForPlayer kbGetCivName kbGetCombatEfficiency kbGetCulture kbGetCultureForPlayer kbGetCultureName kbGetHCLevel kbGetMapCenter kbGetMapXSize kbGetMapZSize kbGetNumAttackRoutes kbGetNumberMutualAllies kbGetNumberValidResources kbGetNumberValidResourcesByPlan kbGetPlayerHandicap kbGetPlayerName kbGetPlayerTeam kbGetPop kbGetPopCap kbGetPopCapAddition kbGetPopSlots kbGetPopulationSlotsByQueryID kbGetPopulationSlotsByUnitTypeID kbGetProtoUnitAICost kbGetProtoUnitID kbGetProtoUnitName kbGetRandomEnabledPUID kbGetTargetSelectorFactor kbGetTechAICost kbGetTechName kbGetTechPercentComplete kbGetTownAreaID kbGetTownLocation kbGetUnitBaseTypeID kbGetUnitTypeName kbGetVPGeneratorByScoreType kbHasPlayerLost kbIsGameOver kbIsPlayerAlly kbIsPlayerEnemy kbIsPlayerHuman kbIsPlayerMutualAlly kbIsPlayerNeutral kbIsPlayerResigned kbIsPlayerValid kbLocationVisible kbLookAtAllUnitsOnMap kbMakeAttackRoutes kbMaximumResourceGet kbPathAddWaypoint kbPathCreate kbPathDestroy kbPathGetIDByIndex kbPathGetLength kbPathGetName kbPathGetNumber kbPathGetNumberWaypoints kbPathGetWaypoint kbProgessionGetTotalResourceCost kbProgressionGetNodeData kbProgressionGetNodeType kbProgressionGetTotalNodes kbProtoUnitAvailable kbProtoUnitIsType kbResourceGet kbResourceGetXP KBResourceID kbSetAICostWeight kbSetAutoBaseCreate kbSetAutoBaseCreateDistance kbSetAutoBaseDetect kbSetAutoBaseDetectDistance kbSetForwardBasePosition kbSetPlayerHandicap kbSetTargetSelectorFactor kbSetTownLocation 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kbUnitQueryNumberResults kbUnitQueryResetData kbUnitQueryResetResults kbUnitQuerySetActionType kbUnitQuerySetAreaGroupID kbUnitQuerySetAreaID kbUnitQuerySetArmyID kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort kbUnitQuerySetBaseID kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation kbUnitQuerySetPosition kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly kbUnitQuerySetState kbUnitQuerySetUnitType //KB Unit States: kbUnitVisible kbVPSiteGetLocation kbVPSiteGetOwnerPlayerID kbVPSiteGetState kbVPSiteGetType kbVPSiteQuery kCloth kCQj [_ KD)Cp)Cl)C\ k+DiplomaScy 'k~'dt1y 'k~'dt,o|'Q[ kedExch !keep@ keepcentrum keepDistance keepFlashingOnActivate kerDl4 kerN@0 KERNEL32 kernel32.dll KERNEL32.dll kExpl keyboard mapping K(??F" kfA1oCo <&K @kfFOUND~MmTERNALQ` K@FK@XK@hK@ +)kfQ+ "kGMs3 Kh;K\r Kh;K\sY K(+H(;L$ k<HTBFi KillcpB/uildI KillOnAnimLoop KillTimer killTree kirmHome kirmNi kIsMul3ti k: Issu K@j1q6 ~k\JH5q% k@JO,' KkE5Q K,+L$ kll,p- kl<PAS 'k~'LW ~kN9Oq kneeLowi 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laRex Las 2V lass=%f lasss, Last fifteen seconds Last frame LastHomeCity.xml Last merge was #%d. Last merge was #%d. max_outside %2.2g Last point added p%d visitid %d. Last point added to hull was p%d. Last point added was p%d. LastRefreshTime Last second LastTrainTime=%d. Last update LA.TXT -launC Launch aborted - ESO Failure LAUNCHPOINT la.vsInT layer -- layerDat layers ]Layou LazerBear l!;b F ?lButto~ lC0uOe lcAabbs L Calf L CLAVICLE LCMapStringA LCMapStringW lCollisi lcSpeciGfic l$$;D$( L$<]_^[d L$<][_^d L$|^]_[d L$|_^][d L$ ^_[d L$ ^]d L$ _^[d L$ _^][d L$ [_^]d L$ ]_^[d L$,^_][d L$,]_d L$(^_][d L$(_^d L$(_^[d L$@^[_]d L$]d L$$]_^[d L$\^][d L$\]_[d L$\][d L$ !D$ L$$+D$ L^] L^][ L][^ ld Bpc@ ldCc0p ldConstr L][_^d ldeopm l@j ldjKMR L=`dkR L;L$ L,d:L<du4 +L+L ld not l L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ldSkip L l l l L RV L Learicorn LearnSubMenu LeaveCriticalSection leaveGame leaveGame : destroys the world and returns to main menu. Leaves the VP effect on after showing it the first time. LeaveVPEffectOn LeC4]0tart `leDam # left) LeftBrace leftCapArt LeftParen left T`de leInpu :lEKiX LEMe[dDEVI lem:\pssul leNameA lend"q Length Lengt h-g LengthMax LengthMin Length of shoreline section LengthO/verr{ Length'R}1-XAcl Le#ngU ler=%d;x ler: fun le_shot- le to letterboxBorder LetterboxBottom LetterboxLeft ?LetterboxRight LetterboxTop "le,uoof~c &l&evaluawteC Level(0 Levelss( LevelSyn LevelUPAlert l$ f9l$ |l;F }g \l:=fk @L;FL} lfLz H L FOOT L FOREARM lg0\g0Tg0 lg-~c: lGetData ;Lgold L$ h`! L$ h`. L$,h(>
L$\h0] L$ h4L l$(h8u L HAND L^]d L$,h~G L$# L$|hi%@ L@j L$ L$(h(m L$@h\m l$ hMm L$ h\n L$ hNm L$ hP. L$,hPM L$,hpP L L L| L( L L L L L L L L$ ht. L$(h\t l#Vj L$$;H<u$ L$ hU1 l L$(h`w L$(hwG L$<hx, L$(hx% : Li( l$$~I3 l_*I8~ -]lia! libJune ? Libra% LibraryA libs[@ LICATE lieuRegi lifespan Lifespan LifespanUnit _liffM liftCoefficient Light direction interpolation quanta LightDirInterpQuanta LightGrey LightHpvX ([_q] [ Lightn8 Lightning Limber limitPi limitPitch line -- Line[{{%16.8f, %16.8f}, {%16.8f, %16.8f}}] linearc linearcolor linearDamping linearVelocity linearVelocityClipDiff linkTakenStringID linkUnit listActivateOnAlphaJump ListenerType listItemHeight ( lists listspacing LIST # %s | %s litaryPe lity^4SSId0 LivestockPen LivestockPenAccel LivG`# liw`ianUI !l#"J! L|jO|C( L$(P L$(j PQ L$ j Qf L$()K@ l$$~K3 L$(~k3 lk/}&V l$|;l$ l$ ;l$ l$,;l$ l$(;l$ l$$;l$ l$@;^L L^_[ L$ :L$ L$ +L$ L$ +L$( L$,;L$`~ L$(;L$@| L$(+L$$ L$$;L$ L$$;L$<| L$$;L$( L^[ L][_ ll_16Y L$,;L$4} L$ ;L$4u L$ ;L$8| L uBW ll8?J>c! +l$@+l$8+l$ llager E?gyptiaB llar`Effi LLBACK ll crediZ L$ +L L$,;L lle?pn L Level L@j L$@;L l;l L$\;L L L$ L L<N L N L L L L L L lltrVi L L L$,+L$<WQ llWqa~`Ter L( L$`+L llyl}hw Lm2c:?C% l$ ~M3 L\$(tF [-&LMb#{' &LMb#{'
< < > L M M Q T b c LMqhull configuration error (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h): lN0ed- ;lnHq^ L<None l$<;nTu lo7adB ::load Loa[d: loadBackground loadCamera loadCamera(<stringFilename>) : load camera from file. loadCampaignScenario loadCampaignScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a campaign scenario file. Load configuration data LoadCursorW loadDetails loadGame loadGame(<stringFilename>) : loads in a saved game. loadGrouping loadGrouping( string groupingName ) : Loads a grouping. No parameter pops up dialog. loadGroupingUnicode loadGroupingUnicode : For UI use only. loadGroupingUnicodeLUA loadGroupingUnicodeLUA : For UI use only. LoadIconW Loading player colors Loading tech tree LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryW loadLightingSet loadLightingSet([name] [apply]) : loads the specified lighting set load of6 loadRecentFile loadRecentFile(<stringFilename>) : loads the file named, interpreting whether it is a scenario, savegame, etc. dynamically loadSavegameWithCurrentData loadScenario loadScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a scenario file. LoadSu loadTutorial loadTutorial(<stringFilename>, <loadMode>, <loadImage>, <textID>) : loads in a tutorial scenario file. Load user configuration data loadUserDefinedGrouping loadUserDefinedGrouping(string groupingName) : Loads a grouping from the user writable grouping directory. LoadV: LOANED Unit[%02d]: ID=%d (INVALID UNIT). LOANED Unit[%02d]: ID=%d, '%s'. LOastH @lO_a_sVEv}ZG Loc.2Visi LocalAlloc locale LocalFree LocalReAlloc localWater ?locaO Location _locID lock -- %locke LockedSquad LockResource lockTitlebarMove log2-pro LogAIErrors logBoxIn LogDeviceInfo logerrors logerrors.txt LogFlume LogicalTypeAffectedByTownBell LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls LogicalTypeCanBeHealed LogicalTypeEasySelectAvoid LogicalTypeGarrisonInShips LogicalTypeHandUnitsAttack LogicalTypeHandUnitsAutoAttack LogicalTypeHealed LogicalTypeLandMilitary LogicalTypeMinimapFilterEconomic LogicalTypeMinimapFilterMilitary LogicalTypeNavalMilitary LogicalTypeNeededForVictory LogicalTypeRangedUnitsAttack LogicalTypeRangedUnitsAutoAttack LogicalTypeScout LogicalTypeShipsAndBuildings LogicalTypeTCBuildLimit LogicalTypeValidSharpshoot LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition LogicalTypeVillagersAttack LogicalTypeVillagersRespondToAttack logleaks log-OKBu[tt LogOpenv1`4 logwarnings logwarnings.txt 'Lon g long aiActivateOpportunity( int opportunityID, bool flag ): activates or deactivates an opportunity on the player's opp list. long aiCommsGetChatTargetType(int sentenceID): get target type for specified sentence. long aiCommsGetChatVerb(int sentenceID): get chat verb for specified sentence. long aiCommsGetSendingPlayer(int sentenceID): get sending player for specified sentence. long aiCommsGetTargetListCount(int sentenceID): get number of items in target list for specified sentence. long aiCommsGetTargetListItem(int sentenceID, int index): get index item from specified sentence. long aiCreateOpportunity(int type, int targettype, int targetID, int targetPlayerID, int source ): adds an opportunity to the list and returns the id. long aiDestroyOpportunity( int opportunityID): remove an opportunity on the player's opp list. long aiGetNumberTeams(): returns the number of teams in the game. long aiGetOpportunitySourceID( int opportunityID ): gets the source id from this opportunity long aiGetOpportunitySourceType( int opportunityID ): gets the source type from this opportunity long aiGetOpportunityTargetID( int opportunityID ): gets the target id from this opportunity long aiGetOpportunityTargetPlayerID( int opportunityID ): gets the target playerID from this opportunity long aiGetOpportunityTargetType( int opportunityID ): gets the target type from this opportunity long aiGetOpportunityType( int opportunityID ): gets the type from this opportunity long aiGetScore(int playerID): returns the score for the given player. long aiHCCardsFindBestCard(int cardType, int levelPref, int resourcePref): Get the best card using the optional cardtype and optional resourcePreference long aiHCCardsGetCardAgePrereq(int cardIndex): For this cardIndex, get the age prereq. long aiHCCardsGetCardCount(): For this cardIndex, get the CardCount, -1 is Infinite. long aiHCCardsGetCardLevel(int cardIndex): For this cardIndex, get the age prereq. long aiHCCardsGetCardTechID(): For this cardIndex, get the TechID. long aiHCCardsGetCardUnitCount(): For this cardIndex, get the UnitCount. long aiHCCardsGetCardUnitType(): For this cardIndex, get the UnitType. long aiHCCardsGetTotal(): Returns the number of cards in the Current HC. long aiHCDeckAddCardToDeck( long deckIndex, long cardIndex): Adds the card given to the givenHC Deck. long aiHCDeckGetCardAgePrereq( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the age prereq long aiHCDeckGetCardLevel( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the level long aiHCDeckGetCardTechID( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the techID long aiHCDeckGetCardUnitCount( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the unit Count long aiHCDeckGetCardUnitType( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the unitType long aiHCDeckGetNumberCards( long deckIndex): Returns the number of cards in the Current HC Deck. long aiHCGetNumberDecks(): Returns the number of decks in the Current HC. long hcCreatePerformerGroup( int numPerformers, float attentionRadius ): Creates a performer group. long hcGetNumberWaypoints( void ): Returns the number of waypoints. long hcGetNumPerformerGroups(): Returns how many performer groups are currently playing. long hcGetRandomFreeWPID(long waypointMask): Returns the WPID of a random waypoint. long hcGetRandomWPID(long waypointMask): Returns the WPID of a random waypoint. long hcUnitGetGroupID( int unitID ): Returns the HomeCity group ID for this unit. long kbFindClosestBase( long playerRelation, vector location ): gets the nearest base of player relation from the location. long kbGetHCLevel( int playerID ): Returns the current HomeCity Level of the given player. long kbResourceGetXP( int playerID ): Returns the current amount XP the given player has. LongLines LongRolloverTextID loo9r3ps lookAt lookAtArmy lookAtArmy(int playerID, string armyName) : looks at given kb army. lookAt(float x, float z) : looks at given x,z location on terrain. lookAtHomeCityBuilding lookAtHomeCityBuilding(0) lookAtHomeCityBuilding( int building ) : View the specific home city building. looping Lo^opo LO^OpO loopParm Loo~psmoo lorecrD] lorer lOrH03~y` {LoRj!: LoseExpl LOSModifier LOSMultiplier LOSProtoUnit LOSProtoUnitID LowestPo lowFrequencyDeactivationPeriod LowHeight lowLevelSyncCL lowpoly LowPoly lowSpee Loww E8P, 2 |$ ;l _(_:_L_^_p_ ?(?:?L?^?p? /(/:/L/^/p/ L_^_p_ L?^?p? L/^/p/ L][_ L^] L]^[ L]^_ L;D$\ )Lpeds l'pha+ l L% L@j l{,Pn| l$,PQh L( L$ PQh L$,PQh L$(PQh L L L M L@M L L L$,PQj L$@PQj L$ L$,PQR L L L L L L$ L L L$ PQU L$ L L$(PQVS L$ PQW L$,PQW L L$ PQWS L$(PQWS L$ PRj L L L$,PRQ L L L$(PRUU L$ L$ lpTSpY L;T ;L L$,PUQ L$ L$ L$ PUVW L$\PVQ L$,PVS L$ PVU l l L$ PWQ L$,PWQ L$(PWQ L$ PWQh4 L$,PWUWQ L$ L$,;q` L$<Qh$ L$ Qh`( L$ Qh( L$,Qh$( L$(Qh,^ L$(Qh@ L$@% L$,Qh0% L$@Qh0 L$ Qh4- L$@Qh4y L$(Qh\8 L$\8 L$ Qh84 L$<Qh a L$ QhAD L$ L$,QhD] L$(Qhdo L$ Qhdy L$,QhDy L$ L$,QhHO L$(Qhl L$ L$,QhLy L$,Qh,O L$(Qhp L$,Qh<P L$@QhP L$ L$,QhpM L$,Qh Q L$ L$,QhT L$(QhT[ L$,QhT8 L$ L$<Qhx L$ L$,QhX L$(QhX^ L$ L$ L$(Qh\y L$\y L$<Qj, L$<Qj L$,Qj$ L$,Qj L$+Qj$ L$+Qj# L$|Qj0 L$,Qj0 L$<QPh` L$ QPh L$ QPh@ L$,QPh L$(QPh L$ L$ QPhd L$,QPhd L$ QPhH L$ QPR L$ \ L$ L$ QPV L$(QPV L$ L$\QPV L$ QPVWU L$<QPW L$ QPW L$ +L$<QR L$,QRP L$(QRP L$@QRP L$\QRP L$ L$ QRPW L$ L$|QRW L$\QRWVU L$,QSP L$ QSPSh L$(QSPSh L$ L$`QSR L$ L$,QSU L$ L$ QSV L$<QSWSW L$(QSWU L$ QUPS L$ QUR L$ QUR@S L$,QUS L$<QUt L$(QUV L$|QUVS L$ L$(QUWS L$ L$ QVR L$@WU L$ QVS L$ QVSW L$ QVSWR L$ QVW L$,QVW L$ L$(QVWS lQ]}wh`q L$ QWhT L$,QWj# L$`QWP L$ QWP L$(QWPWh L$@QWR L$,QWS L$(QWS L$ QWSU L$@QWU L$ L$ QWV L$(QWV lReleasE" L$ RP3 L$`RPQ L$<RPQ L$ RPQ L$,RPQ L$@RPQ L$ RPQj L$(RPQj L$ RPQS L$,RPQS L$ L$ RPQV L$,RPSQV L$ L$ RPVQ L$,RQj L$(RQPj L$<RQU L$ RQU L$,RQU L$(RSj L,(ruleID L$,RUPQ L$,RWS L$(SBVQ L$@S;|}u Ls`*EJ l$ Shl L$ Sh(u Ls| Lsna. =p L$ L$(SQVW ls_T+F/% lstrcmpW lstrcpynW lstrcpyW lstrlen lstrlenA lstrlenW L$ SUV L$(SUV L$ lSUVWP L$ L$ SVR L$ L$ LS Yj_|_ l$<;)t l$*; ;L$ t< ;L$ t' L$(;t$ L]_^[ lT _.0 lt: 0-3)Q, l$;V L$|t 8] L$ L( LtBroadPhase LtBvTree L$ te3 LtHeightField L THIGH LthkBvAgent L L ltiply l$ t L@j L;L L;L L+NT lTopZx l$,t P | P L$#P L$,tPh L lTp!Rein L L L L L L ;l)l LtSimulate L{|Tsp l L; LtTriPatch lt-unset L lt valu L l$ t W l$,t,W l$(t W L$ tzf L$@u% L$(|=U l$(u ]^2 L$,~u3 lU;&8R ludeGaia L$ u?h+| L$'h l$(u"j }L;uL~ l$(uO; L UPPERARM l$<UPQ l$<UPV l$@UPW L$ UPW L$(UQS L$,URP L$<URQ L$ URQj L$ l$ L$ UUU ;~lu<W LVALUE L$ Vhl l$ Vj< L$ VP3 L$ VPQ L$\VQSU L$(VRPQ L$(VRQ L$ l$<VURW l$,VW3 l$@VW3 l$ L$ VWQ l$<VWU lwabe* lways}D lWedovo L$@w j "L)w"L lwlowH l$ WP3 L$(WPQ L$ L$<WSQ L$ WSUQj L$(Wt*j l$-; L$ L$,WVQ L$ WVQUh LwW!Nu #l$ L L L L L L L ;l
L T$| L ^L^][Y lyAf6PSp ly ass lYawLe;ft" LyCacnc ly. {(F LZn?BCL _)_;_M_ _)_;_M___ ?)?;?M? ?)?;?M?_? /)/;/M/ /)/;/M/_/ }{|/?><M m0nH2clJ m0w3N= __m128@ M1702b.h m1aOtegy m/ 39 (m3mp<k) (m3 wi M4f;J4 m83kai .m*9.e Machine does not meet min specs: %S machineName Machinq macro>
Macro [%i]: "%s" = "%s" Macros: %i MaCsk9 macyDia madStart Magenta magnitude magxim[b MainAutoBase%dPlayer%d MainBase Main FunctionID=%d. mainGameMenu mainGameMenuMP mainGameMenuRecGame mainGameMenu-resign mainHelpText MainMen MainMenuOptions Maintain MaintainAreaID MaintainBaseID maintext Mak2@scri make AI Prompts that are statments show up as chats instead Makebz MakeHCDeckActive MakeHCTechActive MakeInvuOlner mak'@e@IR Makes building erode the terrain around them when they are placed. make selection highlight color transform Makes terrain texture density half of normal. Makes terrain texture density one quarter of normal. MakeUnbuiltAtZeroHitpoints mam`x s manage ManageHCDlg-Create-CancelButton ManageHCDlg-Create-CivDetails ManageHCDlg-Create-CivHeader ManageHCDlg-Create-CivPickerBackground ManageHCDlg-Create-CivPickerHolder ManageHCDlg-Create-CreateButton ManageHCDlg-Create-Dlg ManageHCDlg-Create-ExplorerNameText ManageHCDlg-Create-GameTypeDropdown ManageHCDlg-Create-HCNameText ManageHCDlg-Create-PickCivButton manageX man- r man_Spy +Manua'lly `many_ linkc0R mAnyNumb Map -- mapcolor MapDetayi MapElevationApplyButton MapElevationDialog MapElevationDownButton MapElevationGadget MapElevationResetButton MapElevationSpaceAvailableAbove MapElevationSpaceAvailableBelow MapElevationSquashCheckBox MapElevationUpButton MapE@s map(<eventString> <contextString> <commandString> : maps input event to command, in that context. See input mapper design.doc for more details. MapObjective map.o Th MapPointerCount MapPointerDistance MapPointerUpScale MapR/esou MapSize_CancelBtn mapsize_CurrentSize MapSizeDialog mapsize_MaxXText mapsize_MaxZText mapsize_MinXText mapsize_MinZText mapsize_OkBtn MapSize_z% mapToResourceID mapToStrategyID mapToUnitTypeID MapType MapTypeDialog mapUnits MapViewOfFile MapVirtualKeyA MapVirtualKeyW Ma_px:J MarAprMa marcin is k3wl markers Market MarketAbility MarketBuy1 MarketBuy2 MarketCostDeltaBuy MarketCostDeltaSell MarketCostMax MarketCostMin MarketID MarketSell1 MarketSell2 MarketTradeFactor mary9i maS+G0: maskAlpha maskColor maskFlip maskInvert maskVertical MASTER match# matchmaking match-type matchType materialBaseArray materialIndexBaseArray materialIndexStridingArray materialStridingArray mathematica ?%?mAtIP Matrix: Matrix constant "%s" is not a column matrix Matrix constant "%s" must have 1-4 columns, not %i Matrix constant "%s" must have 4 rows, not %i Matrix constant "%s" uses an unsupported register set (must be float4) maw` s MaxAge maxAngle max. angle to ridge MaxCanPaths Max circle selection size. maxConcaveLength MaxContained Max Contained maxCou maxCount maxCrossDistance Max different to trigger concavity Max different to trigger convexity maxDistance Max distance between neighbors within a crowd. max. distance of a new vertex to a facet max. distance of an output vertex to a facet max distance of merged vertex below facet (or roundoff) max. distance of midpoint to ridge max distance of vertex or coplanar point above facet (w/roundoff) max. distance to ridge max. facets max. facets tested maxFadeLength MaxFarmLimit maxFor maxForce max. found for a vertex maxFrictionForce maxFrictionTorque MaxGuardianStrength maxHeight MaxHeight MaxHitpoints MaximizeAttack MaximizeLOS MaximizeXportMovement Maximu maximum maximum [Maximum maximum additional in one pass maximum angle (cosine) of facet normals across a ridge MaximumContained Maximum crushing wave speed Maximum distance of %spoint above facet: %2.2g Maximum distance of %svertex below facet: %2.2g MaximumDockDist maximum facet area maximumFlyingUnitHeight maximum (includes initial simplex) Maximum length of the fade off at the ends of the wave maximum merge distance maximum merges for a facet (at most 511) Maximum MIPmap size (in pixels) that will be loaded. Disabled if <= 0 maximum number of neighbors maximum number of ridges maximum number of vertices MaximumP MaximumRange MaximumResourceTrickleRate MaximumSquadSize MaximumVelocity maximum vertices deleted per iteration Maximum wave height Maximum wave length Maximum wave length when in concave anchor Maximum wave start distance (from shore) Maximum wave width Maximum width of foam strip (1.0f = wave length) MaximumXPTrickleRate maxInterval maxLength maxLimit maxLinearVelocity maxMip maxMipMapSize max. new facets created maxnum max. number of ridges per tested vertex - maxoutside: %10.7g maxParticles maxPercentToShore MaxPlaceRetries MaxQueueSize maxRadius max. random joggle MaxRandUpdate Max regular gamepad scrolling speed. Max resize of circle selection. MaxResource MaxRetries maxRPM MaxRunVelocity maxSkidmarkEnergy maxSpeed maxSpeedFullSteeringAngle maxSplineDistance maxStartDistance maxSteeringAngle MaxSwapAmount maxTileOffset MaxTime maxTur maxTurnAnglePerSecond MaxUnitNumber ">maxVal maxValu maxValue MaxVelocity maxVelocityForPositionalFriction max. vertices at any one time _max-width maxWidth MaxZoom Maybe the order of registering your collision agent is wrong, make sure you register your alternate type agents first may have the same identifier. Otherwise output ok. may have the same identifier. Vertices not sorted correctly. .#Mb&! M@@"+b MB~Af9M MBAOs% mbling mCapacity < 0x3FFFFFFF mCapA.H#top mCCCCCCCCCCJm mC New mCurrentUpdate.getCommandAmount() != cm->getNumberCommandsToExecute() %m%d% !M{d@B mDetailH mDeviceI MD_^]f mdYTWDf]u]U me6PGener means. ME{APINTLwGNT me city"08 MediocreBombard Medium = MEDIUM Me f megaPostLoadForceTextures Member meMenu& Memory Memory allocation error! MemoryStack Error -- could not obtain a memory stack frame MemoryStack Error -- out of stack memory MemoryStackHeapSize memory statistics: memory usage statistics (in bytes) mEnabled MenabledO mentUni MenuAlternate MenuCancel MenuOK menuu\ MercAdd_CancelBtn MercAdd_CountIncrementFld MercAddDlg MercAdd_MaxCountFld MercAdd_MinCountFld MercAdd_NameFld MercAdd_OkBtn MercEdit_AddMerc MercEdit_CancelBtn MercEdit_DeleteMerc MercEditDlg MercEdit_EditMerc MercEdit_MercList MercEdit_OkBtn Mercenary mercTrain mercTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given merc from the given home city building. MercType1 MercType2 MercType3 MercType4 MercType5 MERGE merged merged a simplex mergehorizon merge iterations MERGEridge mergeridge1 mergeridge2 - merges: %d merges due to angle coplanar facets merges due to concave facets merges due to coplanar facets merges due to degenerate facets merges due to duplicated ridges merges due to flipped facets in duplicated ridge merges due to redundant neighbors merges due to removing flipped facets MERGING merInProoximnP( me~@s me="%s" ;Mesh^ meshBu meshButton ;Mesh for cliff piece model must be rigid and not use optimized vertex format %s meshIsometric meshScale message MessageBeep MessageBoxA MessageBoxW messageWindow messageWindow-CloseButton messageWindow-text MestsT meterCount MeteredGarrison meterL meterLength methor ?meZone MF^7<' mFadeOut mFairLoc mF%q/_%to mg`4A2G M{"{g9 }Mgkhv MGl!or Mgr_Pr Mh 9\$@t miatcaj` Microsof Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library middle Middle MiddleAreaGroups Middlu`S Milita MilitarBP Military Mili/tary MilitaryBuilding MilitaryDrummers MilitaryPage ^!M)in[/ MinAge minAngle minConcaveLength minCrossDistance min. denominator in hyperplane computation minDistance min. distance of an output vertex to a facet MinedResource minFadeLength mInfo%q minH`7p minHeight minHighFrequencyRotation minHighFrequencyTranslation minimap minimap_border minimapCamera minimapColor MinimapColor Minimap does not draw fog. Minimap does not show lighting. MinimapFilterEconomic MinimapFilterEconomicMin MinimapFilterMilitary MinimapFilterMilitaryMin MinimapFilterNormal MinimapFilterNormalMin Minimap flares sent by a player are in their respective color. MinimapIcon minimapIgnoreFog minimapIgnoreLight minimapNoRotate minimapPanel minimapPanel-FilterToggle minimapPanel-homecityButton minimapPanel-nativeAllies minimapRotateMode minimapRotateMode(integerMode) : changes the minimap rotation mode. No arg means toggle. MinimapShape MinimapSize ;MinimapTerrain minimapZoom minimapZoomDelta minimapZoomDelta([floatZoomDelta]) : changes the zoom factor of the minimap up or down by that amount (remaining centered on the current view) minimapZoom([floatZoom]) : sets the zoom factor of the minimap. minimum angle (cosine) of facet normals across a ridge Minimum crushing wave speed minimumDivisibleDeltaTime minimum facet area minimumFlyingUnitHeight Minimum length of the fade off at the ends of the wave minimum outside W%.2g. Flipped facets are likely. MinimumRange Minimum Range MinimumResourceTrickleRate Minimum wave height Minimum wave length Minimum wave length when in concave anchor Minimum wave start distance (from shore) Minimum wave width MinimumXPTrickleRate minInterval minInterval 2 minInterval 4 minInterval 5 minInterval 6 minLength minLimit minLowFrequencyRotation minLowFrequencyTranslation MinMax MinOppScoreForGo minRadius MinRandUpdate MinResourceAmt minRPM minSkidmarkEnergy minSpeed minSplineDistance minStartDistance MinSwapAmount MinTime min time to get a GP in deathmatch MiNumJacobians MinUnitNumber minVal minWidth MinZoom MIq` d;ehat mirror mirrored pairs of new facets deleted (same vertices) MiscInfoAvailFoodResource MiscInfoAvailGoldResource MiscInfoAvailWoodResource MiscInfoGaiaObjects MiscInfoPage Mission MISSION2` MISSION: Attack P%d Opp=%d //Mission Constants: //Mission Plan Variables: //Mission Types: mitchell @mitchell mit of Mix1_g MIXED_VP MixPalette mj>zjZ M!:K!t M|+L$\ mLength * (MM mmCmCs MM/ddy/_` MM/dd/yy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mMonitorLeft=%d mMonitorTop=%d mmsFlar mmyImpac [mneJ.Qo mnopqrst !mocot modeEnter modeEnter("Credits") modeEnter(<stringMode>) : enters the named mode. modelDestroyAll modelDestroyAll() modelLoad modelLoad(model XML file name) modelSetAnim modelSetAnim(anim Index) ModeMPESO ModeMPLogin ModePE Moderate modeToggleBetweenIfNotMP modeToggleBetweenIfNotMP(<stringMode1> <stringMode2>) : toggles between the two modes only if we're not in a BMultiplayer game. /Modif modifi. modifier modify Modify ModifyProtoUnit modifyterrain modil; MoGdifD Monday MonitorT MonsterTruckA MonsterTruckT Mo_oqo MO_OqO mooth: moot;hD m?ore in M or::pro |MOTD# motionStopFadeDelay motionStopFadeTime motionType motorActive mouse1 mouse1double mouse1doubledown mouse1doubleup mouse1down mouse1up mouse2 mouse2double mouse2doubledown mouse2doubleup mouse2down mouse2up mouse3 mouse3double mouse3doubledown mouse3doubleup mouse3down mouse3up mouse4 mouse4double mouse4doubledown mouse4doubleup mouse4down mouse4up mouse5 mouse5double mouse5doubledown mouse5doubleup mouse5down mouse5up mouse6 mouse6double mouse6doubledown mouse6doubleup mouse6down mouse6up mouse7 mouse7double mouse7doubledown mouse7doubleup mouse7down mouse7up mouse8 mouse8double mouse8doubledown mouse8doubleup mouse8down mouse8up mouseExclusive mouse is moved to the center of the screen on startup mouseNonExclusive mouseOverColor mouseoverText MouseScaleX MouseScaleY mouseStartCentered mousex mousey mousez moveable MoveAttack MoveByGroup MoveDone MoveFailed MoveFileA MoveFileW MoveInventory Movemen>
MovementMod Movement speed modifier. Don't use this. Ever. MovementType MovePlanFoo movePointerX (%d) movePointerY (%d) MoveRetry MoveTo moveunit MoveWindow MovMTI MoWwt MP+4v|b mParamClass != eInvalidParamClass mParamType != eInvalidParamType mpatib mpAutoSaveInterval MPAutoSave %m%d%Y %H%M%S mpCustomScreenSetSavegame mpCustomScreenSetSavegame(<name>): UI used only MPESOAvatar-CancelButton MPESOAvatar-Current MPESOAvatar-OKButton MPESOAvatar-Slider MPESOCommunity-LoggedInAsText MPESOCommunity-LoggedInGadget MPESOCommunity-MOTDText MPESOCommunity-UsersText MPESOCreateAccountDialog-CancelButton MPESOCreateAccountDialog-ConfirmPassword-Text MPESOCreateAccountDialog-Email-Text MPESOCreateAccountDialog-Name-Text MPESOCreateAccountDialog-OKButton MPESOCreateAccountDialog-Password-Text MPESOCreateAccountDialog-SecretAnswer-Text MPESOCreateAccountDialog-SecretQuestion-Text MPESOFriends-AddButton MPESOFriends-ClanBackground MPESOFriends-Dialog MPESOFriends-Dialog-CancelButton MPESOFriends-Dialog-Fields MPESOFriends-Dialog-Name-Text MPESOFriends-Dialog-OKButton MPESOFriends-Dialog-Text MPESOFriends-FriendsBackground MPESOFriends-Menu MPESOFriends-PestBackground MPESOFriends-RemoveButton MPESOFriends-Slider MPESOGameList-FilterButton MPESOGameList-FilterDlg MPESOGameList-FilterDlg-ApplyButton MPESOGameList-FilterDlg-CancelButton MPESOGameList-FilterDlg-Container MPESOGameList-FilterDlg-MapDropdown MPESOGameList-FilterDlg-PrivacyDropdown MPESOGameList-GameListSlider MPESOGameList-HomeCityTier MPESOGameList-HostButton MPESOGameList-HostDlg MPESOGameList-HostDlg-CancelButton MPESOGameList-HostDlg-Container MPESOGameList-HostDlg-GameNameText MPESOGameList-HostDlg-GameTypeDropdown MPESOGameList-HostDlg-HCTiersDropdown MPESOGameList-HostDlg-HostButton MPESOGameList-HostDlg-PasswordButton MPESOGameList-HostDlg-PasswordDisable MPESOGameList-HostDlg-PasswordText MPESOGameList-JoinButton MPESOGameList-JoinDlg MPESOGameList-JoinDlg-CancelButton MPESOGameList-JoinDlg-Container MPESOGameList-JoinDlg-GameName MPESOGameList-JoinDlg-JoinButton MPESOGameList-JoinDlg-PasswordText MPESOGameList-MapIcon MPESOGameList-MapName MPESOGameList-PlayersSlider MPESOGameList-ScreenLabel MPESOGameList-SortByGameType MPESOGameList-SortByMap MPESOGameList-SortByName MPESOGameList-SortByPlayers MPESOGameList-SortByRating MPESOGameList-SortByTime MPESOLoginDialog-CancelButton MPESOLoginDialog-ForgotPasswordButton MPESOLoginDialog-LoginButton MPESOLoginDialog-LoginContainer MPESOLoginDialog-MOTDButton MPESOLoginDialog-MOTDContainer MPESOLoginDialog-MOTDText MPESOLoginDialog-NewAccountButton MPESOLoginDialog-Password-Text MPESOLoginDialog-ScreenLabel MPESOLoginDialog-StatusLabelContainer MPESOLoginDialog-UserName-Text .\MPESOScreen.cpp mpgameCL mpgamesettingsCL MPGameSetup MPGameSetupPage-ConnectingScreen MPGameSetupPage-ConnectingScreen-Cancel MPGameSetupPage-ConnectingScreen-Dialog .\MPGameSetupPage.cpp mpgcsetup-cancelbutton mpgcsetup-chat-area-chatinput mpgcsetup-chat-area-chatoutput mpgcsetup-cheatsCheckButton mpgcsetup-gamename-text mpgcsetup-IPAddress mpgcsetup-LaunchPanel mpgcsetup-LaunchPanel-CancelBtn mpgcsetup-LaunchPanel-launchingtext2 mpgcsetup-NumberPlayers mpgcsetup-recordCheckButton MPLanBrowserDialog MPLanIP-CancelButton MPLanIP-CountDown MPLanIP-DirectIPEditBox MPLanIP-HostButton MPLanIP-HostGameEditBox MPLanIP-HostGameModeDropdown MPLanIP-JoinIPButton MPLanIP-JoinLanButton MPLanIP-LanGamesList MPLanIP-Nickname MPLanIP-RefreshButton MPLANLogin-CancelButton MPLanLoginDialog MPLANLogin-Dialog MPLANLogin-OKButton MPLANLogin-UserName-Text MPLED_HE MPLogi .\MPLoginScreen.cpp mpmapCra?shPosiF mpMatchmakingCL MPNoavig mporty{ou :Mp/Ov| mPresentParameters.BackBufferHeight=%d mPresentParameters.BackBufferWidth=%d mpsetup mpsetup-cancelbutton mpsetup-chat-area-chatinput mpsetup-chat-area-chatoutput mpsetup-cheatsCheckButton mpsetup-CheckCustomMaps mpsetup-DifficultyDropdown mpsetup-FFACheckButton mpsetup-gamename-text mpsetup-GameSpeedDropdown mpsetup-GameType mpsetup-HandiCheckButton mpsetup-HCPickerContainer mpsetup-HCPickerPlaceholder mpsetup-IPAddress mpsetup-LabelRatedGame mpsetup-LaunchPanel mpsetup-LaunchPanel-CancelBtn mpsetup-LaunchPanel-Dialog mpsetup-LaunchPanel-launchingtext2 mpsetup-MapDisplay mpsetup-MapDisplay-DownButton mpsetup-MapDisplay-UpButton mpsetup-MapDropdown mpsetup-MapName mpsetup-NumberPlayers mpsetup-recordCheckButton mpsetup-RolloverHelp MPSetupScreen mpsetup-StartingAgeSelection mpsetup-UserMenu mpStorageCL MPVoteDialog MPVoteDialog-ChatInput MPVoteDialog-ChatOutput MPVoteDialog-QuitButton MPVoteTo'Sav MPVoteToSave MPVoteToSave-NoVoteCount MPVoteToSave-Vote MPVoteToSave-Vote-button-0 MPVoteToSave-Vote-button-1 ;_M___q_ ;?M?_?q? ;/M/_/q/ ?)?;?M?_?q? )_;_M___q_ )?;?M?_?q? )/;/M/_/q/ M___q_ M?_?q? M/_/q/ M}q=j@ MQLl!H #M[r:8 mRegSet != eInvalidRegSet mR_`lal +MR|PS M%%RVQ ms([bump mscoree.dll M script m spac MSSCIPYA.IME MSTCIPH MSTCIPHA.IME + ?'M"T , -mt ag %m+tlc< }mtooEver _+_M u mullroml MultiByteToWideChar multiEdit multilineTab Multimon MultiplayerSubMenu MultiPlayerSubMenu multisamplemode Multisample mode for things like anti-aliasing multisample types: /`multisawmpl5`ype] musicPlaySong musicPlaySong (songname, fadetime) : play a sound as if it were a music track musicSetVolume musicSetVolume (0.0f-1.0f) : set the current music volume musicStop musicToggleBattleMode musicToggleBattleMode : toggles between battle mode and normal mode MusicTransition musicVol (must be mustFinishAnimation Must initialize terrain first! Must specifiy mode attribute Mut!0N4y mutable MutateDopples MuteDamage ^,mUv# MUZZLEL MUZZLER mv`c'1>
mview@s M"VzD2 mWheelDi mWindowX=%d mWindowY mWindowY=%d mW_]@M MyFav}o8aToAll ;#My?GoIdle myObj`@ myteamwon MythUnit MythUnitGodPower mytOeamwN MZfVLoad ?MZ)gd mzy}jnRH [@n[@~[@ N0;APt! N0h-.o N0QhL_ /n0(Rc N2BZ|< N2kBm5n ,N4_!+@} n 4-6s n46SlopX N49F8u n=(%.4f N4WRPh`T N4WSRPh N4WSRPhXW =\\N5! n5PR1B n}5\w$ \ n6F.I: (N70D%x ) N~7Dow n8;~8~ N8RPQUh N9%$$7VL n(9n(} N(9N(} N,9N8| n 9n@tV N9Q^!M4 nable' o `-'"Nam </name>

Name>, < Name, beginning with a Letter, ':' or '_' name for player profile nameID name.R6P*V Name: %s namesize Name too long! nAnglePe N,;AP_t! N,;APt! nario (n _narrow-hull NatAnimalLore NatAztecInitiation NatBarkClothing NatBasketweaving NatBlowgunnerAmbush NatBowyery NatCalendar NatCeremonialFeast NatChasquisMessengers NatChinampa NatChocolateRecipes NatCottonArmor NatDogSoldier NatForestBurning NatGarifunaDrums NatGarlandWars NatGuerillaWars NatHorseBreeding NatHorseTrading NatHuntingGrounds NatIroquoisLeague Native NativeAztec NativeBirth NativeBucketCountIncrement NativeBucketMaxCount NativeBucketMinCount NativeBuilding NativeCarib NativeCherokee NativeComanche nativecommandpanel2-NativeName nativecommandpanel2-NativePortrait NativeCree Native D Native Dialog NativeInca NativeIroquois NativeLakota NativeMaya NativeMgr_CancelBtn NativeMgr_CivFld1 NativeMgrDlg NativeMgr_OkBtn NativeMgr_PresentBtn1 NativeNootka NativeSeminole NativeSocket NativeTrain NativeTreatyAztec NativeTreatyCaribs NativeTreatyCherokee NativeTreatyComanche NativeTreatyCree NativeTreatyInca NativeTreatyIroquois NativeTreatyLakota NativeTreatyMaya NativeTreatyNootka NativeTreatySeminole NativeTreatyTupi NativeTupi NatKasiriBeer NatKinship NatLacrosse NatLoyalClubman NatMetalworking NatMorningWars NatMustangs NatPoisonArrowFrogs NatPotlatch NatRoadbuilding NatSequoyahSyllabary n& att NatTanning NatTextileCraftsmanship NatTradeLanguage Nature NatureClass NatWarDance NavBa -NavBa Nbdesiq n||&bnoT n+Cancce nceAxl9e nce in a ncelP6 nce out ncePass nch abo N<;c,.KD nConques nCyAlAs@ ncy cC ncyEscro?wID=-2]o nd9n0| Nd9nHW| ndalone @ndCex ndConq N /d duMBr nderAtta N di>@ @ndln@ @n Dm ND;OD^[ }ndQBas] NdQShBM .NDuiComm Neares}t>
_near-inside near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside nearly incident point nearly incident point (narrow hull) nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes near-mi -nearQ--p need at least %d points to construct a Voronoi center Need a valid passability type (land or water)! Need a valid unit type! need dictionary NEH9m` neIe%0 neighb - neighboring facets: neighbors: neighbors: neighbors for f neighbors for v ne: %ld nemyBatt nemyCw,` nemyWhen nerator: ?NerfedmDj Neutra neutral neveraskbutton >new&4V? newCliffs2 newCliffsCombineNormals NewColonyWall NewD`u new facets %d visible facets %d next facet for qh_addpoint %d new facets merged new facets merged into horizon newmerge NewMPS newname newName NewScenarioDefaultsButton NewScenarioDialog NewScenarioGadget NewScenarioGenerateButton NewScenarioPlayersDropdown NewScenarioSeedEntry NewScenarioSizeRadioButtons NewScenarioStartUnderDebugger NewScenarioTeamsDropdown NewScenarioTypeDropdown new U! NewYear n expe nexpecte _nextafter nextFreeSystemGroup nFailur nfirmA ngA?djustm ngcchara ng cFi ngDis7AK NG"eaX N ggro nglesVerGtics NG*uY9 N_HAM=M N hAZS Nh**&G nH;~H} !N\HjQ NH;N@} nH;nL~ Nickn~& nifoldDr =(nIK% nimapFil nique! `fe n i_t los ;Nj3|oQ N\j8#|$ N@kbGetResourceIncome \][NKH NKhtRO nknown
n< k<Wh ;nL[]_ nl9nX| NL(abP NL;ND})P nlockFor nLowLeve NlPQhPU NlQhp^ NlQUh8r nlv^Bn NLY WORK nMenu8 N`, MT` Pa N@+N0+L$ N(;N0sS NoA3ut NoAges NoAmbientEffects noAmbientSounds noassert noassertdialog NoAttack noAttackWarningSound NoAutoAttack NOAUTOGE NoAutoRetarget NoBaseName NoBloodOnDeath nobutton nochatsound no_chats@rOH No child processes NoDatabaseInSaveGames noDataReplace !Node U! noDeviceSelect noDirectInput NoDirectXCheck No distance specified. No error noExitYorN noFadeAfterMotionStops NoFloatyText NO}G7/I.I noGamepadHideCursor noGroupCollisionEnabled NoHCAmbientSound NoHCCameraFlyby NoHCCX NoHCRollover No help reference text matches. No HerdManager, returning. No Herd, returning. No HerdUnit, returning. noHighlight NoHitPointBars NoHitUSa NoHPBar noHyperlinkUnderlines NO`I">
NoIdleActions noIntroCinematics noiseMax noiseMin NoisePa (N!ol] 4 No link taken string id. No locks available No match. No mesh bindings in cliff piece model %s noMinimap noMinimapUpdates nomipmap noMipMap _NoM'orecOY noMusic NONAME NoNameSaved No name specified for model in damage template: %S NonAutoFormedUnit NonCollideable nonconvex non-convex vertex neighbors N@onDropD3ow <none>
"none" ?None. noneState nonEvilPausePos noNewMPScreens NoNewS NoNewSyscallDefined NonGwaia no normal for facet f%d non-simplicial facets triangulated non-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges nonsolid NonSolid noObscuredUnits +`noOt a Ks$ noPersistentConfigs NoPlan No players! NoPregameAnythingIMeanIt noPregameScenario NoProjectileDamage noProtoListMeshes <No random map generator allocated! NoResetOnShadowChange NoRespondToAttack `Norma - normal: Normal normalCursorAlwaysOn normal %d ridge vertices %d facet vertices or neighbors %d normals normalSpinDamping NormalZoom noRotate NoRotp NoRunAway NoShiftStackSelect No simulation possible. noSound No space left on device noSpecular NoStreamingMP3 NoStreamingSounds NoStreamingWAV No such device No such device or address No such file or directory No such process not) not 6P a Not adding constraint %d to area %d (%s) -- duplicate. Not adding constraint %d to connection %d (%s) -- duplicate. Not adding constraint %d to grouping %d (%S) -- duplicate. Not adding constraint %d to object def %d (%s) -- duplicate. Not adding end constraint %d to connection %d (%s) -- duplicate. Not adding start constraint %d to connection %d (%s) -- duplicate. Not a directory NotAlive NoTanSSE NoTargetTimeout NoTargetTimer -notb# NotCommandable NotDeleteable // ?NOTE: // NOTE: All of this information is game-time/context dependent. No Tech ?NoteDl Not enough space - not enough space for arguments - not enough space for environment - not enough space for lowio initialization - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table - not enough space for stdio initialization - not enough space for thread data No terrain created. RM script needs to call rmTerrainInitialize. No terrain intersection No Terrain, returning. ;No texture stage specified. notfurthest not ID i NoTieToGround Notify NotifyTextDisplay NotifyTextDisplay-border-bottom-middle NotifyTextDisplay-border-bottom-right NotifyTextDisplay-border-side-right NotifyTextDisplay-border-top-middle NotifyTextDisplay-border-top-right NotifyTextDisplay-spacer-right not in a ridge. This is ok under merging. Last point was p%d NotObscuredByUnitsAsFoundation nOtOff NotPlayerPlaceable not pr NotRotateable NotScalable NotSearchable NotSelectable not validated notvS ? not yA notZ@va NouaSa , NO UNI NoUnitAI NoUPName nous 0 nousercontrols November noVictorySounds noVideo novpeffect NovyfOcto noWander now be terminated. NoWindHack no woGrld NOyp,g NoyVisib NP|.;^ n&Pd?estroy Np;N|[u np;~p~ nProg@ nPsV@e30i ;nPuUU3 N .q`A- C )nQAE-Dn *_<_NQh] N<QhLH N\Qhx6 NqJJ?x nquisT |nqvv{ll& <_N_`_r_ <?N?`?r? </N/`/r/ _*_<_N_`_r_ ?*?<?N?`?r? /*/</N/`/r/ *?<?N?`?r? N/`/r/ NR.35I nR/d' LO N N RSPQ //N |$$~NS nsform_O #n?Sit nspor]P nSquas=h N(SRPS nstanc nsWtan nT][_^ nT9n|| nt cXSHC nt: File n?tHCPat n this b[igR ntomCall nToWor `nu0q] Nugget NUGGETA NUGGETB NUGGETC NUGGETD NUGGETE NuggetEditor-ProtoNuggetList NuggetEditor-RandomizeNuggetType NuggetEditor-SetNuggetType NUGGETF NuggetFound //Nugget Plan Variables: NuggetsToGather //Nugget Types: (null)
:NULL NULL != annoHandle NULLfacet NULLvertex NumAreaBorderLayers numb} numb50 Number N_umber NumberAttacks numberField NumberInTraining Number of backbuffers: 1 - 3. Default: 1 Number of distance tests for checking: %d Number of distance tests for merging: %d Number of distance tests for qhull: %d Number of facets: %d Number of facets in hull: %d number of facets in output NumberOfGates Number of 'good' facets: %d Number of 'good' intersection points: %d Number of halfspaces: %d Number of hyperplanes created: %d Number of input sites%s: %d Number of intersection points: %d NumberOfLoops Number of merged facets: %d Number of mipmap levels to skip Number of nearly incident points: %d Number of non-redundant halfspaces: %d number of non-simplicial facets in output Number of points processed: %d Number of%s Delaunay regions: %d Number of %s halfspaces: %d number of simplicial facets that were merged Number of%s non-simplicial Delaunay regions: %d Number of%s non-simplicial facets: %d Number of%s non-simplicial intersection points: %d Number of%s non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: %d Number of %s points: %d Number of%s Voronoi vertices: %d number of trials Number of triangulated facets: %d Number of vertices: %d number of vertices in output Number of Voronoi regions%s: %d Number of waves per setion NumberTe NumberToBuild NumberToMaintain NumberTotalAttacks NumberToTrain NumberTrained numBitsForSubpartIndex numbp numDeclaredMembers NumFoodPlans NumGoalUnitsToBuild NumGoldPlans NumHCCards numlock numMaterialsArray numNewEntries <= roomLeft numpad0 numpad1 numpad2 numpad3 numpad4 numpad5 numpad6 numpad7 numpad8 numpad9 numpadcomma numpaddivide numpadenter numpadequal numpadminus numpadperiod numpadplus numSkidPoints numTrianglesArray numVerticesArray numWheels NumWoodPlans nu([on])d N N(UWh< \$(}nV n&9FTt!Uj NVALID. NVALID S NvCplGetDataInt nvCPL is unavailable. nvCPL reports %i GPU(s). nvCPL reports SLI mode: %s NvCplSetDataInt nvertsHe nvisibw n-vO7D *_<_NW nW9xkq nW<aRE1T nWemit nWhenJ N Widescr n world n?`x3m N$*X]7' /nXd*dfozDb NxPQhPR NxQhT/ /_\NY3 ny' but\ nz1t9AR nzMenu @( $"o +?=?o? o,^]_[ _+_=_O_ ?+?=?O? /+/=/O/ O _]^[ O~_0_B_tSp O0IAFR o0oBoTo O0OBOTO O0OBOTO~ o0oBoTofo o0oBoTofoxo O0OBOTOfOxO O0QhDQ _O16N9_1 %*O1A# O1OCLq o1oCoUogo O1OCOUOgO O1OCOUOgOxM o1oCoUogoyo O1OCOUOgOyO O2ODOVOhOzO O%2Pgr O2 wuM! O3H17X !O3OEB !O3OEOWO !o3oEoWoio{o !O3OEOWOiO{O O!_3UFrie O4PQSV ,o|4Yd4`q.Ya'Q[ O~5 FpA #o5j;F #o5oGoYh #o5oGoYo O6OHD3ODcCOOaO o$6OM7 o`;)7Da7@ )O`7EO %O7OIDa %O7OIO[OmO %O7OIO[OmO|K O&_8_J_ &o8oJo\ono &O8OJO\OnO O8PQQP O9h(v@ O9X(v@ %o ~a< _=/O/a/ ?+?=?O?a? oa! >2 =/O/a/d oadb}t) oaFpC%2 /oAoSoeowo /OAOSOeOwO oardLayo =_O_a_s_ =?O?a?s? =/O/a/s/ _+_=_O_a_s_ ?+?`=?O?a?s? ?+?=?O?a?s? /+/=/O/a/s/ +_=_O_a_s_ +?=?O?a?s? +/=/O/a/s/ O_a_s_ O?a?s? [|o ?At oat!9TC oat paus /[OB=cP oBF-a4 Object definition ID %d is invalid Object definition must have a name. Object definition names must be unique! Object definition %d is already named '%s'. ObjectInfoPanel ObjectInfo_singleUnitHeaderPanel ObjectInfo_singleUnitLabel2 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLabel3 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLabel4 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLine0 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLine1 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLine2 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLine3 ObjectInfo_singleUnitLine4 ObjectInfo_singleUnitPortrait ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatPanel ObjectInfo_singleUnitStats_EditPrescenarioEvents ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsLabel0 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsLabel1 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsLabel2 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsLabel3 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsLabel4 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsValue0 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsValue1 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsValue2 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsValue3 ObjectInfo_singleUnitStatsValue4 objectivedialog2 ObjectiveEditor objectives objectivesBanner objectivesClose objectivesDel objectivesDialogButton objectivesDisplayName objectivesDisplayNameText objectivesFameAward objectivesGoalEdit objectivesHintText objectivesHintTextEdit objectivesInitiallyDiscovered objectivesInitiallyVisible objectivesIns objectivesIsPrimary objectivesList objectivesMoveDown objectivesMoveUp objectivesNotificationTextBox objectivesOccurreceCount objectivesOccurreceFameAward objectivesShortName objectivesText objectivesTextEdit objectivesTitleEdit ObMgrSync oBrrad{iu``soun: ObscuredByUnits obscuredUnitToggle obscuredUnitToggle: Toggles between different ways obscured units are shown. obscureOnlySelectedUnits ObscuresUnits ObstructionRadius ObstructionRadiusX ObstructionRadiusZ obtainable Obtainable obt>p
o!}c_ OccupyOrFreeWayPoint oceanWaveStagger #O chev` ocke%@7 ockhous# ock size OcQt6 OCreateA oCrusx gtY Octav e octaves oct/aves ocTeam October oCurr O^(!CX od4]FE__ <odaS& O drsaw oduce_I ODumpU# Oem3!Oe25Oe1 OEMB&1 oesn9'x@ oExec{ of a facet. of camerwa z OFF 3 1 1 OFF 3 1 1 # f%d OFF 3 1 1 # ridge between f%d f%d { OFF %d 1 1 # f%d Offer# offFile official offLine offset - offset: %10.7g Offz p O f;H u ofileSB of[_m_ oF?Pop1p of rang of the input. If possible, recompile Qhull with higher-precision reals. oft ~pual_ C++ &?O+g<~ og5jbvho OGinnnR og-mapboqr OGNTb]Z ogoical ogOnWri oG<-uK ogy{|XDjh o h{@, ohere| OHjGh W |O;H,}Ji oh"o4o oH@ork OHoz_lo &O;?-=H[_pb^^W OInfo.A oitWorAk o" j h oJ![H ojid`_ }oJvX O=}:K/1o okAtAllA okAt]C okAtHome ok bu{tt OKButto okbutton OKButton oK/]/o/ okoerPlan OkToGatherNuggets ,O>K`x OL_^][ O'L0E^ ol2pTCpro o>l:;CM\BhJO Old FID=%d, New FID=%d. ole32.dll oleaut32.dll OLEAUT32.dll oliticia7nUI ollDRQ ollovWp: ollowSqu o?llSpee `oLog(2 olonyZW"8E _:OLO^OpO OlQh<P oltipR oltogf )*'Om( om5yv3i omeCity omeCityT omeCOPT omedMy>
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or modify qh_JOGGLE... parameters in user.h '/>', '>' or Name orner6 @OROdJ} oronoi_ _orOwn^ , Orph;an|"NoMa OrPrereqs oRQ4goyo or 'Qbb' (scale last coordinate) may remove this warning. Use 'Pp' to skip o(R%R- or{(ri? ortByS ORTED Orthov orTi21 &`ortu- '/>', '>' or Whitespace or?yWagon ose?Dialog oselfY osestHC @o@ShowReadingWindow ositiTP osOffseD o sourc ostArmyP (o strL ~oSUVW O*S @"Z Ot_^][ |O;t$0}I Ot1(,OfI oT9od| otalTi ot a valoid r ot creat oTeamsDQD oT,{.f otifyTex otkey' OTQhx5 OTVD.T o*u By ough s ould n ould not? creat o: un o`U&o`0o`Bo`To`Udo`vo` oupEnabl `ou;rc ource ourOrMor @out.cp OUTLAW_A OUTLAW_B OUTLAW_C outlineColor Outnumbered outp1u Outp{os Outpost OutpostWagon OutpostWagonAccel Output outputBlankLine outputBlankLine : Dumps a blank line to the output. Output completed. Verifying that all points are below %2.2g of Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of OutputDebugStringA OutputDebugStringW OutputM OutsideGameHomeCity outside points. Next is point p%d (v%d), %2.2g above f%d. - outside set: - outside set: %d points. outsideset for f - outside set (furthest p%d): ? out w" OUXYTK? oUZ[zU} Ovalue21 over40,[ over9p}Z overedwa overHel overlays the game screen with an FPS counter overlayWindow OverlayWindow overlayWindow-text ove!rq Overridden OverrideAddress OverrideAnimation OverrideInitialGarrison overrides embedded DB info in the savegame with current info Overrides the batcher's private ib size Overrides the batcher's private vb size Overrides the device's shadow quality Overrides the dynamic ib size Overrides the dynamic vb size Override your external internet address. ovided) =Ovisi owChanc ow{~H2 owImageB ow manyh( ownBe8c ownCeyn*` OwnedFun - owner of normal & centrum is facet f%d owner="%s" O<W"'O9Ja owO?verlap owser-Jo owTeamCo ox.cpX o?Xhkck{ #o{x`S o!y!B0 ;OYO_OqO OZw3(? ^P[_^] /,/>/P/ P<[_^] P _^][ P ][^_ P,_^][ P,]_^[ P0][_^ p%02d: 'P0afEN1 p(0, e ]P0e![ .p<0gnS p0QprofD },;P0Vr p<1P&` p2.cp8 P3#8Hb P@3-NI p3Qbyl P4^]_[ P4_^][ P4_]^[ P4[_]^ P4]_^[ P4]_[^ P4][_^ P4]_^2 P4+Fd; P4f;U4 P4^][Y P4_^[Y P4_^]Y P4_^][Y P4[_^Y P4]^[Y P4][_^Y P?`6aRaRa P6OPOJ_ ;T:
p7r ( ;TR P8_][^ P8[_^] P8_^]2 ^P9^\| || P9D[nM P,9n4u P 9P,^| ^P9^| PAb9@l?~>
particleName Particles >.\ParticleSystemInstance.cpp partImpactSoundSet PartisanCount PartisanType partitioning statistics (see previous for outer planes) partitions of a point partitions of coplanar points or deleted vertices pass[ passive Passive PasswordDlg-AnswerText PasswordDlg-EntryCancelButton PasswordDlg-EntryFields PasswordDlg-EntryOKButton PasswordDlg-HintValue PasswordDlg-Requesting PasswordDlg-RequestingCancelButton PasswordDlg-Result PasswordDlg-ResultOKButton PasswordDlg-ResultText PatBlt <patch>
patch) Path for storing/retrieving persistent HC in playtest. PathID Pathing pathingSync PathIsRelativeW PathPlanned PathType patrol Patrol PatrolWaypoint "patroV` pattern paul is k3w1 Paused pausedText pause([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles pause state on/off. otherwise, sets pause state PauseodTex p_avirt Pavlovv Paz!1p \~B3 >^p betw P,BhAcur ->pBonu| pbrows `"P/b" _,_>_P_b_t_ ,_>_P_b_t_ ,?>?P?b?t? ,/>/P/b/t/ ?,?>?P?b?t? /,/>/P/b/t/ P?b?t? PBXSRun=t P]c<0Moo p=c3q-Heam` pCAccess p!? categ2 PCEf>0F?X;CEv pchAgeG pches. pc@ keB pCtoke pCypIJ # p%d p%d: Pd_^][ Pd0D0'), PD92uLj PD9r`tC p%d (coplanar facets) pdf sB P-~Dia # p%d is coplanar or isolated Pdrop-facets-dim-less PDrop-facets-dim-more P#%d (%s) BAI::update: # p%d (v%d) p%d (v%d) - p%d (v%d): PdWVWV PD]^[_Y pe"1Q4- Pe4Vus peak"AobjD pec1aB0 pecial pecialpo peciCpd Peda1lZ pEdg?eOfMap pedialog peDropdo peedMult PeekMessageA PeekMessageW Pefrgesh PELVIS PendingCommands penRec peOnFul |peOrrai~1 PE`oY`oI pEqD J@?<:$=;; PERATION percent Percentage of runs with precision errors: %4.1f percent-border-bottom-left percent-border-bottom-middle percent-border-bottom-right percent-border-side-left percent-border-side-right percent-border-top-left percent-border-top-middle percent-border-top-right Percent Complete: %d Percent Complete: N/A percent to increase/decrease damage based on relative height in meters between attacker/defender PercussionLocks perfCL PERFLOGEND performanceClass PerimeterGenerator perimeterWallEnemyCheckRate PerimeterWallMaxNodeDistance PerimeterWallOfflineRate PerimeterWalls period Period perio:`m[ag $"perm PermanentCost Permission denied pernT0a Pe=r perpToAxleInA1 perpToAxleInA2 perpToFreeAxisInB perpToShaftInB perpToSteeringAxisInB perpToSuspensionAxisInB persistence Persistent persistentAlpha persistentHC persistentHCPath persistentPosition persistentstatus Persona Persona-ClanCrest Persona-ClanInfo Persona-Close PersonaHCPickerDlg Persona-HCPickerPlaceholder Persona-ManageHCDlgBackground Persona-Medal1 Persona-Medal10 Persona-Medal11 Persona-Medal12 Persona-Medal13 Persona-Medal14 Persona-Medal15 Persona-Medal16 Persona-Medal17 Persona-Medal18 Persona-Medal19 Persona-Medal2 Persona-Medal20 Persona-Medal21 Persona-Medal3 Persona-Medal4 Persona-Medal5 Persona-Medal6 Persona-Medal7 Persona-Medal8 Persona-Medal9 Persona-MedalNext Persona-MedalPrevious Persona-QueryButton Persona-QueryDisable Persona-QueryText Persona-SettingsDlg-CancelButton Persona-SettingsDlg-ConfirmPasswordText Persona-SettingsDlg-Container Persona-SettingsDlg-NewPasswordText Persona-SettingsDlg-OldPasswordText Persona-SettingsDlg-SubmitButton Persona-StatsContainer Persona-StatsSlider Persona-UserAvatar Persona-UserAvatarImage Persona-UserInfo Persona-UserOptions Persona-UserPassword Persona-ViewClan PESOMatc Pest-Button PeTw4@oQwnS0 pewDownK pf6?@cliff PFacet-area-keep PFf1Pl1pill!0Pl4 pfied pfPeURL pFph~T (mean@! PfQ22A pFr?equenc pfully PF?X?ZOlO>Vq P!.:G% P}g0ho?mecityn pG2} V pG3mov pGAZCA pGCCha pGenerat Pgeng= pggles, pGkeM6` |P;G<}Kj` PGood-facet-neighbors Pgood-facets pgrawJ ?phaest (p_HARD phase two of building cinematic p?Helper pheres1 Phfmt phHaor \$@Phl phncew phoSicDbA PhysicsInfo PH_ZT b_ pib'riu) pice1T , pickin Pickup ? 'pie' PiecePositions ?PieceRI PieceRotations Pieces PikekC Pikemen pileTr2 Pillage pILos{tF ping.xml pInocremD PINTLGNT.IME Pi" o? p,IO[D0s p*Iph1 +Pirs^ Pis ap }!Pitc} pitchk PitchT pivotA pivotB pivotInA pivotInB PivotLeft PivotRight pi#wit Pixel shader version %0.1f doesn't match device node '%S', ignoring High config Pixel shader version %0.1f doesn't match device node '%S', ignoring Medium config Pixel shader version %0.1f doesn't match device node '%S', ignoring VeryHigh config Pixel shader version: %d.%d pixelxform1 pixelxform2 pixelxform3 ]=>P'j>
Pj2h({ Pj2hp{ ,PJ)b0 Pjdhp{ Pj<hp{ pjMmcU Pk2Hor P K"BCste PlacCeh PlaceAnywhere PlaceAnywhereRules PlaceAsFoundation Placed %d item(s) of '%s' (%d) in %d ms placeHCGatherpoint Placeme PlacementBuffer PlacementFile PlaceRetries PlacerMines PlaceSocketWhenPlacing placetrack placeTrack placeTradeRoute PlaceTradeRoute placeunit placeWall Plan Breakdown: %d gather plans, %d gatherers. plandebug Plan #%d (%s), Active. Plan #%d (%s), INACTIVE. planeAxisInA planeAxisInB planeEquations planeMaxAngle planeMinAngle planeMotor //Plan Events: PlanID PlanID=%d, '%s', %d '%s' units (N=%d, W=%d, M=%d), APri=%d, DPri=%d. PlanID=%d, '%s', NO UNIT TYPES, APri=%d, DPri=%d. //Plan States: Plantation PlantFlag PlanType //Plan Types: Plan Variables: %d variables. PlayAnimation PlayDelay player Player @?Player PlayerChat //Player Chat Response Types: //Player Chat Target Strategy Types: //Player Chat Target Types: //Player Chat Verbs: playerComms playercomms-button-allPlayers playercomms-chatInput-text playercomms-ExitButton playerCommsFlare playercomms-targetArea playercomms-targetInstructions playercomms-targetInstructions-background playercomms-targetLocationInstructions playercomms-verbArea playercomms-verb-highlight playercomms-verbInstructions .\player.cpp Player %d already placed PlayerData PlayerDiplomacyDialog Player=%d (%s). PlayerEditCancelButton PlayerEditDlg //Player/Game: playerGUID PlayerID PlayerID=%d: Could not compile XS script during createXSAI('%S') Player ID %d is not valid. PlayerInfoLabels PlayerInfoPage PlayerInfoPlayer1 PlayerInfoPlayer10 PlayerInfoPlayer11 PlayerInfoPlayer12 PlayerInfoPlayer13 PlayerInfoPlayer14 PlayerInfoPlayer15 PlayerInfoPlayer2 PlayerInfoPlayer3 PlayerInfoPlayer4 PlayerInfoPlayer5 PlayerInfoPlayer6 PlayerInfoPlayer7 PlayerInfoPlayer8 PlayerInfoPlayer9 player([integerPlayer]) : with no arg, outputs current player. otherwise, sets current player to given argument PlayerMaxCorpseCount PlayerOwnsObstruction PlayerPlaceable playerprofile-deletebtn playerprofile-deletedialog playerprofile-deletedialog-button-0 playerprofile-list playerProfileName playerprofile-newdialog playerprofile-newdialog-button-0 playerprofile-newdialog-button-1 playerprofile-newdialog-namefield playerprofile-okbtn playerrelation PlayerRelation //Player Relation Constants: playerResign playerResign: resigns the currently controlled player. Players Player Status PlayerStatusButton playerstatusdialog PlayerStatusDialog-HelpText playerstatusdialog-leftborder1 playerstatusdialog-map playerstatusdialog-mapborder playerstatusdialog-mapname playerstatusdialog-rightborder1 Player Summary playersummarydlg-availFood playersummarydlg-availGold playersummarydlg-availWood playersummarydlg-clearButton playersummarydlg-closeButton playersummarydlg-playerStart playersummarydlg-sendButton playersummarydlg-Team1Row playersummarydlg-TributeFood playersummarydlg-TributeGold playersummarydlg-TributeRow playersummarydlg-TributeWood playerSync playlist.aom playMovie playMovie() : Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory play m,`s P'layo Playser Playtest PlaytestAsPlayer PlaytestDialog playtestDifficultyLevel PlaytestDifficultyLevel , plea Please check that you have entered it correctly in keycode.cpp Please contact for an extension. Please contact the application's support team for more information. Please report this error to [email protected] with the input and all of the output. Plenty Vault KOTH Plog.cp Pl#:oLo^opk plorer\R PlotSqu PL repor pLsowy PltaSell6 &pLW`l] Ply1`s Plyr%dArmy%d /p[?m? pmal ?digit PMerge-keep pmiYr6 [email protected] pmmaCnd PMPfqwise pms { Pn0 >q3. |p;N8}k pn%`/a Pncas` pnd\bat pNewRaw PngIMe PNN<<"1 pNo hel pnsM0+ P!O+!. po>1v] |Po.2w Po_5sSU27<X<36ASRigh -po`&a poairF]FTi PObOtO -poHCGa POhold Poimum Pointf Point(%f Point p%d was above all facets. PointRadius points Points points checked for facets' outer planes points ignored (didn't create a good new facet) points ignored (not above a good facet) points ignored (not above max_outside) PointsInLoop points processed Poison Politici PoliticianAdmiral PoliticianAdmiralOttoman PoliticianAdventurerBritish PoliticianAdventurerRussian PoliticianAdventurerSpanish PoliticianBishop PoliticianBishopGerman PoliticianCavalierDutch PoliticianCavalierFrench PoliticianCavalierGerman PoliticianCavalierOttoman PoliticianCavalierRussian PoliticianCavalierSpanish Politician Dialog PoliticianEngineer PoliticianEngineerPortuguese PoliticianExiledPrince PoliticianGeneral PoliticianGeneralBritish PoliticianGeneralOttoman PoliticianGeneralSkirmisher PoliticianGovernor PoliticianGrandVizier PoliticianMarksman PoliticianMarksmanOttoman PoliticianMarksmanPortuguese PoliticianMohawk PoliticianMusketeerBritish PoliticianMusketeerDutch PoliticianMusketeerFrench PoliticianMusketeerPortuguese PoliticianMusketeerRussian PoliticianMusketeerSpanish PoliticianNaturalist PoliticianPhilosopherPrince PoliticianPirate PoliticianPresidente PoliticianQuartermaster PoliticianScout PoliticianScoutRussian PoliticianSergeantDutch PoliticianSergeantGerman PoliticianSergeantSpanish PoliticianTycoon PoliticianTycoonAct3 PoliticianUI PoliticianViceroyBritish PoliticianViceroyDutch PoliticianViceroyGerman PoliticianViceroyPortuguese PoliticianWarMinisterAct3 PoliticianWarMinisterRussian PoliticianWarMinisterSpanish PollingTime pollMousePosition Polygon[{ pOnA-0 pool c poo@Q" POPADD @POPADD ~PopCa Pop Cap Addition PopCapHit Po+pician pops u Pop;ul PopulationCap PopulationCapAddition PopulationCount Population Count pop up ?Portra portraitfilename portraitFileName PortraitIcon PortraitTextureCoords Portrb1 portRe PoScen Positi position Position Po?sition Position=(%.4f, %.4f, %.4f). positional posOffset postgame PostGame postGameMenu postGamePlayAgain postGamePlayAgain : does what needs to be done. PostgameScreen PostImperialBritish PostImperialDutch PostImperialFrench PostImperialGerman PostImperialOttoman PostImperialPortuguese PostImperialRussian PostImperialSpanish PostIndustrialBritish PostIndustrialDutch PostIndustrialFrench PostIndustrialGerman PostIndustrialOttoman PostIndustrialPortuguese PostIndustrialRussian PostIndustrialSpanish PostMessageA PostMessageW PostQuitMessage Po temFPte pound[ Pour?ceTrad Poutput-forced povDir PoV@SPC PowerAirStrike PowerBroadside PowerCarpetBomb PowerID PowerLongRange PowerLOS powerPanel PowerSharpshooter PowerSwashbuckler Po]`wp Ppark" =P~]PC@ pplesold +P>+PL+P\+Pl ppoaram pporari pP(PCF #C PPPPPPPP Pprecision-ignore pP_Rodo p]pr u 'PptType(X PPWbl3 ppX-_I?k\B_lQ ppxxxx p Q`cks, p{Qc*`rumFRd P-_?_Q_c_u_ PQpco+lo PqP'umuE PQRSWU ;Tq PQSUSU PQSVUR PQSWSW PQVWSU PQVWVW |$,PQWSUR ,_>_PR PrairieFire PRando precision constants: precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error) precision statistics .precomp Pre cur preferflowcontrol pregame Pregame PreGame %ld: PregameMainUIScreen pregame-messagedialog2-CancelButton pregame-messagedialog2-OKButton pregame-messagedialog2-prompt pregame-messagedialog-OKButton pregame-messagedialog-prompt PregameMusic Pregame music file pregameUI pregameuiscreen pregame-waitingDialog-prompt =preGfac~ premac _pre-merge prereq Prereqs PrescenarioEvents_CancelBtn PrescenarioEvents_OkBtn PrescenarioEvents_UnitBoardsSelectBtn PrescenarioEvents_UnitBoardsShowBtn PrescenarioEvents_UnitBoardsTxt PresetLightingDropdown pression prevent prevents the allocation of hardware sound buffers. Prevents the camera from being moved Prevents UI from rendering PreventsWallBuilding previous prFcil8S- PrFilter .\prfilter.cpp PriestConvert primary primaryTransmissionRatio printscreen -prior Priori tP priority Priority Priority=%d. @PrjHvC Pr-'Lab Prma!l ^ ::proces Proces :proc'ess processContactCallbackDelay Processing Instruction Processing Instructions ProfessionalGunners profil profile ProfileSelect Program: <program name unknown>
progressBar progressBarBackground progressBarBackgroundSize progressBarFlare progressBarFlareSize progressBarLeftCap progressBarLeftCapSize progressBarMask progressBarRightCap progressBarRightCapSize Progression Progression %d is building unitID %d. Progression %d is building unitID %s (%d). Progression %d is researching techID %d. Progression %d is researching techID %s (%d). Progression %d is training unitID %d. Progression %d is training unitID %s (%d). Progression %d subaction(%s) completed. Progression %d subaction(%s) failed . ProgressionID //Progression Plan Variables: Progression %s(%d) completed. Progression %s (PlanID=%d) (PUID=%d) (TechID=%d) completed. : %s ProgressResearch ProgressTrain projected p%d Projectile ProjectileHitTerrain ProjectileHitUnit ProjectileID ProjectileProtoUnit ProjectileSpinPeriod ProjectileTerrainOnly proJs s| //Prompt Types: properties ProtoAction ProtoIDToBuild protoquests.xml ProtoUni~ protounit proto.xml Pr_ (qh_}7c% PRQWQW ;TQr PR )@U% prU`ryE P&Rwfir"Rack&R "\`(ps \PSave pscwrip P's each PsGupp Psluce ps mark p%SOampl PSRj@SX3 PSRPRX[ PSRSPX[ PSRSPX3 PSRSQX[ PSRSQX3 PSRSRX[ PSRSRX3 PSSh0zZ PSSSSS pst*pst]1E= PSUh80 ~PSUVW PT^[]_ PT_^][ PT]_^[ PT]_[^ Pt9~<| ;}PTcbX pTextur ptic' ';TJ \+t pTrcpgles "PtTextgure >ptwhJ PT^][Y PT_^[Y PT_^][Y PT[^_Y PtyU@]uu`Nat/ Pu0R^A |)P!?Ua |)P!?Ua0 p,^U,D <p_u)F; pula?r Pull5Pn m /p.Um/p P um/PEn PUnus, PURE_HARDWARE_VP - pure virtual function call Purple ]P`USd PUSHADD Push walls out this many tiles from colony buildings pusic puteBoun /putQ5 ;Tu >PuU,\ ?;~puVW PU|yy` p v}0' pvf#jX PVO*L; PvpGoQ @ \ pVQ yb1 pvRCould p^W0uW0 pwFQN `PwnediBIw %W;Tw PWUQSh( |;| |;| PX_^][ PX]_^[ PX;\$0| 'pX'p~ PX_^[]Y PX_[^Y ?pxyouo P ^_[]Y P _^][Y P _[^Y P(_^]Y P\_^[]Y PyIAbil pyOrFree pYsHop py'Tx'TP ;TyT#q Pz bQMap p*{zu>} |#;q(} !q_@}?~ |$;Q@} -/?/Q/ Q!] ?: )Q?04?F?x Q09AH| Q0-no-premerge Q10-no-narrow Q11-trinormals Qtriangulate Q1-no-angle-sort (q1Y() q21jV9 :Q2FBCKNL Q2-no-merge-independent Q)3msiy Q3-no-merge-vertices Q3-no-merge-vertices-dim-high |,;Q4}' |.;Q4}) Q4-avoid-old-into-new Q(4 by_tes?) Q5-no-check-outer Q6-no-concave-merge q 70al\p Q7-no-breadth-first ]Q7P:5 Q8-no-near-inside Q9K9V>
Q9-pick-furthest Q<9:t! Qa2&gh q[a4,(2 Qa.5oGb4n?2(<fil" ;/{QA8 QABCDEF QasllEa QA/Upnt ]*-.qb Qbbound-last Qbbound-last-qj QbBound-unit-box ('Qbd:n' qblog>09u QBound-dim-high Qbound-dim-low Qb-project-dim qB!\q@Qd qbwindM _-_?_Q_c_ /-/?/Q/c/ /?/Q/c/ Qc0$[2ar 'Qci TvA'G ~q)Close-B q"CogO Qcoplanar Qcoplanar-keep QcQ#ax _-_?_Q_c_u_ -_?_Q_c_u_ -???Q?c?u? -/?/Q/c/u/ ?_Q_c_u_ ?-???Q?c?u? ??Q?c?u? ?/Q/c/u/ /-/?/Q/c/u/ Q_c_u_ Q?c?u? Q/c/u/ `^Q\CV3T QD9Q`| ;q\}Dj q _d;JCop qDone.'.# *Q"d_tl q*@e. QEcz@rw !QEd'+)S ( }>qEn q?enough Qenough~ q?Escape q ;f Cf q>FDnsoleXC Q f;P <q%fq\ Qfurthest-outside QG~<g" qgIu]p QGoalla QGodqP Qgood-facets-only QGood-if-dont-see-point QGood-if-see-point qGq Em? Q"G_tOgx ;Q@~`h- Qh0buil qh7p Q Qh9At| QH9:t& qh_addpoint: add p%d (v%d) to hull of %d facets (%2.2g above f%d) and %d outside at %4.4g CPU secs. Previous was p%d. qh_addpoint: HK_NULL facet. Need to call qh_findbestfacet first Qhanaw [>q^HB qh_checkfacet: ridges r%d and r%d have the same vertices qh_check_maxout: p%d is %.2g above f%d qh_check_maxout: p%d (v%d) is %.2g from f%d qh_detvnorm: too few points (%d) to compute separating plane qh_detvnorm: Voronoi vertex or midpoint qh_detvridge3: neigbors of vertex p%d are not connected at facet %d qh_distplane: qh_findbest: all neighbors of facet %d are flipped or upper Delaunay. qh_findbestnew: point p%d facet f%d. Stop? %d if dist > %2.2g qh_findbest: point p%d starting at f%d isnewfacets? %d, unless %d exit if > %2.2g qh_findhorizon: does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11' qh_gausselem: result qh_gausselim: 0 pivot at column %d. (%2.2g < %2.2g) qh_maxmin: found the max and min points (by dim): qh_memalloc long: %d bytes at %p qh_memfree long: %d bytes at %p qh_meminitbuffers: memory initialized with alignment %d qh_mergecycle_all: f%d without normal qh_mergecycle: does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11' qh_mergefacet: does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11' qh_mergevertex_neighbors: of f%d and f%d at furthest p%d f0= %p qh_new_qhull: start qhull_cmd argument with "qhull " )`qh num!_ qhov_yr qh_partitioncoplanar: ====== p%d from f%d increases max_outside to %2.2g of f%d last p%d qh_printextremes_2d: loop in facet list. facet %d nextfacet %d qh_printlists: facets: qh_printvdiagram: unknown print format %d. qh_renamevertex: renamed pinched v%d to v%d between f%d and f%d qh_renamevertex: renamed v%d to v%d in oldfacet f%d qh_renamevertex: renamed v%d to v%d in several facets qh_rotatepoints: rotate points by qh_setfacetplane: facet f%d created. qh_setfacetplane: f%d offset %2.2g normal: qh_setfacetplane: ====== vertex p%d (v%d) increases max_outside to %2.2g for new facet f%d last p%d qh_sethalfspace: halfspace at offset %6.2g to point: qh_settemppop: depth %d temp set %p of %d elements qh_settemppush: depth %d temp set %p of %d elements qh_settemp: temp set %p of %d elements, depth %d %d should be <= sizeof(qhstat id) %d qhull qhull error: could not open file "%s". qhull error: dimension %d must be > 1 qhull error: filename for 'TI' too long. qhull error: filename for 'TO' too long. qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n' qhull error: insufficient memory to compute dual of %d halfspaces qhull error: insufficient memory to copy %d points qhull error: insufficient memory to joggle %d points qhull error: insufficient memory to project %d points qhull error: missing end quote for option 'TO'. Rest of line ignored. qhull error (qh_appendmergeset): facet f%d or f%d is already a mirrored facet qhull error (qh_appendmergeset): mirrored facets f%d and f%d do not have the same vertices qhull error (qh_initstatistics): increase size of[]. qhull error (qh_memalloc): insufficient memory qhull error (qh_meminit): insufficient memory qhull error (qh_memsetup): insufficient memory qhull error (qh_memsetup): largest mem size %d is >= buffer size %d or initial buffer size %d qhull error (qh_memsize): called after qhmem_setup qhull error (qh_triangulate_link): mirror facets f%d and f%d do not match for old facets f%d and f%d qhull error (qh_triangulate): ridges still defined for f%d qhull error (qh_triangulate): tricoplanar facet f%d not owned by its visible, non-simplicial facet f%d qhull error: the current joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is too large for the width qhull error: the joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is below roundoff for distance computations, %.2g qhull input error: can not scale last coordinate. Input is cocircular qhull input error: can not scale last coordinate. New bounds [0, %2.2g] are too wide for qhull input error: can not use Delaunay ('d') or Voronoi ('v') with halfspace intersection ('H') qhull input error: can not use infinity-point ('Qz') with upper-Delaunay ('Qu') qhull input error: %d'th dimension's new bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] too wide for qhull input error: either QGn or QVn point is > p%d qhull input error: feasible point is not clearly inside halfspace qhull input error: Geomview output for Voronoi diagrams only for 2-d qhull input error: Geomview output is only available for 2-d, 3-d and 4-d qhull input error: halfspace intersection needs a feasible point. qhull input error: input is less than %d-dimensional since it has the same x coordinate qhull input error: Mathematica output is only available for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls and 2-d Delaunay triangulations qhull input error: missing dimension for option 'GDn' qhull input error: missing facet area for option 'PFn' qhull input error: missing facet count for keep area option 'PAn' qhull input error: missing merge count for option 'PMn' qhull input error: more than %d vertices. ID field overflows and two vertices qhull input error: no output specified for Geomview qhull input error: not enough points (%d) to construct initial simplex (need %d) qhull input error: option 'FC' is not available for Voronoi vertices ('v') qhull input error: option 'Fp' is only used for qhull input error: option 'Ft' is not available for Voronoi vertices or halfspace intersection qhull input error: point for QV%d is inside initial simplex. It can not be made a vertex. qhull input error: 'Qb%d' or 'QB%d' inverts paraboloid since high bound %.2g < low bound %.2g qhull input error: 'Qg' (ONLYgood) needs a good threshold ('Pd0D0'), a qhull input error: 'Qg QVn' (only good vertex) does not work with merging. qhull input error (qh_printafacet): option 'Fp' needs qh feasible_point qhull input error: test vertex neighbors ('Qv') needs a merge option qhull input error: tracing is not installed (qh_NOtrace in user.h) qhull input error: transparent Delaunay ('Gt') needs 3-d Delaunay ('d') w/o 'GDn' qhull input error: use upper-Delaunay ('Qu') or infinity-point ('Qz') with Delaunay ('d') or Voronoi ('v') qhull input warning: coplanars, vertices, and centrums output not qhull input warning: drop dimension 'GD%d' is only available for 3-d/4-d Geomview qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point qhull input warning: merging without checking outer planes ('Q5' or 'Po'). qhull input warning: minimum visibility V%.2g is greater than qhull input warning: more coordinates for 'H%s' than dimension %d qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of qhull input warning: option 'Qbb' (scale-last-coordinate) is normally used with 'd' or 'v' qhull input warning: 'QJ' (joggle) will usually prevent coincident input sites for options 'Fc' and 'FP' qhull internal error (qh_attachnewfacets): couldn't find visible facet for horizon f%d of newfacet f%d qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): %d outside points were never processed. qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): new vertex f%d in vertex list qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): visible or new facet f%d in facet list qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): deleted vertex v%d in f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a normal qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a ridge for neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate ridge r%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has neighbor f%d, but f%d does not have neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d is on the visible_list qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d skip %d and neighbor f%d skip %d do not match qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d still has a MERGE or DUP neighbor qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, neighbor f%d of ridge r%d not in facet qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #ridges %d < #neighbors %d or (3-d) > #vertices %d or (2-d) not all 2 qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #vertices %d or #neighbors %d < qh hull_dim qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for simplicial facet f%d, #vertices %d + #neighbors %d != 2*qh hull_dim qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridge between f%d and f%d has %d vertices qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in r%d not in f%d intersect f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertices of f%d are not in descending id order at v%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of facets is %d, cumulative facet count is %d - %d visible facets qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of vertices is %d, cumulative vertex count is %d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d has outside points before qh facet_next qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): unknown point %p for vertex v%d first_point %p qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): vertex neighbors inconsistent. Totvneighbors %d, totvertices %d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): #vertices %d != #facets %d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): visible list f%d no longer on facet list qhull internal error (qh_deletevisible): qh num_visible %d is not number of visible facets %d qhull internal error (qh_determinate): only implemented for dimension >= 2 qhull internal error (qh_detsimplex): #points %d < dimension %d qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): only %d vertices for simplicial facet f%d qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): ridges for facet %d don't match up. got at least %d qhull internal error (qh_facetarea_simplex): #points %d != dim %d -1 qhull internal error (qh_facetintersect): f%d or f%d not in others neighbors qhull internal error (qh_findbestneighbor): no neighbors for f%d qhull internal error (qh_findbestnew): no new facets for point p%d qhull internal error (qh_forcedmerges): f%d and f%d had a duplicate ridge but as f%d and f%d they are no longer neighbors qhull internal error (qh_getcenter): not defined for %d points qhull internal error (qh_infiniteloop): potential infinite loop detected qhull internal error (qh_makenew_nonsimplicial): simplicial f%d sharing two ridges with f%d qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): missing dupridge at f%d skip %d for new f%d skip %d hash %d qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): no maximum match at duplicate f%d skip %d at hash %d qhull internal error (qh_matchnewfacets): %d neighbors did not match up qhull internal error (qh_maxsimplex): not enough points available qhull internal error (qh_memalloc): qhmem has not been initialized. qhull internal error (qh_meminit): memory alignment %d is not a power of 2 qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_ridges): bad ridge r%d qhull internal error (qh_merge_degenredunant): f%d redundant but f%d has no replacement qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): either f%d and f%d are the same or one is a visible facet qhull internal error (qh_mergevertices): facets did not share a ridge qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): qh.VERTEXneighbors and facet->center required for tricoplanar facets qhull internal error (qh_nextfurthest): num_outside %d is too low qhull internal error (qh_order_vertexneighbors): no neighbor of v%d for f%d qhull internal error (qh_printbegin): can not use this format for dimension %d qhull internal error (qh_printend): number of ridges %d != number printed %d and at end %d qhull internal error (qh_produce_output): temporary sets not empty (%d) qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): dimension after projection %d != hull_dim %d qhull internal error (qh_projectpoints): newdim %d should be %d after projection qhull internal error (qh_qhull): temporary sets not empty (%d) qhull internal error (qh_rename_sharedvertex): v%d's neighbors not in f%d qhull internal error (qh_setaddnth): nth %d is out-of-bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setcheck): actual size %d of %s%d is greater than max size %d qhull internal error (qh_setcheck): %s%d (size %d max %d) is not HK_NULL terminated. qhull internal error (qh_setreplace): elem %p not found in set qhull internal error (qh_setsize): current set size %d is greater than maximum size %d qhull internal error (qh_settempfree): set %p (size %d) was not last temporary allocated (depth %d, set %p, size %d) qhull internal error (qh_settemppop): pop from empty temporary stack qhull internal error (qh_settruncate): size %d out of bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setzero): index %d or size %d out of bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_voronoi_center): qhull internal errror (point_add): point p%d is out of bounds (%d) qhull internal warning (point_add): unknown point %p id %d qhull invoked by: %s | %s qhull note: recomputing centrums for convexity test. This may lead to false, precision errors. qhull output completed. Verifying that %d points are qhull precision error: %d attempts to construct a convex hull qhull precision error: facet f%d is flipped, distance= %6.12g qhull precision error: facets f%d, f%d and f%d meet at a ridge with more than 2 neighbors. Can not continue. qhull precision error: f%d is clearly not convex to f%d, since p%d (v%d) is %6.4g above qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d, since p%d (v%d) is %6.4g above qhull precision error: f%d is coplanar or concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d qhull precision error: f%d is flipped (interior point is outside) qhull precision error: initial facet %d is coplanar with the interior point qhull precision error: initial simplex is not convex. Distance=%.2g qhull precision error: Only %d facets remain. Can not merge another qhull precision error: point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g qhull precision error (qh_check_bestdist): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value (qh.outside_err) is %6.2g qhull precision error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in f%d intersect f%d but qhull precision error (qh_check_points): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value (qh.outside_err) is %6.2g qhull precision error (qh_findbestnew): merging has formed and deleted a cone of new facets. Can not continue. qhull precision error (qh_findhorizon): empty horizon qhull precision error (qh_maxsimplex for voronoi_center): qhull precision error (qh_partitionvisible): all new facets deleted as qhull precision error: Vertex sets are the same for f%d and f%d. Can not force output. qhull precision warning: qhull Qt Pp W1e-7 E1e-7 qhull warning: additional output formats are not compatible with Geomview qhull warning: can not follow '1', '2', or '3' with a digit. '%c' skipped. qhull warning: can only drop one dimension. Previous 'GD%d' ignored qhull warning: CDD format is not available for centrums, halfspace qhull warning: dimension %d for Print option '%c' is >= %d. Ignored qhull warning: dimension %d for Qhull option %c is >= %d. Ignored qhull warning: 'Gnh' generates no output in 4-d qhull warning: good point already defined for option 'QGn'. Ignored qhull warning: good vertex already defined for option 'QVn'. Ignored qhull warning: good vertex p%d does not match last good facet f%d. Ignored. qhull warning: joggle ('QJ') always produces simplicial output. Triangulated output ('Qt') does nothing. qhull warning (memsize): free list table has room for only %d sizes qhull warning: missing coplanar distance for option 'Un'. Ignored qhull warning: missing frequency count for trace option 'TFn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing furthest point id for trace option 'TVn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing good point id for option 'QGn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing max width for trace option 'TWn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing merge id for trace option 'TMn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing outside width for option 'Wn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing point id for cone for trace option 'TCn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing point id for trace option 'TPn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing random perturbation for option 'Rn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing random seed for option 'QRn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing rerun count for trace option 'TRn'. Ignored qhull warning: missing space after flag %c (%x); reserved for menu. Skipped. qhull warning: missing visible distance for option 'Vn'. Ignored qhull warning: more than %d ridges. ID field overflows and two ridges qhull warning: negative maximum roundoff given for option 'An'. Ignored. qhull warning: negative outside width for option 'Wn'. Ignored. qhull warning: no centrum radius given for option 'Cn'. Ignored. qhull warning: no dimension given for Print option '%c' at: %s. Ignored qhull warning: no dimension given for Qhull option %c. Ignored qhull warning: no facets printed qhull warning: no good point id given for option 'QVn'. Ignored qhull warning: no maximum cosine angle given for option 'An'. Ignored. qhull warning: no maximum roundoff given for option 'En'. Ignored. qhull warning: option 'TI' mistyped. qhull warning: option 'TO' mistyped. qhull warning: origin for Halfspace intersection should be 'Hn,n,n,...' qhull warning: output file undefined (stdout). Option 'Tz' ignored. qhull warning: output for outer/inner planes and centrums not implemented in 4-d qhull warning: output for ridges and intersections not implemented in 2-d qhull warning: output for vertices not implemented in 4-d qhull warning: output is the Delaunay triangulation qhull warning: point p%d is a vertex for every facet ('QV-%d'). qhull warning: point p%d is not a vertex ('QV%d'). qhull warning (qh_check_points): missing normal for facet f%d qhull warning: real epsilon, %2.2g, is probably too large for joggle ('QJn') qhull warning: unknown flag %c (%x) qhull warning: unknown 'F' output option %c, rest ignored qhull warning: unknown 'G' print option %c, rest ignored qhull warning: unknown 'P' print option %c, rest ignored qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option 1%c, rest ignored qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option %c, rest ignored qhull warning: unknown 'T' trace option %c, rest ignored qhull warning: value %2.4g for Print option %c is > +1 or < -1. Ignored qhull warning: #vertices %d + #facets %d - #edges %d != 2 qhull warning: writing Delaunay. Use 'p' or 'o' for Voronoi centers qh_voronoi_center: at infinity for QIAD6! Q ial6 #q^I,B@ /q} iBno qI?D, floV Qinflu Qinterior-keep 'Q_J' (jT QJoggle QjRAs[ _Q"k_d qK^dPr Qkkbal |!;qL} QlButt QLqR%s@Kn 'Q['LW"^m Qmax-outside-only Qm byY@ Q><msg>
" {qndar \q"o ^'* Qo2_32 QOb&BYR Qocouo QOcOuO QoHasB Q?o leas qoljid qonjid QOOe?1 qOsAre q#Ov?q q;p'`a'o'i *q .pi7abl }QPRQt QPSWSW Q ;P u Q-:P-u Q,:P,u QPVWVW Q(q|aUy0d[tP qqBia6qDE/BUG: Q;Q;Q9Q;Q;S;;;{ QQSVW3 QQSVWd QqU;lR* Qrandom-outside QRandom-seed q@rczb QrdLC1 Q RhL9 *QRh!w QRotate-id |$,QRP QRPh<r QRSUhP QRSUSU QRUUPUj Q`RVSW Q`RVUW QRVUWSP QRVWVW QsaveO *&QS}e Qsearch-initial-simplex ){;Q{S;+;;S;;:;Q; qs'uff Qsumwmar `(QSUV QSUVj0 QSUVW3 QSUVWh QSUVWhP QSUVWj QSUVWj, QSUVWj( QSUVWj$ QSVh8u QSVWhH QSVWj` QSVWj QSVWj@ qs' QT9AH| qTeam| Q(T_f_ Q_timeo6`z"Q* Q;Tl<_TU2;Tm Q_T$;TjT Q_T%;Tkf1R_T& |qTQ;7': Qtriangulate Q;Tt{Q_T qt!wW/@ ?quadratic_approx quadratic_approx @quadratic_interp quadratic_interp ?quadratic_mix quadratic_mix quality quantity quch&u QUE+8*= quencyDe quenOcy QueryID QueryPerformanceCounter QueryPerformanceFrequency QueryTree QueryVal QuerYy queued QueueUserAPC QuickSea Qu#it| QuitWhenPointIsVisible QuitWhenPointIsVisiblePt QupperDelaunay Q@U =r quUpJq |`qVasSt q($%v)eE Qvertex-neighbors-convex QV-good QV-good-facets-not-point QV-good-facets-point ]q: Vo>
?qvTIQ $::Q<WCKEDI q/W!/DeptYpd |$ QWj@j |$;QX} qx8?(66!)I Q_xact_< Qxact_merge Qxact-merge qxbsInoLoop>
qxIEgyptCiaI (_Q_XS, QxsGset QxU#|] +Q~Y0>
qy8ZKnM qYJv#C qyou>cA look Qyx<+!g Qzbyexi Qz-infinity-point q/ZZF`%s-P <`]"*!"):?R` ?.?@?R? R`_^][ R<[_^] R _^][ R,]_^[ R(_^][ R\_^][ :r0B!0kpo ;TbV\ r1bqeu ^R1-dP r1N!AI. r1v/;~ R,_^]2 r3v1;~ ^``^r4 R4^]_[ R4_^][ R4_]^[ R4[_^] R4[_]^ R4]_^[ R4]_[^ R4][_^ R4^_]2 R4^]_2 R4]_^2 R49|$@ r4A)wM R4;D )r4!rz R4_^[Y R4_^]Y R4_^][Y R4[_^Y R4[]_^Y R4]^[Y R4][_^Y r6E@me1` o r6v4;~ r7Yr7= R8_][^ R8_^[2 R8_^]2 R!9G)as1o |R;A4} r=a9}9 Rabauld racnsr radCio radioBtnBorder1024 radioCheckedArt radioHighlightArt radioset radioSetButtonSize1024 radioSetDefaultButtonIndex radioSetHorizLayout radioSetRightButtons radioSetTitle radioSetTitleLeft radioUnCheckedArt radius Radius radiusSqrd RadoiusZ$ raE:)L RagdollImpact ,RAIA3 r}AI?ChatDe^p] Railroad RailroadUnit rainAdju rainIntensity rain mix RaiseException Rai[seM rAj8:a^ rallyP rallyPoint .\random Random RandomBPValue random.con randomConnectionFail .\random.cpp random integer %d > qh_RANDOMmax (%.8g) .\randommap.cpp RandomMapGame Random map initialization failed! Random Map Setup Random_perturb randomYaw randSync Ranged RangedAttack rangXAstrOengt RANSFORX Ransom Ransomed ransomExplorer RansomExplorer ransomExplorer() : ransoms your explorer -&/rANU ?raPanW0` raprog~ rA?Result R:aS{`:aC rat0up Rate per second the gamepad scroll rate grows per second. RatingText ratio of the reflection bumpiness scale with the bumpiness of the water rawmousemove Ray-cv RB[%02d]: ID=%d, Type=%s, SubType=%s, #Plans=%d, PlanPri=%d, Perc=%f, BaseID=%d. r/Beau @r#BlcL .rbmNb rboxBor RBoxSp RBuN1Cl;os `?r?\c rc4@ag R Calf R Calfx rced Mig r[^cEF/: Rcer5t} _ 'RCimr7 r`cJfcf! R CLAVICLE `rCliff RCN-;g r crc mi rCurrent - r%d @r #%d<+ _._@_R_d_ ?.?@?R?d? /./@/R/d/ ?.?@?R?D Rd][_2 rd7dK~ .rdata rDatn)bacc # r%d between f%d f%d rdinates r 'dis "!R?dP3gAv&3 _._@_R_d_v_ ?.?@?R?d?v? /./@/R/d/v/ @_R_d_v_ Re^0nTo %re-3| ReadFile Reading protounit: %s Read-only file system ReadyFor ReadyForUnits=%d, Orphan=%d, NoMoreUnits=%d. }Re?aE RealizePalette reallyBigTerrainCache reason reate li RecB!=*M recedeEndScale recedeMotion recedeTime receiverCL recenterWalls rechargeMeter RechargeTime Recharge Time RecoaiV`2 Recoil Recom9p Recompile with double precision reals (see user.h). rEconom Record RecordedGame RecordGame RecordGameCtrl RecordGameCtrl-AddBookmarkDlg RecordGameCtrl-AddBookmarkDlg-Cancel RecordGameCtrl-AddBookmarkDlg-OK RecordGameCtrl-AddBookmarkDlg-Text RecordGameCtrl-Bookmarks RecordGameCtrl-CreateBookmarkBtn RecordGameCtrl-FogCheck RecordGameCtrl-LoopCheck RecordGameCtrl-NextBookmarkBtn RecordGameCtrl-PauseBtn RecordGameCtrl-Player RecordGameCtrl-PlayFastCheck RecordGameCtrl-PrevBookmarkBtn RecordGameCtrl-ProgressBar RecordGameCtrl-ViewLockCheck recordGameViewLock Recover Rectangular rectli recvfrom redo : Re-does the last undone operation. RedrawWindow redundant redundant ReExploreAreas refactormyfacade referenceAxleInB Reference or [^<&] ReflectDamage reflectionsAlphaScale reflectionsBumpScaleRatio RefreshFrequency refreshOnReal RefreshTb refuseNonDXT5NormalMaps RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExA RegCreateKeyExW RegenerationRate register Register RegisterClassExA RegisterClassW Register Count: %u RegisteredString Register Index: %u Register: %i, Size: %i, Num: %i Registero: %i, RegisterSet: RegistrationDisplay &Regiz RegOpenKeyExA RegQueryValueExA RegQueryValueExW RegroupUnits RegSet: RegSetValueExA RegSetValueExW Reinfo0I re-init renderer at new res (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld) relative height of the Cliff you want to paint. relativity ReleaseCapture ReleaseDC ReleaseMutex ReleaseSemaphore reliableConnCL ReliableConnection ?ReliableConnectionClass Reload
Remov 'Remove Removed1 Removed!1F RemoveFromInventory RemoveRiverDlg RemoveRiver_RemoveBtn RemoveRiver_SelectBtn removeWhenBroken renamed vertex statistics renamed vertices in a pinched facet renamed vertices shared by multiple facets renamed vertices shared by two facets rename failures due to duplicated ridges RenderAfterWater renderAnisotropic renderAnisotropic([integerState]) : sets desired anisotropy renderAreaDangerLevels renderAreaDangerLevels(int playerID, int state): draws areas and color-codes them by danger level. renderAreaGroupID renderAreaGroupID([playerID], <areaGroupID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given area (no integerState toggles). renderAreaID renderAreaID([playerID], <areaID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given area (no integerState toggles). renderAreas renderAreas([playerID], [integerState]) : sets the render state for all areas (no arg toggles). renderBaseID renderBaseID([playerID], <areaID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given base (no integerState toggles). render.c RenderCBC .\render.cpp rendered automatically picks a device at startup renderer is already at (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld) RenderFloatyText RenderFloatyTextDuration RenderFloatyTextFadeOutTime RenderFloatyTextXVelocity RenderFloatyTextYVelocity renderForceReset renderForceReset: forces the renderer to reset. renderFriendOrFoe renderFriendOrFoe([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles friend or foe colors. otherwise, sets it render obscured units with alpha on. render obscuring units with alpha on. renderObstructionManager renderPathingQuad renderRefresh renderRefresh([integerState]) : with no arg, changes refresh rate to 75hz in fullscreen. otherwise, sets fullscreen refresh to value RenderSquadPlotter Renders the restricted screen space in wihch to draw world tooltips. renderTrilinear renderTrilinear([integerState]) : sets trilinear filtering on/off renderUnitGroups Render using: %s renderWindow renderWindow([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles window/fullscreen. otherwise, sets mode to window(1)/fullscreen(0) renderWorldTooltipClipRect rengthBo rENqa. repaij repair Repair RepairColonyWall RepairFactor repairUnit repairUnit(int unitID): Starts the auto repair on the specified unit. repartitioned coplanar points for flipped orientation repeat Repeat repetition-ok Replac
re?placem - replacement: f%d Report `requ9iwPO2tri reques Request timeout used by the ESO Client reQueueD RerpyIin| resbpp resbpp(<integerXRes>, <integerYRes>, <integerBPP>) : changes screen resolution and bit depth. RescueExplorer Research ResearchAccel researchByID researchByID(%d, %d, %d) ResearchComplete Researching ResearchLimit //Research Plan Variables: ResearchPoints ResearchProtoCommand Reserve Reserve Fishing Boats ReservePlanID //Reserve Plan Variables: resetAmbientColor resetDefaultPlayerColors resetDefaultPlayerColors() : reloads the player colors from the XML file ResetEvent resetSunColor Reset the device instead of destroying and re-creating it. reset the sun color to full reshold Resign //Resign Types: res(<integerXRes>, <integerYRes>) : changes screen resolution. resistanceFactorAtMaxRPM resistanceFactorAtMinRPM resistanceFactorAtOptRPM res@it r resizeHorz resizeVert Resou\ _Resoun0 resour resourc resource Resource Resource[%02d] '%s': %d. Resource[%02d] '%s': %f. ResourceCostWeight Resource #%d: Dist=(%.02f,%.02f), Points=(%.02f,%.02f), TTD=(%.02f,%.02f), Base=(%.02f,%.02f), Danger=(%.02f,%.02f), Class=%f, Total=%f. Resource deadlock avoided ResourceDecay Resource device //Resource Gatherer Preferences: ResourceID resourceMarket resourceMarket(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmount> <stringResourceFrom>) : Sends out a market use command for the given player, resource and amount. Negative means selling. resources //Resources: ResourceSkew ResourcesPage ResourceSubtype ResourceSubType //Resource Subtypes: Resource Target Selector Resource temporarily unavailable resourceTrade resourceTrade(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmountTo> <stringResourceFrom> <resourceAmountFrom>) : Sends out a trade resource command for the given player, resource and amount. ResourceTrickleRate resourcetype ResourceType ResourceUnitTypeFilter RespondToAttack restart restartCurrentGame restartCurrentGame : restarts current game. RestartDialog restart() : re-launch current scenario. restitution restLength restoreSaveName Result too large ResumeThread ): Ret Retarget RETIREDObstructionSize Retreat RetreatMode Retries retries due to precision problems Retur Retur- return "return Return ReturnE returnM ReturnToWork ReturnWhenDone reveal RevealFoundation reverseGearRatio RevertToSelf Revetment Revetz Revision = 0x%x Revision: %d R~F!(false` =/rfGp RFig9h RfJ+!r RflKag R FOOg R FOOT R FOREARM RGBaratcuCorps RGCarabineer RGCzapkaUhlans rgenersic RGEspadachins RGGardener RGGarrochista RGGendarmes RGGuerreiros rGIncn RGJinetes RGLifeGuardHussars RGNassausLinearTactics RGPavlovGrenadiers rgpOverla RGPrussianNeedleGun RGRedcoats RGTartarLoyalists RGTercio RGVoltigeur Rh]_^[ $`R'H^ RH[^_] Rh9ndtdU R HAND r_hand_hCoux r-HCLoc 'R*He* ribu_@v # ridge between f%d f%d ridgedeleted - ridges: ridges created altogether ridges for f - ridges (ids may be garbage): ridges with multiple neighbors ridge with multiple neighbors ridgUe riends. riends-C Rifling rigger RightBr RightBrace rightCapArt rightCheck RightParen rigidBodyDeactivatorType rigidbodysoftcloth RINVALID rip5FT ri<= q~ risonTo8 R}ispBanks[ riteri RiverBanks.xml River %d does not exist >River %d's waypoints have not yet been specified. RiverRandBreaks RiverRandOffset RiverShallowRadiusSlider RiverSwatch RiverToolPalette RiverWaypointList RiverWaypointMode RiverWaypointRadius RiverWaypointRadiusSlider riW`n 2b );R [;R(:Jd rJ;t$4sD rjwPosi/1 rketCos &*Rk&} G RL_][2 rlbQue& rl^TD(G rmAddAreaCliffEdgeAvoidClass rmAddAreaCliffEdgeAvoidClass(int areaID, int avoidID, float minDist): Adds a class for an area's cliff edge to avoid. rmAddAreaCliffRandomWaypoints rmAddAreaCliffRandomWaypoints(int areaID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified cliff valley area. rmAddAreaCliffWaypoint rmAddAreaCliffWaypoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds the given waypoint to the specified cliff area (for valleys). rmAddAreaConstraint rmAddAreaInfluencePoint rmAddAreaInfluencePoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds an area influence point. rmAddAreaInfluenceSegment rmAddAreaInfluenceSegment(int areaID, float xFraction1, float zFraction1, float xFraction2, float zFraction2): Adds an area influence segment. rmAddAreaRemoveType rmAddAreaRemoveType(int areaID, string typeName): Add an unit type that the specified area removes. rmAddAreaTerrainLayer rmAddAreaTerrainLayer(int areaID, string terrain, float minDist, float maxDist): Adds a terrain layer to an area. rmAddAreaTerrainReplacement rmAddAreaTerrainReplacement(int areaID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName): Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area. rmAddAreaToClass rmAddClosestPointConstraint rmAddClosestPointConstraint( int constraintID ): Adds constraint to closest point finder. rmAddConnectionArea rmAddConnectionArea(int connectionID, int areaID): Adds an area to the connection. rmAddConnectionConstraint rmAddConnectionEndConstraint rmAddConnectionStartConstraint rmAddConnectionTerrainReplacement rmAddConnectionTerrainReplacement(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName): Adds a terrain replacement rule to the connection. rmAddConnectionToClass rmAddConnectionToClass(int connectionID, int classID): Adds the connection to specified class. rmAddFairLoc rmAddFairLocConstraint rmAddGroupingConstraint rmAddGroupingToClass rmAddMapTerrainByAngleInfo rmAddMapTerrainByAngleInfo(string terrain, float minSlope, float maxSlope, float outerRange): Adds a terrain to paint on tiles that are sloped between the specified angles (0 degrees is flat terrain, 90 degrees is sheer terrain), modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange. rmAddMapTerrainByHeightInfo rmAddMapTerrainByHeightInfo(string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange): Adds a terrain to paint between the specified heights, modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange. rmAddMerc rmAddMerc(string unitName, float count, float minCount, float maxCount, float countIncrement, bool multipleUses ) : Adds mercs of to the merc manager for this game. rmAddObjectDefConstraint rmAddObjectDefItem rmAddObjectDefItemByTypeID rmAddObjectDefItemByTypeID(int defID, int unitTypeID, int count, float clusterDistance): Add item to object definition. rmAddObjectDefItem(int defID, string unitName, int count, float clusterDistance): Add item to object definition. rmAddObjectDefToClass rmAddPlayerResource rmAddPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount): Adds to a player's resource amount. rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypoints rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypoints(int tradeRouteID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route. rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypointsVector rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypointsVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route. rmAddTradeRouteWaypoint rmAddTradeRouteWaypoint(int tradeRouteID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route. rmAddTradeRouteWaypointVector rmAddTradeRouteWaypointVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v): Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route. rmAddTriggerCondition rmAddTriggerCondition(string conditionType) rmAddTriggerEffect rmAddTriggerEffect(string effectType) rmAddUnitsToArmy rmAddUnitsToArmy(int playerID, int armyID, int objectDefID) rmAllocateSubCivs rmAllocateSubCivs(int number) : Allocates the number of sub civs in the world. rmAreaFractionToTiles rmAreaFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an area from fraction of the map to tile count. rmAreaID rmAreaID(string name): Gets area ID for given area name. rmAreaTilesToFraction rmAreaTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts area tile count to fraction of map. rmationO rmBuildAllAreas rmBuildAllAreas(): Simulatenously builds all unbuilt areas. rmBuildArea rmBuildArea(int areaID): Builds the specified area. rmBuildConnection rmBuildConnection(int connectionID): Builds the given connection. rmBuildTradeRoute rmBuildTradeRoute(int tradeRouteID, string terrainTypeName): Builds the trade route with the given terrain type. RMCanRotate RM cAv1 rmClassID rmClassID(string name): Gets class ID for given class name. rmClearClosestPointConstraints rmClearClosestPointConstraints(): Clears constraints for closest point finder. rmConstraintID rmConstraintID(string name): Gets constraint ID for given constraint name. rmCreateArea rmCreateAreaConstraint rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint rmCreateAreaOverlapConstraint rmCreateArea(string name, int parentAreaID): Creates an area. rmCreateArmy rmCreateArmy(int playerID, string armyName) rmCreateBoxConstraint rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint rmCreateCliffEdgeConstraint rmCreateCliffEdgeDistanceConstraint rmCreateCliffEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint rmCreateCliffRampConstraint rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint rmCreateConnection rmCreateConnection(string name): Creates an connection. rmCreateCornerConstraint rmCreateEdgeConstraint rmCreateEdgeDistanceConstraint rmCreateEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint rmCreateGrouping rmCreateGrouping -- missing filename. rmCreateGrouping -- missing name. rmCreateGrouping(string name, string filename): Creates a grouping. rmCreateHCGPAllyConstraint rmCreateHCGPConstraint rmCreateHCGPEnemyConstraint rmCreateHCGPSelfConstraint rmCreateMaxHeightConstraint rmCreateObjectDef rmCreateObjectDef(string name): Creates an object definition. rmCreatePieConstraint rmCreateStartingUnitsObjectDef rmCreateStartingUnitsObjectDef(float clusterDistance): Creates special object definition for starting units with the given cluster distance. rmCreateTerrainDistanceConstraint rmCreateTerrainMaxDistanceConstraint rmCreateTradeRoute rmCreateTradeRoute(): Creates a trade route. rmCreateTradeRouteDistanceConstraint rmCreateTradeRouteWaypointsInArea rmCreateTradeRouteWaypointsInArea(int tradeRouteID, int areaID, float length): Creates a trade route in the specified area. rmCreateTrigger rmCreateTrigger(string triggerName) rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint rmDefineClass rmDefineConstant rmDefineConstant(string name, int value) rmDegreesToRadians rmDegreesToRadians(float degrees): Converts an angle in degrees to radians. rmDoLightingEffect rmDoLightingEffect("lightSetName", blendInTime, effectTime, blendOutTime): applies a lighting set effect. rmDoLightingFade rmDoLightingFade("lightSetName", fadeTime): applies a lighting set fade. rmEchoError rmEchoError( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo. rmEchoInfo rmEchoInfo( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo. rmEchoWarning rmEchoWarning( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo. rmEnableLocalWater rmEnableLocalWater( bool enable ): Enables / disables local water disturbances. RMERRO RMERROR: %s rmFairLocXFraction rmFairLocZFraction rmFillMapCorners rmFillMapCorners(): Fill map corners with blackmap. rmFindCloserArea rmFindCloserArea(float xFraction, float zFraction, int area1, int area2): Returns which area is closer. rmFindClosestPoint rmFindClosestPoint(float xFraction, float zFraction, float maxDistance): Finds closest point satisfying the preset constraints. rmFindClosestPointVector rmGet rmGetAreaClosestPoint rmGetAverageHomeCityLevel rmGetCivID rmGetCivID(string civName) : Returns the civ ID. rmGetHighHomeCityLevel rmGetHomeCityLevel rmGetIsFFA rmGetIsFFA(): Returns true if this map is set to be a FFA game which means each player on their own team. rmGetLowHomeCityLevel rmGetMapXSize rmGetMapZSize rmGetNomadStart rmGetNomadStart(): Returns true if this map is to place a covered wagon instead of a town center. rmGetNumberFairLocs rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam(int teamID): Gets the number of players on the given team. rmGetNumberUnitsPlaced rmGetNumberUnitsPlaced(int objectDefID) rmGetPlayerCiv rmGetPlayerCiv(int playerID): Gets the civilization the specified player is on. rmGetPlayerCulture rmGetPlayerCulture(int playerID): Gets the culture the specified player is on. rmGetPlayerName rmGetPlayerName(int playerID): Gets a player's name. rmGetPlayerTeam rmGetPlayerTeam(int playerID): Gets the team the specified player is on. rmGetSeaLevel rmGetSeaLevel(): Gets the sea level for the map. rmGetTradeRouteWayPoint rmGetTradeRouteWayPoint(int tradeRouteID, float fraction): Retrieves a waypoint along the trade route based on the fraction. rmGetUnitPlaced rmGetUnitPlaced(int objectDefID, int index) rmGetUnitPlacedOfPlayer rmGetUnitPlacedOfPlayer(int objectDefID, int playerID) rmGetUnitPosition RMG::generate Time=%0.2f. RM initialization failed! rmIsMapType rmIsMapType( string type ): Returns true if the map belongs to the given type. rmMetersToTiles rmMetersToTiles(float meters): Converts a distance in meters to a number of tiles. rmMultiplyPlayerResource rmMultiplyPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float factor): Multiplys a player's resource amount by the given factor. rmPaintAreaTerrain rmPaintAreaTerrainByAngle rmPaintAreaTerrainByAngle(long areaID, string terrain, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float outerRange): Paints the area's tiles in the specified angle range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired). rmPaintAreaTerrainByHeight rmPaintAreaTerrainByHeight(long areaID, string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange): Paints the area's tiles in the specified height range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired). rmPaintAreaTerrain(int areaID): Paints the terrain for a specified area. rmPlaceFairLocs rmPlaceGroupingAtLoc rmPlaceGroupingAtPoint rmPlaceGroupingInArea rmPlaceGroupingInArea(int groupingID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place grouping for the player in the given area. rmPlaceMapClusters rmPlaceMapClusters(string terrain, string protounit): place object clusters (of the specified protounit) around the map, and also optionally paint with the specified terrain. rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player at the given area's location. rmPlaceObjectDefAtLoc rmPlaceObjectDefAtLoc(int defID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount): Place object definition at specific location for given player. rmPlaceObjectDefAtPoint rmPlaceObjectDefAtPoint(int defID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount): Place object definition at specific point for given player. rmPlaceObjectDefAtRandomAreaOfClass rmPlaceObjectDefAtRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player at the location of a random area in the given class. rmPlaceObjectDefInArea rmPlaceObjectDefInArea(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player in the given area. rmPlaceObjectDefInRandomAreaOfClass rmPlaceObjectDefInRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player in a random area in the given class. rmPlaceObjectDefPerPlayer rmPlaceObjectDefPerPlayer(int defID, bool playerOwned, int placeCount): Place object definition per player. rmPlacePlayer rmPlacePlayer(int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Sets one player location. rmPlacePlayersCircular rmPlacePlayersCircular(float minFraction, float maxFraction, float angleVariation): Makes a circle of player locations. rmPlacePlayersLine rmPlacePlayersLine(float x1, float z1, float x2, float z2, float distVariation, float spacingVariation): Makes a line of player locations. rmPlacePlayersRiver rmPlacePlayersRiver(int riverID, float distVariation, float spacingVariation, float edgeDistance): Makes a line of player locations along the specified river. rmPlacePlayersSquare rmPlacePlayersSquare(float dist, float distVariation, float spacingVariationfloat): Makes a square of player locations. rmPlayerLocXFraction rmPlayerLocXFraction(int playerID): Gets a player's start location x fraction. rmPlayerLocZFraction rmPlayerLocZFraction(int playerID): Gets a player's start location z fraction. rmRandFloat rmRandFloat(float min, float max): Returns a random float between min and max. rmRandInt rmRandInt(int min, int max): Returns a random integer between min and max. rmRandInt -- min greater than max. rmResetFairLocs rmResetFairLocs(): Resets fairLoc placment info. rmRiverAddShallow rmRiverAddShallow(riverID, distancePct); rmRiverAddShallows rmRiverAddShallows(riverID, count, radius); rmRiverAddWaypoint rmRiverAddWaypoint(riverID, xFraction, zFraction): Add waypoint to a river. Don't mix with rmRiverSetConnections or rmRiverConnectRiver rmRiverAvoid rmRiverAvoid(riverID, riverID2, minDist) rmRiverBuild rmRiverConnectRiver rmRiverConnectRiver(riverID, riverID, pct, end); rmRiverCreate rmRiverCreate(int areaID, string waterType, int breaks, int offset, int minR, int maxR): make a river dude. rmRiverReveal rmRiverReveal(int riverID, int extraTiles) -- reveals a river plus the specified number of extra tiles around it. ?rmRiverSetBankNoiseParams rmRiverSetBankNoiseParams(riverID, frequency, octaves, persistence, sineLength, sineAmt, variation); rmRiverSetConnections rmRiverSetConnections(riverID, start, end); rmRiverSetShallowRadius rmRiverSetShallowRadius(riverID, radius); rMSco1u rmSetAreaBaseHeight rmSetAreaBaseHeight(int areaID, float height): Sets the base height for an area. rmSetAreaCliffEdge rmSetAreaCliffEdge(int areaID, int count, float size, float variance, float spacing, int mapEdge): Set cliff edge parameters for an area. @rmSetAreaCliffHeight rmSetAreaCliffHeight(int areaID, float val, float variance, float ramp): Set an area's cliff height. ?rmSetAreaCliffPainting rmSetAreaCliffPainting(int areaID, bool paintGround, bool paintOutsideEdge, bool paintSide, float minSideHeight, bool paintInsideEdge): Set cliff painting options for an area. rmSetAreaCliffType rmSetAreaCliffType(int areaID, string cliffName): Sets the cliff type for an area. rmSetAreaCoherence rmSetAreaCoherence(int areaID, float coherence): Sets area coherence (0-1). rmSetAreaEdgeFilling rmSetAreaEdgeFilling(int areaID, int borderSize): Enable edge filling and set a border search size (for Carolina and similar maps with a big continent). rmSetAreaElevationEdgeFalloffDist rmSetAreaElevationEdgeFalloffDist(int areaID, float dist): Sets the area elevation noise to falloff as it gets closer to the area edge. rmSetAreaElevationMinFrequency rmSetAreaElevationMinFrequency(int areaID, float freq): Sets the area elevation variation noise frequency (best >0 and <1). rmSetAreaElevationNoiseBias rmSetAreaElevationNoiseBias(int areaID, float bias): Sets the area elevation variation noise bias (-1 means down only, 0 means +- equally, 1 means up only.) rmSetAreaElevationOctaves rmSetAreaElevationOctaves(int areaID, int octaves): Sets the area elevation variation noise octaves. rmSetAreaElevationPersistence rmSetAreaElevationPersistence(int areaID, float persistence): Sets the area elevation variation noise persistence (best >0 and <1). rmSetAreaElevationType rmSetAreaElevationType(int areaID, int type): Sets the area elevation variation type (cElevNormal, cElevFractalSum, cElevTurbulence). rmSetAreaElevationVariation rmSetAreaElevationVariation(int areaID, float variation): Sets the area elevation variation height (amount to vary +- from area base height). rmSetAreaForestClumpiness rmSetAreaForestClumpiness(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area. rmSetAreaForestDensity rmSetAreaForestDensity(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area. rmSetAreaForestType rmSetAreaForestType(int areaID, string forestName): Sets the forest type for an area. rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area. rmSetAreaHeightBlend rmSetAreaHeightBlend(int areaID, int heightBlend): Sets how smoothly area height blends into surroundings. rmSetAreaLocation rmSetAreaLocation(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Set the area location. rmSetAreaLocPlayer rmSetAreaLocPlayer(int areaID, int playerID): Set the area location to player's location. rmSetAreaLocTeam rmSetAreaLocTeam(int areaID, int teamID): Set the area location to team's location. rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist): Sets maximum blob distance. rmSetAreaMaxBlobs rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(int areaID, int blobs): Sets maximum number of area blobs. rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist): Sets minimum blob distance. rmSetAreaMinBlobs rmSetAreaMinBlobs(int areaID, int blobs): Sets minimum number of area blobs. rmSetAreaMix rmSetAreaMix(int areaID, string mixName): Sets the mix for an area. Overrides terrain type if it is also set. rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint(int areaID, bool constrain): Determines whether an area obeys world circle constraint. rmSetAreaReveal rmSetAreaReveal(int areaID, int tiles): Sets the area to be revealed (-1 means don't reveal, 0 means reveal, >0 means reveal plus that number of extra tiles. rmSetAreaSize rmSetAreaSize(float minFraction, float maxFraction): Set the area size to a min/max fraction of the map. rmSetAreaSmoothDistance rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(int areaID, int smoothDistance): Sets area edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction). rmSetAreaTerrainLayerVariance rmSetAreaTerrainLayerVariance(int areaID, bool variance): Specifies if the area should vary the terrain layer edges. rmSetAreaTerrainType rmSetAreaTerrainType(int areaID, string terrainTypeName): Sets the terrain type for an area. rmSetAreaWarnFailure rmSetAreaWarnFailure(int areaID, bool warn): Sets whether the area build process will warn if it fails. rmSetAreaWaterType rmSetAreaWaterType(int areaID, string waterName): Sets the water type for an area. rmSetBaseTerrainMix rmSetBaseTerrainMix(string mixName): Initializes the base terrain with the requested mix. Call before rmTerrainInitialize. rmSetConnectionBaseHeight rmSetConnectionBaseHeight(int connectionID, float width): Sets the base height of a connection. rmSetConnectionBaseTerrainCost rmSetConnectionBaseTerrainCost(int connectionID, float cost): Sets the base terrain cost for a connection. rmSetConnectionCoherence rmSetConnectionCoherence(int connectionID, float width): Sets area coherence (0-1). rmSetConnectionHeightBlend rmSetConnectionHeightBlend(int connectionID, float width): Sets how smoothly connection height blends into surroundings. rmSetConnectionPositionVariance rmSetConnectionPositionVariance(int connectionID, float variance): Sets the position variance of a connection. rmSetConnectionSmoothDistance rmSetConnectionSmoothDistance(int connectionID, float width): Sets connection edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction). rmSetConnectionTerrainCost rmSetConnectionTerrainCost(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, float cost): Sets the terrain cost for a connection. rmSetConnectionType rmSetConnectionType(int connectionID, int connectionType, bool connectAll, float connectPercentage): Sets the connection type. rmSetConnectionWarnFailure rmSetConnectionWarnFailure(int connectionID, bool warn): Sets whether a connection warns on failure. rmSetConnectionWidth rmSetConnectionWidth(int connectionID, float width, float variance): Sets the width of a connection. rmSetGaiaCiv rmSetGaiaCiv(int civ) : Sets Gaia's civilization rmSetGlobalRain rmSetGlobalRain(percent): sets the global rain percent. rmSetGlobalSnow rmSetGlobalSnow(percent): sets the global snow percent. rmSetGlobalStormLength rmSetGlobalStormLength(length, timeBetweenStorms): sets storm length and time between storm in seconds. rmSetGroupingMaxDistance rmSetGroupingMaxDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the maximum distance for the grouping (in meters). rmSetGroupingMinDistance rmSetGroupingMinDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the minimum distance for the grouping (in meters). rmSetHomeCityGatherPoint rmSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint rmSetIgnoreForceToGaia rmSetIgnoreForceToGaia(bool val) rmSetLightingSet rmSetLightingSet(string name) : Sets a lighting set ?rmSetMapClusteringNoiseParams rmSetMapClusteringNoiseParams(float minFrequency, int octaves, float persistence): sets up cluster system; standard inputs to noise generator used to determine cluster placement. rmSetMapClusteringObjectParams rmSetMapClusteringObjectParams(int minObjectCount, int maxObjectCount, float maxPosOffset): sets up cluster system; min/max objects per tile (default: 0-3), and max random offset when placing (default: 0.5 tiles). ?rmSetMapClusteringPlacementParams rmSetMapClusteringPlacementParams(float paintThreshold, float placeMinVal, float placeMaxVal, int type): sets up cluster system; valid ranges are from -1.0 to 1.0 and are compared to the internal noise field for deciding where to paint terrain and place clusters. Type is cClusterLand, or cClusterWater, or cClusterShallowWater, or cClusterEverywhere. rmSetMapElevationHeightBlend rmSetMapElevationHeightBlend(int blend): Sets how much to smooth the overall terrain after initializing with noise. rmSetMapElevationParameters rmSetMapElevationParameters(int type, float freq, int octaves, float persistence, float variation): Sets up terrain for initializing with a noise layer. rmSetMapSize rmSetMapSize( int x, int z ): Sets the size of the map. rmSetMapType rmSetMapType( string type ): Indicates that this map is of a certain type (it can be multiple types simultaneously. rmSetNuggetDifficulty rmSetNuggetDifficulty(int minLevel, int maxLevel): Sets the min/max difficulty levels for placing nuggets. rmSetObjectDefAllowOverlap rmSetObjectDefAllowOverlap(int defID, bool on): Lets objects overlap within this object def. rmSetObjectDefCreateHerd rmSetObjectDefCreateHerd(int defID, bool on): Creates a herd out of all units placed in this object def. rmSetObjectDefForceFullRotation rmSetObjectDefForceFullRotation(int defID, bool on): Forces things in this object def to get full arbitrary rotation. rmSetObjectDefGarrisonSecondaryUnits rmSetObjectDefGarrisonSecondaryUnits(int defID, bool on): Turn on the garrison secondary units flag. rmSetObjectDefGarrisonStartingUnits rmSetObjectDefGarrisonStartingUnits(int defID, bool on): Turn on the garrison starting units flag. rmSetObjectDefHerdAngle(int defID, float angle): Set a herd angle(clockwise from +z) in the object def. rmSetObjectDefMaxDistance rmSetObjectDefMaxDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the maximum distance for the object definition (in meters). rmSetObjectDefMinDistance rmSetObjectDefMinDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the minimum distance for the object definition (in meters). rmSetObjectDefTradeRouteID rmSetObjectDefTradeRouteID(int defID, int tradeRouteID): Set the trade route for all objects in this object definition. rmSetOcean(bool reveal): Sets whether or not to reveal oceans. rmSetOceanReveal rmSetPlacementSection rmSetPlacementSection(float fromPercent, float toPercent): Sets the section of the placement line to use. rmSetPlacementTeam rmSetPlacementTeam(int teamID): Sets the team to place. rmSetPlayerArea rmSetPlayerArea(int playerID, int areaID): Sets a player's 'official' area. rmSetPlayerLocation rmSetPlayerLocation (int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Manually sets a player's starting location. rmSetPlayerPlacementArea rmSetPlayerPlacementArea(float minX, float minZ, float maxX, float maxZ): Sets the area of the map to use for player placement. rmSetPlayerResource rmSetPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount): Sets a player's resource amount. rmSetRiverFoundationParams rmSetRiverFoundationParams(int tileBuffer, float heightOffset) -- sets up river foundation parameters: the terrain buffer around the river, and the height of the banks above water level rmSetSeaLevel rmSetSeaLevel(): Sets the sea level for the map. rmSetSeaType rmSetSeaType(string name): Sets the sea type for the map. This is used if terrain is initialized to water. rmSetStatusText rmSetStatusText(status, progress) : Sets the friendly cool loading screen text. rmSetSubCiv rmSetSubCiv(int index, string civName, bool big) : Sets a given sub civ in the world. rmSetTeamArea rmSetTeamArea(int teamID, int areaID): Sets a team's 'official' area. rmSetTeamSpacingModifier rmSetTeamSpacingModifier(float modifier): Sets the team spacing modifier. rmSetTriggerActive rmSetTriggerActive(bool active) rmSetTriggerConditionParam rmSetTriggerConditionParamArmy rmSetTriggerConditionParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add) rmSetTriggerConditionParamFloat rmSetTriggerConditionParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add) rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add) rmSetTriggerConditionParam(string paramName, string value, bool add) rmSetTriggerEffectParam rmSetTriggerEffectParamArmy rmSetTriggerEffectParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add) rmSetTriggerEffectParamFloat rmSetTriggerEffectParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add) rmSetTriggerEffectParamInt rmSetTriggerEffectParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add) rmSetTriggerEffectParam(string paramName, string value, bool add) rmSetTriggerLoop rmSetTriggerLoop(bool loop) rmSetTriggerPriority rmSetTriggerPriority(int priority) rmSetTriggerRunImmediately rmSetTriggerRunImmediately(bool runImmediately) RMSetup RMSetup-Background RMSetup-MapDetail RMSetup-MapName RMSetup-Screenshot RMSetup-TeamInfo1 RMSetup-TeamInfo2 rmSetVPFile rmSetVPFile(string filename) rmSetWindMagnitude rmSetWindMagnitude(float magnitude): sets the global wind magnitude (1.0f is default). rmSetWorldCircleConstraint rmSetWorldCircleConstraint(bool constrain): sets whether RM activities should be constrained to the main world circle. rmSwitchToTrigger rmSwitchToTrigger(int triggerID) rmTerrainInitialize rmTerrainInitialize( string baseTerrain, float height ): Initializes the terrain to the base type and height. rmTilesToMeters rmTilesToMeters(int tiles): Converts a number of tiles to a distance in meters. rmTriggerID rmTriggerID(string triggerName) RMWARNING: %s rmXFractionToMeters rmXFractionToMeters(float meters): Converts a fraction of the map in the x direction to meters. rmXFractionToTiles rmXFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an fraction of the map in the x direction to tile count. rmXMetersToFraction rmXMetersToFraction(float meters): Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the x direction. rmXTilesToFraction rmXTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts tile count in the x direction to fraction of map. rmZFractionToMeters rmZFractionToMeters(float meters): Converts meters a fraction of the map in the z direction to meters. rmZFractionToTiles rmZFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an fraction of the map in the z direction to tile count. rmZMetersToFraction rmZMetersToFraction(float meters): Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the z direction. rmZTilesToFraction rmZTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts tile count in the z direction to fraction of map. 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Indicates that the rotate water right button has gone up/down. rotation Rotation rotoUni roughen roughenAmplitude roughenTolerance ROW* ~ row<cRetu Rows: %u, Cols: %u, Elements: %u, StructMembers: %u, Bytes: %u, Annotations: %u RoyalDec royAll royT\0 roZACould_ not f r]pAddfq rpcrt4 rpcrt4.dll RPCRT4.dll RPhDF16 r Poppe r Posi rPource \$<RPQ RPQVWj RPRRRRRRRh(r rpsMPcay RPVWVW rPzQBA ?|@` rq r 'QbB' O(sca `RQD*| rqScal RQSPSQRYX[ rray: BK RR_DRIVE r[R_d_v_>I r refere rrHIcrcJ r-r'ighO rrorMess rrorMessSag rS ~15o rsampleF R SCRIPT *rseMulti`J R-s/impl R # SJ2R4 ~rSl` b RsoEPh_! rSpawnF RS *Q1S RSSSSSSh rSTpgh R syst RT_^][ RT]_^[ RT]_[^ RT_^]2 rt Dis,Ad R THIGH r, thoug RTICESr rtk9z?"0am RtlUnwind RTQdou |$ RTS3 rtualKe R. Turn rtVPT/p rTw0i4 RT_^][Y r type rue or f #RU|KpN rul`4(t RuleGroups: %5d groups. rule _%s // Rule '%s': Rules: %5d rules. ruluViz= rum_-postO2-"q RunAsF>
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send SendAler SendAlertTo sendAttackSentence sendAttackSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, int targetPlayer, int targetUnit, float xPos, float zPos): send attack sentence from one player to another; specify targetPlayer, or targetUnit, or xPos and zPos. sendDefendSentence sendDefendSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, float xPos, float zPos): send defend sentence from one player to another; specify target xPos and zPos. SendDlgItemMessageW SendMessageA SendMessageW sendPromptType sendPromptType(int sendingPlayer, int promptType): send AIChat to current player from sendingPlayer; specify desired AIChatPromptType. SendReplky( sendto sendTributeSentence sendTributeSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, int resourceID): send tribute sentence from one player to another; specify desired resource. SeparateScoreComponents separation1024 separator sEpi7R September ser Clas se_rVariw @Servi sessionCL sessionConnAddrCL sessionConnJoinCL SetAge setAll SetAreaGroups set:atime SetBkColor SetBkMode setBloomFeedbackParams setBloomFeedbackParams([currentFrameContribution] [lastFrameContribution]):sets bloom feedback params setBloomParams setBloomParams([bloomThreshold] [bloomColorR] [bloomColorG] [bloomColorB] [bloomIntensity] [bloomPass] [bloomSigma]):sets tonemap params setBloomStreakParams setBloomStreakParams([streakCount] [Passes] [ElementOffset] [Exposure] [Intensity] [Falloff] [streakRed] [streakGreen] [streakBlue] [threshold]):sets bloom streak params set brush time scaling. setBumpScale setBumpScale([scale]) : sets scene bump scale SetCapture SetCivilization SetClipboardData SetCurrentDirectoryW SetCursor SetCursorPos set default text color on displays SetDlgItemTextW setDropDefaultMips setDropDefaultMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for default category textures. setDropTerrainMips setDropTerrainMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for terrain category textures. ::setE SetEndOfFile SetEnvironmentVariableA SetEvent SetFileAttributesW SetFilePointer SetFlag SetFocus setFogParams setFogParams([planarfogColorR] [planarfogColorG] [planarfogColorB] [planarfogDensity] [planarfogHeight]) : set Planar Height Params setGameFadeIn setGameFadeIn(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): turn fade in on/off, set color duration. setGatherPoint SetGatherPoint setGatherPointEconomy SetGatherPointEconomy setGatherPointMilitary SetGatherPointMilitary set generic art setGraphicDetail setGraphicDetail(<detailLevel>) : Sets the graphic detail. (0 = HIGH, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = LOW) SetHandleCount setHDRMultisampleFactor setHDRMultisampleFactor([int]) : sets HDR multisample factor [1,8] - 1 is disabled setHemiLight setHemiLight([topColorR] [topColorG] [topColorB] [bottomColorR] [bottomColorG] [bottomColorB] [axisYaw] [axisPitch] [intensity] [unitIntensity] [terrainIntensity]) : sets a hemilight setHomeCityGatherPoint SetHomeCityGatherPoint setHomeCityGatherUnit setHomeCityGatherUnit(int unitID): Sets the home city gather point to the specified unit. setHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint SetHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint set how hard it is raining SetLastError setLDRBloomParams setLDRBloomParams([bloomColorR] [bloomColorG] [bloomColorB] [bloomIntensity] [bloomSigma]):sets LDR Bloom params SetMapMode setMinimapUnitFilter setMinimapUnitFilter() : sets the minimap filter for units SetName SetPriorityClass SetPropW SetPzN SetRectEmpty set rotation of water textures setSceneLightParams setSceneLightParams([sunIntensity] [power] [specIntensity] [metalness] [fogColorR] [fogColorG] [fogColorB] [fogDensity] [fogStart]) : sets scene light params Sets cloud frequence. Sets cloud octaves. Sets cloud persistence. Sets cloud time scale. set scroll speed of water Sets depth fog color. Sets depth fog ending (fully-fogged) distance. Sets depth fog starting distance. SetSecurityDescriptorDacl SetSecurityDescriptorGroup SetSecurityDescriptorOwner SetSee setShadowBiasMul setShadowBiasMul( [biasMultiplier] ): set the shadow buffer bias multipler (supaScreenshot only) setShadowQuality setShadowQuality( [qualityLevel] ): set the quality level of shadows setShadowRotationOp setShadowRotationOp( [bool] ): controls shadow projection rotation optimization setShadowSnapping setShadowSnapping( [bool] ): controls shadow matrix snapping setsockopt Sets quality of jpegs screenshots on a 0-100 scale SetState: Current=%s, New=%s. SetStdHandle Sets the address of the address-grabbing-server for LAN/Direct IP modes Sets the AI HC Level in AiVSAi games. Sets the number of seconds of delay for the starting resources. sets the number of tiles between major ticks on the terrain grid sets the performance class for this machine Sets the time until physics-ified ballistics start fading out. Sets the update frequency for gathering KBTimedStats, defaults to 5000ms. setSunPosition setSunPosition( [integerSunInclination] [integerSunRotation] [boolRelative] ) sets the sun height above the horizon and position in the world, The bool tells if the changes are relative setSuperSampleFactors setSuperSampleFactors([floatX], [floatY]) : sets HDR supersampling factors (1.0 to 2.0, both 1.0 is off) setSuperSampleFilterIndex setSuperSampleFilterIndex([int]) : sets supersample filter kernel setSuperSampleFilterScales setSuperSampleFilterScales([floatX], [floatY]) : sets supersample kernel scales(1.0 = normal, less = blurrier, higher = sharper) Sets width of gc border lines. setTerrainLightingParams setTerrainLightingParams([bumpScale] [specularPower] [specularIntensity] [terrainMetalness]):sets Terrain Lighting Params SetTextColor set the water equilibrium restore factor set the water force effect set the water velocity scale factor SetThreadPriority set tiling of water bump texture SetTimer Settl| Settler SettlerAccel SettlerCountDialog-advancedPanel SettlerCountDialog-defaultPanel SettlerCountDialog-idle SettlerCountDialog-idleLabel SettlerWagon SettlerWagonAccel Set to have unit associated with an event selected when zooming to the event. setToneMapParams setToneMapParams([exposure] [dispGamma] [greyFStops] [kneeLow] [kneeHigh] [ditherNoiseInten]):sets tonemap params SetUnhandledExceptionFilter SetUnitAsHomeCityGatherPoint SetWindowLongA SetWindowLongW SetWindowOrgEx SetWindowPos SetWindowTextW setWorldDifficulty setWorldTooltipRectDims1024 setWorldTooltipRectDims1024(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) : Sets the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle to the given dimensions relative to 1024x768 resolution. S/e/w/ %s=%f s=(%f, %s facet area: %2.8g sFakeSha %s=(%f, %f, %f) %s=(%f, %f, %f) |s;F$}n %s : [fxe] reload failed %s: gametime=%d. SGCcVqs SGGonit)o~4 SG@lePlayR @sGPos sGroupsY SGUno{ sh7[{L Sh90sS sH9sX| ShadeChance ShadeCreated ShadeDelay ?SHADER) Shadow shadowColor shadowDarkness shadowDarkness([integerDarkness] [pcfFilterScalar] [biasNV] [biasATI] [slope]) : Set shadow darkness (0-255) - (PCF Filter Sclar 0-16) ShadowM shadowQualityOverride shadows coloring to lighten the 100% black shadow shaftInA shaftInB ShallowCreate shallowsLining shapeCollection shapePhantom ShapeRadioButtons shapeReplace sHaPica p SharedLOS - shares same visible/horizon as f%d '%S has an invalid "historyText" tag. Ignoring. '%S has an invalid "name" tag. Ignoring. '%S has an invalid "unitHelpText" tag. Ignoring. '%S has missing or invalid "name" attribute. Ignoring. shCqh* Sheep/Foun SheepFound shell32.dll SHELL32.dll ShellEx ShellExecuteW SHGetFolderPathW @Shif'@o Sh{ifOAckSeR shinybum shinybump ShipCannonShoot ShipEj ShipHowitzers shipmentUnit shipsDisplay shipsDisplayBG ShipSeF shipsTimerBG shipsTimerFG shlwapi.dll SHLWAPI.dll ShortRolloverTextID 'sho'uld shou;ld showAIEchoes showAIOutput showAIResourceOutput showBattleUI showCampaignDialog showCampaignDialog(<name><msg>): UI used only ShowChoiceBox ShowChoiceBox-preface ShowChoiceBox-Select-1 ShowChoiceBox-Select-2 ShowChoiceBox-text1 ShowChoiceBox-text2 ShowColonyArea showColonySphere showConsole ShowCursor showFPS showGameFromPostGame showGameFromPostGame : does what needs to be done. showGameMenu showGameMenu: show the in-game menu. ShowGarrisonButton ShowGrannyDebugStats ShowGrou ShowGroupHealth ShowHCView ShowImageBox ShowImageBox-Image ShowImageBox-Subtitle showMilliseconds showNonIdle showParticleEmitters showPaths showRolloverHelp Shows colony area. showScore showSelect shows origin and direction of particle emitters showSPCNote showSPCNote(title, text) : Display's the SPC Note Dialog with the specified title and text. shows the Building placement values over each position. Shows the colony sphere of influence when placing a TC. Shows the complete Granny Debug stats in the F2 display. Shows the training panel buttons on the UI in advanced mode. shows time on the game clock down to millisecond precision. show the camera position on the minimap showTime ShowTrainingPanel showValue showWatermark ShowWindow ShowWorl ShowWorldView s~hsP" shutdown S;:;;i sideF/` s-Idle-B sIfGai s. If yCou S IF YOU s IKdj similar similar and redundant simple simpleTextBox simplices merged into coplanar horizon simplicial Simulation simulvb %S): In sInfo! SING error sing Ins singleEdit single frame SingleGatherer single gpu SinglePlayerSetup SinglePlayerSetup-CancelButton SinglePlayerSetup-CivPickerBackground SinglePlayerSetup-CivPickerHolder SinglePlayerSetup-DifficultySelection SinglePlayerSetup-HCPickerBackground SinglePlayerSetup-HCPickerHolder SinglePlayerSetup-MapDisplay SinglePlayerSetup-MapSelection SinglePlayerSetup-NumPlayersSelection SinglePlayerSetup-PlayButton SinglePlayerSetup-RolloverHelp SinglePlayerSetup-StartingAgeSelection SinglePlayerSubMenu _SINGLET singleThreadedBatcher singleUn SingleUse singT R S' inste '%S' ins_tead. @sio;n\D0mmD @sired)9 sirsAA '%S' is '%s' is an invalid proto unit id. ;'%s' is an invalid tag. '%S' is an invalid tag '%S' is an invalid tag. '%S' is an invalid type. '%S' is an unknown state Sis`hi`RS^ S' is no s is not S is not '%S' is not a invalid impact type. %s is not a valid cliff type. '%S' is not a valid d3dconfig file. '%S' is not a valid decal attribute, skipping. '%S' is not a valid map type %S is not a valid map type. '%s' is not a valid map type. Ignoring. %s is not a valid mix name. '%S' is not a valid model, skipping. '%S' is not a valid multiplier -- assuming 1.0. '%S' is not a valid protounit '%S' is not a valid protounit. %S is not a valid protounit. '%s' is not a valid protounit name. '%S' is not a valid protounit name. '%S' is not a valid resource. '%S' is not a valid resource amount. '%S' is not a valid rule type. %S is not a valid spawn type. '%S' is not a valid tag '%S' is not a valid tag. '%S is not a valid tag. Ignoring. '%S is not a valid tag under <category>. Ignoring. '%S is not a valid tag under <subcategory>. Ignoring. '%s' is not a valid terrain type. <%S is not a valid terrain type. %s is not a valid terrain type, skipping. '%S' is not a valid terrain type, skipping. '%s' is not a valid texture stage. '%s' is not a valid unit type! '%S' is not a valid value for FixedFunctionVerts -- expected true or false. '%S' is not a valid value for PartialPrecision -- expected true or false. '%S' isn't a valid ShadowManager config. siWslockT
size1024 </size><![CDATA[ sizeCin sizeCinfo size in bytes: merge %d ridge %d vertex %d facet %d sizeRel1024 size specified as %d !sizYq b SJetFUsQ ^sJyciv s^jyn` Skadi= sKERNEL SkillPoints skipMipMapLevels SkirmHCOptions_CancelButton SkirmHCOptions_CustomizeButton SkirmHCOptions_DeckButton SkirmHCOptions_PlayButton SkirmHCOptions_SelectButton SkirmHCOptions_UpgradeButton SkirmHomeCity SkirmHomeCity-Backdrop SkirmHomeCityMenu-NextScenario SkirmHomeCityMenu-Quit SkirmManageHCSubMenu SkirmManageHCSubMenu-CreateHCButton SkirmManageHCSubMenu-DeleteHCButton SkirmManageHCSubMenu-SelectHCButton SkirmNickName-OKButton SkirmNickName-UserName-Text S%kj>,!` sknecht2v9 skyNh4 '%s', l /+sLB0( slC24;? SleepEx slider sliderButtons sliderClickInc sliderEndButtons sliderLeftBtn_18 sliderMinMax sliderQuantize sliderRightBtn_18 sliderSlowUpdate sliderUpBtn_18 sliderVertical slopeChangePointX SlotCount @SlotsBy /Slot;Ss SlowSpeed %sM 1Q", SMapP=o smarte_evaluation SmartMove smatch %s- MISSION: Claim %s- MISSION: Defend smit2CLumr smithk smmmmm smmmmmmm <sm`[ng Smo5o- smooth SmoothDistance Smooth distance must be >=0 smoothingFactor )sms9p " %s - multisample type %s smustF |s;_<}n !%s: N '%S'(n Snapp}` SnapPlacement %s: No Player Context: %s SNoSrs /SN_Q2E sn't hav s, N|"W|"M _?S>o[_ socket Socket SocketHelperAsync SocketHelperAsyncClass SocketID SocketPanel2 SocketPanel2-portrait SocketPanel2-textDescription SocketPanel2-textUnitLabel SocketPlantation SocketTradeRoute SocketUnitType SocksAsyncSocket SocksAsyncSocketClass Soeowo s of t Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires 3\1.0 software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\ SOFTWARE_VP so gonS SolidFoundation solverDamp solverIterations solverTau S ON BA SoooGood Sor{tA Sorts the VP Team Display from most to least. SortVPTeamDisplay sor_yhq! sotropic "sOt'%se'j1n `sound Sound sound\attacknotification.wav sound\battlecry.wav SoundDir SoundDisableHardware soundfilename @SoundForceDS3D soundgadget soundgadget-civfield soundgadget-savebutton soundgadget-sexfield soundgadget-soundsetfield soundgadget-targetfield soundgadget-typelist S?ounds. S?oundSe soundset SoundSet soundsetdlg SoundVariant SOuppo sourUcB spa c10: SpacingAdjustment sparkle spawnBirds spawntime spawntimeVariance SpawnUnit spawnUnits SpawnUnits spawnUnits(protoname, count, unitID) : Spawn Units from the UnitID building. SPCAdjustCircle SPCBarracksTrainBuccaneers SPCBetterCulverin SPCBombardRange SPCBoneguardArmor SPCBoneguardWeapons SPCBonusIroquois SPCEnableBoneguard SPCEnableBoneguard2 SPCEnableFireship SPCExtraTCAge2 SPCFortGate SPCHomeCity SPCHomeCityMenu SPCHomeCityMenu-NextScenario SPCHomeCityMenu-Quit SPCKanyenkeCold SPCKillXPTrickle SPCLizzieShipNoGarrison SPCLoad-Background SPCLoad-Continue SPCLoad-Text1 SPCLoad-Text2 SPCMantletRange SPCMedicineMan SPCNerfedBombards SPCNoSettlerShipment SPCNote( SPCNoteDlg SPCNoteDlg_AcceptBtn SPCNoteDlg_Text SPCNoteDlg_Title SPCOutpostRange SPCTutorialAgeUp SPCUberBeaumont SPCWeaponsCache %s: P#%d (%S): %s speacZ specialpower specialPower SpecialPower specialpower2 specialPower( int playerID, int powerEntryIndex, int powerID ) : Special power use. SpecialPowers Special_StartingUnits specif specif specif}c specifi SpecificAge SpecificSound SpecificSoundSet SpecificTargetID specifie specifiekd. Specifies the aspect ratio of the physica display (such as 4:3, 16:9, 16:10) Specifies the default font. Specifies what anim directory the game will use. Only at startup. Specifies what sound directory the game will use. Only at startup. speci~pd 0 specti Specx0_ spew detailed info about terrain elev undo. spew detailed info about terrain painting undo. spew general undo info (ops in queue, etc.) @SPHCPic spheres SPINE1 spinRate splash$ splashEffect SplitAtMaxInventory spo#@ccup Spoofed sportUni spo;tl spotlightFilenameEdit spotlightHeaderEdit spotlightText spotlightTextEdit springLength SPrLDco SPRMScreen SPS-Chec SPS-CheckCustomMaps SPS-CheckFFA SPS-CheckHandicap SPS-CheckRecordGame spsetup SPS-GameRulesDisplay SPS-GameSpeedSelection s%P/'V SpyPlane <@%+sQ S|Q|{* SqavPp
Sq%BR sQpblW \$(SQPu sqrt(float x): Returns the square root of x. S@;Q s S@;Q(s SquadLock squadMode squadMode(%d, %d) squadMode: Sets the mode for a squad. squadSync SquadUnlock squadWheel squadWheel( float angle, int squadID ) : Wheels the squad. SquadWheelLeft SquadWheelRight %s (quality=%d) sQXZ^6EL{ SR-a:Z S:reaGro %s : reloaded OK '%s' return value: %d. '%s' return value: %f. '%s' return value: (%f, %f, %f). '%s' return value: %s. '%s' return value: Void. s %s (RO %s (RO=%d, AC=%d, Max=%d). -]s\rsc SRVUVU S(RVUVU >%s</%s>
'%s'='%s' %s=%s %s='%s' %s=%s. %s | %s %s "%s" %s$%s$ %s$%s% S(;S0|93 ssabl#eL ssagedia %s:%s%d %s$%s%d$ S, %S (D %s-Secondary Build Plan %s sSent' *\)SSetA %s set is HK_NULL %s set=%p maxsize=%d size=%d elems= '%S (%S) has an invalid "protoName" tag. Ignoring. sshoppApl 'Ssho=w \ j SSj Pj@j SSj?Pj@j@ %s-%s Maintain %s_snds.xml SsnM[4v %s-%s Progression s%s_snds %s%s_snds_bak.xml %s%s_snds.xml SSSPQWU SSSQRWU {%S, %S (%S - %S)} SSSSPRSS SSSSQj SSSSRPU SSSSSSh ?SSSUj sS?ubMenuD %s-%s Upgrade SSUUQR sSwees s sysP[ $<S-T| st[0: %d0@ St3AxisSweep STA0r6 Stable StableAccel Stack Er Stampede Stance1 Stance2 Stance3 standard deviation StarFort startAutoPatcher startAutoPatcher(bool manualMode) : Start the auto patcher. startCampaign startCampaign( string campaignName ) : starts the given campaign. StartEnabled StartFailed StartingColonyBuilding Starting gamepad scroll rate as a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0. startingResourceDelay startMoviePlayback startMoviePlayback(string filename, long sizing, float fadeIn, float fadeOut) : Start fullscreen playback of a movie. StartOnAnimationUpdate StartOnNoUpdate StartPosition startRandomGame startRandomGame2 startRandomGame2(<filename> <#players> <random seed> <scenarioFilename> <debug> <teamCount> <mapsize> <resources>) : begins a new random game with the given parms. startRandomGame2("%s", %d, %d, "", %s, %d, %d) startRandomGame : begins a new random game. startRandomGameMapCode startRandomGameMapCode(<mapcode> : Generates a random map game with the given map code. startTile StartTime startU startX startY startZ StateAnim stateButton stateButtonDefaultState stateButtonUseInternalStates StateC StateChange State: N/A State=%s. State: %s static staticFriction StatInfo Statistics are disabled, please enable them in hkbase/config/hkConfigMemoryStats.h statistics for determining merges statistics for matching ridges statistics for merging Statistics for: %s | %s Sta tK* stattime status Status st be]Ptw_een 0Epd/` Stboundary Stbu1ary StCalcAabbs StCastSpheres st cha stCha Stchild Stcollide StCollide SteelTraps steering steeringAxisInB !steFrom %sTEMP %sTEMPVAR%d stereo sterTruckkA stEsF! Stexamine StExamine StgetSpheres StGetSpheres stGlobal sThatS hM Stick{To st int c / StNarrowPhase -stop- /stop| Stop?FadeDe STop[ic, STopPa stop playing music StopTakingUnits StopTakingUnitTime Storag storage SToRING sTowardM StPostCollideCB Straight Strategy stream stream end stream error Strecurse strength StrengthBonus StreQa stResour StretchBlt strg!h strict stridingTypeArray string String string aiGetPersonality( void ): Gets the player's personality. string aiGetWorldDifficultyName( int level ): Returns the name of the level. string aiPersonalityGetPlayerHistoryName( int index ): Returns the name of the index'th player in the Personality's history. string aiPlanGetName( int planID ): Returns the name of the given plan. string aiPlanGetUserVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. string aiPlanGetVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. StringFromGUID2 string hcUnitGetScript( int unitID ): Returns the script for the unit. StringID string kbGetCivName( int civID ): Returns the civ name for the given civ. string kbGetCulture( int cultureID ): Returns the culture name for the given culture. string kbGetPlayerName( <playerID> ): Returns the player's name. string kbGetProtoUnitName( int protoUnitTypeID ): Returns the name of the protounit ID. string kbGetTechName( int techID ): Returns the name of the tech ID. string kbGetUnitTypeName( int unitTypeID ): Returns the name of the unit type. string kbPathGetName( int pathID ): Returns the name of the given path. String (Value=%d). string xsArrayGetString(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. strlen(pName) < (size_t)mName.maxLen() Strongest StructM Structure constants are unsupported, constant "%s" S;Ts{Q st tow Sttran Sttransform s_tTrib7 ="%s" ty '%s', Type=%s (#%d). sU0&?W ;S SubActionDone SubActionFailed SubActionSearchNeeded SubCiv SubMen=u ? SubState is Graze, picking Graze anim. SubState is Idle/Graze/Wander, setting state to Working. SubState is LayDown, checking for GetUp. ? SubState is LayDown, currentAnimType=%d. SubSysID = 0x%x SubSysID: %d @?subtit;0\ SubtitleName SubtitlePortrait SubtitleText subtype SubType=%d. SUCCEEDE SUCCEEDED(hres) Success Successfully built %d (of %d) areas in %d ms successStringID !succl su"c>D (suchk SuDtat SUIH]C: summary summary information sunColor sunColor([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set sun color to given RGB (0-255) Sunday sunDecreaseInclination sunDecreaseInclination([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the decrease sun inclination key has gone up/down. sunDecreaseRotation sunDecreaseRotation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the decrease sun rotation key has gone up/down. sunGetColor sunGetColor: Get sun color sunIncreaseInclination sunIncreaseInclination([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the increase sun inclination key has gone up/down. sunIncreaseRotation sunIncreaseRotation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the increase sun rotation key has gone up/down. sunkenbevel '%S' -- unknown event type (BAnimStateEvent::loadXML) SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Supdp#0 supppresses cool attract mode pregame scenario. suppresses creation of the minimap suppresses intro cinematics on app start suppresses mip-mapping suppresses playing of all prerendered video suppresses the underlining for hyperlinks SUPQVW "surf'ace SuspendThread suspension suspensionAxisInB suspensionDamping suspensionMaxLimit suspensionMinLimit suspensionStrength SUUQRPj SUUUQWR SUUUSQ ##### !#"SUV \$ (SUVW3 SUVWj SUVWP3 SUWuF3 SUWuK3 s uys' " """"""""""""""""!SV sV0qosL Svarious s(void %s volume: %2.8g sVS;7|B;w ~=SVW3 ,SVWh( SVWh\ SVWhh% SVWj ^ SVWjB3 sw1setdlg swap#p SwapPromptType swapTo SwapUnit swapXY SwbTqU swimmer swit}c: switch switches particles on and off switch(eventID) %s with 'C%.2g' and 'A%.2g' %s with options: swizz|= swizzled sW:@j4c3q:
SWmal |S;w,}N \$ SWR S$;W SWVt,j |$ SWWPUj SWWUPj Sx_Eqe "sX*?q ,sY2x?t SY~iVA Sym0q4d), symbolColor symbolColorOff symbolColorText symbolHeight Symbols: %5d symbols. symbolTranslucence syncAnims syncCL syncHistorySize synchron@ syncTagControl syncUpdateInterval SysAllocString SysAllocStringByteLen (Syscal ' syscal=l Syscall config error - Unable to add bool parm %d for syscall '%s'. Syscall config error - Unable to add float parm %f for syscall '%s'. Syscall config error - Unable to add integer parm %d for syscall '%s'. Syscall config error - Unable to add string parm %s for syscall '%s'. Syscall config error - Unable to add the '%s' syscall. Syscall config error - Unable to add vector parm (%f, %f, %f) for syscall '%s'. Syscall ID=%d has no help, log a RAID bug. //Syscalls: %d total. SysFreeString sysGtem SysStringLen syste syste)m System 2 SystemTimeToFileTime s-yx[R syyyysK% { s>~zB5 |$<t@; |$$;t$(} ;t$(} _^][t* ;|$<}t ;|} ;\$";|$ ;t$ } ;t$(}# $$;_`t; \$ t^; \$(;t$,~ t:;~$} t$,^][ t$(^][ t _^][ |/;T* !;T'!| }};T$<}% \$,;T$, +\$ +T$ T$<^][ T$ _^[ T$ _^] T$ [^_ T$,+\$( T$@^[_ %T02;g t$09t$( T$09T$ t0 masyw T$0PhT T$0PRU T$0PRW T$0QRj T$0QUPSR T$0QUR T$0RhCT T$0RhNG T$0Rht T$0RPQ T$0RPQQ T$0RPV T$0RQP T$0RVP T$0RVU T$0RWP T$0RWU ;T$0s) t$0SjH t;0sP; ;T$0sP;t$4sJ T$0SRP T$0SVP t$0+t$$ T$0;T$$}& T$0+T$ T$0+T$, T$0;T$4} t$0t S T$0URS T$0UVPQRW T$0UWh t$0~"V T$0WUR t [1,8 t1dAni t^1mapsb ;t1u\Clo { t^_][2 t ^[_2 t _^]2 T$\ 2: t20Exclusp t29|$( t29~$~RS3 t2Ht&Ht t2WWVPVSW |$(t)3 T$ ~{3 T$$~+3 ,...T3Dv T3@ify[ t3M{0K t$ 3p$ t$ 3p4 $$;t$4 ~};T$4~% T$4^]_ ][t495L t49^Tu T$4h2_} t$4h b t$4h\b T$4h(O \$(t4j T$4Phl T$4PQR T$4PQRS T$4PQWVUR T$4QRh, T$4QRP T$4QUR T$4Rh` T$4Rh T$4Rh0 T$4RHP T$4RhTy T$4Rj0h T$4Rj7 T$4RPQ T$4RPV T$4RQP T$4RWj ;t$4s% ;t$4sC T$4;T$8 T$4+T T$4+T <_t4Uf t$4u(SSSSh t$4VPQ T$4WRV t$,;5` t5;8t1;x t59~\~fW t5Ht&-= t5Ht&Ht t5Ht!HuC T5Normal t5SVSjeh t69H(v1 t6;D$ t0 t6Ht*Ht \$ t6j0 t6;l$$}" >t6=YUY2 \$@t7; t%?75[xY*Di t79hDt2hTy _^[t7h _^]t7h t$(;|$8~ ;T$8}1 @`T8 7bRJP t$89^X ?;T$8}D t8;F\r3 T$8hDXT1PQR T$8h -T|$8I t&8\ T$8PhhQ T$8PQR T$8PQRj T$8PRS T$8QRj T$8QSRj T$8QWR T$8Rh`/ T$8RhCT T$8Rj h T$8RPQ T$8RPS T$8RQP T$8RUPj T$8RUW T$8RVW t8;~,t3 t%8\$(u T$8URj ^t*9\$ [t/9|$ t%9](| t%9~8u T9Cvpn t/9^d~* ~T9~d| t$ 9^ht- \ t^9l$ tXUj t"9n<u ;(t&9S t+9~ t& T$(9T$ t?9\$ t9h T$$9T$ t t$9X`t t#9XXt |t;A4}o T$ |A9L$ u;3 tackResp Tactic0 Tactic1 Tactic10 Tactic11 Tactic12 Tactic13 Tactic14 Tactic15 Tactic16 Tactic17 Tactic18 Tactic19 Tactic2 Tactic20 Tactic21 Tactic22 Tactic23 Tactic24 Tactic25 Tactic26 Tactic27 Tactic28 Tactic29 Tactic3 Tactic4 Tactic5 Tactic6 Tactic7 Tactic8 Tactic9 TacticEnable Tactics //Tactics: tActP`h ta>Fa < tag 'ri Tags su Tags successfully updated. tail obj take e TakeMoreUnits ta;L$[ TaMillis Tangent T?ans av taRef~ ?(<targ {>?m Target TargetArea TargetAreaGroup TargetAreaGroups targetCircle TargetDied TargetDiedWall targetFrameAinB TargetGatherPosition TargetGone TargetID TargetLogic TargetLost TargetNuggetID TargetNumber TargetPoint targetPosition TargetResourceType targetSelectText TargetType TargetTypeID TargetUnitID TargetUnitTypeID tary Pop tAscenEd TaskUnit taSWhHC tatus li Tauntmute TAVAILAB TaxBurde ;T$<}b TB[%0 TB[%02d]: ID=%d (%s). tB9nDu/h tBarsO8[ tb^"auQEV= T@B_CAnim t be run ]tbgjXZ tC6';.c*-%|9~ tc9wH|/ TCBuildLimit tC;~dv>
tchaW] Tcheck-frequently tcNloy0dOvA #t!Colon TCone-stop TCUnbuildRadius TCUnbuildRoadLength TCUnbuildRoadRadius TCUnbuildTerrain TCUnbuildUndoTerrain ?t`c\wa T$(;D$ tD9\$0t>
T$` &:,Tdd T;D /TDgYv9 T Q TdPDo1o T T T T T T T 1 T T T T#P T T T T T T T T T T t T tds an e t t,;D$(t& T+T$| t W T T T T T$ +D tE1rn2 'tE*4!Wl tE9_0t@U te9t tE9X% teamColorClothFlags Team ID %d is not valid. Team spacing modifier %f is not valid. TeamTech /tech* TechActivate TechAI techAll TechDeb TechDebug techDebugSync Tech (%d): %s, Age=%d. TFT=%d techFlash techFlash(<techID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. tech i TechID techName //Techs: %d total TechStatus //Tech Status: techSync techtree techTree techtree-BottomScrollArea TechTreeButton techtree-CenterPanel techtree-CivBonus techtree-CivChoice techTree-CloseButton techTree-DownButton techTree-LeftButton techtree-LeftScrollArea techtree-Legend techTree-RightButton techtree-RightScrollArea techtree-TechInfoArea techtree-TopScrollArea techTree-UpButton teDe ayo+ ted 'ge ]?tEF!Play/erID t/egic Teleport TeleportIn TeleportLocation TeleportOut temBy5 Temp config for gamepad interacting with command panel. tempKBPa tempKBPath Temple temporaCry TempUnit %tE`p}O terAct3 tercu~tfrlaUn teRecur termark TerminateProcess TerminateThread Terrai @Terrai terrain Ter/rain Terrain, terrain1.tga terrainAdjustGlobalHeight terrainAdjustGlobalHeight(float meters) : adjusts (raise/lower) the terrain height by the specified meters. terrainAmbient terrainAmbient([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set terrain ambient reflectivity to the given RGB (0-255) terrainBump terrainEdgeRepeatFrequency terrainFilter terrainFilterArea terrainFilterArea(<integerX1> <integerY1> <integerX2> <integerY2> : filters a sub-area of the terrain. terrainFilter: filters the entire terrain. terrainFlatten terrainFlattenArea terrainFlattenArea(<integerX1> <integerY1> <integerX2> <integerY2> : flattens a sub-area of the terrain. terrainFlatten: flattens the entire terrain. terrainGetAmbient terrainGetAmbient: Get terrain ambient reflectivity terrainGrid terrainGridMajorTick terrainGridMinorTick terrainHalfDensity Te?rrainIo TerrainLowLevel terrainLowLevelSync terrainPaint terrainPaintMix terrainPaintMix: paint whole terrain with given mix. terrainPaint: paint whole terrain with given texture. terrainpaste TerrainPaste terrainQuarterDensity TerrainRevealer terrainSetMix terrainSetMix([integerType]) : sets the terrain mix to paint. terrainSetSubtype terrainSetSubtype([integerType]) : sets the terrain subtype to paint. terrainSetType terrainSetType([integerType]) : sets the terrain type to paint. Terrain to undo unbuildable area for TCs. terrainTriList terrain\waves\bumpripple ?terrain\waves\bumpwake terseHelpText // TES Test attack strategy plan debug line %d. test.bik TestClass tested testhorizon? %d noupper? %d ~testing Testing all coplanar points. // TEST TRIGGER SCRIPT test with a fixed update te<%t4 -tex&P} `TexRo <Text>) textbox textBox `textc: textCenterHoriz textCenterVert textColor textField textFont textFontSize textJustifyRight textMarkUp TextOutput TextOutputAll textScrollbar textSimpleAddMaintainsPosition textSimpleAddScrollsToBottom textsize textTrueCenterVert <textur texture textureCachePer64MB Texture cache = textureCachePer64MB * (MM / 64), eg: 6 * (128 / 64) = 12 MB TextureCoordinates0 TextureCoordinates1 textureCoords textureReplace TexturL o textWrapOff textWrapOn TexW eM tf;0tb;p T$$ \$ t(f90t+ tF9i|tA tF9^ tA; t^f9(tY tF9y|tA TFacet-log T tFixup tF?orward T$(f)P tFreeS tFrequen c_ `T_fUjct_ tFUUhP5 t&+G ; tg9O tb; tGather TGEditor-delbtn TGEditor-Groups TGEditor-Groups-list TGEditor-Groups-name TGEditor-insbtn TGEditor-list TGEditor-RadioButtons TGEditor-Triggers TGEditor-Triggers-delbtn TGEditor-Triggers-group2 TGEditor-Triggers-insbtn TGEditor-Triggers-list1 TGEditor-Triggers-list2 ]tgGGf9 T,g/QK3? t gvqclos |/;~T}*h T$(h`# th3en1 T$(h4 T$ h4L t$ t|$@| th9xdtc Th?CCusto th chec T$ h,D T$(h,D T$ hDL The angle difference you have to push the gamepad stick to break the scroll delay. the animation stagger between one wave and the next 0.0->1.0 only. The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. Last point was p%d The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. There are %d the default font for gadgets the detail level of the graphics. The difficulty level at which to turn hints on by default the difficulty level of the game the difficulty level of the game when playtesting a scenario (not working yet) The ESOnline provider to use ('dotnet' or 'server'). The ESO Server. The file name may be enclosed in single quotes. The frequency (in minutes) to auto save a multiplayer game the global unique id of the current profile The halfspace was at index %d The hostname of the ESO Server The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is %.16f). The max amount of damage bonus for a fully experienced unit. the maximum size of a brush in the editor The max number of kills that contribute to experience. the minimum size of a brush in the editor The name used to log into the ESO Server The password used to log into the ESO Server The plot size of colony buildings The point to start ramping up the scroll rate to it's max speed (0.0 to 1.0). The port used by the ESO Server The scroll speed ramp up rate per second. the size of the default gadget font The size of the world in meters across the X direction The size of the world in meters across the Z direction th# The URL that contains the ESOnline configuration XML file the{ w = | th:Farrqa t$<hFV t$<hGV T$(hh[ t$<hHV t/hi%@ (thiq1 - This application cannot run using the active version of the Microsoft .NET Runtime This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. (THIS DO !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. this warning. See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm. th;L$ t~O3 T$(hp3 T;P4~# T -th Prot!o T T T thquak# T threshold thresholdSqrd T, T Q Throw?" T T T T T t;t$ t;t$@ T$ ht| T$(ht# +T+T$\ t]Ht8Ht t+Ht T$@hUfd Thursday T T$" T$# T$,hxq T$ h|Z ti2pPF ti8\\$` T$ |I9L$ uC3 t"X tiBlurR tickerBlue tickerFont tickerGreen tickerID tickerImage tickerRed tickerSize tickerText tickmarkBitmap tickmarkColor ticleN T(i.e. tie``broOadPh TieToWaterSurface tIHt,Ht "(#"#tile TileAlignPlacement tileBackground tileBackgroundHoriz tileBackgroundVert Tile(%d,%d) Zone: %ld Point(%f, %f, %f): %S Blends: Tiles of extra visibility around trade routes. TILITY_ time=% : Time timeBeg timeBeginPeriod -time/co timeDisplay TimeDisplay TimeDisplayDebug : Time: %d. (%s) Total = %.2f timeEndPeriod ?timeEv~P timeGetTime time in seconds between auto creating record game bookmarks Time in seconds the colony wall must be free from attack for wall building/repair to be allowed. Time it takes for foam to fade in Time it takes for foam to fade out Time it takes for wave to recede !Timel Time %ld: timeline Timeline-Dropdown TimelineGraph TimelinePage Timeline-StatsSelection timeMax timeMin TimeMs Time:? N/A timeoff timeout timeoutstatus Timer=%d, GameTime=%d, Diff=%d. Timer=%d, GameTime=%d, Diff=%d. Timer Popped: Timer=%d, Gametime=%d. timeSyncCL TimeTo time to _updat5`h5` Time when wave start to foam timingCL timiz.2 tImpact tinAuN` ting mis TInput-file TINTLGNT TINTLGNT.IME TiPbNugge tIPEditgBoxi tiSVWU TitanHandicap .\titanu .\titanuilayout.cpp tItemC title, (<Title>
titlebar titleBarPanel titleBarPanel-chatButton titleBarPanel-nextAgePercentProgression titleBarPanel-nextYearPercentProgression titleBarPanel-text t$ T$ ;J4 tJ9|$0tD tj9F,te tJHt%Huih` t=j#jd T$,jPR T$,j _T/J;Tv tk9\$ te3 t,k(Ax!Cap ,T`ke( ~%;t} T$,!l$, tl;0th;p tL9^\| tLastColv4 tlecry.w tLengt t T| t$ }lj /tLoca TLOSS error T T t.@Lqr T T T T T T T T T T TlsAlloc TlsFree TlsGetValue TlsSetValue T t!V t_;L$ tLuDn}G t T$ ;L tly occu @tly v tMarketS?ellCos7 t/Mili ,+T_Mu tmullro ;|$,tn tN;8tJ;x t$\[;nL]_ TnO+l@ t"N>OQ t num tnyZG"" +:TO% " T|1j to9FXtj ToAgrmy ToAl9l ToAlly1MinuteLeftEnemy4OfKind ToAlly1MinuteLeftOur4OfKind ToAllyBattleFourOrMorePlayers ToAllyBattleOverIWonAsExpected ToAllyBattleOverIWonFromBehind ToAllyBattleStartMyFavor ToAllyEnemyDestroyed4OfKind ToAllyHeRescuedMyExplorer ToAllyI ToAllyIDestroyed4OfKind ToAllyIDestroyedNativeSite ToAllyIDestroyedTown ToAllyIDestroyedTradeSite ToAllyIFailedToDestroyNativeSite ToAllyIFailedToDestroyTown ToAllyIFailedToDestroyTradeSite ToAllyILoseExplorerEnemy ToAllyILoseExplorerGaia ToAllyIRansomedMyExplorer ToAllyIRescuedMyExplorer ToAllyIWhenITakeNativeLead ToAllyIWhenITakeTradeLead ToAllyIWillAttackEnemyBase ToAllyIWillAttackEnemySettlers ToAllyIWillAttackEnemyTown ToAllyIWillAttackNativeSite ToAllyIWillAttackTradeSite ToAllyIWillClaimNativeSite ToAllyIWillClaimTradeSite ToAllyIWillDefendBuilding ToAllyIWillDefendLocation ToAllyIWillDefendNativeSite ToAllyIWillDefendNavtiveSite ToAllyIWillDefendTown ToAllyIWillDefendTradeSite ToAllyr ToAllyTh ToAllyThanksForCoin ToAllyThanksForFood ToAllyThanksForWood ToAllyWhenEnemiesGet4OfKind ToAllyWhenEnemyClaimsFirstNative ToAllyWhenEnemyClaimsFirstTrade ToAllyWhenEnemyGetsNativeLead ToAllyWhenEnemyGetsTradeLead ToAllyWhenHeClaimsFirstNative ToAllyWhenHeClaimsFirstTrade ToAllyWhenHeTakesNativeLead ToAllyWhenHeTakesTradeLead ToAllyWhenIClaimFirstNative ToAllyWhenIClaimFirstTade ToAllyWhenWeGet4OfKind ` to be>
toBone ToColo*d0r ToEnemy1MinuteLeftEnemy4OfKind ToEnemy1MinuteLeftOur4OfKind ToEnemyBattleFourOrMorePlayers ToEnemyBattleOverILostFromAhead ToEnemyBattleOverIWonAsExpected ToEnemyBattleStartMyFavor ToEnemyHeDestroyedMyNative ToEnemyHeDestroyedMyTC ToEnemyHeDestroyedMyTrade ToEnemyIDestroyed4OfKind ToEnemyIDestroyedHisNativeSite ToEnemyIDestroyedHisTC ToEnemyIDestroyedHisTradeSite ToEnemyIRescueExplorerHeKilled ToEnemyTheyDestroyed4OfKind ToEnemyWhenEnemyGetsNativeLead ToEnemyWhenEnemyGetsTradeLead ToEnemyWhenIClaimFirstNative ToEnemyWhenIClaimFirstTrade ToEnemyWhenTheyClaimFirstNative ToEnemyWhenTheyClaimFirstTrade ToEnemyWhenTheyGet4OfKind ToEnemyWhenWeGet4OfKind ToGaia( Togggl "Toggl toggleDebugTime toggleDebugTime : handles the time display toggling toggleHomeCityView toggleHomeCityViewTech toggleHomeCityViewTech( ) : Toggles tech home city view for the current player. toggleHomeCityView( ) : Toggles home city view for the current player. Toggles ages. Toggles between solid and dashed travel lines in Grand Conquest Toggles cloud rendering in world map. toggleScore toggleScore : handles the score toggling toggles drawing of editor only units toggleShadows toggleShadows(void) : toggle shadows on/off Toggles local water disturbances. toggles painting water area vs just painting water. Toggles Politician UI Toggles the effect of wind on layered grass. Toggles the showing of the Power and PowerRate in the F4 display. toggles the use of ESO for matchmaking toggles the use of ESO for storing the player profile toggles whether the terrain grid includes minor ticks toggles whether water environment map is in transparency mode Toggle terrain detail object rendering on/off. Toggle the use of unbuildable terrain around TC. toggleTime toggleTime : handles the time display toggling toggle view lock interpolation when replaying a game toggle view lock when replaying a game toggle water bumpmapping toggle water decal toggle water environment map toggleWorldTooltipClipRect toggleWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not world tooltips are using the restricted screen rectangle. Toggzw @to Gmak Token Error 0001: unexpected character '%c'. Token Error 0002: name is too long. Token Error 0003: more than 9 digits in the integer constant. Token Error 0004: bad floating point constant or class specifier. Token Error 0005: bad floating point constant - missing exponent digits. Token Error 0006: string is too long. Token Error 0007: line feed in string. Token Error 0008: string not terminated. Token Error 0009: expected '=' after '!'. Token Error 0010: end of string character found before buffer end. Token Error 0011: unexpected state=%d. Token Error 0012: cannot add token #%d. Token jc0/012: Toke}nX @tOnl~ |T;o }O tooc ng.f too lo toolTipHelp tooltipText tooltipUIHideTime tooltipUIShowTime Too many color sets... ignoring the rest. too many length or distance symbols Too many links TOOMANYO Too many open files Too many open files in system too strong. toPatch topCapArt TopHeight "t opL top scrolling zone in pixels torDang torque Tor/queF torqueFactorAtMaxRPM torqueFactorAtMinRPM torquePitchFactor torqueRollFactor torqueYawFactor TOR]`Urx total) Total = total ai total area of facets total lookups for matching ridges of new facets total lookups of subridges (duplicates and boundary) Total number of deleted points due to merging: %d total number of distance tests total number of facets or cycles of facets merged Total number of nearly incident points: %d Total-ozOQn TotalResources totalTime total vertices deleted t?otalXP |T;_<}OU tounit.l TOutput-file towerFoundationDamageFactor //Tower Plan Variables: TownBel TownBell townbellbanner TownBellButton TownBellToBase TownC TownCenter TownCenterAccel TownCenterID TownCenterObstruction townFarim To+"XE |$(t P _^][t P T][_ T['P2Vqc'T tP9iTvK t T";TUg#;TUh t$,Ph|b t$,Ph b T T$@PhHz t$,Phpb t$,Ph<X =T(P{MBi7 T T ;Tp,_T T t Pp W1e T$ PQh( t$,PQR T$<PQR T$ PQR T$(PQR T$@PQR T$ T$\PQR T T$(PQRS T$ T$ PQRU T$ T$,PQRW T$ PQWSUR T T T T T$,PRS T$@PRS T T$(PRU T T T T T ;T' T$ t$,PSVR tpSVW3 Tp[T'CL T T$,PVWSUQR T$ PWQR T$ PWR T,;Tz T$ QBR T!QCut tQhTfh T$@QPR T$, T$`QRj T$(QRj T$ T$`QRP T$ QRP T$,QRP T$ T$ QRS T$ T$ QRSU T$( T$<QRU T$ QRU T$ QRW T$\QRW T$ QRWj T=>?QU TQUOU{Y T$<QUR T$ T$(QURVP tQUWUW T$ QWj tr}0gyc tr69co TRACE # Trace level %d for %s | %s Trace-merge Trace-point trackAddWaypoint trackAddWaypoint: adds the camera's current position and orientation to the current camera track. trackAdvance trackAdvance(): advances the camera track to a specific location. TrackArc trackClear trackClear: clears all tracks. Tracked trackEditWaypoint trackEditWaypoint: edits the currently selected camera track. trackGotoSelectedEvent trackGotoSelectedEvent(<index>): moves the camera to the current event. trackGotoSelectedWaypoint trackGotoSelectedWaypoint(<index>): moves the camera to the current waypoint. tracking trackInsert trackInsert(): adds a new camera track. trackLoad trackLoad(<stringFilename>) : loads a camera track and makes it current trackPause trackPause(): pauses the current camera track. trackPlay trackPlay([duration], eventID): plays a track file (otherwise if "none" than plays the current track.) with no arg uses current duration, otherwise sets duration trackPointer ;trackProtoCursor TrackRating trackRemove trackRemove(): removes selected track. trackRemoveWaypoint trackRemoveWaypoint: removes the most recently added track waypoint from the current camera track. trackSave trackSave(<stringFilename>) : saves the current camera track trackSetSelectedWaypoint trackSetSelectedWaypoint(<index>): sets the current waypoint to the button with the same index. trackStepBackward trackStepBackward: steps the current camera track 1 step backward. trackStepForward trackStepForward: steps the current camera track 1 step forward. trackStop trackStop(): stops the current camera track. trackToggleShow trackToggleShow: toggles rendering of the camera track on and off. trActivateTrigger trActivateTrigger(<eventID>) : Activates (sets active = true) the trigger specified by the given eventID. trAddArmyToPlan trAddArmyToPlan(armyname, planname): Adds the units in the specified army to the specified plan. TradeableFrom TradeableTo TradeMonopoly //Trade Plan Variables: TradePostSocket TradeResource TradeRo TradeRoute tradeRouteCommand tradeRouteCommand( int playerID, int tradeRoutUnit, int commandID ) : Adds the given command to the trade post bucket. TradeRoute_CreateBtn TradeRouteDlg Trade route #%d needs at least two waypoints. tradeRouteHackDebug traderoutepanel2-CurrentLevel traderoutepanel2-TradeRoutePortrait TradeRoute_RemoveBtn TradeRoute_SelectBtn tradeRouteTrain TradeRouteTrain tradeRouteTrain(%d, %d, %d) tradeRouteTrain( int playerID, int tradeRoutUnit, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given trade post on the trade route. TradeRouteUpgrade TradeRouteUpgrade1 TradeRouteUpgrade2 tradeRouteVisibilityBuffer TradeRoute_WaypointBtn TradeUnit TradeUnitType TradeUnitTypeMax TradingPost TradingPostAccel TradingyP trAICom trAICommsAttackUnits trAICommsAttackUnits(playerID, armyToAttack): playerID will attack armyToAttack, sent via player Comms. trAICommsCancelOrder trAICommsCancelOrder(sendToPlayerID): tell player sendToPlayerID to cancel order, sent via player Comms. trAICommsClaim trAICommsClaim(sendToPlayerID): tell player sendToPlayerID to claim TradePost at (locX, locY, locZ), sent via player Comms. trAICommsDefendPoint trAICommsDefendPoint(playerID, defendX, defendY, defendZ): playerID will defend point(defendX, defendY, defendZ), sent via player Comms. trAICommsRequestTribute trAICommsRequestTribute(fromPlayerID, resource, amount): fromPlayerID will send resource of x amount, sent via player Comms. trAICommsTrain trAICommsTrain(sendToPlayerID, unitTypeName): tell player sendToPlayerID to train Units of type unitTypeName, sent via player Comms. trAIFunc trAIFunc(<playerID> <functionName> <param>: Makes the camera shake. Train2 TrainBuildFeedback Train Buildings: %d Buildings. trainByID TrainedUnitID trainFlash trainFlash(<protoID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. Training trainInSelected trainInSelectedByID trainInSelectedByID(%d, 1) trainInSelectedByID(%d, 5) trainLimitPerAction //Train Plan Variables: TrainPoints Train Points trainReinforcement TrainReinforcement trainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Trains a reinforcement. trainsandcontains TrainUnitAtEnd Tran%s transfer transferFlagObject transform Transform transformArray transform_OS_KS } transforms { TLIST TranslateMessage transmission transparent Transport transportCL TransportID transportPath //Transport PathTypes: //Transport Plan Variables: TransportTypeID trArmyDispatch trArmyDispatch(<parameters>): creates the units in the army specified. trArmyPlayerDefakify trArmyPlayerDefakify(armyname) : Defakifies the army. trArmyPlayerFakify trArmyPlayerFakify(armyname, fakeplayerindex) : Fakifies the army to the specified fake player index. trArmySelect trArmySelect(army info string): selects the units in the army specified. trArmySelectInt trArmySelectInt(int playerID, int armyID): selects the units in the army specified. traspa trAttackUnits trAttackUnits(srcArmyname, armyToAttack, planname): srcArmy units will attack armyToAttack in the given planname. T$ RAVP T$`RAW trBlockAllAmbientSounds trBlockAllAmbientSounds(): blocks all ambient sounds from this point forward trBlockAllSounds trBlockAllSounds(excludeDialog): Blocks all sounds from playing from this point forward trBranchScenario trBuildingIsOnCursor trBuildingIsOnCursor(protoname) : Returns true if the proto unit specified is on the cursor and is a building. trCameraCut trCameraCut( pos, dir, up, right ): puts the camera in the specified location. trCameraLockOnUnit trCameraLockOnUnit( <enable> <time to orient> <trigger ID>) : Orients the camera to the selected unit, and keeps it locked on that unit. ): puts the camera in the specified location. trCameraPanWithUnit trCameraPanWithUnit( <enable> <trigger ID>) : Moves the camera in the same direction that a particular unit moves. trCameraShake trCameraShake(<duration> <strength>: Makes the camera shake. trCampaignAdvance trCampaignAdvance(): advances the campaign (advance user profile, AND plays the next scenario). trCampaignAdvanceProgress trCampaignAdvanceProgress(): advances the user progress through the campaign.(updates user profile only) trCampaignPlayCurrent trCampaignPlayCurrent(): plays the current scenario in the campaign trCamTrackLoad trCamTrackLoad(<filename>): Loads a camera track. trCamTrackPlay trCamTrackPlay(<duration> <eventID>): plays the current camera track. trChatHistoryClear trChatHistoryClear: forces the chat history to reset trChatHistoryContains trChatHistoryContains(text): returns whether or not the current chat history has any instance (substring) of this text trChatSend trChatSend(fromID message): Changes the chat status. trChatSendSpoofed trChatSendSpoofed(fromID message): Changes the chat status, but does not append player. trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer(fromID toID message): Changes the chat status, but does not append player. Goes to specific player. trChatSendToPlayer trChatSendToPlayer(fromID toID message): Changes the chat status for one specific player. trChatSetStatus trChatSetStatus(<onOff>): Changes the chat status. trCinematicAbort trCinematicAbort(): returns the abort cinematic status. trCinematicDoAbort trCinematicDoAbort(): aborts the cinematic. trClearCounterDisplay trClearCounterDisplay() trCounterAbort trCounterAbort(name): abort a counter. trCounterAddTime trCounterAddTimeMs trCounterAddTimeMs(name, start, stop, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. trCounterAddTime(name, start, stop, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. trCounterAddUnit trCounterAddUnit(name, playerid, count, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. trCounterAddUnit(name, playerid, count, protounit, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. trCounterAddXP trCountUnitsInArea trCountUnitsInArea(centerUnit, matchPlayer, matchType, range) trCreateAttackPlan trCreateAttackPlan(armyName, PlanName, attackPlayerID, attackX, attackY, attackZ, engageRange, evaluationFrequency) : No help trCreateDefendPlan trCreateDefendPlan(armyName, defendPlanName, defendX, defendY, defendZ, engageRange, evaluationFrequency, gatherdistance) : No help trCreateRevealer trCreateRevealer(playerID, revealerName, position, revealerLOS, blackmapOnly) : Creates a revealer with the given attributes. trCreateTreaty trCurrentPlayer trCurrentPlayer(): returns the current player. trDamageUnit trDamageUnit(amt): does a specific amount of damage to HP in instant typeless damage. trDamageUnitPercent trDamageUnitPercent(percent): does % percent of a unit's total HP in instant typeless damage. trDamageUnitsInArea trDamageUnitsInArea(player, unitType, dist, damage): All units within dist of the selected ref object that match type take dmg trDefendUnits trDefendUnits(srcArmyname, defendedArmyname, planname, evaluationFrequency, gatherdistance): srcArmy units will defend defendedArmyUnits in the given planname. trDelayedRuleActivation trDelayedRuleActivation( <rulename> ): adds a rule to the runtime to be activated on the next update. trDelayedRuleActivation("_%s"); trDisableTrigger trDisableTrigger(<eventID>) : Disables (sets active = false) the trigger specified by the given eventID. Treae] Treasur TreasureShipTrickle TreatyAdd_CancelBtn TreatyAdd_CoinFld TreatyAddDlg TreatyAdd_DurationFld TreatyAdd_FoodFld TreatyAdd_OkBtn TreatyAdd_Player1Fld TreatyAdd_Player2Fld TreatyAdd_SpecifiedInBtns TreatyAdd_UseDefaultCostBtn TreatyAdd_WoodFld TreatyMgr_AddTreaty TreatyMgr_DeleteTreaty TreatyMgrDlg TreatyMgr_EditTreaty TreatyMgr_OkBtn TreatyMgr_TreatyList trEcho trEcho( <echoString> ): Trigger echo. trEcho("%s"); trEchoStatValue trEchoStatValue(player, stat) : fetch a stat value from the KB and echo to chat trEchoz trEdit-CondEffPanel trEdit-CondEffPanel-copybtn trEdit-CondEffPanel-custom trEdit-CondEffPanel-delbtn trEdit-CondEffPanel-insbtn trEdit-CondEffPanel-list trEdit-CondEffPanel-name trEdit-CondEffPanel-notbox trEdit-CondEffPanel-orbox trEdit-CondEffPanel-type trEdit-Condition-list trEdit-Effect-list trEdit-Trigger-activebtn trEdit-Trigger-copybtn trEdit-Trigger-delbtn trEdit-Trigger-group trEdit-Trigger-insbtn trEdit-Trigger-list trEdit-Trigger-loopbtn trEdit-Trigger-name trEdit-Trigger-priority trEdit-Trigger-RadioButtons trEdit-Trigger-runimmediatelybtn trEdit-Triggers TreeDeath treefall TreeGadCheckBox-Label TreeGadSection-CheckBox TreeGadSection-ChildArea TreeGadSection-HeaderArea treeland treeshader trEndGame trEndGame: Signal that the game has ended. t? requi TRerun trEventFire trEventFire(<eventID>): cause an event to occur. trEventSetHandler trEventSetHandler(%d, "eventHandler"); trEventSetHandler(<eventID> <handler>): sets a handler function for an event id. trFadeOutAllSounds trFadeOutAllSounds(<duration>): Fades out all sounds over a given duration trFadeOutMusic trFadeOutMusic(<duration>): Fades out current music over a given duration. trForbidProtounit trForbidProtounit(player, protoname): adds protounit to the forbidden list trForceNonCinematicModels trForceNonCinematicModels(): forces models to be in non cinematic mode trFormationScale trFormationScale(scale): scales the formation size of formations in the game. trGameLoadScenario trGameLoadScenario(<dialog message>): pop up a dialog allowing choice to load a scenario. trGameLoadScenario(<scenario name>): start a game using scenario. trGamePause trGamePause(<true/false>): pause or unpause the game. trGetNumberNuggetsGathered trGetNumberNuggetsGathered : Returns the number of nuggets gathered by the specified player. trGetNumberSelectedUnitIDs trGetNumberSelectedUnitIDs() trGetSelectedUnitID trGetSelectedUnitID(int index) trGetStatValue trGetStatValue(player, stat) : fetch a stat value from the KB trGetWorldDifficulty trGetWorldDifficulty() trGrantVP trGrantVP(player, number): Grants a number of Scenario VP to a player T$ Rh| T$ Rh( T$(Rh| T$(Rh T$(Rh@ T$@Rh< T$@Rh( T$@Rh% T$`] T$\Rh< T$ Rh0P T$(Rh8% T$ Rh8O T$ trHasNuggetBeenCollected trHasNuggetBeenCollected : Returns true if the nugget has been collected, the playerID is an optional parameter for querying if the specific player has collected it. trHasPlayerSentHCShipment trHasPlayerSentHCShipment(<targetHCPlayerID>) : Returns true when the player has sent a shipment from the home city. T$ RhBG T$ Rhd; T$(RhD T$(RhDL T$ RhDQ T$ T&*rheA T$\Rhh T$,RhHw T$ T$,Rhl. T$@Rhl T$ T$( T$ RhLM T$ Rhn T$(RhP^ T$ T$ Rh|Q T$,RhT T$@RhTN T$,Rhx T$,Rh,y T$(Rh\y trianglesIndices trianglesVertices Triangulation statistics (Qt) Tribute tributedialog Tribute Dialog tributedlg-availFood tributedlg-availWood tributedlg-cancelButton tributedlg-clearButton tributedlg-PlayerName tributedlg-sendButton TributePenalty TributeReceived tribute^z tricoplanar Tried adding 0 items to '%s' (%d) -- ignoring. Tried changing render modes, that failed, then going back to previous mode also failed. trigger Trigger triggerDefendPlan .\triggerfuncs.cpp Trigger runtime not initialized! triggers triggroups trigselect trigtemp trImmediateUnitGarrison trImmediateUnitGarrison( <unitScenarioName> ): Instantly garrisons units inside another unit without considering distance. tringW trIsGadgetVisible trIsGadgetVisible(<name>): returns true if gadget is real. trIsMovieNotPlaying trIsMovieNotPlaying() -- returns false if a movie is currently playing trIsPlayerSelectingHCBuilding trIsPlayerSelectingHCBuilding(<hcBuildingName>) : Returns true if the current player is selecting the building in their HC which has the specified name. trIsPlayerSendingHCShipment trIsPlayerSendingHCShipment(<targetHCPlayerID>) : Returns true when the player sends a shipment from home city. trIsPlayerVisitingHC trIsPlayerVisitingHC(<targetHCPlayerID>) : Returns true if the current player is looking at (visiting) the home city of the player specified by the player ID passed in. trixm3 T$<Rj, T$ T$|Rj0P T$(RjF T$`RjI T$,RjU trKillAIPlan trKillAIPlan(playerID, planName) : No help trl-AddB trLetterBox trLetterBox(<onOff>): Turns letter box mode on or off. trMessageSetText trMessageSetText(<text><timeout>): displays the message text. trMinimapFlare trMinimapFlare(<playerID> <duration> <position> <flash>): Sends a Minimap flare to a certain player. trModeEnter trModeEnter(<name>): enters the mode specified. trModifyProtounit trModifyProtounit(unit, player, field, delta): modifies proto unit data for this scenario only. trMusicPlay trMusicPlayCurrent trMusicPlayCurrent(): Plays the current music. trMusicPlay(<filename> <duration>): Plays the music file. trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet(): sets the current music set. trMusicSetMood trMusicSetMood(<moodID>): Changes the music to mood associated with mood id. trMusicStop trMusicStop(): Stops the current music. "tRN.G trObjectGettingWorked trObjectGettingWorked(objectScenarioName): Returns true if the object is currently being worked. trObjectiveComplete trObjectiveComplete(objectiveID, forceComplete, playSound): Completes the specified objective. Forces a reoccurring objective complete if forceComplete is true. trObjectiveDiscover trObjectiveDiscover(objectiveID, playSound): 'Discovers' a previously unknown (to the player) objective. trObjectiveHide trObjectiveHide(objectiveID): Hides the specified objective on the UI. trObjectiveShow trObjectiveShow(objectiveID): Shows the specified objective on the UI. trOverlayText trOverlayText(message, time, x, y, width, background) : puts up a big movie-credits style text overlay, optionally in a strange location, and now with a background troYouW tR T$,RPh T$(RPj T$@RPj T$\RPj trPlayerActive trPlayerActive(playerID): returns true/false if the player is active. trPlayerAtPopCap trPlayerAtPopCap(playerID): returns true if player is at pop cap. trPlayerBuildingCount trPlayerBuildingCount(playerID): returns the number of buildings for the player. trPlayerControlsSocket trPlayerControlsSocket(playerID, objectScenarioName): Returns true if the specified player is built on the specified socket. trPlayerCountBuildingInProgress trPlayerCountBuildingInProgress(playerID protoname): returns true if building is being built. trPlayerCurrentXPCount trPlayerCurrentXPCount(playerID): Returns the current (not total) XP for the player. trPlayerDefeated trPlayerDefeated(playerID): returns true/false if the player has been defeated. trPlayerGetDiplomacy trPlayerGetDiplomacy(playerID playerID): gets the diplomacy status between players. trPlayerGetPopulation trPlayerGetPopulation(playerID): returns the player population. trPlayerGrantResources trPlayerGrantResources(player, resource, amount): advances the campaign. trPlayerKillAllBuildings trPlayerKillAllBuildings(<playerID> Kills all of the buildings of a given player. trPlayerKillAllUnits trPlayerKillAllUnits(<playerID> Kills all of the units of a given player. trPlayerModifiedLOS(playerID cansee playerID): Adds/removes LOS between players. trPlayerModifyLOS trPlayerResetBlackMap trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers(Resets the black map for all HUMAN players. trPlayerResetBlackMap(<playerID>: Resets the black map for a given HUMAN player. trPlayerResourceCount trPlayerResourceCount(playerID, resource): returns the number of resources for the player. trPlayerSetActive trPlayerSetActive(playerID): sets the active player. trPlayerSetAge trPlayerSetAge(playerID, age, displayEffect): Sets the age of the specified player. trPlayerSetDiplomacy trPlayerSetDiplomacy(playerID playerID status): sets the diplomacy status between players. trPlayerSetHCAccess trPlayerSetHCAccess(playerID, hcAccess): Sets whether the player has access to the HC. trPlayerToggleAllowNewCWSpawning trPlayerToggleAllowNewCWSpawning(playerID, allowSpawning) : Toggles whether the player can spawn new covered wagons. trPlayerToggleAllowTCSpawning trPlayerToggleAllowTCSpawning(playerID, allowSpawning) : Toggles whether the player's TC can spawn units. trPlayerTribute trPlayerTribute(from, resource, amount to): tributes resources to a player. trPlayerUnitAndBuildingCount trPlayerUnitAndBuildingCount(playerID): returns the number of units and buildings for the player. trPlayerUnitCount trPlayerUnitCount(playerID): returns the number of units for the player. trPlayerUnitCountSpecific trPlayerUnitCountSpecific(playerID, protoName): returns the number of units for the player. trPlayerVPCount trPlayerVPCount(playerID): returns the number of victory points for the player. trPlayMovie trPlayMovie(<FileName>) -- plays movies from the AVI directory trPlayNextMusicTrack trPlayNextMusicTrack(): Plays the next song in the music play list. T$<RPQ T$ RPQ T$,RPQ T$(RPQ T$ T$ RPQh T$ RPQV T$,RPQV T$(RPQW T$ RPS T$(RPS T$ T$ T$|RPSW T$<RPU T$ RPU T$,RPU T$ RPUQj T$,RPUS T$ RPV T$,RPV T$(RPV T$ T$<RPVQSj T$(RPVW T$|RPW T$,RPW T$(RPWU T$ RQh T$(RQj T$,RQP T$(RQP T$ T$ T$ trQuestVarCopy trQuestVarCopy(var1, var2) : copies value of one of the trigger scratch variables trQuestVarEcho trQuestVarEcho(varname, value) : chats out the value of one of the trigger scratch variables trQuestVarGet trQuestVarGet(varname) : retrieve value of a trigger scratch variable, returns zero if unset trQuestVarSet trQuestVarSetFromRand trQuestVarSetFromRand(varname, minval, maxval, round) : sets one of the trigger scratch variables within a random range trQuestVarSet(varname, value) : sets one of the trigger scratch variables T$ trRateConstruction trRateConstruction(<rate>): modify construction rate. trRateResearch trRateResearch(<rate>): modify research rate. trRateResearch(void): restore all rates to normal. trRatesNormal trRateTrain trRateTrain(<rate>): modify training rate. trRenderRain trRenderRain(<float percent>): controls rain rendering. trRenderSky trRenderSky(<true/false> <skyName>): turn sky rendering on/off and set which sky to use. trRenderSnow trRenderSnow(<float percent>): controls snow rendering. trRevealEntireMap trRevealEntireMap -- shows whole map, similar to how revealed mode works T$ RRj T$(RRP t} (Rselec trSetCinematicUnitSpeaking trSetCinematicUnitSpeaking(objectScenarioName, speaking, duration): Sets the unit as speaking or not. trSetCounterDisplay trSetCounterDisplay(text) trSetCurrentPlayerStatus trSetCurrentPlayerStatus(<active>): sets the current player as active or inactive. trSetFogAndBlackmap trSetFogAndBlackmap(<true/false> <true/false>): turn fog and black map on/off. trSetLighting trSetLighting(setname, fadetime): fades to the specified lighting set over fadetime. trSetObscuredUnits trSetObscuredUnits( <bool> ): Sets whether or not units can be drawn obscured or not. trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow() trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade() trSetPlayerDefeated trSetPlayerDefeated: call this when a player is defeated on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command.) trSetPlayerWon trSetPlayerWon: call this when a player has won on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command.) trSetRevealerActiveState trSetRevealerActiveState(revealerName, active) : Finds the specified revealer and sets it to active or inactive. trSetShadowFarClip trSetShadowFarClip( <enable>, <distance> ): Enable or disables the shadow far clippping plane. trSetUnitIdleProcessing trSetUnitIdleProcessing( <bool> ): Sets whether or not units can do their idle processing. trSetUserControls trSetUserControls(<active>): sets the player controls on or off. trShowCampaignDlg trShowCampaignDlg(NextCampaign): . trShowChoiceDialog trShowChoiceDialog(maintext, choice1, event1, choice2, event2) : displays dialog with 2 choices, and activates a trigger in response trShowDamage trShowHCView trShowHCView(playerID): Sets the view to the HC if the player specified is the current player. trShowImageDialog trShowImageDialog(texture, subtitle) : displays a custom image in a dialog, with a subtitle trShowSPCNote trShowSPCNote(<Title> <Text>): Displays the SPC Note Dlg with the specified title and text. trShowWinLose trShowWinLose(text, soundfile): message and sound. trShowWorldView trShowWorldView(playerID): Sets the view to the world if the player specified is the current player. trSoundPlayDialog trSoundPlayDialog(<filename>, <event>, <ignoreOnAbort>, <subtitle>, <portrait>): Plays the sound associated with the filename. trSoundPlayDialogue trSoundPlayDialogue(<stringID>, <eventID>, <ignoreOnAbort>, <seconds>): Plays the sound associated with the dialogue. trSoundPlayFN trSoundPlayFN(<filename>): Plays the sound associated with the filename. trSoundPlayPaused trSoundPlayPaused(<filename>): Plays the sound associated with the filename. trSoundTimer trSoundTimer(long milliseconds, long eventID) creates a high performance sound timer and passes the eventID as data. T$`RSP T$,RSP T$ T$\RSP T$|RSPSh T$ RSPSh T$ RSQ T$(RSQ trStartGameRecord trStartGameRecord: add help string. trStopGameRecord trStopGameRecord: add help string. T$@RSV T$ RSW T$(RSW T$ RSWV trTechSetStatus trTechSetStatus(playerID techID status): sets the tech status for the player. trTechStatusActive trTechStatusActive(playerID techID): returns true if tech is active for player. trTechStatusCheck trTechStatusCheck(playerID, techID, techStatus): returns true if tech's status is techStatus. trTechStatusResearching trTechStatusResearching(playerID techID): returns true if tech is being researched for player. trTime trTimeMS trTimeMS( void ): Returns the current gametime in Milliseconds. trTime( void ): Returns the current gametime in Seconds. trTradeRouteSetLevel trTradeRouteSetLevel(traderouteindex, level) : Sets the specified trade route to the specified level from a trigger. trTradeRouteSetPosition trTradeRouteSetPosition(position): Places train on a specified position on the route. trTradeRouteToggleState trTradeRouteToggleState(position): Enable or disables the unit from showing. tru&1? TruckAttack tructio, (<true True:c trueg if trUIFadeToColor trUIFadeToColor(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): fade in/out using color specified. trUIFlash trUIFlashCategory trUIFlashCategory(<category> <flash>): flashes a UI element (maybe). trUIFlash(<gadget name> <flashLimit> <colorR> <colorG> <colorB>): flashes a UI element. trUIFlash(<proto name> <flash>): flashes a UI element (maybe). trUIFlashTech trUIFlash(<tech id> <flash>): flashes a UI element (maybe). trUIFlashTrain trUIStopFlash trUIStopFlash(<gadget name>): stops the flashing of a UI element. T$,RUj T$(RUj tRuloes' , trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds(): Unblocks all ambient sounds that were previously blocked from playing trUnblockAllSounds trUnblockAllSounds(): Unblocks all sounds that were previously blocked from playing trUnforbidProtounit trUnforbidProtounit(player, protoname): removes protounit from the forbidden list Trunion trUnitAlive trUnitAlive( void ): Returns true if all selected units are alive. trUnitBuildUnit trUnitBuildUnit( <protoUnitName> <BVector position (x,y,z): Selects units and makes the build a unit at specified location trUnitChangeName trUnitChangeName(name): set an override name for a specific unit trUnitChangeProtoUnit trUnitChangeProtoUnit : changes the proto unit for a given set of units. trUnitCinematicRemoveControlAction trUnitCinematicRemoveControlAction() - Removes the current control action so the next thing can take effect immediately. (For IGC) trUnitConvert trUnitConvert(playerID): converts the selected units to player. trUnitCreate trUnitCreate( <protoName> <scenarioName> <x> <y> <z> <heading> <playerID> ): creates a new unit. trUnitDead trUnitDead( void ): Returns true if all selected units are dead. trUnitDelete trUnitDelete( remove ): removes or kills the selected unit(s). trUnitDestroy trUnitDestroy(void): destroys the selected unit(s). trUnitDistanceToPoint trUnitDistanceToPoint( <x> <y> <z> ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the point. trUnitDistanceToUnit trUnitDistanceToUnit(" trUnitDistanceToUnitID trUnitDistanceToUnitID(%d) trUnitDistanceToUnitID( <unitID> ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit. trUnitDistanceToUnit("%s") trUnitDistanceToUnit( <unitScenarioName> ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit. trUnitDoWorkOnUnit trUnitDoWorkOnUnit( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> ): Tasks the selected unit(s) to perform work on the given unit. trUnitEjectContained trUnitEjectContained : ejects all contained units. trUnitFaceUnit trUnitFaceUnit( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> : Moves the selected unit(s) to face the given unit. trUnitGarrison trUnitGarrison( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> ): Tasks the selected unit(s) to garrision into another unit. trUnitGetContained trUnitGetContained : returns the number of units contained. trUnitGetHeading trUnitGetHeading( <scenarioName> ): returns the units heading. trUnitGetIsContained trUnitGetIsContained(protounit) : returns true if this unit is contained by the specified protounit. trUnitHasLOS trUnitHasLOS(playerID): returns true if the player can see the selected unit, otherwise returns false. trUnitHighlight trUnitHighlight(seconds) : does something to highlight the units selected. trUnitIsOwnedBy trUnitIsOwnedBy(playerID): determines if the selected units are owned by the player specified. trUnitIsSelected trUnitIsSelected : returns if the specified unit is selected. trUnitMakeInvulnerable trUnitMakeInvulnerable( <enable> ) : Makes a unit invulnerable to damage. Turn it off to return the unit to normal. trUnitMoveFromArea trUnitMoveFromArea( <x> <y> <z> <eventID> <bAttackMove> <player> <unitType> <radius>): Moves all matching units near the selected unit(s) to the given position. trUnitMoveToPoint trUnitMoveToPoint( <x> <y> <z> <eventID> <bAttackMove> <bUnitRun> <runSpeedMultiplier>): Moves the selected unit(s) to the given position. trUnitMoveToUnit trUnitMoveToUnit( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> <bAttackMove> <bUnitRun> <runSpeedMultiplier>): Moves the selected unit(s) to the spot occupied by the given unit. trUnitPercentComplete trUnitPercentComplete : returns the percent complete as 0 to 100 trUnitPercentDamaged trUnitPercentDamaged : returns the percent damaged as 0 to 100 trUnitPlayerDefakify trUnitPlayerDefakify() : Sets the selected unit as not having a fake player trUnitPlayerFakify trUnitPlayerFakify(fakePlayerIndex) : Sets the selected unit as having the fake player with the specified index (0-7) trUnitSelect trUnitSelect(" trUnitSelectByID trUnitSelectByID(%d) trUnitSelectByID( <unitID> ): 'Selects' the unit in the trigger selection system. trUnitSelectClear trUnitSelectClear( void ): Clears the units in the trigger selection system. trUnitSelect("%s") trUnitSelect( <unitScenarioName> ): 'Selects' the unit in the trigger selection system. trUnitSetAnimation trUnitSetAnimation( <AnimName> <versionIndex> <loop> <eventID> <destroyOnNextControlAction> ): Sets the cinematic animation version for the selected unit(s). trUnitSetHeading trUnitSetHeading( <degrees> ): sets the units heading. trUnitSetHP trUnitSetHP( <hitpoints> ): set the hitpoints for all selected units. trUnitSetStance trUnitSetStance : set the stance for the given set of units. trUnitTeleport trUnitTeleport : moves units from current position to position specified trUnitTypeIsSelected trUnitTypeIsSelected : returns if the specified unit is selected. trUnitVisToPlayer trUnitVisToPlayer(playerID): returns true if the player can see the selected unit, and it is on screen. T$<RUPj T$ RUPQ T$ RUS T$ T$(RUV T$ T$ RUVP T$`RUW T$ RUW T$@RUW T$\RUW T$`RVj T$,RVj T$ T$,RVP T$(RVP trVPAnnualAwards trVPAnnualAwards(enable): enables/disables the award of VP's each year. T$(RVS T$ T$<RVSW T$ RVSW T$ RVW T$ RVWS trWaypointAddPoint trWaypointAddPoint( <vector> ): Adds the waypoint into the trigger selection system. trWaypointAddUnit trWaypointAddUnit( <unitScenarioName> ): Adds the unit's position as a waypoint in the trigger selection system. trWaypointClear trWaypointClear( void ): Clears the waypoints in the trigger selection system. T$ RWP T$ T$\RWP trWriteToLog trWriteToLog(message): Writes text to the Age3Log T$ RWS T$,RWS T$@RWS T$ T$@RWSP T$ T$ RWV T$,RWV T$@RWV tRX239<IL trYouLose trYouLose(text): player loses, specifies message. trYouWin trYouWin(directToMenu): player wins. If you set directToMenu to true, you go directly to Campaign Menu. (tS]_[3 tS8C:tN t Sans S TSetOcea Tsfw`s tSingleS ts - nei .tSociet TspecoifiecQse3q T$@SQRj T$\SQRW ?t=Squ T$ t!SS9] t#SSUP Tstatistics t$ SU; T$,SUP T$(SUP \ T$ SUV T$(SUV T$ ~TSUVW tSUVW3 TSUVWhX T$,SUW t^SUW3 T$`SVRP t#SVSSh T$(SVWP T$ t$ ;t$ t$ +t$ t$(;t$ t$$;t$ t$\][t t ;\$(t +t$ +T$ ;|}t ;T$ t$ ;T$ }T ;T$$}T T$ ;T$ T$,+T$$ T$$;T$ t;1t t$(t2S T$~3 T$, tt9_ to9_ T$ u ttackM ttackRot ttackRou1t| TtBoxBox TtCapsuleTri TtCapsuleTriangle TtConvexWelder t$<+t +T$@tF3 T t~g9L~,3 T$@+T TthkBvAgent TthkShapeCollection::getMaximumProjection ttings- TtIntegrate TtIslandPostCollideCb ttkxBnU t(;t}" ttlecrie TtMopp Ttmulti TtmultiRay-cvx TtMultiSphereTri TtMultiSphereTriangle TtNarrowPhase ttom?-right t$`+t TtPostIntegrateCb TtPostSimulateCb T T$`;T T t T| T T T TRIGGE T T T T T T T TtShapeCollection TtSphereBox TtSphereCapsule TtSphereSphere TtSphereTriangle T t.;t$( \;T \!T T$\+T TTTTTT TTTTTTT TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT t${U T$@;t$,u T$$;T$@u T$,+T$<WR T$`+T tType(lo t$ u% T{%\{u T$@;|$(u T$@;U\ t$<"u 3 tu9^p~p ;T$ uc Tuesday tuff,Z tuhi%@ ;T$ ;T$(uK Tunnel t$<UPQ T$,UPQ tU%qp. tur,a~ Turn off the distributed update rendering. turn on dirty rect tracking in minimap turn on individual sync tag controls TurnRate Turns battle cries on/off. Turns CBC Debugging on. Don't use this. Ever. Turns CBC on. Don't use this. Ever. Turns CBC Rendering on. Don't use this. Ever. Turns depth fog on. Turns off ambient effects Turns off animal wandering Turns off fancy camera flyby transitions between buildings turns off obscured unit display Turns off the ability to select similar units by shift-clicking a portrait in the command panel. Tur?ns on Turns on ability to set orientation of a formation. Turns on circular world and minimap Turns on continuous squad plotting for debugging. Don't use this. Ever. Turns on low poly units. Turns on new colony wall stuff, will go away soon. Turns on/off ability to paint cliff sides and edges Turns on/off averaging normals across neighbor cliff pieces Turns on/off new diplaced cliffs Turns on/off robust rollover Turns on/off the drawing of world tool tips. Turns on/off the rendering of floaty text. Turns on/off visibility of terrain objects under blackmap Turns on prompt for Aging up to Age 2. Turns on special rendering for the opportunity array. Turns on squad plotter rendering. Don't use this. Ever. Turns on terrain bump mapping Turns on the 3d arrow travel lines in Grand Conquest Turns on trilists for terrain rendering turns tooltip help on. Turns Unit Regrouping on. turn terrain grid on/off T$ Tur&Pv T$(URS Turtle T$,URUh T$,URW t uswe oV ;T$ T$<UWSR t"UYfK |$,t V |$(t V tv9}$|q tVaub& T$ ;Vd Tverify T_VERTEX t:Vh@H T$(v j t$ VPh t$,VPR t$(VPR t$ T$ VPR TvQ>&QnfirmI T$ VQUR T$\VRSU T$ t$ TV-stop-after-point TV-stop-before-point t$,VSUPj t$,VSUWR (VWP T$<VWQ T$ VWQR t VWSU \$<t W \$?W tware\mi t$(;wD tWednev&tTu2sMon tWhenxbIs/Visi t?Whp? @ twic ?t wid3th)5 TWide-trace twistAxisInA twistAxisInB twistMaxAngle twistMinAngle twistMotor `tWithR two facets with the same vertices T$ T$(WQVSUR | *twsy`f+ T|0; tx0{@<m"f tX9_$~S t T T T T T T tx;t$0u t+t t t';Xts"j T;T T(v, T ;|$(ty `T_^][Y ^T_^[Y |$@ty3 \$ TycDPr Tycoon ty fiyl Typ_0: ?TypeCoK#2q8 TypeCount TypedMaximumRange TypedMinimumRange TypedRange Type=%d (%s), TagID=%d. TypeFace Type: HAL T?ypeIsS Type: Reference Types[%02d]: %s, N=%d, W=%d, M=%d, CAP=%d: Current=%d. Type: SW Type: unknown T^}YSW \$ tz+4 tZ9_0~U Tz-stdout tZSWjL | ;u\} |(;u$}# }@;u@~
u ]_^ u;_][^ u/;~@} \$<~}U U0[]_^ u08\$ U0D9qi; U111--- u1ikt<d [u _^2 u _[^2 u"_^]2 u{[^_2 u#]_^2 u ^_]2 u ^[_2 u _^]2 u _[^2 u _]^2 u _][2 u [^_2 u [_^2 u ]_^2 u ][_2 u29\$@ %U#2r? U2w1Pi1b u@[_^3 u+][_3 u _^]3 u [_^3 _U4,$$ u49|$(uf u58\$ t u5SSWh u6Vh$>
\$,u7; u70WaD u7`li|p u(8F+t#W U8Q*Az!z_ u&9~\~ |$,"u93 u;9|$,~5 u`9\$8uZ u'9D$@t! u!9D u<9D$|u6 ]u9}]uM}A`u u.9Xl|) u#A=3w u AAf9 uadWheel uAlR`T8DepSth u._\ampc uardian ua w0ae uB8L< Ub<aut U'b\q' l ubtitlh uc4 8T; uccirc %u,/ Col uCoords U-coplanar U-coplanar-distance uCQUAD ;~<uCW `ud&!b UdbPrt,! U@d#ewen ")Ud"^m"^m*{ #Ud'Q[ UDRhPE u(;_du* u`dW/13% "u"e2a= Uelems uerMan u ;E`s>
uesP U ueUserA uEz0 j |$, ?$=.Ufaj uffer er ufferL ufferM ufferR uffGici Ufgirs (UForPos U<`f"P uf!RA|3ns" >:u>FV /U_g_:3y |$ ug9T$< UGA::doA >uGenc _UgmnS ugSepOct'Nov, ugu7ese uH1stx uH9t$0uBj [u%hL$ uhv!82 ?u&hX^ UhYD|a uiAddChatNotification uiAddChatNotification : Adds a notification to the game's chat output, can play a sound too. uiAddSelectionButtonDown uiAddSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been pressed. uiAddSelectionButtonUp uiAddSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been released. uiAddSelectNumberGroup uiAddSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : adds the units in the given number group to current selection. uiApplyLightingSet uiApplyLightingSet([integerIndex]) : intended for UI use only. Applies a Lighting Set uiAsSaveScenarioBrowser: save a scenario to the scenario directory uiautopatcherdialog.xml uiBMultiplayerSave uiBMultiplayerSave: stop playing stupid music at 11pm. uiBuildAtPointer uiBuildAtPointer( ) : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location. uiBuildMode uiBuildMode(%d) uiBuildMode([integerType]) : does and editMode and setProtoID, after verifying sufficient resources for the current player. uiBuildWallAtPointer uiBuildWallAtPointer : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location, with wall-like endpoint behavior. UI c6s uiCameraControl uiCameraControl([x],[y]) : Controls camera with gamepad stick. uiCameraScroll uiCameraScroll([fast],[x],[y]) : Scrolls the game view. uiCenterPointer uiCenterPointer : Centers mouse pointer. uiChangeBrushCornerMode uiChangeBrushCornerMode: changes the ability to modify corner tiles: 0-All, 1-Corners only, 2-No corners uiChangeBrushSize uiChangeBrushSize(p1 p2 p3 p4) : changes the size of the current brush uiChangeBrushType uiChangeBrushType( "name") : changes the brush to the named type uiChangeCliffModMode uiChangeCliffModMode: changes the ability to modify vertices on cliff edges: 0-No clamping, 1-Clamp Low Edge, 2-Clamp High Edge, 3 - Clamp All Edges uiChangeElevationToSample uiChangeElevationToSample([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the change elevation to sample button has gone up/down. uiChatDisplayModeToggle uiChatDisplayModeToggle : Toggles the chat display mode. uiChatDisplayModeToHistory uiChatDisplayModeToHistory : Toggles the chat display mode to history mode. uiChatDisplayModeToRecent uiChatDisplayModeToRecent : Toggles the chat display mode to recent mode. uiChatScrollBack uiChatScrollBack([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat back one. uiChatScrollForward uiChatScrollForward([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat forward one. uiCircleSelect uiCircleSelect([on],[doubleClick],[leaveSelected]) : Start/stop circle selection. uiCircleSelectResize uiCircleSelectResize([x],[y]) : Circle selection resizing. uiClearAllCinematicInfo uiClearAllCinematicInfo: clears all cinematic info including model/texture precache info. uiClearChat uiClearChat(clearOnly) : Clears the chat and resets to recent mode. clearOnly == true if you don't want it to populate the chat, but only clear it. uiClearCinematicInfo uiClearCinematicInfo: clears cinematic trigger info. uiClearCursor uiClearCursor : resets the cursor to the basic pointer. uiClearGatherPoint uiClearGatherPoint: Clears the gather point for the selected unit(s), returning it to a default state. uiClearMenu uiClearMenu : removes any dangling child menus off of the given gadget uiClearNumberGroup uiClearNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : erases the given number group. uiClearSelection uiClearSelection : deselects all selected units uiCloseDialog uiCloseDialog: closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active dialog uiCloseFieldSet uiCloseFieldSet : closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active field set uiCommandCircleMenu uiCommandCircleMenu([on]) : turn on/off gamepad command panel circle menu. uiCommandPanelControl uiCommandPanelControl([on]) : turn on/off gamepad command panel control. uiCommandPanelExecute uiCommandPanelExecute : gamepad command panel execute. uiCommandPanelMove uiCommandPanelMove([x], [y]) : move between selections in the command panel. uiCommsFlareAtPointer uiCommsFlareAtPointer : Used when flaring a position for player comms dialog. uiCopyToClipboard uiCopyToClipboard() : copies the brush selection to the clipboard. ui\core_ui\background_blue_dark @uiCoverTerrainWithWater uiCoverTerrainWithWater(floatWaterHeight, floatDepth, waterName) : flattens terrain and paints water over the entire map. UI: crea uiCreateNumberGroup uiCreateNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : creates a number group with the currently selected units. uiCreateRandomRiver uiCreateRandomRiver : . uiCreateRiver uiCreateRiver : . uiCreateRiverToggleWaypointMode uiCreateRiverToggleWaypointMode : . uiCWAtPointer uiCWAtPointer( ) : Builds a covered wagon at the current position. uiCycleCurrentActivate uiCycleCurrentActivate : acts like the current cycle gadget has been pressed uiCycleGadget uiCycleGadget([integerDelta]) : cycles through the 'active' child gadget of a deluxe gadget. uidCreat uiDecPlaceVariation uiDecPlaceVariation : decrements the variation to place. UI_DefaultIngameClickSet UI_DefaultPregameClickSet UI_DefaultRolloverSet uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits : deletes all selected unit. uiDeleteCameraStartLoc uiDeleteSelectedUnit uiDeleteSelectedUnit() : deletes selected unit. uiDeleteUnits uiDeleteUnits([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the delete units button has gone up/down. uiDoubleClickSelect uiDoubleClickSelect([integerAdd], [checkAction]) : intended for ui use only. Double click select at pointer location. uiDumpAllUnitHotKeyMappings uiDumpAllUnitHotKeyMappings(): spews all hot key mappings that create units to the console uiDumpKeyMappings uiDumpKeyMappings ( stringContext ): spews all key mappings out to the console. uiDumpUnmappedKeys uiDumpUnmappedKeys ( stringContext ) : spews all empty keys out to the console uiEjectAtPointer uiEjectAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command with waypoint for the selected unit. uiEjectGarrisonedUnits uiEjectGarrisonedUnits: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command for the selected unit. uiEmpowerAtPointer uiEmpowerAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to Empower the target building at the pointer position. uiEnterContext uiEnterContext(<stringContext>) : enters the specified UI context. uiEnterGameMenuModeIfNotResigned uiEnterGameMenuModeIfNotResigned : Wrapper that enters GameMenu mode if the player isn't resigned. ^uI{ex uiExpireCurrentObjectiveNotification uiExpireCurrentObjectiveNotification: Causes the currently displaying objective notification to fade out (or disappear), depending on the param passed in. uiExportGrouping uiExportGrouping: save a group. uiExportTriggers uiExportTriggers: save some triggers. uiFilterTerrainSelection uiFilterTerrainSelection : filter the current terrain selection. uiFindAlliedNatives uiFindAlliedNatives() : finds allied natives of the current player in order, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. uiFindCrowd uiFindCrowd([findType],[noLookAt]) uiFindGatherersNotGathering uiFindGatherersNotGathering () : finds the gatherer unit that's not gathering in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. uiFindIdleType uiFindIdleType ([typeName]) : finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. uiFindKeyMapping uiFindKeyMapping ( stringKeyname ) : finds all key mappings for a given key uiFindResourceGatherers uiFindResourceGatherers ([typeName]) : finds the next resource gatherer unit of the given resource type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. uiFindTownBellTC uiFindTownBellTC () : finds the next town center that has the town bell active, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. uiFindType uiFindType ([typeName]) : finds the next unit (idle or not) of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. uiFlareAtPointer uiFlareAtPointer : Sends out a flare at the pointer position. uiFlattenTerrainSelection uiFlattenTerrainSelection : flatten the current terrain selection. uiForceShift uiForceShift([on]) : Force shift key on or off. uiFormationOrientation uiFormationOrientation( ) : Sets the orientation of a formation. UI_GameFound UI_GameLocated uiGarrisonToPointer uiGarrisonToPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to garrison in a building at the pointer position. UIGCChatDlg UIGCCommandDlg UIGCConfirmDlg UIGCMinimapDlg UIGCQuestDlg UIGCScoreDlg UIGCStatsDlg UIGenericBackground UIGenericButton UIGenericDarkBackground UIGenericDialogBackground uiGuardAtPointer uiGuardAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an guard order. uiHandleIdleBanner uiHandleIdleBanner ([typeName]) : does the right thing. uiHandleUserTab uiHandleUserTab ( listSel, parent ) : handles toggle of user textures UIHCConfirmDlg UIHCConfirmDlg2 UIHCDeckBuilder UIHCDeckButtons UIHCDeckCreateDlg UIHCDeckPicker UI_HCShipArrives UI_HCShipReady .\uihcskilltree.cpp uiHelpAtPointer uiHelpAtPointer : Sends out a Help at the pointer position. uiHideCursor uiHideCursor: testing only uiHidePlayerSummaryDialog uiHidePlayerSummaryDialog : Hides the player summary dialog. uiHideTributeDialog uiHideTributeDialog : maximizes main UI uiIgnoreNextKey uiIgnoreNextKey : used when activating a text box with a key to avoid having that key go into the text box too. uiImportTriggers uiImportTriggers: load some triggers. uiIncPlaceVariation uiIncPlaceVariation : increments the variation to place. ui\ing ui\ingame\ingame_minimap ui\ingame\resource_fame ui\ingame\resource_food ui\ingame\resource_gold ui\ingame\resource_population ui\ingame\resource_skill_16 ui\ingame\resource_wood ui\ingame\shipment ui\ingame\warwick_timer_hand_minute uiInitOptionsScreenProfileEditDialog uiInitOptionsScreenProfileEditDialog: initializes the Profile Edit Dialog inside the OptionsScreen UI_Invitation UI_InvitationAccepted UI_InvitationDeclined uiLastDetailHelp uiLastDetailHelp : goes back to the most recent help entry. .\uilayout.cpp uiLeaveContext uiLeaveContext(<stringContext>) : leaves the specified UI context. uiLeaveModeOnUnshift uiLeaveModeOnUnshift : causes game to return to editMode none when shift hotkey is released uiLoadTriggers uiLoadTriggers: load some triggers. uiLookAtAndSelectUnit uiLookAtAndSelectUnit : moves the camera to see the specified unit and selects it. uiLookAtBattle uiLookAtBattle: moves the camera to see the specified battle. uiLookAtNumberGroup uiLookAtNumberGroup([integerGroup]): moves the camera to see the given number group. uiLookAtProto uiLookAtProto : moves the camera to see the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player. uiLookAtSelection uiLookAtSelection : moves the camera to see the first selected unit. uiLookAtUnit uiLookAtUnitByName uiLookAtUnitByName(scenarioName): moves the camera to see the specified Unit. uiLookAtUnit : moves the camera to see the specified Unit. uiLowerElevation uiLowerElevation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower elevation button has gone up/down. uiLowerTerrainSelection uiLowerTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower terrain selection button has gone up/down. uiLowerWater uiLowerWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower water button has gone up/down. uimain uimain-AgeAdvBG uimain-AgeAdvFG uimain-CoveredWagon uimain-homeCityToggle uimain-homeCityToggle2 uimain-Score uiMapPointerControl uiMapPointerControl([x],[y],[doGoto]) : Moves the map pointer. uiMapPointerGoto uiMapPointerGoto([activeCheck]) : Jump to map pointer location. .\uimaptypedialog.cpp .\uimerceditdlg.cpp uiMessageBox uiMessageBox2 uiMessageBox2([stringID] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit uiMessageBox([stringText] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit ui\minimap\flare_attack ui\minimap\flare_circle uiMinimizeStats uiMinimizeStats() uiMoveSelectionAddButtonDown uiMoveSelectionAddButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed. uiMoveSelectionAddButtonUp uiMoveSelectionAddButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released. uiMoveSelectionButtonDown uiMoveSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed. uiMoveSelectionButtonUp uiMoveSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released. uiMoveUnitBackward uiMoveUnitBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit backward key has gone up/down. uiMoveUnitDown uiMoveUnitDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit down key has gone up/down. uiMoveUnitForward uiMoveUnitForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit forward key has gone up/down. uiMoveUnitLeft uiMoveUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit left key has gone up/down. uiMoveUnitRight uiMoveUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit right key has gone up/down. uiMoveUnitUp uiMoveUnitUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit up key has gone up/down. uiMPESOLoadHCInfoDlg.xml uimplanip.xml uimplanlogin.xml uimpvotedialog.xml uimpvotetosave.xml uiname uinativecommandpanel2-main .\uinativemgrdlg.cpp uiNewScenario uiNewScenario() uiNewScenario : creates a new blank scenario .\uiobjectinfopanel.cpp .\uiobjectivedialog2.cpp uiOpenCameraTrackBrowser uiOpenCameraTrackBrowser: open a camera track from the data directory uiOpenGrandConquestBrowser uiOpenGrandConquestBrowser: opens a Grand Conquest saved game uiOpenRecordGameBrowser uiOpenRecordGameBrowser: open a record game from the saved game directory uiOpenSavedGameBrowser uiOpenSavedGameBrowser: open a game from the saved game directory uiOpenScenarioBrowser uiOpenScenarioBrowser() uiOpenScenarioBrowser: open a scenario from the scenario directory uiPaint uiPaintCliff uiPaintCliff([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint cliff button has gone up/down. uiPaintForest uiPaintForest(paint, offset) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down. uiPaint([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down. uiPaintTerrainOverlay uiPaintTerrainOverlay([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint terrain overlay button has gone up/down. uiPaintTerrainToSample uiPaintTerrainToSample([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the sample terrain button has gone up/down. uiPaintWater uiPaintWaterArea uiPaintWaterArea([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Painting water area. uiPaintWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint water button has gone up/down. uiPaintWaterObjects uiPaintWaterObjects: Paint objects on the currently selected water. uiPasteFromClipboard uiPasteFromClipboard() : pastes the contents of the clipboard to the brush selection. uiPatrolAtPointer uiPatrolAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an patrol order. uiPitchUnitDown uiPitchUnitDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the pitch unit down key has gone up/down. uiPitchUnitUp uiPitchUnitUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the pitch unit up key has gone up/down. uiPlaceAtPointer uiPlaceAtPointer([boolChangeVariation]): intended for ui use only. Places unit at pointer location. uiPlaceRiverShallow uiPlaceRiverShallow : . uiPlaceRiverWaypoint uiPlaceRiverWaypoint : . uiPlaceTradeRouteWaypoint uiPoliticianUI uiPoliticianUI: Used to activate the politician UI uipostg uipostgameawardsdisplay-awardXPAmount uipostgameawardsdisplay-awardXPLabel uipostgameawardsdisplay-ingameXPAmount uipostgameawardsdisplay-ingameXPLabel uipostgameawardsdisplay-levelsEarnedAmount uipostgameawardsdisplay-levelsEarnedLabel uipostgameawardsdisplay-startXPAmount uipostgameawardsdisplay-startXPLabel uipostgameawardsdisplay-totalXPAmount uipostgameawardsdisplay-totalXPLabel uipostgameawardsdisplay-victoryXPAmount uipostgameawardsdisplay-victoryXPLabel uiPowerCircleMenu uiPowerCircleMenu(false) uiPowerCircleMenu([on]) : turn on/off gamepad power panel circle menu. uipregame.xml UI_PrivateChat uiRaiseElevation uiRaiseElevation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise elevation button has gone up/down. uiRaiseTerrainSelection uiRaiseTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise terrain selection button has gone up/down. uiRaiseWater uiRaiseWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise water button has gone up/down. uiRefreshEditorMenu uiRefreshEditorMenu: reconstitutes the entire editor menu uiReleaseDownKeys uiReleaseDownKeys: pops up all downed keys. uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup: removes current selection from any army. uiRemoveRiverShallow uiRemoveRiverShallow : . uiRemoveRiverWaypoint uiRemoveRiverWaypoint : . uiRemoveSelectedUnit uiRemoveSelectedUnit([unitID]) : Removes specified unit, or selected unit if not ID is specified. uiRemoveTerrainOverlay uiRemoveTerrainOverlay : intended for ui use only. Removes the painted terrain overlay at the given mouse position. uiRemoveTradeRouteWaypoint uiRepairAtPointer uiRepairAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to repair the target building at the pointer position. uiResetFindCrowd uiResetScreenSelect uiResetScreenSelect : resets screen selection. ui_rollover uiRollUnitLeft uiRollUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roll unit left key has gone up/down. uiRollUnitRight uiRollUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roll unit right key has gone up/down. uiRotateClipboard uiRotateClipboard(degrees) : rotate the clipboard by amount. uiRotateSelection uiRotateSelection : intended for ui use only. rotates the selected UNIT. uiRotateWaterLeft uiRotateWaterRight uiRoughen uiRoughen([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roughen button has gone up/down. >uiSa uiSampleCliffElevationAtPointer uiSampleCliffElevationAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples Cliff elevation height at pointer. uiSampleElevationAtPointer uiSampleElevationAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples elevation height at pointer. uiSampleTerrainAtPointer uiSampleTerrainAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples terrain type at pointer. uiSaveAsScenarioBrowser uiSaveCameraTrackBrowser uiSaveCameraTrackBrowser: save a camera track to the data directory uiSaveCampaignGameBrowser uiSaveCampaignGameBrowser: show the in-game menu. uiSaveGrouping uiSaveGroupingLUA uiSaveGroupingLUA: save some groups. uiSaveGrouping: save some groups. uiSaveSavedGameBrowser uiSaveSavedGameBrowser: save a game to the saved game directory >uiSaveScenarioBrowser uiSaveScenarioBrowser: save a scenario to the scenario directory uiSaveTriggers uiSaveTriggers: save some triggers. uiScenarioLoad uiScenarioLoad: load a scenario, checking dirty bit on world. uiScreenSelect uiScreenSelect([modifier]) : screen selection. ui_scroll uiScrollBrushSize uiScrollBrushSize: intended for ui use only. Increament the size of the current brush up/down uiScrollCliffHeight uiScrollCliffHeight: intended for ui use only. Increment the height of the cliff brush up/down uiSelectCliffAtPointer uiSelectCliffAtPointer() : selects the cliff under the pointer. uiSelectForestAtPointer uiSelectForestAtPointer() : selects the forest under the pointer. uiSelectionButtonDown uiSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed. uiSelectionButtonUp uiSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released. uiSelectNumberGroup uiSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : selects the units in the given number group. uiSelectTransportUnit uiSelectWaterAtPointer uiSelectWaterAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Selects water at pointer location. uiSendIngameChat uiSendIngameChat: used direcly by UI uiSetBrushType uiSetBrushType( "name" p1 p2 p3 p4 ) : makes the current brush based on the name and parameters. uiSetBuildingPlacementRender uiSetBuildingPlacementRender(id, on) : controls rendering of the building placement info for the given ID uiSetCameraStartLoc uiSetCliffType uiSetCliffTypeNum uiSetCliffTypeNum(longCliffType) : sets the cliff type by index. uiSetCliffType(stringCliffName) : sets the cliff type by name. uiSetClipboardRotation uiSetClipboardRotation(degrees) : sets the clipboard rotation amount. uiSetForestType uiSetForestType(longForestType) : sets the forest type by index. uiSetForestTypeNum uiSetForestType(stringForestName) : sets the forest type by name. uiSetGatherPointAtPointer uiSetGatherPointAtPointer ( bool homeCity, bool water ): Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position. uiSetHCN uiSetHCNotifyText uiSetHCNotifyText : Adds notify text, can play a sound too. uiSetHCNotifyText(%d, %d) uiSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPointAtPointer uiSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPointAtPointer( void ): Sets the HC spawn point. uiSetKBArmyRender uiSetKBArmyRender( int id, bool [set]: render the kbArmy info for the given ID. If not set given, will not render the army. uiSetKBAttackRouteRender uiSetKBAttackRouteRender: render the attackRoute info for the given ID uiSetKBResourceRender uiSetKBResourceRender( resID, [set]: render the kbResource info for the given ID. If not set given, will not render the resource. uiSetProtoCursor uiSetProtoCursorID uiSetProtoCursorID(<integerProtoID>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit. uiSetProtoCursor(<stringProtoName>, <setPlacement>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit. uiSetProtoID uiSetProtoID([integerType]) : sets the proto ID to place. uiSetTerrainOverlayColor uiSetTerrainOverlayColor([float] [float] [float]: intended for ui use only. Sets the terrain overlay color to the given (R,G,B) color. uiSetWaterType uiSetWaterTypeNum uiSetWaterTypeNum(longWaterType) : sets the water type by index. uiSetWaterType(stringWaterName) : sets the water type by name. uiShowAIDebugInfoArea uiShowAIDebugInfoArea : brings up the area info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoAreaGroup uiShowAIDebugInfoAreaGroup : brings up the area info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoAttackRoute uiShowAIDebugInfoAttackRoute : brings up the attackRoute info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoBase uiShowAIDebugInfoBase : brings up the base info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoEscrow uiShowAIDebugInfoEscrow : brings up the escrow info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoKBArmy uiShowAIDebugInfoKBArmy : brings up the kbArmy info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoKBResource uiShowAIDebugInfoKBResource : brings up the kbResource info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit(1) uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit : brings up the kbunit info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnitPick uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnitPick : brings up the kbUnitPick info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoPlacement uiShowAIDebugInfoPlacement : brings up the building placement info for the given ID uiShowAIDebugInfoPlan uiShowAIDebugInfoPlan : brings up the plan debug text for the given plan ID uiShowAIDebugInfoProgression uiShowAIDebugInfoProgression : brings up the progression info for the given ID uiShowCameraStartLoc uiShowChatWindow uiShowChatWindow() uiShowCommandPanel uiShowCommandPanel() uiShowDetailedHelp uiShowDetailedHelp() uiShowObjectivesDialog uiShowPlayerSummaryDialog uiShowPlayerSummaryDialog : Shows the player summary dialog. uiShowStatPanel uiShowStatPanel() uiShowTributeDialog uiShowTributeDialog : minimizes main UI and brings up the minimized UI uiShowVoteDialog uIsjaV:+d3d UISkirmHCOptionsDlg UISkirmNicknameDlg uiSmooth uiSmooth([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the smooth button has gone up/down. uispcloadscreen.xml uiSpecialPowerAtPointer uiSpecialPowerAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Use a special power at targeted location. uiSpewDownKeys uiSpewDownKeys: spews all down keys. uiStartBuildCinematic: test a scenario. uiStartScenarioTest uiStartScenarioTest: test a scenario. uiStopBuildCinematic uiStopBuildCinematic: test a scenario. uiStopScenarioTest uiStopScenarioTest: test a scenario. uiStopSelectedUnits uiStopSelectedUnits : stop selected units. uiTechCivDetailHelp uiTechDetailHelp uiTechDetailHelp(%d) uiTechDetailHelp(techID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID uiTechDetailHelp(techID, civ) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID uiTerrainSelection uiTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the terrain selection button has gone up/down. UI_Thunder uiToggleAdvancedHUD uiToggleAdvancedHUD() uiToggleBrushMask uiToggleBrushMask: This is not what you are looking for. uiToggleCliff uiToggleCliff() : toggles cliff pieces on or off under the pointer. uiToggleEditor uiToggleEditor : turns off and on the scenario editor UI. uiToggleGame uiToggleGame : turns off and on the game UI. uiToggleSelectionButton uiToggleSelectionButton : intended for ui use only. uiToggleTerrainPasteMode uiToggleTerrainPasteMode: This is not what you are looking for. uiTopicDetailHelp uiTopicDetailHelp(topicName) : brings up the detail help UI for the given help topic uitraderoutepanel2-main uiTransformSelectedUnit uiTransformSelectedUnit: transforms the selected unit into the specified proto unit. .\uitreatymgrdlg.cpp uiTriggerResetParameters uiTriggerResetSounds uiTriggerSelectLocation uiUniformLowerElevation uiUniformLowerElevation - lowers the terrain height uniformly in the brush region uiUniformRaiseElevation uiUniformRaiseElevation - raises the terrain height uniformly in the brush region uiUnitDetailHelp uiUnitDetailHelp(protoID, civID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given proto ID, or -1 for current unit selection proto. uiUnselectCliff uiUnselectCliff() : de-selects the forest under the pointer. uiUnselectForest uiUnselectForest() : de-selects the forest under the pointer. uiUnSelectWater uiUnSelectWater: intended for ui use only. Unselects currently selected water. uiVPAccelClick uiVPAccelClick([unitID]) : Shows the VP accel building from the unitID. :UIVpomm UI_Waypoint uiWheelRotate uiWheelRotateCamera uiWheelRotateCamera: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel uiWheelRotate: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel uiWheelRotatePlacedUnit uiWheelRotatePlacedUnit: intended for ui use only. Rotate placed unit with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel uiWheelRotateRiverShallow uiWheelRotateRiverShallow: intended for ui use only. Rotate river shallow with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel uiWorkAtPointer uiWorkAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Issues "work" at pointer location. uiYawUnitLeft uiYawUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the yaw unit left key has gone up/down. uiYawUnitRight uiYawUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the yaw unit right key has gone up/down. U?I-YorN uiZoomToMinimapEvent uiZoomToMinimapEvent : zooms to the most recent minimap event uiZoomToProto uiZoomToProto([stringProto]) : zooms to the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player. u-jbhH u-jdhH u-jDhH u-jfhH u-jFhH u-j`hH u-j^hH u-j\hH u-jhhH u-jHhH u-jjhH u-jJhH u-jlhH u-jLhH u-jNhH u-jPhH uJ-r87 u-jRhH u-jThH u-jVhH u-jXhH u-jZhH uL8D$@uF U/lf9k` Ulfsark ullpas ullPathu UlR^[/ )u/LRmovM@ ultiSo ult UI u#. m3 um9t umberPq um/ un3Pow ) - unab Unable to create name for impact point Unable to get SLI mode! Unable to get the model node from this damage template : %S - unable to initialize heap Unable to load impact point reference : %S Unable to load part reference : %S - unable to open console device Unable to set SLI mode! Unattackable @UnbJ1T Unbuildable radius for TC 'roads'. Unbuildable radius for TCs. Unbuildable terrain for TCs. undEnu`PawteWk;Cre UnderAttack underbrush Underworld Passage undoSpew undoTerrainElevationSpew undoTerrainPaintSpew undo : undoes the last editing operation. U|N>EoF - unexpected heap error - unexpected multithread lock error Unexpected tag '%S' unGdef UnhandledExceptionFilter unique UniqueJ UniqueJoeIsTehSuX UniqueProtoUnitInstance Unique %s UniqueSPCCorsolet UniqueSPCCustomizedMercWeapons UniqueSPCGrandEncampment UniqueSPCHighCrusade UniqueSPCIndianFriendship UniqueSPCPatriots UniqueSPCTaxBurden UniqueTech Unique TownCenter $ UNIT Unit[%02d]: ID=%d (INVALID UNIT). Unit[%02d]: ID=%d, '%s'. UnitAction UnitAI UnitAIType UnitClass UnitCount unitcounts .\unit.cpp unitData unitData(intUnitID) : spews database values on the specified unit or the selected unit (if no argument). UnitDebug unitDebugSync unitDecVariation UnitDetail unitDetailSync Unit (%d): %s, Age=%d. TFT=%d unitGroupSync UnitHP unit idR. unitIncVariation unitIncVariation([UnitID]) : Increments the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1). UnitKill UnitModify //Unit Movement Types: UnitOrientation unitpaste UnitPaste UnitPickerFrequency UnitPickerID UnitPickerTime unitPlayerDefakify unitPlayerDefakify() sets the selected units to stop using a fake player. unitPlayerFakify unitPlayerFakify(fakePlayerIndex) sets the selected units to use the fake player indicated. //Unit Query Constants: UnitRegenRate UnitRep_CancelBtn UnitRepDlg UnitRep_ProtoList UnitRep_ReplaceBtn UnitRep_UnitFld unitReturnToWork unitReturnToWork: Issues a return to work for the selected unit(s). Units, UnitsA unitSelect unitselectionpanel unitSetStanceAggressive unitSetStanceAggressive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to aggressive. unitSetStanceDefensive unitSetStanceDefensive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to defensive. unitSetStancePassive unitSetStancePassive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to passive. unitSetTactic unitSetTactic: Sets the tactic for this unit. unitSetVariation unitSetVariation([UnitID]) : Decrements the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1). unitSetVariation(<Variation> [UnitID]) : Sets the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1). UnitsMoved UnitStance //Unit Stances: unitStatPanel3 unitSync UnitTactic unitTownBell unitTownBell: Issues a town bell for the selected unit(s). unitTrainingPanel UNIT TYP unittype unitType UnitType unittype2 UnitTypeID UnitTypes //Unit Types: %d total. _unkno |?unknow Unknow unknown <unknown>
u?nknown Unknown Unknown Age Unknown Civ unknown command %i unknown compression method Unknown Culture Unknown DXGraphics error code - time to update the table! Unknown error unknown event type (BAnimStateEvent::loadXML) unknown header flags set Unknown MapType Unknown security failure detected! Unknown variable type. UnlimitedSupply unlockAllSPCScenarios UnlockPoliticianAdmiralDutch UnlockPoliticianAdmiralPortuguese UnlockPoliticianAdmiralSpanish UnlockPoliticianBishopBritish UnlockPoliticianBishopPortuguese UnlockPoliticianCavalierDutch UnlockPoliticianCavalierFrench UnlockPoliticianCavalierRussian UnlockPoliticianEngineerBritish UnlockPoliticianEngineerGerman UnlockPoliticianEngineerSpanish UnlockPoliticianExiledPrinceFrench UnlockPoliticianExiledPrinceGerman UnlockPoliticianExiledPrinceOttoman UnlockPoliticianExiledPrinceRussian UnlockPoliticianGentlemanPirateBritish UnlockPoliticianGentlemanPirateDutch UnlockPoliticianGentlemanPirateRussian UnlockPoliticianGovernorDutch UnlockPoliticianGovernorFrench UnlockPoliticianGrandVizierOttoman UnlockPoliticianKingsMusketeerBritish UnlockPoliticianKingsMusketeerPortuguese UnlockPoliticianKingsMusketeerRussian UnlockPoliticianMarksmanGerman UnlockPoliticianMohawkStatesmanBritish UnlockPoliticianMohawkStatesmanPortuguese UnlockPoliticianNaturalistDutch UnlockPoliticianNaturalistGerman UnlockPoliticianNaturalistOttoman UnlockPoliticianNaturalistSpanish UnlockPoliticianPhilosopherPrinceBritish UnlockPoliticianPhilosopherPrinceFrench UnlockPoliticianPhilosopherPrinceOttoman UnlockPoliticianPhilosopherPrinceRussian UnlockPoliticianPhilosopherPrinceSpanish UnlockPoliticianQuartermasterGerman UnlockPoliticianQuartermasterPortuguese UnlockPoliticianQuartermasterRussian UnlockPoliticianScoutFrench UnlockPoliticianScoutOttoman UnlockPoliticianScoutSpanish UnlockPoliticianTycoonFrench UnlockPoliticianTycoonOttoman UnlockPoliticianTycoonPortuguese UnlockPoliticianViceroyDutch UnlockPoliticianViceroyGerman UnlockPoliticianWarMinisterSpanish Unlocks all SPC scenarios for all campaigns UnmapViewOfFile unmodifiable unnamed_%x unobtainable Unobtainable UnregisterClassA UnregisterClassW UnresponsiveTimeout `unshhbchi Unsuppor Unsupported annotation type for annotation named %s (must be int, bool, or string) Unsupported object constant "%s" (must be a sampler) UnsupportedWebSite UnusedUsedToBeUnitLine unv1nels ;]u"O* u{O1_v uO8\$(u4 Uoggen Uogoyo UO/m`\ uOpnumb Uowm]2k up][_2 U+}P8d updateAIs updateFromCinfoFunction UpdateVisual UpdateWindow ?upF-| Upgrad UpgradeBuilding UpgradeFilterType UpgradeLevel UpgradeSubCivAlliance UpgradeTech upgradeTradeRoute UpgradeTradeRoute upgradeTradeRoute(int unitID) : UI use - upgrade the trade route associated with this unit. -Upgr_@sT< UPitch UPMX0#m u?^p?o4 upperDelaunay u/Pref upshiftRPM >/uQh0 uq"M+_ uQ_V(_Vis n urce[%02 urce_pop ure[ c ureurC Uri nG urns the URollO U@_RQZWU`g u(RRhBO UR SCRIP URSPVQ URSPWQ urSVWh URWPhH usdial UseableItem UseAlignedObstructionOnMinimap UseBuckets useButtonSet ?use by Use circle selection circle to calculate hover object. useColorTransform used during river creation. useDeviceReset Used to modify the home city camera. Used to turn off the display of the NewYear dialog. Used to turn off the display of VP effects. Used to turn off the initial display of the VP dialog. ], used with code built with [ useESOnline useEventCode useHyperlinks UseInventoryItem useMask useMinimapSmartUpdate UseMultipleBuildings use,@n1I r( use native windows keyboard events instead of DirectInput use native windows mouse events instead of DirectInput Use nvCPL to disable SLI mode Use nvCPL to enable SLI mode UseObstructionOnMinimap usePrimaryGCOnly Use 'QJ' to joggle the input or 'Q0' to turn off merging. User32. user32.dll User32.dll USER32.dll USERCL userData UserEvents `Us_erObj userPlanes userrandom.con User Variables: %d variables. uservars uses directInput instead of any windows events useSecondLocation UseTargetUnitPositionForPlacement UseTCUnbuildTerrain useTerrainHeightLimits Use the new Home City service use this for TargetGround-type units to see where they're aiming their projectiles useTims Use 'TI', one space, file name, and space or end-of-line. Use 'TO', one space, file name, and space or end-of-line. useWaves useWavqe USE WIT `u.? Skipp ustain ust be ustDhpV@e ustHPc ustomize< u sz\`x U$;T$@ ut01j} U<T0QuKh ute 'ver u?TimeTo UTLAW_C:a UToClasBs4 uto[PiT utpuQr21Co utwward \u.<"u u@uE"8rSe UuidCrea UuidCreate UuidFromStringW u<Unknown texture %S - skipping Uu-PPhUN UUPQUh uu]&R] %UUUU3 UUUUUU <UUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU uuxmZyB &uv{ { \$(UV3 ?/V'I u(VShH \$(UVW \$ UVW3 \$(UVW3 \$ uvwxyz01 uvxGfQHM=Mg=" u`*W=? \$<UW3 Uw{`oUpy:`T \$ UWuE; uX>F# _ `uxPno @Ux{yp U y@py@ =UYVYt uz2zx^ uZ8\$(u6 Uz} ('v') /v& (>
\$$~&V |V;~0}Q V0WPQR <>!V33*]0 0 V3:a2D .V4)oR V4Rh@_ v5|.09q #{'V6u V7alu?eok V8twGU V8;V v,9Wpa Va <ad, vAf#0S vaf5.*% vale# key validateChecksum validated Validate my build checksum against the host's ValidateRect ValidateResourceInventory Valid Document encoding name expected ValidIdleVillager valid "t valign valuB value1 value2 valueA valueB valueG valueR valuJ Var[%02d][%2d]: %s. variable Variables: %5d variables. variance VariantClear VariantInit variation VariationLocked VariationLogic varType var[ucF Vault_ KOTH vAWayp vaWlue V_bhWf _VbrYH vBWSSSj v! Bzasyst vcCheckConquestVictory vcCheckConquestVictory(): checks for victory by being the last allied-unit alive vcGetGameplayMode vcGetGameplayMode(): returns the current gameplay mode index Vc ib s_ad?ynamic\ffk Vc oLa v#cW$= V/DATIQ V[%d]P0s, V[%d]: %s, BOOL, Value=%d. V[%d]: %s, BOOL, Value=%d. V[%d]: %s, FLOAT, Value=%f. V[%d]: %s, FLOAT, Value=%f. V[%d]: %s, INT, Value=%d. V[%d]: %s, INT, Value=%d. V[%d]: %s, STRING, Value=%s. V[%d]: %s, STRING, Value=%s. V[%d]: %s, Type=%s, Value=???. V[%d]: %s, Type=%s, Value=???. V[%d]: %s, USERCLASS, Length=%d. V[%d]: %s, VECTOR, Value=(%f, %f, %f). V[%d]: %s, VECTOR, Value=(%f, %f, %f). VECT 1 1 1 1 1 VECT 1 2 1 2 1 VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # f%d VECT 1 %d 1 %d 1 VECT %d %d 1 vector Vector Vector1 Vector2 vector aiCommsGetTargetLocation(int sentenceID): get target location from specified sentence. vector aiGetHCGatherPoint( void ): Returns the HCGP. vector aiGetOpportunityLocation( int opportunityID ): gets the location from this opportunity vector aiPlanGetInitialPosition( int planID ): Returns the initial positon that was set for this plan. vector aiPlanGetLocation( int planID ): Returns the location for this plan. vector aiPlanGetUserVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. vector aiPlanGetVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. vector aiRandLocation( void ): Returns a random location guaranteed to be on the map. Vector constant "%s" must be 1 row, not %i Vector constant "%s" must be 4 columns, not %i Vector constant "%s" uses an unsupported register set (must be int4 or float4) vector(%f,%f,%f), vector(%f,%f,%f), vector(%f,%f,%f), vector(%f,%f,%f) vector hcGetWaypointDir( int waypoint ): Returns the direction for a waypoint. vector hcGetWaypointPos( int waypoint ): Returns the position for a waypoint. vector hcRandPosition( void ): Returns a random position guaranteed to be on the map. vector hcUnitGetPerformForwardFromGroup( int groupID, int unitID ): Returns the performance forward vector for a unit. vector hcUnitGetPerformPosFromGroup( int groupID, int unitID ): Returns the performance position for a unit. vector hcUnitGetPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position of the unit. vector kbAreaGetCenter( int areaID ): Returns the center of the given area. vector kbAreaGroupGetCenter( int groupID ): Returns the center of the given areaGroup. vector kbBaseGetBackVector( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the back vector of the base. vector kbBaseGetFrontVector( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the front vector of the base. vector kbBaseGetLocation( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the last known damage location of the base. vector kbBaseGetLocation( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the location of the base. vector kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the military gather point of the base. vector kbBuildingPlacementGetResultPosition( int bpID ): Returns the vector result position for given BP ID. vector kbGetBlockPosition( string blockName ): Returns the position of the cinematic block. vector kbGetMapCenter( void ): Returns the center vector of the map. vector kbGetTownLocation( void ): Returns the location of the main town. vector kbPathGetWaypoint( int pathID, long waypointNumber ): Returns the appropriate waypoint from the given path. vector kbUnitGetPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position for this unit ID. vector rmGetAreaClosestPoint( int areaID, vector point, float pullback, int constraintID ): Returns the point in areaID that's closest to the given point, optionally requiring that it pass the given constraint. vector rmGetUnitPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position of the unit. Vector (Value=%d). vector xsArrayGetVector(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. ve Fishf veg] )- vehicle vehicleName velocity Velocity velocityTarget velsEa vE(NANAj vEnarMP VendorID = 0x%x VendorID: %d ve-No< veOffCen V'erb; Verdana Verify may report that a point is outside of a facet. VerQueryValueA VerQueryValueW verrides version Version vers'ion2 version.dll VERSION.dll VersionString Version: %X vertex\ Vertex vertexA vertexB vertexBaseArray vertexC vertex intersections for locating redundant vertices vertex processing: Vertex shader version: %d.%d vertexStridingArray verticalButtons verticalLayout VerticalOffset vertices vertices: - vertices: Vertices and facets: vertices created altogether vertices deleted by degenerate facet vertices deleted by merging vertices deleted by merging into coplanar horizon vertices for f vertices for r vertices (new %d): vertices removed from facets due to no ridges ves\bump VeteranAbusGuns VeteranCacadoresShadow VeteranCavalryArchersShadow VeteranCossacks VeteranCrossbowmen VeteranDopplesoldners VeteranDragoonsShadow VeteranGrenadiers VeteranHussars VeteranJanissaries VeteranLongbowmen VeteranMusketeers VeteranPikemen VeteranRodeleros VeteranRuytersShadow VeteranSkirmishersShadow VeteranStrelets VeteranUhlans vEx?plorer `vexW{ v)`eYn- \~vf \$,vFWS vFZE n V!G*^? |V;G\}Q vG;t$4v V/:h%3=B V_h_<U V_h_z_ V?h?z? V/h/z/ Viceroy Victo: -Victory VictoryBuilding VictoryCheerMedium VictoryCheerSmall //Victory Condition/Game Mode Types: victoryDisplay VictoryPointBuilding VictoryPointPanel VictoryPointPanelRoot //Victory Point Score Types: //Victory Point Site States: victoryTimerDisplay0 victoryTimerDisplay1 victoryTimerDisplay2 ViewG1 viewLockInterpolate ViewUcO?therUs Village Idiot villager VillagerAttack VillagerEfficiency Villager Egyptian Villager Greek vironD VirtualAlloc VirtualFree VirtualProtect VirtualQuery Visibility visible visible Visible Visible-distance VisibleOwnerOnly VisibleUnderFog VisibleUnderFogIfGaia VisibleUnderFogOnlyAfterSeen VisItem1 V;i`t. !"-----#$-%-&'(--)*+,Vj vJ9n4Wv Vj j P V^Labe vmeyQfj ]'vMin _@VMO>hOZI >}V^m PFc
Vnativ v N+D$ V{**nr :vO4blac Vohozo VOhOzO void ): void aiAttemptResign(): asks the player if its ok to resign void aiAutoSavegame( string filename ): Saves the auto, debugging savegames (THIS DOESN'T REALLY DO ANYTHING). void aiBreakpointGo void aiBreakpointSet void aiChat( int playerID, string chatString ): CP AI chat to playerID. void aiCommsSendReply(int sentenceID, int responseID): send a reply to a sentence. void aiEcho( string echoString ): CP AI echo. void aiErrorMessage( string errorString ): CP AI error. void aiFindBestOpportunity(): finds the best currently scored opp. void aiGetCurrentResourceNeed( int resourceID ): returns the current resource need for the given resource. void aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentages( int rgpIndex ): Normalizes all of the resource gatherer percentages to 1.0. void aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentageWeights( void ): Normalizes all of the resource gatherer percentages weights to 1.0. void aiPlanSetInitialPosition( int planID, vector initialPosition ): Sets the initial positon for this plan. void aiQueueAutoSavegame( int saveNumber ): Queues the auto savegame. void aiRandSetSeed( int seed ): Sets the seed of the random number generator. void aiResign(): reigns the current player.. void aiResourceLock(int resourceID): Prevent a resource from being spent by the AI. void aiResourceUnlock(int resourceID): Allow a resource to be spent by the AI. void aiSendChatToAllies( string chatString ): CP AI chat to allies. void aiSendChatToEnemies( string chatString ): CP AI chat to enemies. void aiSendChatToEveryone( string chatString ): CP AI chat to everyone. void aiSetAllowBuildings( bool v ): Sets allow buildings on/off. void aiSetAttackResponseDistance( float v ): Set the attack response distance. void aiSetAutoFarmEscrowID( int escrowID ): Sets the auto Farm escrow ID. void aiSetAutoGatherEscrowID( int escrowID ): Sets the auto gather escrow ID. void aiSetDefaultStance( int defaultStance ): Sets your default stance for all of your units. void aiSetEconomyPercentage( float v ): Set the economy priority percentage. void aiSetEconomyPop( int v ): Set the script-defined economy pop for this player. void aiSetFarmLimit( int limit ): Sets the per plan farm build limit. void aiSetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit(int limit): sets the limit for how many LOS Protounits the AI can build void aiSetMilitaryPercentage( float v ): Set the military priority percentage. void aiSetMilitaryPop( int v ): Set the script-defined military pop for this player. void aiSetMinArmySize(long v): sets the min number of units in an attack army. void aiSetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressvies(long v): sets the min number of needed units to gather aggressive animals. void aiSetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives(long v): sets the min number of wanted units to gather aggressive animals. void aiSetMostHatedPlayerID( int v ): Sets the script-defined most hated player ID for this player. void aiSetOpportunityLocation( int opportunityID, vector location ): sets the location for this opp. void aiSetOpportunityRadius( int opportunityID, float radius ): sets the radius for this opp. void aiSetOpportunityTargetID( int opportunityID, int targetType ): sets the target id for this opp. void aiSetOpportunityTargetType( int opportunityID, int targetType ): sets the target type for this opp. void aiSetPauseAllAgeUpgrades(bool v): sets the pause all age upgrades flag in the AI. void aiSetPoliticianChoice(int age, int puid): Sets the scripts choice for the AgeX Politician. void aiSetRandomMap(bool v): Sets the RM bool in the AI. void aiSetResourceGathererPercentage( int resourceID, float value, bool normalize, int rgpIndex ): Sets the resource gatherer percentage for the given resource (if normalized is true, the percentages will be normalized to 1.0). void aiSetResourceGathererPercentageWeight( int rgpIndex, float weight ): Sets the RGP weight. void aiSet( string filename, int playerID ): Sets playerID's AI to the given filename. void aiSetWaterMap( bool v): Tells the AI if this is a water map or not. void aiSetWorldDifficulty( int v ): Sets the world difficulty level. void aiSwitchMainBase(int newBaseID, bool force): switch the newBaseID to be the main base. void cancelResearchInSelected(<TechID>) : cancel researching of a tech in any valid selected unit void cancelTrainInSelected(<ProtoUnitID>,<All>) : cancel training of a unit type in any valid selected unit void click() : plays the default UI click sound. void eventHandler(int eventID=-1) void h void hcAddUnitToPerformerGroup( int groupID, int unitID ): Adds a unit to a group of performers. void hcEcho( string echoString ): HC echo. void hcErrorMessage( string errorString ): HC error. void hcOccupyWPID(long wpid): Occupies the given waypoint. void hcPopulateHomeCity(): Populates the home city with all units needed. void hcUnitDestroyAll( void ): Nukes all HC units. void hcUnitFreeWPID(long unitID, long wpid, bool queue): Frees the given waypoint. void hcUnitSetFlag( int unitID, int unitFlag, bool enable, bool queue ): Enables / disables a unit's flag. void hcUnitSetInitialPauseTime( int unitID, float pauseTime ): Sets the initial time a unit should pause before spawning. void homeCityMakeActiveByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Activates the given home city tech. void homeCityResearchByIDOutsideGame(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech when a game is not active. void homeCityResearchByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech. void homeCityResearchByIDPregame(<techID>) : Researches the given home city tech when you are *really* completely out side of the game. void homeCityResearch(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech. void kbAreaCalculate(): Creates areas and area groups. DO THIS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR SCRIPT. void kbBaseDestroyAll( int playerID ): Destroys all of the bases for the given player. void kbBaseSetMaximumResourceDistance( int playerID, int baseID, float distance ): Sets the maximum resource distance of the base. void kbDump( int player1, int player2 ): KB dump for player2's units from player1's perspective. void kbDumpType( int player1, int player2, string typeName ): KB dump for player2's units of the given type from player1's perspective. void kbDumpVPSiteInfo(): blogs out info about all VP sites. void kbLookAtAllUnitsOnMap( void ): Cheats and looks at all of the units on the map. This will format your harddrive if you're not authorized to use it. void kbSetAutoBaseCreate( bool v ): Sets the auto base creation value. void kbSetAutoBaseCreateDistance( float v ): Sets the auto base creation distance. void kbSetAutoBaseDetect( bool v ): Sets the auto base detection value. void kbSetAutoBaseDetectDistance( float v ): Sets the auto base creation distance. void kbSetForwardBasePosition(vector position) set the explicit position that every forward base will use. void kbSetPlayerHandicap( int playerID, float handicap ): Sets the indicated player's handicap multiplier (ie., 1.0 = no handicap). void kbTechTreeDump( void ): Dumps the current state of the KBTT. void kbUnitCountConsole(int playerID1, int playerID2, string unitType, string state(s) ): Returns a quick unit count of player2's units from player1's perspective. void main(void) void researchByID (<TechID> <ResearchingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the research of TechID from ResearchingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified) void setWorldDifficulty( int v ): Sets the world difficulty level. void tis(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : just like train in selected, but more abbreviated void trainByID (<ProtoUnitID> <TrainingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the training of a unit of ProtoUnitID from TrainingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified) void trainInSelectedByID(<protoID>, <traincount>) : just like train in selected, but fastAr because it takes a protoID void trainInSelected(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : tries to train the selected unit type in any valid selected unit Void (Value=%d). void xsDisableRuleGroup( string ruleGroupName ): Disables all rules in the given rule group. void xsDisableRule( string ruleName ): Disables the given rule. void xsDisableSelf( void ): Disables the current rule. void xsEnableRuleGroup( string ruleGroupName ): Enables all rule in the given rule group. void xsEnableRule( string ruleName ): Enables the given rule. void xsIsRuleGroupEnabled( string ruleGroupName ): Returns true if the rule group is enabled. void xsSetContextPlayer( int playerID ): Sets the current context player ID (DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING). void xsSetRuleMaxIntervalSelf( int interval ): Sets the max interval of the current rule. void xsSetRuleMaxInterval( string ruleName, int interval ): Sets the max interval of the given rule. void xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf( int interval ): Sets the min interval of the current rule. void xsSetRuleMinInterval( string ruleName, int interval ): Sets the min interval of the given rule. void xsSetRulePrioritySelf( int priority ): Sets the priority of the current rule. void xsSetRulePriority( string ruleName, int priority ): Sets the priority of the given rule. Volatile Volley volley_walk @volum3e: volume vopkCoj`n Voron3oi voronoi Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Voronoi ridge statistics ( vozP~ VP_^][ (V}PaQeComp +VPConquoeror VpRh`^ \$ VPS VPSite VPSiteID V_#PyM ]vQ<)8 VQa"arEch vqnty.\s vQuSes vRespi V@Rh0_ vrH5o1 V(Rhl_ V RhQvA v]rnoj@r+oC VRolld )!vR]s v|;r|t $| V^s VsV3PS vsync(int state) : Set vertical syncing (-1 toggles, 0 is off, 1 is on). 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